As followers of Christ, as children of Christ, we need to represent Him in every way even when we think nobody is listening or watching us. Doing something knowing good and well God would not be please with it. God does see and He does know what you’re doing, so represent Him well.
God has entrusted all of us with gifts and talents, dreams and visions, creative ideas, businesses, and etc. Just like in Matthew 25:14-30, the master entrusted certain amounts of money to each of his 3 servants. One he gave 5 talents, another he gave 2 talents and the last one he gave 1 talent. The 1st 2 took what their master gave them and double it, but the 3rd one didn’t do anything with what the master gave him and because of it he lost it. Don’t be like the 3rd servant and don’t do anything with what God gave you. Use what God gave you. What has God given to you that you haven’t used?
Puuttuva jakso?
Don’t waste your time fighting someone, or being angry, bitter and upset over something or someone that God never intended for you to have or be with. Your desire should be for you to be in God’s will and wanting His plan for your to to be fulfilled. What you want was never meant for you to have, nothing or no one can stop God’s blessings for you.
Discussing the tragic mass school shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, where 19 students and 2 teachers were killed.
In Ecclesiastes 9:11 says: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does good come to the wide or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. Every last one of us have gone through some difficult times and we’ve all have had ups and downs. Sometimes it feels like we have more down than ups. Some of us have had a rough start and things did not go as we have planned, just when we start off something happens that catches you off guard and now you’re struggling to get it back together. You watch every one else move ahead and here you are back at the starting point struggling. But the Bible says in Romans 8:28 - And we know that God causes all things to work together for the good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose. Don’t give up, stay in the race!
The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:1, there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. You know that God has made a promise for you but He hasn’t fulfilled it yet. You become impatient, frustrated and you feel like God might have forgotten about His promise for you. I just want you to know, God has not forgotten but He’s just waiting for the r right time to fulfill His promise. Have faith in knowing God will fulfill His promise when He knows it’s time.
Do you feel overwhelmed? Are you struggling with carrying/handling too much? Do you feel like you’re being pulled in every direction? Are you your problems weighing you down? Well I have the answer to you problems and it’s:Jesus! So many times we feel like or believe that we can handle or carry the load of whatever we’re going through all by ourselves. 1 Peter 5:7 says: Cast all your anxieties on Him because He cares for us. On today’s podcast I want to encourage you to give it all to God and allow Him to handle it.
In 1 Kings 17:7-16, the widow was planning on making the last meal for her and her son and then die. But God had other plans for her and her son. When Elijah met the widow he asked her for some water and bread, but she said she didn’t have enough for him too. But God use the little bit of what she had and made it last. Don’t be ashamed or afraid of the little bit that you have, don’t allow your fear to keep you from obeying God, because He will use that little bit to do something wonderful.
In today’s society, we’re so quick to judge, criticize, condemn, point the finger, call out someone’s wrong doings, throw someone under the bus and cancel them because of what they did or said. We can sometimes have this self righteous superiority as if we’re perfect. In Matthew 7:1-5 it talks about not judging other, instead of being concerned about the speck in someone else’s eye, take care of the speck that’s in your eye. In today’s episode I want to talk about learning how to not to judge others in their short comings, their mistakes and not being hypocritical towards others.
Our prayer should be: Lord help me to be selfless, help me to get out of myself and to think of others. The world/society says: it’s all about you, your needs, your wants. But the Bible says: put others first and view others as more important than yourself. Abandon every display of selfishness and possess a greater concern for what mattes to others instead of your own interests. This is how we need to be, it’s about being selfless.
Are you holding onto a pain/hurt that you need to let go of? Was it a word spoken over you that caused you to doubt yourself, or maybe it was a painful breakup. Whatever it is, it’s time to receive your healing. You’ve held onto that pain, that hurt long enough. Release it to God and allow Him to bring healing into your life.
Proverbs 18:21 says: The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Your words have power, it can bring lid or death to a situation, it can bring pain or healing, it can also tears others down and your words can build someone up. The choice is yours, you can choose how you want your words to effect not only others but also yourself as well. It’s up to you.
In 1 Samuel 25: 1-42 David acted in kindness towards Nabal, but his kindness was not appreciated. Nabal responded to David in a way that David felt disrespected. So David responded in anger for how he was treated. Have you ever been disrespected, or treated badly after you help someone or did something good for someone only to be disrespected? Did you try to take matters into your own hand or did you allow God to handle the situation? Well this is what I’m going to be talking about on today’s episode.
We’ve all have reminisced about the good old days how things use to be. We look back on our childhood and all we’ve experienced. You looked back on past relationships, mistakes and also family memories. And it’s ok to sometimes look back on those things on how far God has brought you. But there are times when we need to stop looking back and clinging to what was, so that we can move onto what God wants us to go. Lot’s wife looked back, she was clinging to what was even after she was told not to look back and because she looked back she turned into a pillar of salt. My question is what has God told you to walk away from and to not to look back?
The woman with the alabaster box gave to Jesus what was of value and expensive. She didn’t hold back, she freely gave to Him what was of value to her. How many times do we hold back our best from God? What’s keeping you from giving God your best.
Fear is not of God and because it’s not of God it is a bondage. Anything that’s of God, that comes from God, it gives you freedom. The Bible says in Isaiah 41:10 (Amp version) Do not fear (anything) for I am with you; Do not be afraid for I am your God. I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you; I will certainly take hold of you with My righteous right hand (a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of salvation). Just know that no matter what your fearful of, God is with you.
How many times have we’ve exposed someone’s sin, downfall or struggle through gossiping about them. I know we’ve all have gossip about other people, including me. Ham (Noah’s son) choose to expose his father’s sin but Noah’s other two sons( Shem and Japheth) choose to cover. Which one are you Ham or Shem and Japheth. Listen as I talk about how we need to cover someone instead of exposing them.
Nothing is going to change I’m your life until you make a step. We have allowed our disability, lack of education, our past, our up bringing, procrastination, laziness and self doubt to keep us from accomplishing our goals. You’ve wasted to much time, it’s time to make a move. No more waiting on someone else to do it for you, no more complaining and no more excuses; it’s time to get up.
In Matthew 5:14-16 Jesus says that we are the light of the world and that we should not hide it. If we live for Christ, we will glow like lights. You never know who you are going to impact. God might put you in a situation where you need to be a light to someone, through an encouraging word, a smile, a hug or just a listening ear. Don’t hide your light, let it shine for Jesus.
How many times have you told God that He’s enough, or have you ever? We say to others and to ourselves that you’re enough, because we’re human and we sometimes struggle with self worth, feelings of inadequacy. But when we tell God He is enough, you’re saying God I choose You over everything, nothing can take Your place. We’ve place so many things before God and it’s about time we tell Him, He’s enough.
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