Event updates
Outside the Oval is a show focusing on the stories off the track that ultimately makes what happens on it even more special. Each week we dive into different topics with unique people with incredible stories to tell. Gavin Frick, a Division 1 runner from the University of Central Arkansas, eagerly hosts Outside the Oval, sharing his distinctive perspectives and wide range of experiences from the roads and trails of Ohio, Texas, Georgia, and Arkansas. We hope you enjoy - for every success that happens on the track, it always begins Outside the Oval.
Chào mừng các anh chị và các bạn đến với Podcast Why You Run do TEB - The Early Birds thực hiện.
TEB quyết định làm series Podcast với các chủ đề xoay quanh chạy, những lý do để chạy và những lợi ích tuyệt vời của chạy bằng những nội dung, câu chuyện truyền cảm hứng để mọi người thêm động lực chăm sóc bản thân, cả về sức khỏe thể chất lẫn sức khỏe tinh thần. -
朋友好奇問我說:為什麼想開這個『跑步好帆』的節目,因為我從 2017 年底開始跑步訓練後,發現很跑步有很多有趣的事情、也有很多訓練上的問題和很煩的事情,所以,希望透過節目的分享,可以跟大家聊聊這些事,如果剛好能幫上大家,我會蠻開心的!
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We are sisters that run. Jannifer is a creative writing teacher and ultra marathoner, Kjersti is a psychotherapist and run coach. Together we will help you enjoy running, hone your physical and mental health, pass along running strategies and techniques, and offer multiple guided run-meditations to use at-will. Mostly, we'll have a lot of fun running and talking-- the two things we do best!
健康活力, 快樂公益!!利人利己,友誼互益!!以愛與公益的力量, 團結視障者,結合社會良善,讓視障朋友與社會人士體會[有愛而無礙]的社會.
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未來跑步日子裡「麒時跑步很簡單」讓你的跑步不簡單。 -
【延伸訂閱】Patreon節目:人生沒有蒙太奇 主持辛比,京一為你獻上每週節目:歡樂繽週、夜鬆馳 每月只需$5 -
Mo, Jon, Ernie 三個中佬每星期來講NBA
A fun podcast featuring Pro Wrestler Chavo Guerrero Jr. ,telling road stories & talking to athletes actors, and interesting people about all things, beer, sports, fitness, tools and girls.
Lindsay Rhodes brings you NFL coverage through her unique, nerdy lens. Every week, she’ll push past the low-hanging fruit and bring you news, analysis, and guest interviews that make the audience feel like they’ve learned something and are smarter, sharper football fans.
The show that will keep you up to speed on all things NBA news and analysis, while also being incredibly unserious along the way. Equal parts advanced stats and vibe enthusiasts. Some might say the most substantive nonsense in basketball.
⚾️ 《Hito 大聯盟》帶你不只看熱鬧,更要看門道! 全世界第一個以「美國職棒大聯盟」為主題的中文棒球 podcast 節目,自 2017 年 3 月開始,每週更新! 來跟前駐美特派記者 Adam 和賽事主播 Jacky 李秉昇暢聊 MLB 大小事!
你的持續贊助,是我們不間斷更新的最大支持!感謝 250+ 位乾爹乾媽持續贊助,每月贊助金額超過 110,000 元!
💪 訂閱贊助,可搜尋「Hito 大聯盟 嘖嘖」:
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💌 合作洽詢:[email protected]
喜歡NBA嗎?想要多瞭解NBA的運作嗎而不是只追著明星跑嗎?歡迎加入幾個NBA 愛好者的有趣討論。希望透過非常不同的觀點,讓聽眾們有足夠的空間從任何角度想像,參與討論。還有上籃。
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Emil希望透過 《華Dee Style 》Podcast來訪問各界成功人士,透過他們的故事來宣傳正能量。💪---------------中、小學就讀名校聖若瑟,培養了對運動、教育的熱誠。 ⼤學就讀美國普渡大學,曾擔任學⽣會會長,同時亦創立華人籃球隊, 成為⾸支能贏得美國校內聯賽冠軍的全華人球隊, 更在4年之間贏得超過8個北美比賽。畢業後回港任體育主持, 及後被李嘉誠基金會邀請到汕頭⼤學籃球隊擔任營運總監負責發展球隊、 招⽣和教育工作。2016曾為凱天公關顧問公司擔任公關總監, 管理超過20位香港運動員。在同年亦成為NBA評述員及主持。---------------2014 - 2016曾任nowSports體育主持,擔任多項大型比賽直播主持包括 香港國際七人欖球賽、香港游泳世界盃、天津雪地馬球世界盃、 學界田徑及游泳比賽。同時亦是職業教練和體能教練, 被李嘉誠基金會聘請為汕頭大學籃球隊營運總監。-----------2016 - 2018 同時亦活躍於體育、媒體及公關界別,為不同品牌及體育活動 擔任司儀。2018夏天走訪大中華地區包括北京、上海、廣州、成都、 南京為品牌擔任NBA 5v5 活動主持,關注率超過一億,也在深圳為 林書豪籃球慈善名人賽為客席主持,出席嘉賓包括林書豪、周杰倫、 蕭敬騰、歐陽靖、范曉萱等名人。------------2019華弟Emil成為香港以及廣東省唯一NBA評述出訪2019全明星週末, 當中更在開賽前訪問主場球星Kemba Walker 、Blake Griffin等。 他亦負責主持2019賀歲盃發佈會,出席嘉賓包括費蘭度托利斯、 柏利等等。現在也同時擔任港台電視「體壇無極限」主持。在今夏除了在 廣州為游道主持Allen Iverson和Gilbert Arenas,還是FIBA籃球世界杯深圳 賽區的駐場主持。
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三項全能哪三項?怎麼玩? 怎麼玩到玩不完啊!
合作與提問:[email protected]
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Podcast by 勵志楊教授-麗緻羊叫獸
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