All spiritual journeys lead toward the same place: expansion and a deeper experience of yourself and God.
Most times, our greatest lessons are the most painful ones. I talk about what that looked like for me and the process of alchemy that turned that pain to pure gold. I'm pretty sure you're going through similar things in your life and hey, don't forget we're in this together! You CAN do it, you can get by, you can succeed, you can be filled with joy, love, peace, clarity and sound mind. You can literally change your life, just pay attention to the lessons you have been resisting.
May God guide us all to the path where we create our destinies in alignment with the spirit that brought us here on Earth. Amen.
Hang out with me on Instagram @sageofstrength and my personal account @tapsy_tapsy.
Got a question? Got something bugging your mind and plaguing your soul? Send me a dm or email @sageofstrength@gmail.com!
Getting to know yourself isn't always easy. In fact, it never is unless you keep practicing it.
Many of us have ideas about what we want in our lives but where we currently are seems so far from it. To get there, you have to start with the basic building block of who you are. That way, it's easier and more sustainable to navigate the world around you in a way that involves your desire, your freedom and your expansion.
So get ready to understand the nature of personality blueprints and how they can help you step into personal power; start living a life you actually desire to live.
You can check more of me out on Instagram @sageofstrength or @tapsy_tapsy!
Puuttuva jakso?
The future. . . we're all curious about it and we often ask ourselves what we're going to find when we get there.
You don't have to get there to find out what your future will be, you can find out right now and decide if that's the future you want or if you want something else for your life. The future isn't set in stone, we have the ability to create our own destinies. So, what will you be creating?
Check me out on Instagram @sageoftsrength or on my personal page @tapsy_tapsy. You can also find me on Twitter!
Got something you're curious about? Feel free to ask me absolutely ANYTHING-no matter how wild or silly! Just send me a DM on social media or an email to sageofstrength@gmail.com. I'm looking forward to hearing what's on your mind :)
It doesn't matter if you read a 100 books on personal development or business, you won't have joyous and lasting success without the key I talk about in this episode: Alignment.
Finding alignment doesn't just mean you find success and abundance, it also means your journey becomes easy and it doesn't deplete your energy (I.e You don't have to sacrifice the things that are important to you and truly nurture you). I dive into 5 quick tips to help you find alignment and live your absolute best life!
Check me out on Instagram @sageofstrength and @tapsy_tapsy and on Twitter @esthergomwalk :)
Got a question? Something you're curious about? I invite you to send me a DM or an email at sageofstrength@gmail.com!
Wanting to heal and being ready to heal are two different things. On the path to evolution and development, we encounter a lot of negative emotions and often we ignore these wounds or dismiss them. The absence of healing keeps us stuck in the same place; the choice to heal gives us space to grow. Listen to this episode to understand how important this choice is and how to do it so that you begin to see the difference in your life. So that you find freedom and magic and start living your best life!
Check out and follow my Instagram pages: @sageofstrength and @tapsy_tapsy!
Read my Medium blog!
And a quick reminder: Life happens for you, not to you. What will you choose to do with this?
Here's a mini crash course on easy to understand personality types that will aid you on your self-awareness and evolution journey!
If you're sceptical about magic and spirituality, that's A-Okay, start with science and psychology instead of all the weird, esoteric stuff! In this episode, I very briefly touch on MBTI, temperament and DISC.
Here are some links to find out what personality type you are:
1. MBTI personality test
2. Temperament test
3. DISC personality test
Check me out on Instagram @sageofstrength and @tapsy_tapsy!
Got questions? I'm sure you do, so send me an email at sageofstrength@gmail.com or shoot me a DM on Instagram and I'd be delighted to answer :)
There's no wrong way to journal and the benefits are more than marvellous! Journaling is one of the places where you have complete permission to just be. I speak a little on my experience with journaling and share how you can make journaling work for you whether you've never done it a day in your life or you're a veteran.
This is a simple tool that opens the doorway to discovering yourself (or new parts of yourself), shadow work, releasing emotions and a whole lot more. Don't take simple tools like this for granted, they're the ones that will stay strong while other things crumble.
Ready to start journaling? Here are 5 journaling prompts that you can start with!
Please also head to Chalya's page @theunfilterededit where she offers the best messages on esotericism, holistic lifestyle, business and luxury. She's one of my favourite mentors and she'll dazzle your stars for sure!
Check me out on Instagram @sageofstrength and @tapsy_tapsy!
Got questions? I'm sure you do, so send me an email at sageofstrength@gmail.com or shoot me a DM on Instagram and I'd be delighted to answer :)
Let's take a comprehensive look at self-awareness and focus on the how-to-do-it part!
Most times, we're not taught to be conscious. On the contrary, we're taught to just consume what we've been given. We're not taught to be our own person, we're not taught how to think, we're not taught how to grow holistically in our bodies, minds, and souls.
Use the tools of self-awareness to break the mould and create the life you actually want. Your potential is infinite, unlimited. Take charge of it.
Read this article on going back to the basics of self-awareness: What To Do When You're Stuck
Check me out on Instagram @sageofstrength and @tapsy_tapsy!
Got questions? I'm sure you do, so send me an email at sageofstrength@gmail.com or shoot me a DM on Instagram and I'd be delighted to answer :)
You CANNOT live your best life without self-awareness.
You cannot grow in any aspect of your life if you're not even conscious of your life. Let's face it, most times we're on autopilot and the results of that are simply not satisfying. In fact, it's miserable and mediocre at best. In this episode, I break down what awareness is, how you can start being aware, and the power, love, and sound mind you discover because of it.
Here's a practical blog post that will also help in this journey: What To Do When You're Stuck.
Check me out on Instagram @sageofstrength and @tapsy_tapsy!
Got questions? I'm sure you do, so send me an email at sageofstrength@gmail.com or shoot me a DM on Instagram and I'd be delighted to answer :)
This episode is about Spiritual Awakening 101.
A spiritual awakening (aka consciousness/awareness) happens differently to everyone. I trust that if you're here, you're in the right place. Find out what God means and who you are in connection to the Creator.
Understand what energy truly is and how you can use that to navigate your best life in body, mind, and soul. Waking up is breaking out of the matrix, it will be rough, but you can choose freedom and magic!
Check me out on Instagram @sageofstrength and @tapsy_tapsy!
Got questions? I'm sure you do, so send me an email at sageofstrength@gmail.com or shoot me a DM on Instagram and I'd be delighted to answer :)
The SOS podcast is about ALL things spirituality that align us with our greatest good (read: your best life) and the deepest connection to the Creator of all things ✨✨✨