獨居在香港的台灣女子,與她腦子裡的小宇宙。many random things here!
find me: [email protected] -
如果想聽返晒以前嘅集數,歡迎嚟呢度: 請我哋飲返杯Piccolo (多謝你先!!不過係一人一杯呀J框唔鐘意share)
YT: -
Join Greg James, sports presenter Betty Glover, F1 broadcaster – and lifelong fanatic – Christian Hewgill and a rolling cast of drivers and characters from across the grid to take you inside the fascinating world of Formula 1.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
香港最多集數重溫網上動漫電台節目 Podcast版
A writer, a producer, a writer, a composer, a lawyer, and a software developer get together and drink, eat pizza, and play a tabletop RPG.
We play a tabletop RPG called Taitansgrave, similar to Dungeons and Dragons, but very different at the same time. Titansgrave is set in Valkana. Valkana is a world where science and magic are both powerful forces. You can see hover cars and dragons race through the sky, and cyborgs and golems battle in the streets. -
A D&D 5th edition podcast featuring rotating DMs, homebrewed campaigns, and some rather unlucky players. New episodes released weekly!
On this podcast your Host Gage will be beyblading with his Dad and deciding which Beyblade is the best in his opinion
The Andy Jaye Podcast is a 'podcasted' version of the weekly radio show, The Andy Jaye Show on talkRADIO. Each episode of the podcast is uploaded weekly, every Tuesday and often includes previously unheard bonus content not played on the radio.
The Andy Jaye Podcast is created in partnership with Paramex Digital.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Charlie & Celia👧🏻👧🏻十幾年友情的兩人有諗法的兩人有啲相似又有不同的兩人經歷不多但想陪伴大家經歷的兩人愛大笑的兩人想傳達搞笑的兩人(希望做到每期會有一個特定嘅主題透過唔同的話題同大家傾下未必絕對正確的價值觀講下我地嘅故事或經歷歡迎大家投稿同我地chat下你嘅故事🪟建立我地嘅小角落🔔 逢星期五2100準時更新陪大家一齊Happy Friday🍾️🎉ig💌 cc.cchatemail📪: [email protected]🌳 provided by SoundOn
A chance encounter podcast💁♂️💁♀️
剛剛出社會的 Zoe 和 Kingsley,透過他們 “英國留學生” 的角度討論人生和社會。內容涵蓋 “英語討論”、“無聊事”、“爭議性主題” 和 “對戰系列”,讓觀眾從多方面認識年青人的想法🤓。
Fresh out of school and into the society, Zoe and Kingsley discuss matters of life and the society through the lens of two international students in the United Kingdom. Aiming to share thoughts from young people, our content includes 'Discussions in English', ' Chatty Conversations', ' Controversial Matters' and a 'VS Series' 🤓.
我們的 Podcast 逢星期五,GMT 13:00/ HKT 20:00 更新。敬請留意!
Our podcasts air every Friday, GMT 13:00/ HKT 20:00. Stay tuned!
---------- 社交平台 Social Media ----------
Scrambled Eggs – Instagram:@scrmbld.eggs
Zoe – Instagram:@zoevong_vcc
Kingsley – Instagram:@kktmsanm -
Loading a classic Mini with all the profanity that makes it run.
Star Wars Destiny Podcast
The second Comic Vine podcast where your questions are answered and comic creators often call in to chat.
Branching out from YouTube, Brick by Brick: The Podcast on Anchor brings you discussion about everything pop culture! Check back for new episodes about Lego, Star Wars, marvel, music, and much more! Thanks for listening!
The Retro Junkies Network is a network of family friendly retro podcasts.
The podcast about all things related to the Pokemon Video Game Championships. From
Become a Paid Subscriber: the Dean of air cargo journalists off the cuff, right to the heart of the air cargo business. It's the past, present and future in conversations with Geoffrey Arend, Award Winning Editor & Publisher of Air Cargo News Flying Typers since 1975 .Geoffrey is the original Air Cargo News .Our publication was in business publishing monthly eight years before a publication of the same name, now owned by the German DVZ Group appeared in the UK during 1983.