Suomenkielinen podcast joka käsittelee katoamisia, murhia ja muita mielenkiintoisia rikostapauksia. Joka jaksossa kerrotaan yksi tositarina ja välillä myös kuuntelijat saavat jakaa omia tarinoitaan.
Uudet jaksot löydät jatkossa Podme Premiumista. -
Palmujen Varjoissa on true crime-podcast, joka käsittelee Espanjan auringon alla tapahtuneita rikoksia, katoamisia sekä muita mysteerejä. Podcastia hostaa Espanjassa jo 10 vuotta asunut Jenna Claudia ( , jonka espanjan kielen ja kulttuurin tunteminen tekee kuuntelukokemuksesta ainutlaatuisen. Instagram: @palmujenvarjoissapod ( Sähköposti: [email protected] Musiikki: Niko Korteniemi & Epidemic SoundHUOM! Perjantaisin ilmaisilla alustoilla julkaistavat jaksot ovat throwback-jaksoja podcastin alkuvaiheilta. Palmujen varjoissa -podcastin tuoreet jaksot löydät Podmesta. Podmessa voit kuunnella vaikka kaikki podin aiemmin julkaistut jaksot putkeen, ja tuoreita jaksoja tulee lisää joka viikko - ja mikä parasta,ilman mainoksia. Eli jos tykkäät kuulemastasi ja haluat lisää, sitä löytyy yllin kyllin osoitteesta
JR True Crime Podcastissa Janne Raninen, hiljattain vankeudesta vapautunut, kahdesta murhasta tuomittu, haastattelee rikoksen tekijöitä, rikoksen uhreja, rikosten ja rikollisten kanssa työtä tekeviä, kuten eri järjestöt,
yhdyskuntaseuraamustoimistot, vankilat ja poliisit, ym true crime -aiheeseen liittyviä.
Janne Raninen on ollut 23 vuotta vankilassa. Hän on kirjoittanut kolme kirjaa ja on puheenjohtaja, vankien lasten oikeuksiin keskittyvässä hyväntekeväisyysjärjestössä. -
Daphne Woolsoncroft and Heath Merryman discuss haunting details of different disappearance and murder cases week by week. New episodes released every Tuesday and Friday.
Rouheimmat rikokset -lista kokoaa yhteen RadioPlayn kuunneltuimpia jaksoja eri rikossarjoista. Myös sarjojen tekijät ovat saaneet valita listalle omasta mielestään mielenkiintoisia jaksoja. Sarjaa ei suositella alle 16-vuotiaille.
در پادکست فارسی چنلبی ماجراهای واقعی رو تعریف میکنیم.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Suomen rikospodcastien tähtikaartiin kuuluva Murha joka tapahtui on suomenkielinen rikospodcast, jonka jaksoissa käydään aina yhden tai useamman rikoksen tapahtumat läpi. MJT:n kyydissä pääset kuulemaan henkirikosten lisäksi myös yhteiskunnallisista aiheista, onnettomuuksista ja mysteereistä, joita yhdistää yksi asia - tapaukset ovat selvitettyjä. Podcastia hostaa Saara Nurmo.
Uusi jakso julkaistaan Podimossa tiistaisin. IG. @murhajokatapahtui, @saaralondon Kansikuva: Riitta Koukkunen
Kaikki Murha joka tapahtui -podcastin jaksot löytyvät podcast- ja äänikirjapalvelu Podimosta. Tutustu Podimon podcast- ja äänikirjavalikoimaan ja aloita ilmainen kokeilu osoitteessa
Erica Kelley is a native Tennessean exploring historical and contemporary true crime in the South. Southern charm is attempted but southern sass is bountiful. Join her as she shows you just how southern fried the justice system can be in the Deep South.
The Lets Read Podcast centers around narrating True Scary Experiences from real people, just like yourself. Ranging from creepy stalkers to paranormal encounters with the other side. My goal is to lull you into beautiful nightmares.
This Podcast updates every Tuesday at 12pm EST!
Catch all the new stories, Mon & Thursday at 7pm EST on my YouTube channel, Lets Read! -
STOLEN LIVES is a podcast dedicated to spreading the stories of those who are forgotten. Those whose lives were stolen. The missing and murdered. STOLEN LIVES tells the stories of these people to keep their memory alive.
The 911 Calls Podcast: Shock, Chuckle, and Aww with The Operator & Jess
11:59 Media, The Operator, and Jess bring you another masterpiece for your earballs: The "911 Calls Podcast".
Traverse the intense landscape of real-life 911 calls from around the globe, expertly dissected and presented to you ... along with a healthy dose of jibber jabber. Each episode is a rollertoaster of emotions. Brace yourself as the "shock call" sends chills down your headphones, stirring the deepest corners of your corners. Then, as you're still grappling with the intensity and reeling from the jibber, Jess and The Operator cleanse your emotional palette with a lighter 911 call and some jabber that will, undoubtedly, tug at your heartstrings or tickle your funny bone.
Whether it's a heart-wrenching cry for help or a bizarrely endearing emergency about a cat stuck in a toaster, this podcast offers a unique blend of the profound and the playful. With an endless trove of 911 calls to explore, The Operator and Jess promise years of gripping episodes for your listening pleasure. Tune in as your earballs are in for a treat - a blend of shock, chuckle, and aww! -
Moms and Mysteries is a true crime podcast hosted by Mandy and Melissa, two friends who deep dive into a new case each week. Conversational in tone and heavy on the levity, you’ll enjoy their original takes on both the well-known, and those lesser heard of true crime stories.
An ambitious True Horrorchestration with cinematic elements. Stories of True Crime, Natural disasters and more, told in often graphic detail by a single narrator, with music chosen or composed with particular atmospheres and moods in mind. This podcast is not for everyone, as I spare no details. The stories you hear from me, will certainly be Worse Than Fiction.
I Storytime med Eveline Blomfeldt så berättar jag veckovis nya läskiga berättelser. Allt ifrån creepypasta , spökhistorier, seriemördare, stalkers , legender, hemsökta platser och allt annat du kan tänka dig. Jag har någonting till alla som älskar att bli mysigt skrämda. Använd podden när du vill eller för att somna!
Följ mig gärna på min Youtube kanal där Storytime finns i videoformat, där heter jag Eveline Blomfeldt.
Jag gör även Storytime på min tiktok, där heter jag Evelinesmakeup.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A monthly podcast where two true crime YouTubers, Danelle Hallan and John Lordan, challenge each other to tell the best story about a true crime related topic. Listeners voting online will determine the winner. New episodes premiere on the first of each month.
In 1986, the body of affluent, beautiful, 18-year-old Jennifer Levin was found dead in Central Park. Her killer: Robert Chambers, a tall, handsome prep from the Upper East Side. He claimed she attempted to rape him and her death was an accident. Join host Amanda Knox as she deconstructs the stories behind the victim-blaming, privilege and media sensationalism that surrounded this murder and trial, as seen in the SundanceTV docu-series The Preppy Murder: Death in Central Park. The views, information or opinions expressed during this podcast are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of AMC Networks and its employees.
Morbidology is an award-winning weekly true crime podcast created and hosted by true crime author, Emily G. Thompson. Using investigative research combined with primary audio including 911 calls, interviews and trial testimony, Morbidology takes an in-depth look at some of the world's most heinous murders.
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Welcome to the Podcast of Terror being brought to you by the Empress of Sin. Each show will bring you fright as she explores the realms of the supernatural, paranormal, urban legends, serial killers, true crime and much much more!!! Let's just say it is her little asylum of sin.........
Welcome to the 1980s, where the war on drugs rages on and America's teenagers are caught in the crossfire. Enter Straight Incorporated, a controversial new rehab program that promises its tough love approach can set kids back on the straight and narrow. But for the survivors of Straight, their experience tells a horrifyingly different story — one of abuse, torture, and brainwashing. Season 2 of “The Sunshine Place” delves into the shocking tale of Straight Incorporated, an experimental teen rehab that descended into a sadistic cult exploiting parents' deepest fears and their children's vulnerabilities. This heart-wrenching exploration of parenting, family, and the human spirit intertwines with the dark underbelly of power, money, and politics. And at the heart of it all, we find a connection back to the subject of “The Sunshine Place” Season 1, Synanon. Executive Produced by Robert Downey Jr., Susan Downey, and Emily Barclay Ford of Team Downey, together with Josh McLaughlin of Wink Pictures.
The Sunshine Place is an Audacy original. -
They might start as lovers, family, or friends, but by the end, there’s a criminal and a victim. Every Wednesday, analyze the relationship dynamics and psychology that lead to betrayal, theft, even murder. Crimes of Passion is a Spotify Original from Parcast. Listen free, only on Spotify.