
  • A special edition of Short Circuit Live where the Institute for Justice teamed up with the Texas Observer for a conversation about how local governments increasingly are retaliating against those who call them to account. The event took place in Austin, Texas on September 4, 2024, and was subtitled “Picking the man and then searching the lawbooks: How local governments turn to their criminal codes to silence critics.” It brought together the Observer’s Gus Bova, IJ’s Anya Bidwell, Texas journalist Jason Buch, and Texas attorney David Gonzalez. The discussion mentions several high-profile examples of local-government retaliation from the last few years, including IJ’s Gonzalez v. Trevino and a case that the Supreme Court may soon also hear, Villarreal v. City of Laredo. The confluence of journalists, a civil rights lawyer, and an attorney who has worked as a Texas special prosecutor make for a wide-ranging exploration that we hope you enjoy.

    Gonzalez v. Trevino case page

    Villarreal v. City of Laredo en banc

    Right on Crime

    Over Ruled by Justice Gorsuch

    Texas Observer

  • An extremely sad case, especially for man’s best friend (dog-lover discretion is advised!), and a happy case for property rights. First, the Center for Judicial Engagement’s new Assistant Director, John Wrench, brings us the latest in wild Fifth Circuit qualified-immunity stories with a domestic disturbance check gone bad—so bad that an officer is alleged to have shot two non-threatening dogs. A silver lining is that the grant of qualified immunity was reversed on appeal. Then Betsy Sanz hops aboard to ride the rails. She tells us of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s recent decision that the word “railroad’ doesn’t magically turn everything it touches into a public use. It’s a big Fifth Amendment takings case that prevented the use of eminent domain to build a railroad that would only service one party. It also brings to light another railroad-takings case that IJ is litigating in Georgia.

    Ramirez v. Killian

    Wolfe v. Reading Blue Mountain

    Bound By Oath episode on Pennsylvania and coal

    IJ’s Georgia railroad eminent domain case

    From a Railway Carriage

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    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Part of the job description of a journalist is talk to public officials, gather information, and report on it. Unfortunately, that seems to be a crime in Texas. An unconstitutional crime, to be sure, but enough of a crime that the Fifth Circuit said there was qualified immunity for officers who arrested a citizen journalist for asking question of a source within a police department and reporting what she heard. JT Morris of the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) joins us to discuss this loooooong running case and a pending cert petition at the Supreme Court. It involves the First Amendment, freedom of the press, the Fourth Amendment, arrest warrants, retaliation, and all kinds of Fifth Circuit drama. Then we move to the Eleventh Circuit where our own Anya Bidwell reports on an extremely strict version of qualified immunity that protected a forcible strip search made of a visitor to a prison without any probable cause. There are also concurrences disagreeing with the circuit’s own caselaw, including and one of our favorite staples: a Judge Newsom concurrence asking “what is the law?”

    IJ event with the Texas Observer in Austin on September 4!

    Short Circuit on YouTube

    Villarreal v. Laredo (en banc)

    Villarreal v. Laredo (panel)

    Villarreal cert petition

    Short Circuit 201 (discussing Villarreal panel opinion w/o dissent)

    Pentagon Papers case

    Gilmore v. Georgia Dept. of Corrections

  • One reason we have a Fourth Amendment is to be free from general warrants, permission slips for the government to search, well, everything. Is that what newfangled “geofence warrants” are? The Fifth Circuit thinks so, which is why it found one to be unconstitutional. Your host brings you the tale of a postal heist where the bandits were only found through a search of Google accounts—592 million of them. But was it a “search” in the first place? We hack into this high-tech matter. But first IJ’s Kirby Thomas West provides an example of special rules for government attorneys. The lawyers for some defendants in a civil rights case didn’t want to use qualified immunity, at least not before trial. But then the trial judge ordered them to. And then, by golly, they won. Was that, um, fair? Seems the Eighth Circuit thought it was hunky dory. Kirby, who has experienced much-less-forgiving judicial treatment while litigating on the other side, begs to differ.

    Webb v. Lakey

    U.S. v. Smith

    U.S. v. Chatrie

  • Anyone who has ever grown enraged after seeing their comment deleted from a Facebook page will find solace in this week’s episode. We examine a free speech tussle between the National Institutes of Health and the animal rights folks at PETA. IJ’s Michael Soyfer brings us this First Amendment case from the D.C. Circuit which said that blocking certain hashtags isn’t necessarily right even when the posters say mean things. But before that we look at interstate commerce and truckers. The Fifth Circuit isn’t happy about its interstate commerce caselaw, but it’s not the Wickard v. Filburn variety concerning the Constitution. No, it’s an overtime showdown between the Motor Vehicle Carrier Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act. Time travel with us to the days of Schechter Poultry v. United States with your guide, fresh off his pandemic hobby escapades, IJ’s Suranjan Sen.

    Escobedo v. Ace Gathering

    PETA v. Tabak

    Story of the Schechter butchers

  • A most unusual Fourth Amendment case this week: One cop claims there was a seizure while another says there was not. They disagree because one cop is suing the other. Guess which cop wins? It’s the one with the dog—named Thor—that got a little too eager in a cemetery while in hot pursuit. But apparently didn’t “seize” the other by mistakenly tearing into his leg. Dylan Moore of IJ brings us this canine caper from the Eighth Circuit. Then your host takes you to the en banc Fifth Circuit and tells a twisted tale of Jim Crow, felon disenfranchisement, the Eighth Amendment, and “evolving standards.” Historians of the 1890 Mississippi constitutional convention may want to take notice.

    Irish v. McNamara

    Hopkins v. Watson

    Short Circuit on Section 2 of 14th Amendment

    Puppy and I

  • Emphasizing the justice in our name, IJ recently launched a new project to fight back against zoning laws, Zoning Justice. We’ve been challenging overreaching zoning for years, but there’s now a new emphasis on how it inhibits people from providing housing and pursuing the American Dream. Joining us to talk about this new venture are the project’s leader Ari Bargil and IJ attorney Joe Gay. Joe tells us about some recent zoning reforms in Montana and an amicus brief he filed in the state’s supreme court supporting them. It recounts the history—and harms—of zoning and how allowing everyone to do more with their property doesn’t violate anyone’s constitutional rights. Then Ari tells us of an all-too-typical zoning dispute in Philadelphia where the neighborhood opposition to an attempt to rehab some apartments was anything but brotherly.

    Zoning Justice Project

    Amicus brief in MAID v. Montana

    In Re: 3401 Sky Properties, LLC

    Village of Belle Terre v. Boraas

    Bound By Oath episode on zoning (1 of 3)

    Short Circuit interview of Nolan Gray on Arbitrary Lines

  • It’s time for Short Circuit to head for the hills. Two cases from the mountainous Tenth Circuit, one on the Fourth Amendment and another on the Bivens doctrine. First, Bob Belden of IJ saddles up for a 911 call that may have led to the wrongful arrest of a Super Bowl reveler. What is enough evidence from an anonymous tip to stop a supposedly shady suspect? Not as much as was in a parking lot full of Broncos fans. Then your host gives an update on a terrorist who has been in prison for quite some time. He seems to have a good claim against his prison guards. But does the method for bringing that claim even still exist? And whether or not it exists can the government immediately appeal when a court says it does? It’s a quantum-mechanical question.

    U.S. v. Daniels

    Mohamed v. Jones

    In Search of Schrödinger’s Cat

    Free Fire by C.J. Box

    The Perfect Crime

  • We join forces with the law firm of Hogan Lovells to bring you some “legal mumbo jumbo”—an episode recorded at their offices in Washington, D.C. before a gaggle of law students. Joining your guest host, IJ’s Ben Field, are IJ attorney Kirby Thomas West plus two of Hogan’s finest, appellate attorneys Sean Marotta and Danielle Desaulniers Stempel. Danielle begins things with a Fifth Circuit opinion about silencers and standing. Apparently the plaintiffs were a little silent about any harms that have befallen them. Then it’s on to Sean for a lesson about what makes the world go round. Funnily enough, it’s not money but shipping containers. That is, as the D.C. Circuit recounts, until a federal agency starts tacking into shipping contracts. Finally, Kirby brings us up to the First Circuit for a story of TikTok, retaliation, and judicial opinions that maybe aren’t as funny as their authors think they are.

    Paxton v. Dettelbach

    Evergreen Shipping Agency v. FMC

    Macrae v. Mattos

    Short Circuit episode on standing

  • This episode is a First Amendment 2-4-1. We begin with James Dickey of the Upper Midwest Law Center (and former golf pro). James tells us about a recent case he argued at the Eighth Circuit concerning the “government speech” doctrine. If a public school lets some people—but not others with a different viewpoint—come in and hang posters is that just fine because it’s the “government” speaking? In keeping with some recent Supreme Court rulings, the court said no, letting the case go forward. Then IJ’s campaign finance guru Paul Sherman steps forward to tease out a confusing opinion of the Second Circuit about a New York law that allows big contributions to big political parties but much smaller contributions to much smaller groups. It seems the reasoning is that major parties are above suspicion. Can that be right? Paul doesn’t think so.

    Cajune v. Ind. Sch. Dist. 194

    Upstate Jobs Party v. Kosinski

    Huizenga v. Ind. Sch. Dist. 11

  • The Fourth of July holds a central place in American history. The day patriots threw off the shackles of King George. Which is why it’s a little ironic that this year it’s the day the British are holding a general election to democratically chose their government. To cash in on this coincidence, this episode highlights some recent cases that reflect the heritage of 1776 and also Anglo-American relations of the present day. And, breaking our usual mold, we start with a case from the Supreme Court, SEC v. Jarkesy. Rob Johnson of IJ joins us to explain why this case is such a big deal for the right to a jury trial, and how the preservation of that right was one of the causes of the Revolution itself. Then, Andrew Ward of IJ tells a much more modern story of a burglary of a British diplomat’s Texas home. The burglar was caught and plead guilty. But he wasn’t pleased with a limitation on his right to “drink excessively.” Andrew tells the whole Fifth Circuit story, and also provides education on what exactly a “consul general” does these days.

    SEC v. Jarkesy

    US v. Woods

    Anthony’s piece “America is not British”

    British Constitution episode

  • Everybody knows that the government can’t take property from you just because it doesn’t like you. But what if the government says it actually wants to turn the property into a park even though everybody knows it’s because it doesn’t like you? Recently the Second Circuit said that was A-OK. We had on IJ’s Jeff Redfern, an attorney in the case, to talk about this example of eminent domain abuse and how it’s now potentially heading to the Supreme Court. It involves a family that wanted to build a hardware store and a town that did everything it could to stop them. After that we hear from Jason LaFond, a Texas litigator with some Texas-sized stories. Especially one from the Supreme Court of Texas, which recently ruled on whether it violated the Texas Constitution for the state legislature to get rid of some claims related to pandemic shutdowns and lost tuition. The case gets into originalism in state constitutions, how different constitutions in the same state relate to each other, and the continuing fallout of pandemic policy.

    Brinkmann v. Town of Southold

    Hogan v. SMU

    Cert Petition in Brinkmann

    Rational Basis with Economic Bite

    Ratification by Pauline Maier

  • Is “perceived speech” protected by the First Amendment? That straightforward question goes in a very complicated direction when a truck driver is fired from his government job. Christie Hebert of IJ joins us to explain this highly confusing tale from the Tenth Circuit. Then it’s pass-the-popcorn time with some Fifth Circuit drama, served up by IJ’s Rob Johnson. We heard in a recent episode about the objection to a transfer of venue in a challenge to a new rule about credit cards. Well, that same matter is already back at the Fifth Circuit concerning another attempt to transfer venue, replete with more intra-circuit squabbling. We also discuss forum shopping when it comes to nationwide injunctions.

    Avant v. Doke

    In re Chamber of Commerce (June 18, 2024)

    Short Circuit 319

    Much Ado, Act III, Scene 1

  • It’s a Short Circuit Live, recorded at the Institute for Justice’s annual law student conference! Patrick Jaicomo is your host, and he brings along IJ’s Michael Bindas and Katrin Marquez to dig into two very different but thought-provoking decisions for the young legal minds in the “studio” audience (and yours too, of course, dear listener). First, Michael reports on a decision from the Eleventh Circuit that on its face is a standard insurance and indemnification case. But, Judge Newsom adds a concurrence that will take your mind to different—and artificial?—places. Should we be asking our new AI Overlords what the meaning of words are? The panel thinks it’s perhaps not insane to look into, as does the judge. Then, Katrin reports on another Eleventh Circuit case with a civil rights violation that was so obvious that the court denied qualified immunity even though there was no on-point precedent. Listener beware, though, as it involves the loss of a dog. It does portend, however, some Hope for the future.

    Snell v. United Specialty Ins. Co.

    Plowright v. Miami Dade County

    Hope v. Pelzer

  • If you’re a fan of our furry friends (actual animals, that is) then this is the episode for you. First, we start with what’s important: What horses to pick in this weeks’ Belmont Stakes, the last leg of the Triple Crown, which will run (or ran, if you listen to this episode later on) in two days. IJ’s Brian Morris lends his horse sense to this question. Then he goes back to his Kentucky roots for a case about the first leg of the Triple Crown. A few gamblers would have won a lot of cash if a horse in a past Kentucky Derby had been disqualified on race day. But because the disqualification didn’t happen for nine months they got nothing. The Sixth Circuit said their case wasn’t a winner. Then we head south to the Fifth Circuit for a dog sniff case that isn’t about drugs but human trafficking. IJ’s Mike Greenberg is skeptical of the reasoning. He also lends his opinion to which states are placed in which reporters for their published opinions. It’s time for conference realignment!

    Mattera v. Baffert

    U.S. v. Martinez

    Short Circuit 209 (drug dogs and animal book)

    Short Circuit 271 (Brian mentions the Kentucky Derby)

    IJ amicus brief on legal marijuana and drug dogs

  • First of all: PARENTAL ADVISORY! If you have children nearby you might want to save part of this episode for later. It doesn’t happen until just after 32 minutes into the episode, but the naughty language the Seventh Circuit quotes in one of this week’s cases forces IJ’s Sam Gedge to choose between dishonest modesty and, as he puts it, revealing the un-expurgated truth. Like a gentlemen, he goes for the latter while discussing a qualified immunity case about a “kung fu cop” with “multiple blackbelts” who gets a little punchy with a man who had a few too many. After that things just get weird as Sam introduces us to the first case in the American (reported, at least) tradition to use a certain word on George Carlin’s famous list. We close with a conversation about Patrick O’Brian’s and Jane Austen’s editing styles. But before any of that IJ’s Jared McClain tells us how to successfully make a mandamus claim against the Capitol Police. Although it seems you can get close in the D.C. Circuit, the common law gauntlet is a tough one.

    Leopold v. Manger

    Brumitt v. Smith

    Edgar v. McCutchen

    Memoirs of the Countess of Cardigan

    Quart of Blood Technique

  • How does history inform our interpretation of the Constitution? In all kinds of ways, it seems, and perhaps in too many of them. We once again look at how history and the Second Amendment are mixing together, in a case from the Eighth Circuit. The opinion lets us do a bit of digging into a less-well-known founding father, Benjamin Rush, and his enthusiastic embrace of putting people behind bars. But before that IJ’s Bobbi Taylor details some of the latest class-action shenanigans in the Seventh Circuit. For the first time we address “mootness fees,” settlements extracted in some disclosure litigation against public corporations. And we consider whether they’re “a racket” as the court suggests.

    Alcarez v. Akorn, Inc.

    U.S. v. Veasley

    Ted Frank episode, SC 154

    Szasz, The Manufacture of Madness

  • We take a break from the federal courts of appeals and look into a brave new world—or is it an Orwellian one? Our thoughts—our inner mental processes—are the one aspect of our lives that is completely private. Right? Well, emerging technology is making that not so true anymore. IJ’s Anya Bidwell welcomes Professor Nita Farahany of Duke University to Short Circuit to discuss her recent book The Battle for Your Brain: Defending the Right to Think Freely in the Age of Neurotechnology. They talk about how neurotechnology works and how it has many potentially transformative implications, including many good ones. But in the wrong hands—especially the hands of the State—those implications can be quite unsettling. And there are so many gray areas in-between. People in China and other countries are already dealing with some of these implications and the legal and constitutional system in the United States is not yet ready for them if we are to keep the mental privacy we all value. Get ready for a conversation about what is private, what is human, and how liberal values and the Constitution can address the good and the bad of a future that is already here. And how to write a book via the Pomodoro method.

    The Battle for Your Brain

    Searching Secrets

    Incriminating Thoughts

    Pomodoro Technique

  • We’re gonna read you the Riot Act. Again. An old friend of Short Circuit returns, the Anti-Riot Act. Perhaps (?) named in homage to its 18th century predecessor, the Congressional statute received a facial test at the Seventh Circuit, and IJ’s Kirby Thomas West tells us how it fared in the face of a guy who requested that everyone bring their family and a brick to a “riot.” He did not do so well in court, but perhaps the Anti-Riot Act has problems anyway? Then we go for a drive down a Houston freeway where Sam Gedge makes a citizen's arrest of a qualified immunity claim while drinking at a local flea market at 2am. The Fifth Circuit served up a wild ride of a case that is too good to pass up but also holds bigger lessons for how judges perceive “split-second decisions” and premeditated lies.

    U.S. v. Betts

    Hughes v. Garcia

    The Riot Act

    Short Circuit 146 (4th Cir. Anti-Riot Act case)

  • Stories we hope our listeners can relate to this week: borrowing cars and lousy neighbors. First, from the Sixth Circuit, IJ’s Rob Frommer details how a man sitting in the passenger seat of a running car somehow lost his Fourth Amendment standing. And went to prison. And then in the Second Circuit your host explores what can be done when your neighbor is an embassy. It’s an all-too-familiar tale of a building project gone awry but with a twist of sovereign immunity.  

    Click here for transcript.

    Register for the May 10 open fields conference!

    U.S. v. Rogers

    Harvey v. Sierra Leone

    Neighbors 1980’s opening song

    Fawlty Towers—The Builders