Inner Work: A Spiritual Growth Podcast is committed to walking with you on your journey of awakening and psychospiritual development. Host Josephine Hardman, PhD is a certified intuitive healer and Akashic Records practitioner and teacher (and formerly taught English, writing, and Shakespeare at the college level for 9 years). Inner Work features illuminating discussions and interviews on spirituality, self-development, inner healing, and manifesting the truly abundant and aligned life you dream of.
- er en kristen nettside. Vårt ønske er at «» skal være et sted der du blir bedre kjent med Jesus Kristus som kom til jord for oss, for å kjøpe oss fri fra våre synder og gi oss del i sin fullkomne rettferdighet (2.Kor 5:21). Han som elsker oss og har gitt livet sitt for oss har også åpenbart sin vilje for oss i Bibelen.
I denne podcasten inviterer vi til Table Talks - samtaler rundt bordet om kristen tro og liv. -
Familielivet- en podkast presentert av den kristne ressurssiden
Første sesong inneholder 17 episoder om ekteskap og samliv.
Andre sesong dreier seg om kristen barneoppdragelse.
Ulike gjester bidrar med refleksjoner og erfaringer i viktige spørsmål. Følg med! -
In conversations with his musical collaborators and friends, Chick reveals insights into his music universe. From the tour buses and airports to the recording studios and backstage. You’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at the details of the creative process from the legends of jazz.
"These podcasts introduce a topic that's very exciting to me: giving a helping hand to other musicians." —Chick -
Get radio ready sound from your home studio! Learn recording, mixing, mastering, and music production on The AudioSkills Podcast. We give you simple techniques that you can apply to your music for immediate results. It doesn’t matter what type of music you’re creating, or what gear you use, these techniques are universal. After you listen, go to for workshops and video tutorials to help you make progress even faster!
Lederskap med Substans er en podcast designet for å istandsette unge mennesker til å bli tydelige ledere som påvirker verdenen rundt seg. Hver episode ønsker vi å gi deg gode og forståelige tips som kan hjelpe deg å vokse som leder og disippel av Jesus.
Have you been struggling with the guitar? You are not alone! For the past 30 years I have been helping beginner, intermediate, and advanced guitarists get out of the guitar rut and find their voice on the guitar. These FREE, FUN, and EASY guitar lessons give you the right mindset for guitar success, and keep you moving forward on the guitar. No matter if you are just starting out or have been playing for years, this is the show that will help you become the guitarist that you always wanted to be! For more lessons, or to just stop by and say hi, come on over to
Music interview podcast. Interested in Partimento, Music Schema Theory, Counterpoint, Hexachordal Solfeggio, Basso Continuo, Critiques of Modern Music Education, Gregorian Chant, Catholic Sacred Music, Renaissance Polyphony, Filmscoring, and more!
Interviews with jazz artists focusing on their influences, development, and career. These artists are also featured in the Smalls audio archive ( and on the SmallsLive Education Blog (
The Bible can seem boring, but not if you ask the right questions. Why They Did That explores the motivations of biblical characters and how their choices can guide yours.
Hør om hvordan finne din retning
A podcast hosted by Damon Grant and Marcos Torres, two NYC based percussionists interviewing other musicians who have the view from behind. Guests will be mostly other percussion players and anyone else who hits, scratches, and shakes things for a living.
A Podcast discussing my favorite albums/bands with the world!
Evangeliehuset er en nådebasert kirke
- er en kristen nettside. Vårt ønske er at «» skal være et sted der du blir bedre kjent med Jesus Kristus som kom til jord for oss, for å kjøpe oss fri fra våre synder og gi oss del i sin fullkomne rettferdighet (2.Kor 5:21). Han som elsker oss og har gitt livet sitt for oss har også åpenbart sin vilje for oss i Bibelen.
I denne podcasten forsøker vi å gi svar på aktuelle spørsmål om kristen tro. Du kan selv stille spørsmål ved å besøke denne linken - -
Experience a journey in drumming with Darren Matthes, one of the Internet's first, most prolific and popular drum show hosts. is for drummers of every age, style and skill level and covers a wide range of information on drums and drumming technique, from fundamental to advanced. Darren presents it all in a laid-back style while answering questions from viewers and sharing insights into how to get the most out of your time behind the drum kit. Call the toll-free voicemail line with questions, comments and suggestions at 1-800-827-9170.
If you’re a bassist — you’re in the right place. Join Scott Devine and Ian Allison from SBL as they dissect every aspect to being a bass player - professional or hobbyist - from basses and gear hacks, to musicianship and gig tips, all the way to mental health and what the future might hold for the music industry.
- er en kristen nettside. Vårt ønske er at «» skal være et sted der du blir bedre kjent med Jesus Kristus som kom til jord for oss, for å kjøpe oss fri fra våre synder og gi oss del i sin fullkomne rettferdighet (2.Kor 5:21). Han som elsker oss og har gitt livet sitt for oss har også åpenbart sin vilje for oss i Bibelen.