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There’s always a great deal of attention given to the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria and, more recently, the Treaty Authority when it comes to the Victorian Treaty process. In the background, though, and playing an incredibly important part in ensuring that Traditional Owners are able to negotiate on an equal footing with the government, is the Self-Determination Fund.
In this episode, VAN’s Charles Pakana sits down with the Fund’s CEO, Gunditjmara man Dr Rohan Henry.
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VAN’s Charles Pakana speaks with Wurundjeri Elder and lore man Uncle Bill Nicholson, gaining an insight into the important role that a Welcome to Country has in the broader Australian social landscape.
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With the Victorian State Government and First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria having agreed to an agenda of items for the first round of Treaty negotiations, VAN’s Charles Pakana catches up with Assembly co-chair Rueben Berg. They take a closer look at one of the main areas of the negotiations - what a future Aboriginal representative body might look like.
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In this end-of-year episode, VAN's Charles Pakana brings together key points from two months of investigation and interviews focused on the Victorian Government's questionably-motivated decision to extend an Order in Council on the unprotection of dingoes across North-East and Eastern Victoria. He also discusses important updates on legal action being taken against the Government on this matter.
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As we commence our closing off of the Victorian Government’s “dingo death warrant” across much of Australia, VAN’s Charles Pakana catches up with President of the Victorian Farmers Federation, Emma Germano. Even that organisation claims the government’s consultation on the matter was nothing short of “sham consultation”.
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As submissions and evidence-giving closes for Victoria’s groundbreaking Yoorrook Royal Commission into truth-telling, VAN’s Charles Pakana catches up with Commissioner and Deputy Chair Sue-Anne Hunter. Together, they look back at the process that is set to bring about major systemic change across the State.
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As we continue our investigation into the State Government’s blatant disregard of First Nations’ advice on the matter of dingo protection in Victoria, VAN’s Charles Pakana speaks with the CEO of DJAARA, the Dja Dja Wurrung clans, Uncle Rodney Carter. This conversation adds further weight to what appears to be a politically - or otherwise? - motivated decision by Ministers Ros Spence and Steve Dimopoulos.
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On a recent trip up to Latje Latje Country, specifically Mildura, VAN's Charles Pakana caught up with Barkindji Elder, Uncle Col Clark. Sitting by the southern bank of the mighty Murray River, they yarned about reconciliation in a post-referendum Victoria.
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In this episode of the VAN Talks podcast, VAN’s Charles Pakana talks with CEO of the Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations, Paul Paton. They discuss the clear lack of consultation from the Victorian Government with Traditional Owners on the matter of baiting and trapping the culturally important and significant dingo.
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Nearly six years ago, I traveled across Victoria shadowing Aunty Jill Gallagher, then the Victorian Treaty Advancement Commissioner, and catching up with numerous traditional owners who had stepped forward as candidates for election to the First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria. During that time, just about five and a half years ago, I met up with one of those candidates at his home in one of Melbourne's outer suburbs. Today, almost on the eve of the commencement of a negotiation between state government and Victoria and Aboriginal people, I'm once again sitting in the home of that same man who is now one of the two co-chairs of the First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria, Gunditjmara man, Reuben Berg.
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In this episode VAN's Charles Pakana sits down for a yarn with Aboriginal reform advocate and activist, Bunurong woman Zoe Upton. Together they discuss topics ranging from engaging with Aboriginal Education Consultative Groups, increasing the number of First Nations teachers in the system, supporting identity and the role of allies and collaborators. A must-listen episode for anyone wanting to bring about change in the education system.
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As we continue our deep dive into the Victorian Government's decision to extend the unprotection order on dingoes up until 2028, VAN's Charles Pakana travels to Apollo Bay to speak to Yuin man and academic, Dr Jack Pascoe. In this interview, the two discuss the implications of Victoria's key piece of archaic wildlife legislation that is nearing its 50th anniversary.
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As we continue pursuing the facts behind the Victorian Government's strange decision to extend an Order in Council, taking unprotection of dingoes across much of the state through to 2028, VAN's Charles Pakana sits with with Professor Euan Ritchie, one of Australia's foremost environmental scientists. Together they discuss the science behind the need for the dingo, and practical ways in which livestock can be protected without the need for poisons and leg-traps.
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In this episode VAN’s Charles Pakana sits down with Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung cultural educator Thane Garvey to discuss ways in which Aboriginal culture - language, caring for country, etc. - can be brought into our day-to-day lives.
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While a growing number of people and businesses seek to support Blak businesses, there is an unfortunate prevalence of businesses following a practice of "black cladding" to rip off the unaware
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Ever the optimist and activist, exactly one year on from the failed referendum to achieve a First Nations Voice in our Constitution, Thomas Mayo speaks about his book Always Was Always Will Be and his ongoing encouragement for all Australians to work together for a better and more just country
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In a move many describe as primarily politically motivated, the Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) has extended a dingo UNprotection order across areas of Victoria through to 2028. Traditional Owner groups, environmentalists and animal welfare groups are seeking to have the government rescind the order. Today, Charles Pakana speaks with Taungurung Director of Cultural Land Management about the government’s decision.
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In a bit of a change, it's Charles' turn to be interviewed about Treaty as he is joined by Reconciliation Victoria's Communications lead, Anna Van Vliet. They explore various questions that have come in to Rec Vic from members of its 30+ local reconciliation group network and shed truth where so much misinformation is rife.
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