Para dominar la nube, primero debe aprender las reglas y luego prepararse para recibir consejos y trucos sobre cómo romperlas. Al día con AWS es parte de http://Cortez.Cloud y Breaking The Cloud Blog
Ideas que ya no son ideas es un podcast que cuenta historias de emprendedores y sus emprendimientos, como perdieron sus miedos, como tuvieron sus ideas, y como las volvieron realidad
Podcast UVD LEDA
In this program, the international 3 Time Top Number One Bestseller Author Gisbert Reuter, an award-winning Creative Director and Mentor & Advisor to 6-, 7- and 8-fig business owners shows you how to use Quantum Leap Strategies to create better results faster.
Gisbert has helped more than 10,000 people in numerous live and online events, enjoy a better quality of life, more joy and fun, and in turn, have much less stress and achieve results they never thought possible.
He has worked with people all over the world, among them, medical doctors, top athletes, lawyers, speakers, consultants, business owners, and leaders.
Before Gisbert founded his first company in 1998, he worked in Munich with the former head of entertainment of German's TV station ProSieben in his film and TV production Entertainment Factory.
In 2010 Gisbert started holding seminars and handing out questionnaires to anonymously received critiques, wishes, and opinions. In the meantime, several moving boxes are stacked full of these papers, all with superlative customer opinions.
Statements like "The best thing that ever happened to me", "He has changed my life", "A state of permanent WOW!", "I am much happier", or even "The best seminar in the world!" run as a common thread throughout these questionnaires.
His calling for you is straightforward: Do the Leap and Let Joy Work For You!
● Income ● Impact ● Wealth ● Confidence ● Joy ● Health ● Wellbeing ● and Longevity ●
Do you want to create top notch results for life? This is your Podcast. -
A Human Design Podcast with Breyton. 2/4 Emotional Projector, Practitioner, Mentor, and Combat Veteran.
To learn more about working with me or inviting me for keynote speaking & appearances, head over to my website
More of my work can be accessed via
Love yourselves,
- Breyton -
Lachlan Gray, Felix Kohane and Imtiaz Desai are PhD candidates at the University of New South Wales. In this podcast, we interview students about their research journey and take a deep dive into their projects.
Hablo de finanzas personales, inversiones en la bolsa de valores y criptomonedas, todo desde una mirada muy sencilla, compartiendo experiencias y vivencias reales de mi progreso personal y de nuevos acontecimientos financieros que inciden directamente en el desarrollo de las inversiones.
Luz Charry cada semana te ayuda a descubrir caminos para crecer tu negocio de forma organizada creando sistemas que te permitan controlarlo, ganar mas dinero y liberar tiempo para ti.
Buscame en Instagram como @luzbcharry -
The Diversity & Inclusion for All podcast captures conversations with professors, practitioners, and people of interest who are teaching, pursuing, and engaging diversity & inclusion in inspirational and effective ways. By exploring a range of diversity topics, this podcast provides on-ramps to better understanding and awareness of issues related to diversity & inclusion work in our communities today. Supported by Calvin University and the Calvin Institute for Christian Worship, these conversations provide information, insights, and stories to inform the diversity work of both Christian and secular organizations.
Quién mejor que nuestro equipo de alto desempeño para contarte de cerca cómo ha sido su experiencia desde su rol en S4N.
Tutorías de acompañamiento para conducción de motocicleta en ruta con Capital Rider
Todo sobre la Educación en Tiempos Modernos..
Es un caso, de falta de comunicación con los padres de una alumna y se soluciona con la comunicación asertiva para lograr el cometido.
Aquí hablaremos sobre varios temas de la materia de métodos de estudio
Vamos a conocer las dimensiones del manejo emocional.
Un podcast de derecho de familia para quienes buscan información especializada sobre aspectos legales del divorcio, sucesiones, custodia, cuota de alimentos, visitas, salidas del país, suspensión o privación de la patria potestad y otros. Esto de la mano del Dr Manuel Brunal exjuez de familia. Nos puedes contactar al (+57) 3003009859 Carrera 4 #10-44 oficina 906, Cali - Colombia.
Being a school leader can be challenging, demanding, and oftentimes lonely. Achieving excellence through high standards and a positive culture is something we all strive to accomplish. Throughout our journey, we have all had that one leader who inspired us to be the best we can be. The mission of this podcast is to inspire you to ask yourself, "Are YOU the leader YOU deserve, and what are you doing about it?"
Habla sobre la definición de innovación y los ejemplos en la agroindustria
Convite: postales sonoras para el autocuidado digital de guardias indígenas, cimarronas y campesinas.
Convite es una serie de postales sonoras para defensores del territorio, medio ambiente, líderes y lideresas sociales de comunidades indígenas, afros y campesinas que buscan a través del lenguaje sonoro contribuir información, herramientas y recursos de autocuidado, protección y seguridad en sus espacios digitales, físicos y psicosociales. Es sobre todo una suma de voluntades y herramientas entre la comunidad de los derechos humanos en la era digital y las comunidades indígenas, afros y cam -
Relación sistema de nervioso y la Ciencia del amor