In this shiur, we explore Sicha 121 about what it truly means to have kavannah in tefillah, 122 about how a Jew should approach finances and the fundamental shift in consciousness that enables one to contently live within one's means, and 123 about the preciousness and essentiality of even a brief experience of closeness and intimacy with Hashem.
Sichos HaRan is a primary collection of the wisdom of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov zy"a. Each shiur explores new, standalone teachings, so feel free to enjoy this class even if you haven't been following along with the series!
We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to like, subscribe, and leave a comment below!
FOR ALL CONTENT, COURSES, AND PRODUCTS: https://linktr.ee/yaakovklein
Order your copies of Rabbi Klein's life-changing Torah works today:
1. Sparks from Berditchov: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sparks-Berditchov-Inspirational-Teachings-Yitzchak/dp/1680253158
2. Sunlight of Redemption: https://www.amazon.com/Sunlight-Redemption-Illuminated-Freedom-Nachman/dp/1680253832
3. The Story of Our Lives: https://www.amazon.com/Story-Our-Lives-Quest-Tradition/dp/0578749440
4. From My Heart to Yours: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D97D3ZC4?ref_=pe_93986420_774957520
In this shiur, we explore Sicha 118 which discusses our inability to grasp Hashem's ways, 119, which talks about the appropriate way to view the spiritual efforts of others when we are in a time of spiritual stagnation and descent, and 120, a beautiful reminder that there is always hope for those who never despair, standing strong in their avodah and even encouraging others. Sichos HaRan is a primary collection of the wisdom of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov zy"a.
Each shiur explores new, standalone teachings, so feel free to enjoy this class even if you haven't been following along with the series!
We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to like, subscribe, and leave a comment below!
FOR ALL CONTENT, COURSES, AND PRODUCTS: https://linktr.ee/yaakovklein
Puuttuva jakso?
In this shiur, we explore Sichos 113, 114, and 115, delving into Hashem's intention when people suffer a tragedy like the loss of a close family member R"l, as well as the dynamics of tikkun haBris - the most significant arena for growth in our generation - and its relationship to the lust for wealth. Sichos HaRan is a primary collection of the wisdom of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov zy"a. Each shiur explores new, standalone teachings, so feel free to enjoy this class even if you haven't been following along with the series! We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to like, subscribe, and leave a comment below! FOR ALL CONTENT, COURSES, AND PRODUCTS: https://linktr.ee/yaakovklein
In this shiur, we explore Sichos 110, 111, 112, delving into how sleep can be helpful for strengthening our emunah, what it means to get close to the spiritual path of a true tzaddik, and the inner spiritual dynamics of lending and borrowing. Sichos HaRan is a primary collection of the wisdom of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov zy"a. Each shiur explores new, standalone teachings, so feel free to enjoy this class even if you haven't been following along with the series! We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to like, subscribe, and leave a comment below! FOR ALL CONTENT, COURSES, AND PRODUCTS: https://linktr.ee/yaakovklein
In this shiur, we explore Sichos 107, 107, and 109, delving into the importance of studying Zohar/Penimiyus HaTorah and how Chassidus is intended to help a person elevate the "Kelipas Nogah", coming to see every moment of life - no matter how mundane - as a direct experience of Hashem's Presence.
We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to like, subscribe, and leave a comment below!
In this shiur, we explore Sichos 104, 105, and 106, delving deep into what it means to "drag the yetzer hara to the Beis Midrash", how opposition helps a tzaddik, and the danger of "religious intellectuals" devoid of faith. We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to like, subscribe, and leave a comment below! FOR ALL CONTENT, COURSES, AND PRODUCTS: https://linktr.ee/yaakovklein
In this shiur, we explore Sichos HaRan 101 and the beginning of 102, learning about the importance of simplicity in serving Hashem and how it is possible to discover Hashem's Presence in the darkest of places. We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to like, subscribe, and leave a comment below! FOR ALL CONTENT: https://linktr.ee/yaakovklein
As we continue our series in sefer Sichos HaRan, we learn an incredible concept about the dual creation of the world in both Tishrei and Nissan and the way in which exile, nighttime, and winter are merely the gestation periods of redemption, daytime, and summer. We hope you enjoy! Please consider liking this track, subscribing to the channel, leaving a comment, and sharing this shiur with family and friends! Let's increase the light of geulah together! Ashreinu! SOURCE SHEETS CAN BE FOUND HERE: drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folder…-XVkxO60GUpuvCD
As we continue our series in sefer Sichos HaRan, we explore a few remarkable teachings about the power of reciting Tehillim, and how living with bitachon can change everything.
We hope you enjoy! Please consider liking this track, subscribing to the channel, leaving a comment, and sharing this shiur with family and friends! Let's increase the light of geulah together! Ashreinu!
SOURCE SHEETS CAN BE FOUND HERE: drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folder…-XVkxO60GUpuvCD
In this "bonus" class as part of our Sichos HaRan series, we take a look at an incredible teaching from the Ramchal in sefer Adir BaMarom, where the tzaddik explains the Kabbalistic understanding for why it is that cats chase mice, and why although some mice are indeed caught by the cat, others are able to elude it. We hope you enjoy! Please consider liking this track, subscribing to the channel, leaving a comment, and sharing this shiur with family and friends! Let's increase the light of geulah together! Ashreinu! SOURCE SHEETS CAN BE FOUND HERE: drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folder…-XVkxO60GUpuvCD
In our third and final class on Sichos HaRan 96, we learn about the task of the tzaddikim, clarifying the dramatic differences between the Christian conception of "Grace" and the Breslover focus on Hashem's Unconditional Love for each Jew, as well as the nature of it' focus on connection to "the Tzaddik Emes." We hope you enjoy! Please consider liking this track, subscribing to the channel, leaving a comment, and sharing this shiur with family and friends! Let's increase the light of geulah together! Ashreinu! SOURCE SHEETS CAN BE FOUND HERE: drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folder…-XVkxO60GUpuvCD
In our second class on Sichos HaRan 96, we explore the way in which the tzaddik is able to construct worlds of unity and coherence from behind the veil of his opponent's verbal abuse, seeing these attacks in a deeper way. We hope you enjoy! Please consider liking this track, subscribing to the channel, leaving a comment, and sharing this shiur with family and friends! Let's increase the light of geulah together! Ashreinu! SOURCE SHEETS CAN BE FOUND HERE: drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folder…-XVkxO60GUpuvCD
In this class on Sichos HaRan 96, we delve deeply into the concept of "sitting with discomfort", tapping into an experience of Olam Haba - the sense that we needn't run to immediately satisfy our physical desires in a frenzied pursuit of sensation.
We hope you enjoy! Please consider liking this track, subscribing to the channel, leaving a comment, and sharing this shiur with family and friends! Let's increase the light of geulah together! Ashreinu!
SOURCE SHEETS CAN BE FOUND HERE: drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folder…-XVkxO60GUpuvCD
In this class on Sichos HaRan 94, 95 we explore the concept of a "name", and the way we can merit to manifest our national illumination in the world. We hope you enjoy! Please consider liking this track, subscribing to the channel, leaving a comment, and sharing this shiur with family and friends! Let's increase the light of geulah together! Ashreinu! SOURCE SHEETS CAN BE FOUND HERE: drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folder…-XVkxO60GUpuvCD
In this class on Sichos HaRan 93, we explore a very powerful teaching about the role of the tzaddik in dividing "1000's" into "100's", rendering the broadest and deepest Torah concepts accessible to each and every Jew - just as Rebbe Nachman himself does so brilliantly in his seforim.
We hope you enjoy! Please consider liking this track, subscribing to the channel, leaving a comment, and sharing this shiur with family and friends! Let's increase the light of geulah together! Ashreinu!
SOURCE SHEETS CAN BE FOUND HERE: drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folder…-XVkxO60GUpuvCD
In this class on Sichos HaRan 92, we discover three powerful teachings from Rebbe Nachman, relating to the incredible power of each soul's special gift, the various phases of a person's life journey, and the geulah-oriented mission of exploring our national relationship with the nations of the world, and helping to bring all of humanity back to our collective Creator. We hope you enjoy! Please consider liking this track, subscribing to the channel, leaving a comment, and sharing this shiur with family and friends! Let's increase the light of geulah together! Ashreinu! SOURCE SHEETS CAN BE FOUND HERE: drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folder…-XVkxO60GUpuvCD
In this class on Sichos HaRan 91, we explore how developing a deeper and more accepting approach toward other Jews can increase our interest and desire for studying Torah. We hope you enjoy! Please consider liking this track, subscribing to the channel, leaving a comment, and sharing this shiur with family and friends! Let's increase the light of geulah together! Ashreinu! SOURCE SHEETS CAN BE FOUND HERE: drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folder…-XVkxO60GUpuvCDi
In this class on Sichos HaRan 90, we learn that we all "see" the souls of our departed relatives and teachers before we fall asleep. Why don't we consciously experience these visions? Are there any other miraculous visions we somehow missing throughout the human experience? Let's find out together! We hope you enjoy! Please consider liking this track, subscribing to the channel, leaving a comment, and sharing this shiur with family and friends! Let's increase the light of geulah together! Ashreinu! SOURCE SHEETS CAN BE FOUND HERE: drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folder…-XVkxO60GUpuvCDi
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