
  • In this heartfelt episode of Relation EQ, join us as Arbnore Haliti recounts her harrowing escape as a child from Kosovo’s war in 1998 to her family's resettlement in the U.S. From tragedy to hope, discover her transformation into a confident, proud American determined to repay the community that embraced her.


    Arbnore describes her family’s escape from Kosovo.

    Arbnore recounts the U.S. military's impactful kindness to her family.

    Arbnore tells how she embraces Amarillo as her foundation.

    Arbnore shares how she inspires others with a no-limits mindset.

    Quote: “I'm here because of my family, and we have made roots here. I have to give back to Amarillo 'cause’ it has given so much to me."

    Continue the conversation with us on our Relation EQ Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090814782632

  • In this episode, Julie Sims interviews Christy Smith. At age 23, Christy was a single mom with a five year old son when she had an abortion for the first time. Christy explains the trauma associated with the process of having that abortion and the healing journey she went through. She now helps others heal from this trauma.


    Many women who have abortions often experience PTSD symptoms.

    Christy shares her story of having an abortion.

    The biggest lie: “What is everyone else going to think?”

    You have to go back in order to move ahead. We pass on what we haven’t cleaned up.

    Christy explains the strategy she used in telling her children about her abortion experience.

    It’s important to FORGIVE YOURSELF!

    There is power in surrender.

    For more information on the book “Surrendering The Secret of Abortion”, visit: https://www.amazon.com/Surrendering-Secret-Healing-Heartbreak-Abortion/dp/1535947330/ref=sr_1_1?crid=12SP9O3PGJBUY&keywords=Surrendering+The+Secret+of+abortion&qid=1687971051&sprefix=surrendering+the+secret+of+abortion%2Caps%2C130&sr=8-1

    Visit the website: http://surrenderingthesecret.org/

    For more information on the book, “The Emotion Code” visit https://discoverhealing.com/the-emotion-code/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3_eMy7bm_wIVxHxMCh1EeAncEAAYASABEgIiNfD_BwE

    Continue the conversation with us on our Relation EQ Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090814782632

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  • In the first of our “manly” episodes, Brian Sims sits down to have a conversation with his good friend Dubb Alexander about Emotional Intelligence. Dubb Alexander is a spiritual advisor with a passion to see The Kingdom of God made practical and implemented into culture. Dubb explains what emotional intelligence is and how he uses emotional intelligence in dealing with nations in his work at the United Nations.


    Emotional Intelligence is the capacity to be aware of oneself and others around you. Emotional intelligence MUST begin with self-awareness. 2 Tools to help with self-awareness: 1. Put some time into your day to intentionally think about what you are thinking about. 2. Have people in your life that you trust to give you 360 feedback. The level of emotional intelligence you operate in, the greater value you can offer AND receive. If we misunderstand our emotions instead of governing them, we will end up misusing them. Ask yourself, “What emotional state do I want to live the majority of my life in?” 3 Tools to help increase your Emotional Intelligence: Self-awareness R.A.P.P.O.R.T. (Really All People Prefer Others Reflecting Themselves) The D.I.S.C. Test Dubb explains how he uses emotional intelligence in his global consulting work. Use emotional intelligence as an acceleration NOT a manipulation.

    For more information on Dubb Alexander visit his YouTube Channel @ https://www.youtube.com/@SchoolofKingdom

    Read Dubb Alexander’s book , “From the Cult to the Kingdom” available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Cult-Kingdom-commune-Waco-halls/dp/1737873400/ref=sr_1_1?crid=4PV4A8DPGCQE&keywords=Dub+Alexander&qid=1682354539&sprefix=dub+alexander%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-1

    If you would like more information on the D.I.S.C. test mentioned in this episode, check out Jason Weaver’s site @ https://jasontweaver.com/

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  • Food is on the menu in this episode of Relation EQ. Brian and Julie discuss how food and nutrition play a huge part in helping us live long and live well. Brian and Julie share humorous stories from their own lives about their food journey and share the DO’s and DONT’s of proper nutrition. You will also learn the role food plays in your relationships.


    There is less than 25 hours of nutritional instruction given in a 4 Year medical school.

    Brian and Julie explain their motivations behind living well.

    One of the keys to a long life is ‘walking in’ forgiveness.

    Your mindset plays an important part in living well and living a long life.

    Your diet is 80% of the battle, and exercise is 20%.

    You are what you eat.

    Brian and Julie share the DO’s and DONT’s of eating well.

    One of the keys to living long and living well is eating together.

    Don’t make the dinner table a battlefield.

    Give others the freedom to choose what they eat.

    For more information on nutrition and living longer, check out these books referenced in the Podcast:

    “ Food Rules” by Michael Pollan


    “50 Secrets of the World’s Longest Living People” by Sally Beare


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  • Some of the most sensitive and important relationships we encounter in our lives are those in the workplace. In this episode, Julie and Brian Sims interview their good friends Steve and Lydia Erdman. Steve is the owner of Texas Glass Restoration and Window Cleaning in Amarillo, Texas. Steve shares his experiences managing and building rapport with his employees and explains how building trust with your employees and adding incentives leads to a better work environment.


    Steve explains his workplace management experience. The key to success as a manager is to help equip your employees to be successful. A good manager will create a system of accountability with their employees for a productive workplace environment. Steve explains how a manager must own the decisions he makes. Brian explains how it is easier to maintain and keep the people that you have rather rather than to train new employees. Steve discusses the incentives he uses to create a happy and productive workplace environment. Be attentive to the needs of your employees. Listen to them. Steve and Lydia share stories of how they built trust and rapport with their employees.

    For more information on Texas Glass Restoration and Widow Cleaning, visit their website at


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  • In this episode, Julie Sims interviews Lydia Erdman with Joyfully Organized You. Joyfully Organized You helps clients organize their homes, and she makes it a priority to serve clients with excellence and efficiency. Through streamlining processes and educating clients on the latest techniques, Lydia is able to save her clients time and frustration in any area they desire. This leaves the customer with a sense of peace, knowing they have systems in place that they can easily maintain. Julie and Lydia discuss why it is important to maintain an organized home when it comes to relationships, and they share practical ways you can organize your home to create an atmosphere of unity and harmony.


    Relationships go to a higher level once you’ve been in someone’s home. Organizing is a journey and a process. Tiny changes can make a HUGE difference in familial relationships and organization while creating harmony and closeness. It is important to learn who the 'savers’ are in your family and respect their decision when to let things go. Teach your children while they are young to do tasks for themselves. Lydia explains how being organized helped her marriage. 4 Types of Organizers: a. Ladybug: Micro-Organizer b. Crickett: Macro-Organizer c. Honeybee: Visual Abundance, Micro-Organizer d. Butterfly: Visual Abundance, Macro Organizer Lydia explains why it is important to maintain an organized bedroom to create an intimate atmosphere in a marriage. Lydia shares how to organize when entertaining guests in your home. Think about touch space; what do you need on hand and how do you want it to look?

    Connect with Lydia Erdman at: https://www.joyfullyorganizedyou.com/

    For more information on the 4 types of Clutterbugs read the book “The Clutter Connection” by Cassandra Aarassen


    Continue the conversation with Relation EQ on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090814782632

  • In this episode, Julie sits down with Bethany Burkholder to have a conversation about what it was like growing up in an Amish community. Bethany Burkholder is the youngest of ten siblings. Bethany shares stories of her relationships with her family while growing up and after she left the Amish community.


    Bethany shares how Social Media has helped her share her story. Bethany discusses what it was like growing up Amish. Bethany shares stories of her relationships her her family while growing up. Bethany shares her spiritual journey and why and how she left the Amish community. Bethany shares humorous stories of her time in Europe. It is important to honor and value others in a relationship. Bethany shares the aftermath of coming home after leaving the Amish community.

    To learn more about life in an Amish community, connect with Bethany Burkholder.

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@that_amish_chick

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethany_burkholder/?hl=en

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008642058448

    Continue the conversation with Relation EQ on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090814782632

  • In this episode, Julie, Jory, and April continue to discuss the joys and challenges that come with raising a special need’s child. Jory and April discuss applying for government assistance, joining a support group, and discussing the role their faith plays in giving them strength to face daily challenges.


    Jory discusses the process of applying for government assistance and joining a support group for special needs children. Let God be part of the equation. April discusses McCoy’s spiritual life. Jory and April discuss the things they are intentional about when raising a special needs child.

    Continue the conversation with Relation EQ on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090814782632

  • In this episode, we are delighted to have with us in the studio Jory and April Buchenau. Jory and April are the proud parents of three children, one of which is a child with special needs named McCoy. McCoy was born with Cerebral Palsy and blindness in one eye. Jory and April discuss the joys and concerns that parents face when raising a child with special needs.

    April shares the circumstances behind McCoy’s birth. April and Jory share the feelings and emotions they felt when they learned their child was born with special needs. Julie shares her experiences growing up with a brother with special needs. Jory explains McCoy’s day to day routine. Create your own day that is special for your special needs’ child, one where they can recognize that they are loved and appreciated. Jory and April share their everyday victories and vision for McCoy in the future.

    Continue the conversation with Relation EQ on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090814782632

  • In this episode, Julie sits down with her good friends Susan Roberson and Stephanie Nance to discuss the art of entertaining guests, specifically through food. Julie, Susan, and Stephanie discuss the tips and tricks you can use to host stress free dinners that will leave your guests coming back for more.


    When you invite someone into your home, it is personal! Allow your guests the opportunity to help you prepare. This makes the experience more comfortable and personal for your guests. Having your spouse help when hosting guests is important. Susan and Stephanie share some humorous hospitality stories. Only clean the areas of your home where guests will be. Respect the wishes of guests when entertaining in your home. When entertaining guests, remember that YOUR GUESTS ARE THE PRIORITY!

    Favorite Cookbooks
    - Stephanie Nance: Texas Cowboy Cooking by Tom Perrini
    - https://www.amazon.com/Texas-Cowboy-Cooking-Tom-Perini/dp/0971312206
    - Susan Roberson: The Junior League Cookbook
    - Julie Sims: Half Baked Harvest by Tiegen Gerard
    - https://www.amazon.com/Half-Baked-Harvest-Every-Day/dp/0593232550/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2AB0QAYVBN24P&keywords=half+baked+harvest+cookbook&qid=1676664231&s=books&sprefix=Half+Baked+Harvest%2Cstripbooks%2C100&sr=1-1

    Continue the conversation with Relation EQ on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090814782632

  • Welcome to Relation EQ. In this first episode, your hosts Brian and Julie Sims explain what Relation EQ is all about and share the practical tips they have used to fine tune their relationship.


    When it comes to relationships, the first person you have to look at is yourself.

    There are several tests you can use to hone in on your specific set of skills, i.e. Enneagram Test and Core Values Test.

    There are certain Core Values you will have that are Non-Negotiable.

    Quality relationships have a plan and a vision.

    Don't get bogged down with the non-essentials in your relationships.

    Your quality of life is directly related to the quality of your relationships.

    Ask yourself, “Am I a taker or a giver in this relationship?"

    ENNEAGRAM TEST: https://www.truity.com/test/enneagram-personality-test?ppcga=fixed&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1vSZBhDuARIsAKZlijT8nb3nc7GEqBkO64MvBK5wJLDZzYOO7oo_h6L46CT1TAriGQPEKQAaAujaEALw_wcB

    CORE VALUES TEST: https://consciousendeavors.org/core-values-index/

    Connect with Relation EQ on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090814782632