Incisive commentary on the the world's premier virtue signalling competition otherwise known as the soccer World Cup. Teams from around the world get together to show their disgust at their hosts, Qatar, and protest at the use of slave labour to build stadiums by playing in them.
In motoring news, we review the world's worst electric car. Plus breaking news from the Victorian state election.
The Six O'Clock Swill is hosted by Nick Cater and Tim Blair.
The red wave breaks on the cold hard rock of reality in the US mid-term elections but Florida Governor Ron De Santis stirs Republican hearts be declaring victory over Woke.
Nick Cater and Tim Blair are joined by Washington Post columnist Henry Olsen in Washington DC to discuss the implications for the next Presidential election.
Plus, a failed socialist prime minister from Portugal lectures the world about climate change and advice on how to throw a fully-vaxed bio-friendly party for kids.
Nick Cater is executive director of the Menzies Research Centre in Sydney. Tim Blair is the nation's premier blogger and raconteur.
Puuttuva jakso?
The Swill team set their clocks to five minutes to midnight as world leaders gather in Egypt for Cop 27, the world's premier climate talkfest.
Plus, a preview of the US midterm election.
With Nick Cater and Tim Blair
Nick Cater and Tim Blair present the Six O’Clock Swill, a rock of stability on which to hook an anchor in the tempestuous times through which we live.
Nick and Tim are joined by wordsmith Kel Richards, the man Google calls when it can't find the answer
Today's conversation ranges from the questionable productivity of Twitter employees to Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese collision with reality in the Federal budget.
Plus why Barry Humphries was right about Melbourne and the doom spiral that is life in the 2020s
Big Tech has been priming its algorithms in a bid to cancel every conservative on the planet, but they've yet to lay a glove on the Six O'Clock Swill.
Nick Cater and Tim Blair take to the air from a rebel outpost in defiance of the do-gooders, frightbats and thought police who demand total obedience to their godless creed.
email: nick@theswill.com.au
Nick Cater is joined byTim Blair, Blogger to the entire glorious Empire of Charles upon which the sun never sets.
It has been a week of inconsolable grief for The Australian Republic Movement, whose members are stunned and shocked by the warmth to which the Australian people have welcomed Charles the Third, King of the United Kingdom, Australia and 13 other dominions, Head of the Commonwealth and Defender of the Faith.
It seems that the death of the queen has not delivered them the inheritance of a republic they thought was their due.
Simon Benson gives an insider’s perspective on plague management talking about his book Plagued: Australia’s Two years of Hell co-authored with Geoff Chambers.
And we cross to breaking news from Martha’s Vineyard where the Sanctuary Islanders have reacted with outrage to the arrival of the troubled and teeming masses yearning thoughtful delivered to their door step by Florida Governor Ron De Santis.
Email us at nick@theswill.com.au
The Swill team raise a glass to Queen Elizabeth the Second and toast her heir and successor King Charles the Third.
Nick Cater takes his customary break from has day running the country’s leanest think tank to host the show alongside Tim Blair, the blogger to the nation. Which nation would that be? Why, the greatest nation of earth of course - long reigned over by the world’s most fabulous Queen, until Friday passed away surrounded by her family at Balmoral.
With special guest Kel Richards, a master of what was formally known as the Queen's English, but now should be rightfully ascribed to the King.
Email: nick@theswill.com.au
Australian Prime Minister calls on US basketball legend Shaquille O'Neal to explain the biggest change to his country's Constitution for 65 years as President Joe Biden calls upon his press secretary once again to explain what the heck he's talking about.
Plus more snags for electric batteries, the solar waste mountain and a French eco feminist calls out barbecues as a toxic masculine institution.
The Six O'Clock Swill is presented by Nick Cater and Tim Blair.
Email Nick: nick@theswill.com.au
Judith Sloan joins Tim Blair and Nick Cater in the swill trough as US President Joe Biden pays down student debt and Australian PM Anthony Albanese pays his debt to the union movement.
Both leaders remain clueless, however, about reducing nation borrowings.
Global warmists at the ABC concede that “It's been a very cold winter,” but warn that Spring is set to be "pretty toasty" with minimum temperatures likely to be above median, which seems to happen roughly half the time.
Celebrity victim Yassmin Abdel-Magied has revealed she 'fantasises' about ditching her Australian citizenship to free herself from the nation's 'blood-drenched soil'.
Biden's student loan reduction package announced Wednesday will forgive students loans debt of up to $10,000, making good on a promise made during his own campaign.
It’s part of wider programme to give assistance to the least vulnerable in the American community - kids from good homes who took out astronomical loans so party with the college mates for three years and walk away with first class honours in finger painting.
Thrifty students and their parents will be rightly penalised saving an sacrificing to pay off their college fees - people like this Dad in Iowa who worked two jobs to help his kid to go to college and was caught on camera asking Democrat senator Elizabeth Warren for his money back.
In more big news from the United States, Dr Anthony Fauci announced this week he’s stepping aside as director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and as Chief Medical Officer for the White House .
He leaves a legacy of increased cancer and drug overdose deaths, a mental health crisis, financial devastation, disruptions to education that left millions of kids behind, and a sense of arrogance that may never be surpassed in US public administration.
The Swill is an independent production that craves advertising support.
Email nick@theswill.com.au
Tim Blair, Nick Cater and Kel Richards call for the restoration of sanity in a week when four out of 10 dog owners declared their pets to be LGBTQI and electricity became unavailable across half of Europe.
Richards declares the term 'social justice' to be etymologically problematic while Blair advocated a total ban on the word social.
As US Democrats continue to obsess about Donald Trump, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese prepares for his fight against Scott Morrison's ghost in the next Australian Federal Election.
Caroline di Russo joins Tim Blair and Nick Cater from Palermo, Sicily with an update on Italian culture and politics and Silvio Berlusconi's love life.
In other news, Peter Fitzsimmons leads the charge of old white North-Shore males on a mission to put Indigenous Senator Jacinta Price in her place, NZ PM Jacinta Ardern's promise to end childhood poverty goes adrift and Nancy Pelosi forgets which side she's supposed to be on.
Email us: nick@theswill.com.au
Senator Lidia Thorpe's petulant parliamentary protest leads to a proposal to send her to Beijing to step pressure on the Communist Regime.
Nick Cater and Tim Blair are joined by Jenna Clarke, the host of Sky News Australia's Front Page who identifies as bi-coastal.
The Teal independents are in furious agreement proving they're not a real political party and Bob Katter's claim to be an Aboriginal falls on sceptical ears.
Comments welcome on our facebook page.
Email Nick Cater: nick@theswill.com.au
In this special Pride edition of the Swill, Tim Blair and Nick Cater replay the rainbow spear tackle that upended the Manly Sea Eagles. Senator Jacinta Price says no the symbolic recognition of welcome to country ceremonies.
US vice-president Kamala Harris outs herself as a woman and the Food wars spread to Canada and Ireland.
Spectator Australia columnist James Macpherson joins as guest panelist
Warning: This podcast contains irony. Not suitable for persons of a mirthless disposition
The puritans declare war on farming demanding an end to meat and livestock production and the replacement of meat with bugs. Apple pie is declared "problematic" by the Guardian.
Tim Blair and Nick Cater are refuse to swallow this nonsense in this crowded edition of the Six O'Clock Swill.
Plus: Quadruple-vaxed President Joe Biden joins the 92 million Americans victims of Covid-19, bringing out more cant and hypocrisy from America's chin-stroking media.
And the Australian Labor government stands up to woke by banning the term "birthing parent." Could things finally be looking up?
Warning: This show contains irony. Not for consumption by the mirthless
As the war on woke intensifies, Andrew Bolt heeds the call and joins Tim Blair and Nick Cater in the trenches for this edition of The Swill.
In this show, NZ goes into the foetal position at the prospect of meme Cold War, the British Conservative party conducts a futile search for a real conservative leader, Germans are told to gather firewood in preparation for a long cold winter and a US senator is given a lesson in woke biology by an academic who thinks men can have babies.
Bolt shares the spoils from his woke hunting trip to Holland and Cater recounts stories from the mango capital of Australia.
The Swill pays pay tribute to the disheveled and dissembling toff with a phobia for hair brushes commonly known as Boris Johnson.
HostsTim Blair Nick Cater are joined by guest panelist Caroline di Russo - Hyden’s favourite daughter - not Franz Joseph Hyden the father of the string quartet - but Hyden the farming town four hours drive from Perth
Also today, Australian Treasurer Jim Chalmers turns to the failed state of New Zealand for some lessons in economics, Kamala Harris serves up another word salad and Yarra City Council wants to put out more flags in the interest of diversity.
As Donald Trump faces accusations of back-seat driving, Tim Blair and Nick Cater ask if lunging is now a crime. Plus Prime Minister Albo's fast tracked journey to nowhere, Sydney's latest "rain event" and the Surry Hills police are accused of serving non-vegan sandwiches to climate fanatics.
Matt Canavan joins Tim Blair and Nick Cater on the Six O'Clock Swill panel to discuss German's revived love affair with coal and the Greens Senator who claims be infiltrating the Colonial Project, otherwise known as the Australian Senate.
Plus a senior Australian health bureaucrat comes up with an 83-word answer to the question What is a Woman? and President Joe Biden's advisors give him detailed instructions on where he should sit.
Australians are urged to turn off their dishwashers as the power crisis deepens, President Biden's bear market continues and pump prices hit $2.50 hurting everyone's pocket except the Tesla-driving super rich.
Plus laundromat rage and the English cricket team go back on the squirt.
Nick Cater and veteran blogger and barbecue chef Tim Blair are joined by Kel Richard, the Etymologist who dictionary compilers around the world keep on speed-dial to solve those knotty semantic puzzles that leave every once else stumped.
Alex Antic is a calm voice of reason in the madhouse known as the Australian Senate. He is leading the conservative fightback with a rallying call to his party not to turn teal.
He joins Nick Cater and Tim Blair, the blogger to the nation and columnist on the Daily Telegraph to discuss Australia's power and cost of living crises.
In other news, Washington Post staff abandon the spoken world and take to yelling to at one another on Twitter, Boris Johnson answer claims that he's a proven liar and Silvio Belusconi explains why he yelled cuckoo at Angela Merkel.
Today’s podcast is bought to you this week by the letter J - the consonant we’re tipping to replace the W in the word Woke when the whole edifice of virtue signalling starts to collapse - we hope.
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