Eva Matta og Sylvía Briem Friðjóns, þjálfarar og athafnakonur, taka hrátt plebbaspjall um mannlegheit og skoða leiðir til þess að gera lífið skemmtilegra.
Intimate Femdom Hypnosis & Training
Podcastþættir Lindu Pé sem er master lífsþjálfi. Linda kennir konum að uppfæra hugarfarið, umbreyta sjálfsmynd sinni- og ná árangri.
Nánari upplýsingar: -
Í hlaðvarpinu Í alvöru talað! tölum við um allar hliðar mennskunnar með dass af fíflagangi.
Stjórnendur hlaðvarpsins eru vinkonurnar Lydía og Gulla. Miðaldra mæður að láta móðan mása. Lydía er sálfræðingur og jógakennari en Gulla er förðunarfræðingur, áhugaleikari og tískudrós.
Markmið hlaðvarpsins er að gera gagn í samfélaginu með því að skapa rými til þess að sameinast í mennskunni. Við tölum um allar hliðar manneskjunnar og samfélagsins. Um það sem er erfitt og það sem er auðvelt, um það sem er skemmtilegt og það sem er minna skemmtilegt í bland við það að hlæja hátt.
IMPORTANT - Only listen when you can safely close your eyes, as it may cause drowsiness.
Deep Relaxation Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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It’s so hard and frustrating to be at war with our own selves!
I totally get it!
Don’t let this little nagging voice in your head run your life!
Get coached by me, you’ll have this little voice under control…
So that you can finally ACCEPT, LOVE YOURSELF & have a FUN, UNCOMPLICATED life!
The episodes are light, fun, and filled with straightforward tips & tricks that you can apply immediately.
Let’s get this coaching party started! -
Join Self Love Coach, Paul Fishman, and his guests literally and figuratively on the road to self love. You can expect candid conversation about life, self love and a road trip game or two!
THE DEEP DIVE is not your normal podcast because, well, there are no rules. The aim of the show is to give an authentic look into the minds of the thought leaders and game changers of today by allowing the audience to be a “fly on the wall” for an hour-long conversation. It is my hope that this level of authenticity will allow people to see that being successful isn’t about WHAT you think, but HOW you think.
Intuition is the not-so-secret ingredient to long-lasting success in life, business, and spirituality. Why don't we use it more? Access it more? Benefit from it? Tune in to learn how YOU can do all of this and create the definition of success for you!
What does Self Care look like to you?
It's not a spa day, a massage or a workout. It's not a day off from work, or a bubble bath.
It's so much more than the things we do, it's HOW we prioritize ourselves in general.
Join me every Tuesday and Thursday for two different editions of the Ultimate Journey of Self Care.
Tuesday's show is a deeper dive into what self care can look like for you with conversations about fitness, mindset, energy eating and fuel for your body, spirituality, travel and leisure and more.
On Thursdays we'll take a closer look at self care for your business, on the Business Edition, as an entrepreneur, with short bite sized episodes about growing and innovating in your business in a post pandemic world.
Join me and we'll take a walk on the journey of self care together. Subscribe and Follow us so you don't miss an episode. -
Pepp Fundir eru ætlaðir að hvetja þig áfram. Þeir eru hugsaðir þannig að þú getir hlustað endurtekið á þá til þess að 'víra' hugann og viðhorfið upp á nýtt.
Ef þú vilt taka hugarfarið og sjálfan þig á næsta stig skaltu skrá þig í Hugleiðslupakkann eða Jóga nidra dáleiðslupakkann á -
Hi, I am Dr. Julie Cappel. I am a veterinarian and I want you to live better and love your life. I am a certified life coach and I coach veterinarians and others that work in the veterinary field and those people that love veterinarians. I am The Veterinary Life Coach®. As a working small animal veterinarian and certified life and weight loss coach, I have a unique perspective on all things Veterinary medicine. My podcast will bring insight and tools for busy veterinarians to improve every aspect of their lives. I talk about stress, overwhelm, compassion fatigue, client issues, relationships, time management, leadership, team building, practice management, and family life. I also interview veterinarians and others in various fields to help give insight for self-development. If you are looking for help creating a balance between your work and your life - this is the best podcast! Learn more at
Are you sick of dieting and want to learn to find food freedom? Do you dream about the day you can stop obsessing over food? Are you done playing the comparison game and wish you could just love your body already?
Well, you’re in the right place.
The SociEATy podcast is hosted by Registered Dietitian and food freedom expert, Colleen Christensen. Colleen ditched dieting for good and became an intuitive eater after years of being controlled by food rules and restrictions. Now, she is dedicated to teaching others the exact steps she took to find food freedom.
Each week, Colleen serves up raw, real and honest conversations about things like binge eating, restricting food, over-exercising, calorie counting, body image and more, so you can learn to eat the foods that you want, when you want, without guilt, stress or anxiety.
Get ready to think about food less and start living your life more. The SociEATy is the last health and wellness community you'll ever need!
To find out more visit -
Welcome to the PTSD and Beyond Podcast with Dr. Deb Lindh, where we give you insights into PTSD, trauma, healing, recovery, and beyond!
In each episode, we have a conversation with an inspiring guest who will stimulate your mind, touch your heart, connect with your spirit, and give you a greater understanding of yourself and others on this healing and recovery journey.
Hopefully, we’ll also provide insights into possibilities, meaning, purpose, and hope. Thanks for listening and enjoy the podcast! -
Claudia von Boeselager is here to empower you to live at your best and reach your highest potential by sharing groundbreaking strategies, tools, and practices for your longevity and lifestyle from the world’s pioneering experts. For more, visit: Welcome to The Longevity & Lifestyle Podcast! Claudia is on a mission to help 1 billion people optimize their lives and reach their fullest potential so that they can make a positive impact in the world! Tune in to learn how to increase your healthspan, improve the quality of your life and lifestyle also around entrepreneurship, managing personal finances and investing, and much more. Topics include how to optimize your health in areas such as sleep, nutrition, cognition, metabolic health, reversing diabetes, intermittent fasting, biomarkers, gut health, hormones, the female biorhythm, skin, hair, biohacking tips, supplements, mastering your mindset, improve your relationships and overall happiness, meditation, how to perform better in business, optimize your daily routines, achieve peak performance, biohacking your age, and more. Claudia is a Peak Performance Coach and Serial Entrepreneur passionate about helping you thrive in all areas of your life & business! She knows what it’s like to feel close to burnout and not be at your best. Thanks to 10+ years of research, countless interviews with global pioneers, and hundreds of thousands spent, she continues to uncover how you, too, can achieve peak performance to live your life at its best - all while having lots of fun! So make sure to TUNE IN and start living the best version of yourself!
Fold em offers straight talk about dealing with the fall-out from gambling. Whether you are looking at stopping or scaling back your own gambling or helping a family member with a problem, this podcast will help you take back control. Hear from gamblers who have been through it. Tips from counsellors. There is a way out from the hold gambling has on your life.
Learn more about how to address gambling problems and find resources and support at -
Heal from Infidelity is a podcast dedicated to teaching women how to heal their lives from the inside out after betrayal in their marriages. Life Coach Andrea Giles combines her own personal experience and coaching wisdom to help women move past their biggest hurdles of learning to trust themselves (and others) again. She will teach you how to create a life you never dreamed possible. You’ll be amazed at what you are capable of when you learn how to powerfully help yourself. For more information, visit
If you can sense that you're destined for more and curious about how alcohol might be holding you back, then Present and Sober is the podcast for you! Join your hosts Sam and Ellie for a weekly dose of practical mind and body practices that will elevate your daily life and show you the wonder and potential of living life alcohol-free. Let's make life bigger, together!
This Isn’t Therapy... it's a podcast about it!
Therapy themes are everywhere you look— they’re in your relationships, in the culture, and yes, inside of you, Mary! Each week, Jake Ernst and Simon Paluck peel back the therapy curtain to discuss the very things people are talking to their therapists about. Anxiety. Boundaries. People Pleasing. Their narcissistic mother. No topic is off limits!
New episodes drop every Thursday.
The hosts:
The pod: