
  • “While I was packing, the only thing I was thinking about was how grateful I felt and how I could thank that cab driver who changed my life forever with a small act of kindness.” - Tareq Hadhad

    Tareq Hadhad’s life was changed forever during a cab ride home one day. His driver, who was singing and smiling as he drove, noticed that Tareq looked heavy-hearted. After explaining what was on his mind, the driver shared an idea with him that would positively impact Tareq’s entire future – and his family’s safety. It was the answer he had been searching for. In today’s episode, Dr. Michelle Robin invites Tareq to share his awe-inspiring story about his family’s refugee journey from Syria to their new home in Canada. He provides a glimpse into what was going through in his mind during this incredibly challenging time of war in their country, but also what he noticed about his father who was losing everything he had built for his family – including his chocolate factory. Enjoy this special holiday episode, which reminds us that there will be moments in life that are truly hard, sometimes devastating – and it may even feel like we are losing everything in the blink of an eye – but what matters is how true we stay to our values and how we can learn some of life’s greatest lessons through crisis.

    About Today’s Guests:

    Tareq Hadhad was a Syrian refugee and is now living his new life with his entrepreneurial family in Canada’s east coast. He is the founder and CEO of Peace by Chocolate, the recipient of the EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2021 for Atlantic, named one of the Top 25 Immigrants in the Maritimes, selected by Google as the National Hero Case, was awarded RBC’s top Immigrant Award and Entrepreneur of the Year in 2020 – in addition to Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal. All of this happened since Tareq’s arrival on Canada’s East Coast in December 2015 as a Syrian-Canadian newcomer. In 2012, the Hadhad’s home and factory that housed the family chocolate-making business were destroyed, which forced them to seek safety in other countries. Passionate about peace and entrepreneurship, his family relaunched the family business to recreate the chocolates they once exported across the Middle East and their story has turned into an international inspiring phenomenon.

    Mentioned in the Episode:

    Peace by Chocolate movie Tareq Hadhad’s website Peace by Chocolate company website Tareq Hadhad’s LinkedIn
  • When you’re aware, you’re halfway there. - Wendy Basch

    Sentenced to sixty-five years in a Texas prison, Damon West once had it all. He came from a great family, in a home full of God, love, support, and opportunities to reach any goal. A natural born leader, an athlete with good looks and charm, he appeared to be the all-American kid pursuing his dreams.

    Underneath this facade, however, was an addict in the early stages of disease. After suffering childhood sexual abuse by a babysitter at the age of nine, Damon began putting chemicals into his body to alter the way he felt.

    Once he was introduced to methamphetamines, however, he became instantly hooked—and the lives of so many innocent people would forever be changed by the choices he made in order to feed his insatiable meth habit.

    After a fateful discussion during his incarceration with a seasoned convict, Damon had a spiritual awakening. He learned that, like a coffee bean changing with the application of heat and pressure, he was capable of changing the environment around him. Armed with a program of recovery, a renewed faith, and a miraculous second chance at life, Damon emerged from over seven years of prison a changed man. His story of redemption continues to inspire audiences today.

    In this episode, Damon joins us to talk about his two books, The Change Agent and The Coffee Bean which he wrote with Jon Gordon, as well as the life lessons he learned during prison, the three areas of wellness we should exercise every day, and what you can do now if you’re recovering or feel lost in your wellness journey.

    Tune in with Dr. Michelle Robin and Damon West as they discuss:

    Both of their thoughts on spirituality and how they are able to let go of what they cannot control in order to surrender to a higher power. How fellow Small Changes Big Shifts guest, Jon Gordon, connected with him and persuaded him to write The Coffee Bean. An inside glimpse at the profound story of The Coffee Bean and what you will learn from the book. What healthy mindset strategy he learned to help him during his time in prison and how everyone can apply it to their own lives. The opportunity he took in prison to use that time to work on himself every single day. Why we should withhold from beginning new relationships until we take the time to truly know ourselves. What lessons and new insights he has gained about what it means to be in a committed relationship.

    Damon’s suggestions for what you should today if you’re in recovery or feeling lost:

    Get outside of yourself by thinking about other people before yourself. Adapt a humble mindset. Commit yourself to finding ways to help people every single day.

    Dive into the three areas of wellness that Damon advises we should work on growing every day that are in sync with our Four Quadrants of Wellbeing:

    Spiritual Wellness Mental Wellness Physical Wellness

    Learn and try out Damon’s prayer that he starts his day with each morning: “God, put in front of me what you need me to do today for you and let me recognize it when I see it.”

    All the lessons of history in four sentences: Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad with power. The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small. The bee fertilizes the flower it robs. When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. - Charles A. Beard

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  • Today is a really special day on Small Changes Big Shifts. We have Dr. Terry Wahls on the show. In 2000, Dr. Wahls was diagnosed with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis. By 2003 she had transitioned to secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. In December 2007, she began the Wahls Protocol™. Within a year, she was able to walk through the hospital without a cane and even complete an 18-mile bicycle tour.

    We also have Julie Robinson on the show. Julie was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis last year. She started using the Wahls Protocol™ and within months saw huge changes in her symptoms.

  • You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.

    Do you find yourself consuming more entertaining than nourishing foods?

    What does healthy living truly look like and how can you get started today?

    Author of Habit That!: How You Can Health Up in Just 5 Minutes a Day, Dr. Jaime Hope, joins us to share how we can be the creators of healthier lives with small changes today that will lead to big shifts tomorrow. One of the many important shifts that she and Dr. Michelle Robin will discuss is how we can create healthier habits around nourishing vs. entertaining foods.

    More About Dr. Hope

    Dr. Hope is a dual board-certified physician working outside of Detroit, Michigan, in one of the busiest emergency departments in the country.

    In over twelve years on the job, she has learned that no matter what brought her patients to the ER, they all want the same thing: to live happier, healthier lives.

    Whether she's helping patients, teaching future doctors, or engaging the local community, Dr. Hope is showing others how to create better habits and make healthy living fun, practical, and accessible.

    Turn your health around today by focusing on Dr. Hope’s top four wellness factors:

    Exercise Restorative Sleep Nutrition Meaningful Connection

    Join us as our Small Changes Big Shifts Podcast host, Dr. Michelle Robin, discusses in depth with Dr. Hope about:

    Her passion for encouraging others to take care of their health now. Why it doesn’t cost a lot of money to live a healthy lifestyle. How she is helping physicians teach their patients how to change their habits and behaviors. Why we should focus on changing our mindsets first before our diets. What a healthy person looks like and how to mirror that in your own life. Understanding the difference between the two types of foods: nourishing and entertaining. How to uncover the best kinds of exercises that you will love and be eager to do. he power of getting in enough restorative sleep each night to release stress.

    There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in. - Desmond Tutu

  • 1 in 5 women are affected by PCOS. That means that 20% of women worldwide are dealing with a syndrome that looks differently on and for everyone so how do they find the help they need? Amy Medling is here to help.

    Amy was diagnosed over 15 years ago with PCOS after years and years of unanswered questions, confusing conversations and painful symptoms. She has now taken her own experience and is using it to help women take back their power when it comes to their health and PCOS.

    A PCOS Diva is not only a woman who has hope and strength but is a woman who is taking charge of her health and life by listening and putting herself first. Amy has found a way to shine a light on a confusing and painful syndrome and bring women together at the same time.

  • "People are beginning to get comfortable with the idea that it requires just as much planning to transition out of this world as it does to give birth and bring a new soul into this world.” - Dr. Tamara MacIntyre

    According to a recent study, nearly half of participants (47 percent) admitted they were afraid of death. Some of those factors include fear of pain and suffering, fear of the unknown, fear of non-existence, fear of eternal punishment, fear of loss of control, and fear of what will become of our loved ones. In today’s episode, Dr. Michelle Robin invites Dr. Tamara MacIntyre to share why there are ways a person can begin to get comfortable with the idea of dying with the help of an end-of-life doula. Dr. Tamara will also share her story of becoming this type of doula for people, and some of the greatest lessons she has learned about living through those facing death soon. She will also unpack why it’s just as important to have an end-of-life doula as it is to have a birth doula. “People don’t even know they can die with a level of love and peace that is outside the conventional approach,” she shares during the conversation.

    About Today’s Guest:

    Dr. Tamara MacIntyre, certified End of Life Doula, is also a chiropractor, doctor of functional medicine and recovering high ed administrator. Tamara is the co-founder of The PRANA Foundation (www.PranaFound.org) where she offers education, mentorship, and retreat to others serving in health and healing professions. She is passionate about assisting, fostering agency and empowerment while educating and supporting others in choosing a death that aligns with the core values that have defined the way they have chosen to live their lives. Her vision is to facilitate a space where people are more curious than afraid; acknowledging that this beautiful life is finite. Tamara offers end of life education, individualized and small group care planning and client advocacy.

    Mentioned in the Episode:

    Dr. Tamara’s website The Top Five Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware The Essential Questions When Planning a Good Death
  • If you were told you only had a couple months to live due to a terminal illness, what would you do? Dr. Nasha Winters, N.D. and CEO of Optimal Terrain, was told this at the young age of 19 as she was diagnosed with cervical cancer after dealing with multiple health issues.

    Dr. Nasha took her diagnosis and decided she wanted to go out on her own terms so she went to the library and the book, Quantum Healing by Deepak Chopra, popped out at her so she read it one night. By reading this book, Dr. Nasha’s diet, lifestyle and college major would all be changed overnight.

    Now Dr. Nasha, is helping others by educating clients, doctors, and researchers on ways to apply the integrative oncology philosophy to treatments and therapy. She finds pleasure is seeing the joy in others and finding the “blessing in the lesson” in everyday life.

  • “This is something that connected our region like never before.” - Eileen Weir

    There’s a famous saying that goes, “It only takes one tree to start a forest, one smile to begin a friendship... one thought to change the world” and that’s exactly what happened in the Kansas City community through the Parade of Hearts that began from one drawing on a napkin. During its last auction in 2022, it raised more than $2 million for Kansas City charities. During today’s episode, Dr. Michelle invites Jenn Nussbeck and Eileen Weir to share how this project began, the doors that it opened in our community, and the opportunity it provided to build connections with people in different neighborhoods across the metro. They also explain why public art has become a crucial piece to our community’s well-being and why it evoked certain senses for the people who live here. Jenn will also tell a moving story about two people who met at one of the hearts and how that location formed their new friendship. At the end of the episode, they will give listeners an exclusive update about what’s next for the Parade of Hearts in Kansas City, which means you will be the first to hear it on this episode!

    About Today’s Guests:

    Jenn Nussbeck is the Parade of Hearts Executive Director. She has served on numerous public charity boards as well as dedicated the last 15 years supporting organizations throughout communities in Kansas City. Assisting those navigating the philanthropy and civic channels is not only her work, but her passion. Jenn was born in San Diego but raised in Kansas City. She comes from a large Irish family. Her great uncle (Pat O’Neill Sr.) started the Kansas City St. Patrick’s Day Parade with Mike Murphy.

    Eileen Weir was elected Mayor of the City of Independence, Missouri, in 2014. Prior to her election, she served on the Independence City Council representing the city’s 4th District from 2012 to 2014. She began her career in communications and public relations with the Kansas City Chiefs in 1992, acting as the team’s Manager of Public Information and Media Services. She served as the Chiefs Charity Game Coordinator from 2009 to 2013 for the Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Kansas City. Eileen and her husband Tom live in southwestern Independence with their twins, John and Nora.

    Mentioned in the Episode:

    Parade of Hearts website Parade of Hearts mobile app Parade of Hearts on Facebook Parade of Hearts on Instagram Parade of Hearts on Twitter The story about the heart at Your Wellness Connection
  • At 9:00am Christmas morning, Dr. Michelle Robin was joined by author Paul Young. In an interview Paul said he had written primarily as a way to create unique gifts for his friends, until his wife repeatedly urged him to write something for their six children in order to put down in one place his perspectives on God and on the inner healing Young had experienced as an adult. The resulting manuscript, that later became The Shack.

    Join Dr. Michelle and Paul as they talk about:

    How he has cultivated the ability to be present and not get lost in anxious thoughts about the future. Why trust, love, and gratitude are always in the present tense. What you can do when you are experiencing fearful thoughts in the present moment; either let them control you or trust life’s journey. Why ‘grace’ is a freedom word that is buried in trust. Difficult moments in his marriage and the choices he faced. The abuse that both Dr. Michelle and Paul experienced early on in their own lives and how that has impacted their journeys of healing. Identity issues we are facing in 2020 including our focus on money. How writing The Shack blessed his life even before it was published. Why everything becomes a gift when you learn to live without expectations. Gifts that we have been given in 2020 if we look hard enough for them and realize that this has been a year of exposure.

    If anything matters then everything matters. Because you are important, everything you do is important. Every time you forgive, the universe changes; every time you reach out and touch a heart or a life, the world changes; with every kindness and service, seen or unseen, my purposes are accomplished and nothing will be the same again. - Wm. Paul Young, The Shack

    Mentioned In This Episode

    Paul Young The Shack by Paul Young The Shack Trailer SCBS 40 Days of Gratitude AdventHealth CommunityAmerica Credit Union SCBS 31-Day Kindness Campaign
  • What is the blessing of fear?

    Join us as we gather to reset our new daily rhythm and build resilience during this time of change.

    I’m excited to have Adam Hamilton. Adam is senior pastor of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, one of the fastest growing, most highly visible churches in the country. The Church Report named Hamilton’s congregation the most influential mainline church in America, and he preached at the National Prayer Service as part of the presidential inauguration festivities in 2013. Hamilton is the best-selling and award-winning author of The Call, Making Sense of the Bible, Love to Stay, The Journey, The Way, 24 Hours That Changed the World, Revival, Not a Silent Night, Enough, When Christians Get It Wrong, and Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White,all published by Abingdon Press. Adam has been married 30 years to LaVon. They have two grown daughters.

    I’m happy to have Adam share how they’re finding Rhythm and Resilience right now, and how we can do the same. I invite you to tune in as we unite as a community.

    Looking forward to spending time together for some R & R.

    Join Dr. Michelle and Adam as they talk about:

    The importance of rhythm during quarantine. Pastor Adam’s call to church. Faith being an experience of trust. Rising levels of anxiety and suicide, and how to create hope. Tuning out the noise and paying attention to the nudges, whispers, and God moments. Pastor Adam’s “God-incidence” in Atlanta with a man who passed. Tragic passings of Mindy Corporan and Erin Langhofer. How to reconcile tragedy with an all loving God, Dr. Martin Luther King’s interpretation. Fear being a gift of God. Being mindful of media consumption. A quick breath prayer Pastor Adam’s prayer practice What guidance and gifts have come from quarantine Pastor Adam’s medicine

    Not coincidences, God-incidences. - Adam Hamilton

    Mentioned In This Episode

    United Methodist Church of the Resurection Adam Hamilton’s Website Unafraid by Adam Hamilton Why by Adam Hamilton Psalm 31:5 The Story of Elijah When God Winks by Squire Rushnell Mindy Corporan Erin Langhofer
  • With so many different diets, regimens, fads and trends out there in the world of health and wellness, how do we know what works for us? Dr. Mark Hyman is helping people take a step backwards to look at themselves from a whole person perspective in order to move forward with their health.

    The connection between how you feel and how you eat is so telling to the human body but so often overlooked. Instead of focusing on restrictive diets and what your body can’t break down, Dr. Mark focuses on why your body is reacting that way to certain foods.

    Dr. Mark is changing the way we look at and eat food when it comes to our health and wellbeing. He is using functional medicine to approach food and illnesses with a new perspective that is transforming the way we treat any and all conditions in the human body.

  • “Blood sugar is like comparing water to Kool-Aid – while water flows through our body, Kool-Aid can’t flow as well because it’s stickier. When we have too much sugar in our bloodstream, our body has a harder time carrying out the processes it needs to.” - Dr. Georgia Nab

    About 1 in 5 people in the United States have diabetes but don’t know it, according to the CDC. While people generally know sugar isn’t good for the body, most people don’t know why our consumption of it needs to be managed – not eliminated. In today’s show, Dr. Michelle Robin invites Dr. Georgia Nab – a Functional Medicine doctor at Your Wellness Connection – to help people understand what’s really happening in the body once we consume sugar and why it’s then converted to blood sugar. If you have ever wondered what glycemic and glucose mean – or the difference between metabolic syndrome (prediabetes), Type I, Type I.5, Type II, and Type III – this week’s episode will give you a clearer understanding of each one in very simple terms. Dr. Nab even dives into how our blood sugar numbers have a tremendous impact on our hormonal levels and anxiety issues in today’s world. She encourages listeners that small changes can make a big difference. At the end of the episode, Dr. Nab will also share why sleep and movement matter in managing your blood sugar – ending with some tips that can help you get on a better path toward wellness.

    About Today’s Guest:

    Dr. Georgia Nab entered the chiropractic industry in 1992 by owning a chiropractic clinic in Wichita, Kansas. From 2012 through 2017, she joined a manufacturing facility in Wisconsin to provide chiropractic care, nutritional counseling, and educational training to the employees at the company’s corporate headquarters. While there, she authored her book called 1 Degree of Change, in addition to numerous other publications. In 2015, she graduated with her Master’s degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine degree. She is currently an adjunct professor at the University of Western States for their Master’s program. Dr. Nab is a Certified Nutrition Specialist from the Board for Nutrition Specialist and works with Affiliated Monitors, an independent monitoring company for professionals.

    Mentioned in the Episode:

    Your Wellness Connection 1 Degree of Change book by Dr. Georgia Nab – contact Dr. Nab for a free PDF version
  • “It’s the small choices we make that determine the rest of our lives.” - Robyn Rosenberger

    Each year, more than three million children are hospitalized – either for procedures or ongoing treatment for chronic or terminal illness. Additionally, one in six children have a disability in the U.S. such as autism, ADHD, Aspergers, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, to name a few. During today’s show, Dr. Michelle Robin invites Robyn Rosenberger to share her awe-inspiring story about what led her to become the founder of TinySuperheroes in 2013 to help these kids fight unimaginable battles. Since launching her tiny cape organization, she has served over 120,000 children and families by providing capes for each child. Robyn shares how it all started with a little girl named Brenna and tells how the organization has evolved into ways these kids can experience extracurricular activities since 80% of them almost never get to participate in them. By the end of the episode, your heartstrings will be pulled by some of the powerful encounters she has had with kids who have received her capes and all the ways it has transformed their lives by giving them courage and strength.

    About Today’s Guest and Co-Host:

    Robyn Rosenberger is a passionate and dedicated entrepreneur who is committed to making a positive impact in the world. As the founder and CEO of TinySuperheroes, a social enterprise that empowers children with disabilities or illnesses, Robyn has helped thousands of children to embrace their inner strength and courage. Her organization has been featured in numerous media outlets, including CNN, NBC News, and The Huffington Post. She is an inspiring example of a mission-driven entrepreneur who is passionate about building for-profit businesses that create social impact. She believes that businesses can be a force for good. Robyn’s commitment to building a profitable business that makes a difference has resulted in a growing community of supporters and advocates who share her passion for social entrepreneurship. Through her work, she is a true champion for those who face adversity. She is dedicated to helping every other child feel like a superhero and inspiring others to make a positive difference in the world.

    Desiree Cole is the Content Director and Brand Manager at Small Changes Big Shifts. She creates, writes, and manages the voice and content for the brand. She has loved all things wellness since she was introduced to the lifestyle in college, where she learned to cook more plant-based food and care for the whole body in holistic ways. She began her journalism career in Chicago and New York City, where she worked in Manhattan as an editor for news agencies, magazines, and book publishing. She’s part of the Small Changes Big Shifts team because she believes words are powerful messengers to the spirit, heart, and mind. Desiree was born and raised in Kansas City and believes there’s no place like it. Her husband (Zach), son (Ollie), and two golden retrievers (Linus and Lucy) live in a loud and happy house with its eight paws and a very joyful little boy who loves his dogs.

    Mentioned in the Episode:

    TinySuperheroes website Nominate a child at TinySuperheroes Sponsor a cape for a child TinySuperheroes Mission Program John O’Leary
  • Today on Small Changes Big Shifts we’ll check in with Dr. Michelle Robin for an update and what’s to come over the next few months on this show. In the second part of this episode we have Mindy Corporon. Mindy is the mother of Reat Underwood and daughter of Dr. William Corporon, who were murdered by a convicted white supremacist in a hate crime outside of Jewish facilities in April 2014 along with Terri LaManno. Corporon, family and friends created SevenDays — Make a Ripple, Change the World to spread kindness and interfaith understanding.

  • As long as I have some love in my heart, it mitigates the sense of separation. - Frank Ferrante

    This week we are sharing Dr. Michelle’s interview with Frank Ferrante from our 2020 Rhythm & Resilience series. Frank is a Sicilian from Brooklyn living in San Francisco.

A lover of life, great food, and a good laugh, Frank was also a drug addict, morbidly obese, pre-diabetic, and fighting Hepatitis C. Estranged from his daughter, single, and struggling with depression, Frank knows that life can be better than this, and looked for a way out.

    Through Frank’s story of love, redemption, and transformation, the viewers of the May I Be Frank documentary and readers of his book, May I Be Frank, documentary witness the power of change for themselves and the world. It's the essence of the human condition and what it truly means to fall in love again.

    Join Dr. Michelle and Frank as they talk about:

    Unpacking his life before the film including health, family, work, and education. How the May I Be Frank documentary completely changed his life and the obstacles he went through including imposter syndrome at the beginning. His COVID-19 lockdown experience and how it allowed him to self-reflect and positively impact his relationships. What guidance he has to share on cultivating long term relationships with the people we meet during our lifetimes. Taking a closer look at how our behavior affects the people in our lives. Why he believes a key part of why depression happens is because we’re not aligned with our core beliefs. What steps you can take right now if you are feeling lonely.

    Learn new tools to add to your wellness toolbox including:

    The power of connecting with yourself and how to release thoughts and feelings that are no longer serving you anymore. What process he goes through to get rid of the different voices inside his head and instead just listen to one - his own. Why reaching out and helping someone else can be some of the best medicine for your own wellbeing. Unpacking why we’re the happiest when we’re not even thinking about ourselves but of other people. How we can show up as our authentic selves by focusing on what brings us joy.

Do something nice for somebody and don't get caught. - Frank Ferrante

    Mentioned In This Episode

    SCBS Ep. 18: Raz Ingrasci and Frank Ferrante – Ready to Feng Shui Your Soul? May I Be Frank Trailer Stream May I Be Frank Documentary May I Be Frank Book: May I Be Frank DVD Day 8 - Rhythm and Resilience with Reverend Patricia T. Bass The Hoffman Process Day 6 - Rhythm and Resilience with Teri Griege Byron Katie
  • Today on this part 2 episode on Small Changes Big Shifts, Dr. Robynne innovative solutions backed by science that can help you improve your digestive wellness today! Have you ever wondered if you need to take a probiotic? Are you one of the hundreds of thousands who has eaten well and still struggle with your weight? Do you wonder if you should take the antibiotic just in case? What about hand sanitizer?

  • Today on Small Changes Big Shifts I will be speaking with Dr. Robynne Chutkan. Dr. Chutkan is one of the most recognizable gastroenterologists working in America today. She is the author of two bestselling books, Gutbliss and most recently, The Microbiome Solution. And she is the founder of the Digestive Center for Women.

  • Discover how to tap into a whole new level of healing and spirituality no matter your religious beliefs.

    “When your body is free of interference, your body will heal.” - Dr. Gilles LaMarche

    Dr. Gilles LaMarche was living his best life – a successful chiropractic practice, healthy, fit, active, and raising his children who became incredible human beings themselves. But in 2003 at age 48, his world was turned inside out when he suddenly began having difficulty breathing while doing simple activities like walking from one side of the room to the other. Doctors soon discovered he had cardiomegaly – an enlarged heart that was continuing to enlarge due to breathing difficulties. He was given 24 months left to live, with the only option being a heart and lung transplant that may give him another five years. Because his lifestyle would be extremely limited after the double transplant, he decided to come to terms with the terminal diagnosis and opt out of the procedure. On May 15, 2004, Dr. Gilles woke up with a revelation. He realized he had been preaching the chiropractic paradigm and its healing power for 25 years to his patients, and began wondering about his own spine and nervous system. This episode will have you leaning in to hear every word of his powerful story about how he discovered what was really going on inside of him – and how his body could heal from chiropractic medicine. As he approaches his 25thyear since his diagnosis, he is preparing to run the 2023 Masters World Championship – the toughest race in all of track and field.

    About Today’s Guest:

    Dr. Gilles LaMarche is a natural-born leader and one of the greats within the chiropractic world. He is the Vice President of University Advancement and Enrollment, but has also dedicated his life to helping over 750,000 people as a chiropractor over 25 years in Northern Ontario, Canada. He has spoken to audiences throughout Canada, United States, Mexico, Japa, Scandinavia, Australia, Europe, and the Caribbean. He is the co-author of more than nine books including Say Yes to Chiropractic Success and the Parker System for Professional Success. He was named Canadian Chiropractor of the Year in 2006 by readers of Canadian Chiropractic Magazine, and has been sharing his story around the world about the healing power of the nervous system in our body.

    Mentioned in the Episode:

    Parker’s Principles Gilles LaMarche LinkedIn Diversity Woman Media Conferences Life University
  • You can’t heal what you don’t reveal.

    How is the universe holding you today?

    That is the question our guest this week, Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson, asks herself every single morning when she wakes up.

    In this episode, Rev. Anderson and your host, Dr. Michelle Robin dive deep into how you can bring more gratitude to your life, a breakdown of her 7 Spiritual Laws of Release, and how you can take your soul’s journey into your own hands.

    About Rev. Cynthia Alic Anderson

    Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson has been serving as senior minister at Christ Church Unity in Orlando, Florida since 2007. Under her spiritual leadership, Christ Church Unity continues to be a thriving, welcoming community that is dedicated to transforming lives, celebrating diversity and supporting soul growth.

    Rev. Anderson recently wrote 7 Spiritual Laws of Release and it is in its 3rd printing currently. She has two other books: A Grateful Life: 30 Days of Conscious Gratitude is a 30-day mindfulness and prayer book and her prosperity book, PRSPRTY 4U, is currently being taught in churches around North America.

    She is also the Founder of the podcast platform, Experience of the Soul.

    Discover more about Rev. Anderson as she shares:

    Her life growing up as the youngest of 9 and the struggles her family faced. How the church of her youth differs from her church now as a Unity Minister Her physical healing crisis during her late 20s that awakened her spiritual nature. A big shift that was created in her life when she made the small change of now longer eating any gluten. How she re-organized her refrigerator to reflect her new healthy lifestyle and help her build small habits.

    Continue your own wellness and spiritual journey by learning about:

    Steps you can take each morning to tune into the universe and be energetically grounded. Why you’ll be ready to let go of trauma, harm, and forgive others when the healing becomes bigger than the hurt. What we are learning and healing from now as a society in the USA. The power of acknowledging what you do have and what you can do vs. what you don’t have and can’t do. Discover how to tap into a whole new level of healing and spirituality no matter your religious beliefs.

    Joy is a sign of the wonderful presence of God. - Rev. Cynthia Alice Anderson

  • Let food be thy medicine; let medicine be thy food. - Hippocrates

    In the second Small Changes Big Shifts podcast episode with Author of The Paleo Cardiologist and Host of The Healthy Heart Show, Dr. Jack Wolfson, he shares his own personal health journey, how he decided he needed to change his focus both in life and career for better wellness, and what steps we can take to begin to honor and celebrate our own physical bodies, mind, and wellbeing by clearing out all the “noise”.

    Specifically in this interview, Dr. Michelle and Dr. Jack, discussed how mental health is highly linked to cardiovascular risk if you are facing situations of isolation, depression, stress, or anxiety. Listen and find out how heal and feel better by meeting with a professional health coach, social worker, or psychologist and doing activities such as meditation or yoga to break the cycle.

    Discover how being outside, eating a Paleo-based diet, and getting enough sunshine can boost your emotions, decrease your stress, and help improve your overall wellbeing.

    Life is really simple but we insist on making it so complicated. - Confucious