
  • Todayā€™s episode dives deep into a question we ALL have: How do we make more money in less time?

    If youā€™re feeling stretched thin, out of energy, and still striving for growth, this one's for you. 

    Today we are discussing:

    Redefining growth beyond just financial gainRaising prices to increase revenueDeveloping new offers that solve specific problems for clients

    After listening you will:

    Learn how to evaluate current offers and consider offering high-impact services with less time commitmentReduce deliverables to decrease time commitment while maintaining revenue Create one-to-many offers such as courses, memberships, or workshops

    Join us for a FREE 3-day Business Bootcamp designed for established business owners who want to flex their business without sacrificing all their time. From July 10-12th, dive into my proven system to get your shit together, build a reliable team, and grow a business that fits around your life. 

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person and virtual events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

  • One of the biggest mistakes we make is not addressing our self-beliefs. 

    Overworking often stems from undervaluing ourselves. It's not just about changing business strategiesā€”it's about changing how we see ourselves. 

    Today we are discussing:

    The significant impact of self-belief on women in business affecting worthiness, overworking, and mindsetHow personal responsibility and changing your self-perception are crucial for us women to lead and operate differently in businessGrowing your business without overworking or burning out

    After listening you will:

    Learn how to recognize and challenge negative beliefs that hinder your potential Discover why setting boundaries creates a more balanced approach to work and personal lifeFind out how to shift from a scarcity-driven mindset to a growth-oriented approach

    Ready to shift your mindset to start leading differently?

    Are you a CEO mama who is stretched thin and ready to run your business without constant overwhelm? Introducing The Mom Founders Inner Circle. Where you go from anxious, stressed and constant reactivity to confident, clear and back in control. Be one of the first to join the waitlist.

    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community on Facebook, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs..

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  • Struggling with getting your team to take initiative and bring new ideas to the table? 

    Let's change that today!


    Today we are discussing:

    How to understand and manage your expectations of team members, recognizing that not everyone will be as ambitious or creative as youThe significance of empowering team members by giving them control over certain aspects of the business Having open conversations with team members about what growth means to them and how it aligns with the company's goals

    After listening you will:

    Discover what to focus on during the hiring process rather than just skills and experienceLearn how to actively listen and ask questions to foster communication and collaborationReward and acknowledge desired behaviors to show appreciation and encourage continued growth

    Ready for your team to have more passion and drive?


    Are you a CEO mama who is stretched thin and ready to run your business without constant overwhelm? Introducing The Mom Founders Inner Circle. Where you go from anxious, stressed and constant reactivity to confident, clear and back in control. Be one of the first to join the waitlist.

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community on Facebook, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

  • Taking time off sounds fantastic in theory. 

    We all dream about vacations and travel. But in reality, it often feels more stressful to plan for that time off than to just keep working. Or worse, we end up working from a different location.

    Today we are discussing:

    The tools you need to plan ahead for time offHow to fully disconnect when on vacation and get rid of work-related temptationsNon-work activities that will keep your mind busy when being still is hardWhat you need to change to make sure your team has clarity for better results 


    After listening you will learn:

    The importance of truly taking time off, not just physically but mentally, and how it is essential for your well-being and the health of your businessEffective tactics for planning your time off in advance and organizing your business operations to allow for your absence without issuesWhy taking time off might initially feel uncomfortable and how to manage those feelings of guilt, anxiety, and discomfortHow stepping away can empower your team, improve their efficiency, and potentially reveal areas in need of improvement within your business operations


    Ready to fully disconnect from work while youā€™re taking time off?


    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community on Facebook, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

  • Letā€™s redefine work-life balance in a way that actually works. 

    Balance isn't about evenly distributing time across everything on your plateā€”it's about how you feel in your day-to-day life. 


    Today we are discussing:

    How work-life balance is possible when we create work-life separation and redefine balance based on our personal valuesThe essentials in managing the different responsibilities of motherhood and entrepreneurship: structure and clarityShifting our mindset to focusing on the quality of time spent vs the quantity Redefining balance based on your personal values and the quality of your time spent


    After listening you will learn:

    Achieving a balance between work and personal life is possible with the right approachTo allocate specific time slots for different responsibilities to ensure everything important has its placeBeing fully present in each role and activity improves performance and satisfactionHow reducing overlap and managing responsibilities effectively can help reduce mental load and emotional stress


    Ready to create this separation and feel more balanced? 

    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community on Facebook, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

  • The expectations we place on ourselves as women and perfectionism often holds us back. 

    Elevating your standards isn't about perfectionism; it's about progress. It's about recognizing your worth, setting boundaries, and creating a business that aligns with your vision and values.


    Today we are discussing:

    How to assess and raise your standards and expectations as your business evolvesKeeping up with growing demand without burning outValuing yourself and recognizing your worthShifting the focus from fear and scarcity to confidence and clarity


    After listening you will learn:

    To recognize your own value and the ripple effect it will have on your businessHow setting these new standards can lead to a better client experienceOperating from an abundance mindset vs fear and scarcityHow to set and maintain high standards in your business

    Ready to get clear on expectations and align your business with your worth?

    Download the free Female Founders Freedom Framework now to gain the clarity and confidence to build a solid foundation for your business while reclaiming your time and sanity.

  • As women, we need to be better about not shying away from knowing our value and being willing to ask for what we want. 

    We care deeply about our clients, so much that we end up bending over backwards, saying yes to every request, even if it means going beyond our scope, our boundaries, and ultimately, our worth. 

    Today we are discussing:

    Communicating boundaries assertively and professionallyAlternative solutions when clients request something outside of the scopeClearly defining services and expectations upfrontRetaining more customers by providing a good client experience


    After listening you will learn:

    The importance of balancing excellent service with maintaining healthy boundariesStrategies for clearly communicating expectations upfront with clientsHow to implement effective feedback procedures to ensure client satisfactionThe significance of continuously seeking feedback and making improvements to enhance client relationships

    Ready to protect your time and energy to improve your clientā€™s experience while safeguarding your own well-being?

    Download the free Female Founders Freedom Framework now to gain the clarity and confidence to build a solid foundation for your business while reclaiming your time and sanity.

  • Your peace and sanity shouldnā€™t be sacrificed for more revenue.

    One of the most common challenges we face is the desire to grow our businesses without giving more of ourselves, and at a certain point we realize that we have nothing left to give. We feel overwhelmed, stressed, and stretched too thin. But how do we continue to grow without burning out?


    Today we are discussing:

    Balancing ambition with peace and growth with sanityNavigating the fine line between chasing success and maintaining well-beingInsights on finding equilibrium in the hustle of modern lifeStrategies for preserving mental health and relationships while pursuing goals


    After listening you will learn:

    Creating scalable offers to expand impact without sacrificing time and energyReleasing the pressure of time and focus on sustainable growthHow to be preventative by prioritizing self-care and movementStreamlining processes and investing in systems for efficiencyBuilding a strong support systemMonitoring growth through different metrics


    Ready to grow your business without burning out and neglecting important relationships?

    Download the free Female Founders Freedom Framework now, and create the time-freedom you deserve to align with the financial freedom youā€™ve built.

  • Would you feel more comfortable around the person who is authentically, unapologetically themselves or the one who is buttoned up and seems to never make mistakes?

    It's easy to fall into the trap of feeling like we have to have it all together, all the time. But the truth is, showing vulnerability doesn't make us weak; it makes us relatable and human.


    Today we are discussing:

    Why vulnerability matters in leadership and how it can strengthen relationships, foster innovation and drive success.Stripping away the facade of perfection and allowing ourselves to be seen, flaws and all.Practical steps to cultivate a culture of openness and trust within our team.How vulnerability creates genuine connections based on shared humanity. By leading with vulnerability, we invite others to do the same, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment that transcends traditional notions of professionalism.


    After listening you will learn:

    Why vulnerability is an essential aspect of effective leadership and how it can contribute to building trust and fostering innovation within your team.Practical techniques for incorporating vulnerability into your leadership approachHow to cultivate a culture of openness and trust within your team, where team members feel comfortable sharing their challenges and ideas without fear of judgmentStrategies for overcoming the fear of vulnerability and embracing authenticity in your leadership style, including recognizing and challenging limiting beliefsHow vulnerability can lead to stronger, more authentic relationships with your team members, driving greater collaboration and success.

    Ready to embrace vulnerability as a strength and have more authentic connections that lead to impactful leadership?

    Download the free Female Founders Freedom Framework now, and create the time-freedom you deserve to align with the financial freedom youā€™ve built.

  • Most of us think, time freedom isnā€™t possible for me because of how busy my business is and how much work I have.

    It's about creating dedicated space for everything you need and want, setting healthy boundaries, and fostering a better mental state for growth, both in your business and your relationships. It's work-life separation, not balance, that allows you to thrive as a mom and an entrepreneur. 

    Today we are discussing:

    The importance of creating a schedule that fosters time freedom and allows for a healthy work-life balance.Challenges faced by busy mom founders.The need for structured time management.The benefits of work-life separation.Practical strategies for designing a CEO schedule.


    After listening you will learn:

    The importance of time management.How to create a CEO schedule that balances work and personal life effectively.Insights into practical strategies for setting boundaries and prioritizing tasks.What healthy work-life separation looks like.How to optimize your productivity, reduce overwhelm and enjoy more freedom in your schedule while successfully running your business and nurturing your family life.

    If you're ready to take the first step towards reclaiming your time and achieving TRUE time freedom, this episode is for you. 

    Download your copy of the Female Founders Freedom Framework today and take the first step towards true freedom and empowerment.

  • For hiring, you have to think before youā€™re  ready. Don't wait until you can't maintain the workload to hire somebody.

    Hiring out of desperation often leads to mismatched hires and more headaches down the line.

    Today we are discussing:

    Challenges and strategies of hiring and leading a team effectively. Actionable insights to help you build your dream team.Valuable tips and takeaways to enhance your leadership skills.Achieving sustainable business growth. Creating a positive work environment for your team.Fostering collaboration within your team.


    After listening you will learn:

    The importance of hiring before feeling fully prepared to alleviate overwhelm and prevent desperation hires.Strategies for gaining clarity on the gaps and expectations within your business before bringing on new team members.How to create clear roles and responsibilities, identify non-negotiables, and assess strengths in potential hires.Ways to foster collaboration and creativity within your team to cultivate a positive team culture.Insights on crafting effective job postings, conducting interviews, and onboarding new team members successfully.The significance of continuous improvement in leadership and taking accountability for building a successful team.

    Ready to take the stress out of hiring and lead your team with confidence?

    Download your copy of the Female Founders Freedom Framework today and take the first step towards true freedom and empowerment.

  • Overworking needs to be addressed by its root causes, not just slapping a band-aid on the symptoms.

    Establishing clear rules and standards can be your secret weapon against overworking and burnout. Donā€™t forget to think beyond the clock, tracking your energy levels is just as important as tracking your time.  


    Today we are discussing:

    Importance of capacity for mom founders and entrepreneurs.Addressing root causes of overworking, not just treating symptoms.Tracking capacity beyond time, including energetic capacity.Establishing rules and standards to prevent overworking and burnout.Discussion on fear of setting boundaries and overcoming scarcity mindset.Practical steps for assessing and tracking capacity.Aiming for more freedom and flexibility in business through capacity management


    After listening you will learn:

    Capacity extends beyond time management into energetic capacity.Overworking not only leads to burnout but also impacts various aspects of lifeTracking and assessing capacity play a crucial role in setting boundaries and preventing overworking.Fear and a scarcity mindset can pose significant obstacles to establishing and maintaining boundaries.Prioritizing self-care is non-negotiable for the sustainability and longevity of your business.


    Ready to track your capacity and pave  the way for greater freedom, flexibility, and fulfillment?

    Download your copy of the Female Founders Freedom Framework today and take the first step towards true freedom and empowerment.

  • Evaluating if urgency is self-imposed or external will help you reclaim control.

    We have to take the urgency and scarcity out of our business because if we don't, it is detrimental to our health and our relationships, too.


    Today we are discussing:

     The importance of removing urgency and scarcity from business operations in order to achieve peace, presence, joy, and fulfillment.The detrimental effects of operating from a reactive mindset and the importance of evaluating the source of urgency. Strategies for addressing self-imposed urgency and external urgency.Encouraging you to confront your fears and create new solutions.


    After listening you will learn how to:

    Embrace peace and fulfillment by shedding urgency and scarcity.Identify and address both self-imposed and external sources of urgency.Challenge limiting beliefs and establish firm boundaries to reclaim control.Foster open conversations to reset expectations and create sustainable timelines.Confront fears, innovate, and operate from a place of unwavering confidence.Align responsibilities with desired feelings to nurture a sustainable and fulfilling business. 


    Ready to ditch the hustle and embrace a new way of doing business? 

    Download your copy of the Female Founders Freedom Framework today and take the first step towards true freedom and empowerment.

  • A crucial part of reclaiming control in our business operations starts by identifying where the urgency and scarcity mindset stems from, then embracing a new way.

    Say goodbye to urgency and scarcity, and hello to peace, presence, joy, and fulfillment.

    Today we are discussing:

    The importance of removing urgency and scarcity from business operations in order to achieve peace, presence, joy, and fulfillment.Understanding the detrimental effects of operating from a reactive mindset and the significance of evaluating the source of urgency.Strategies for addressing both self-imposed urgency and external urgency to foster a healthier work environment.Encouragement to confront fears and create new solutions, ultimately paving the way for sustainable success.

    After listening you will learn how to:

    Embrace peace and fulfillment by shedding urgency and scarcity.Identify and address self-imposed and external sources of urgency, reclaiming control over your time and energy.Challenge limiting beliefs and establish firm boundaries to create a more sustainable work-life balance.Foster open conversations to reset expectations and create sustainable timelines.Confront fears, innovate, and operate from a place of unwavering confidence.Align responsibilities with desires to nurture a sustainable and fulfilling business, prioritizing joy and fulfillment in your professional journey.

    Ready to ditch the hustle and embrace a new way of doing business? 

    Download your copy of the Female Founders Freedom Framework today and take the first step towards true freedom and empowerment.

  • Clear communication can lead to positive changes in all aspects of life. 


    And on the flip side, poor communication can cause stress and frustration.We have all feared being perceived as mean or disliked especially during the challenges of delegating and trusting team members. 


    Clear communication and taking ownership and accountability for their role in communication breakdowns is the solution to most issues.


    Today we are discussing:

    How clear communication serves as the catalyst for positive changes across all facets of life. We delve into the repercussions of ineffective communication, which often manifests as stress, frustration, and strained relationships. Why setting boundaries and fostering respect through effective communication are non-negotiables.  Embracing delegation and entrusting tasks to team members are crucial components of effective leadership. The importance of taking ownership and accountability for communication breakdowns. Gain practical insights into enhancing clarity in delegation, conducting productive meetings, and navigating interpersonal dynamics.


    After listening you will learn how:

     Clear communication sparks positive transformations in all spheres of life.Establishing boundaries and fostering respect cultivates healthy relationships.Delegating tasks and trusting team members are essential for team empowerment.Overcoming the fear of negative perceptions enables effective communication.Taking ownership of communication breakdowns facilitates resolution and growth.Providing clarity in all interactions prevents misunderstandings and fosters productivity.Reflection helps identify areas for improvement and promotes self-awareness. 

    If you are ready to get your time back, enjoy your life and run your business like the CEO you are - download the free guide today.

    Download the free Female Founders Freedom Framework now, and create the time-freedom you deserve to align with the financial freedom youā€™ve built.

  • Putting yourself in rooms with people you want to learn from and grow alongside is necessary for growth.


    If you are not putting yourself in a room that stretches you, you are keeping yourself stagnant. Creating the time to authentically connect with like-minded people will serve you beyond social fulfillment. 


    Today we are discussing the importance of who you surround yourself with. 


    When you allow yourself to be seen for who you really are and then invited to expand with support, you give yourself an incredible growth opportunity. 


    After listening you will understandā€¦

    -The importance of making friends as a CEO and mama.

    -How the support from friendships and an aligning circle of people will fill your cup. 

    -Why success in your personal development through your social circle translates to success in all areas of your life. 

    -The collaborative and supportive energy that these groups bring. 


    Give yourself permission to find your people. Be open to explore, expand, and create new relationships as a form of self-love. YOU deserve it. šŸ”„


    Create momentum inside your business while developing life-long connections. Join us for the PowHER Retreat in May 2023šŸ‘‡ 



    šŸ“² Iā€™d love if you would share this episode on Instagram. Screenshot this episode, tag @kelseamariekoenreich and Iā€™ll share it in my IG story too! 



  • The customer is always right. But letā€™s be honest: not everyone is the right customer for YOU. 


    We are experiencing a shift in the relationship we form with our audience. They crave a deeper relationship before they buy. They want to know YOU.


    Today I have my incredible friend Ruthie Sterret sharing her wisdom on brand values. Embodying what your message, vision, and values are allows you to show up unapologetically and authentically. 


    After listening you will understand whyā€¦

    -Operating from this space will feel aligned for you and your customers.

    -Displaying your values will attract the right customers. 

    - Grounding in your values serves as a manual for decision making.

    -Identifying with your values protects what you are building.


    Now more than ever we have to put our best foot forward. The spark that fuels our momentum deserves to be the forefront. šŸ”„


    Create momentum inside your business while developing life-long connections. Join us for the PowHER Retreat in May 2023šŸ‘‡ 



    šŸ“² Iā€™d love if you would share this episode on Instagram. Screenshot this episode, tag @kelseamariekoenreich and Iā€™ll share it in my IG story too! 


  • As you rise inside your business, your standards need to rise with you.


    Unfortunately, itā€™s common to end up in a co-dependent relationship with your business. At one point you needed to hustle and build the ground work. But as you build more success, that energy no longer serves you.


    Todayā€™s episode will dive into how to fuel your fire of ambition without getting burned. 


    Tune in to learn about theā€¦

    -Balance of finding inner peace without stunting your growth. 

    -Importance of checking in with yourself with what you need.

    -Power of understanding where your energy is needed and where you feel the most fulfilled.

    -Releasing the ā€œbeginner-business-ownerā€ mindset and empowering yourself to become the CEO.


    If you are looking to get to your next level, it requires you to pour back into yourself šŸ”„


    Create momentum inside your business while developing life-long connections. Join us for the PowHER Retreat in May 2023šŸ‘‡ 



    šŸ“² Iā€™d love if you would share this episode on Instagram. Screenshot this episode, tag @kelseamariekoenreich and Iā€™ll share it in my IG story too! 


  • There shouldnā€™t be a timeline for your success. 


    We think we have to choose between making more money or feeling happy in the lives we are living. And that type of pressure to pick one or the other is bullshit.


    Today I am joined by my good friend, Meg Yelaney, and we are peeling back the layers of the narrative that we have fallen victim to. This kind of pressure is isolating us from the people and things we love. Itā€™s time to unlearn and redefine success. 


    After listening to this episode you will understand theā€¦

    -Importance of balancing the ambition to make money and the desire to live a quality life.

    -Mindset it takes to embody balance and what it takes to shed this narrative.

    -Toxicity of feeling like you have to choose.

    -Significance of understanding what being fortunate means to you.


    The quest of balancing is a life-long journey. So put the boundaries in place and take a step to protect your inner peace šŸ”„


    Create momentum inside your business while developing life-long connections. Join us for the PowHER Retreat in May 2023šŸ‘‡ 



    šŸ“² Iā€™d love if you would share this episode on Instagram. Screenshot this episode, tag @kelseamariekoenreich and Iā€™ll share it in my IG story too! 


  • Stop normalizing pressure. Start normalizing peace alongside ambition šŸ’„


    As female-CEOā€™s we are in a space where ignoring our humanness and sacrificing is what it takes to succeed. Iā€™m here to tell you, that doesnā€™t have to be your truth.


    Our desires donā€™t need to be covered up by ambition + hustle. We can release the pressure to succeed on these terms and redefine what being a present mom and CEO really looks like.


    After listening to this episode you will understand theā€¦

    -Importance of embodying your emotions + priroitizng your wellbeing. 

    -Choice of how you show up inside your business + personal life. 

    -Value of approaching your business from a lens of sustainability. 

    -Significance of focusing on filling up your cup FIRST.


    Denying yourself of your human experience is not stable, nor is it sustainable.
    Choose your desires, CEO. You were meant to shake things upšŸ”„


    Create momentum inside your business while developing life-long connections. Join us for the PowHER Retreat in May 2023šŸ‘‡ 



    šŸ“² Iā€™d love if you would share this episode on Instagram. Screenshot this episode, tag @kelseamariekoenreich and Iā€™ll share it in my IG story too! 
