
  • When chasing success, it's all about zooming out to see the bigger picture. 

    We all crave future success, but sometimes, that can lead to overwhelm and frustration, distracting our focus from what truly matters today.

    The person you become in three years is shaped by your actions today. The path to success isn't always a straight line, and one bad day doesn't define your journey.

    Many people are so eager to be their future selves right now that they forget to take the essential steps today. 

    This especially hits home for business owners. 

    To achieve that big picture, you must assemble an A-team who can tackle challenges without constant micromanagement.

    But you've got to teach them the ins and outs of the business and set up metrics for tracking their performance.

    In this episode, we share tips and tricks to hire and train your dream team. So tune in because your future starts now. 

    "You gotta zoom out and look at the bigger picture. It’s not linear. It’s gonna be some weeks that are good and some weeks that are bad." - Bob Thompson

    In this episode:

    - The reason why you experience frustration and overwhelm

    - Knowing the data inside your business to zoom out properly

    - How many business partners do you need to have to make money?

    - Why you need to spend more to earn more

    - Setting specific goals and specific numbers by a specific date

    - Installing success metrics in your business

    - Every employee is an investment

    - The difference between A, B, and C players

    - Using score cards for employee accountability

    - How long does it take to fix your retention rate 

    Resources mentioned: 

    - Book “Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't” by Jim Collins

    Connect with Bob:

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    Connect with Angelo:

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  • Men lie. Women lie. But numbers don't lie. Sales is nothing more than a numbers game. And guess what? The math doesn't discriminate.

    Believe in the math, and you're on the path to success. It's that simple. But here's the golden rule: never, ever give up because you never know how close you are to your breakthrough. The only way to lose is by quitting too soon. 

    And hey, don't keep all this wisdom to yourself. Train your team to master the math, and together, you'll be unstoppable millionaires. 

    In today's episode, we share how you need to focus on controlling the controllables. Those are your inputs, the calls you make, and how you close the deal. 

    Focus on what you can control, crank up the numbers, and watch your sales reach new heights.

    No need to overcomplicate it. Keep it real, keep it simple, keep the head on the game.

    "Sales is just math. And if you know math and believe that math is math, you can be successful at sales. All it takes is just to believe in math." - Angelo Perone

    In this episode:

    - Don’t get caught in impressing other people

    - The reason why sales is just math 

    - You can’t quit because growth is not linear

    - How to control the controllable

    - Selling shouldn’t make you anxious

    - Indicators that will give you the results you want

    - Why you need to cultivate the right culture in your business

    Connect with Bob:

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    Connect with Angelo:

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    - TikTok

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  • In the land of freedom, opportunities, and a fair share of complaints, we're diving deep into the power of gratitude. 

    But before we do, let's take a moment to journey back to the past, where darkness reigned. We're talking about the Soviet Union, where Stalin made Hitler seem lightweight.

    So why this history lesson? Because it's all about perspective. We're about to unpack how having a laptop, an internet connection, and a boatload of determination can turn you into a success story in the USA.

    Now, let's get down to practicing gratitude. Step one: Focus on those wins, no matter how small they seem. Remember that the energy you put out comes right back to you. 

    We have some tricks to help you connect with gratitude and discover even more opportunities.

    And remember that what you think, you become. So, let's think big, aim high, and ride the wave of victory. 

    "As long as you have a laptop and a desire, and a connection to the internet, you can make it, and you can have a level of success that some people can only dream of in other countries. So be grateful for everything we have." - Angelo Perone

    In this episode:

    - All the terrible things that Joseph Stalin did

    - Why you should be grateful

    - Opportunities are there; you have to seize them

    - Getting to the next level while appreciating what you have

    - How to identify things that can contribute to your success

    - Why having the right mindset changes everything

    - How to practice gratitude

    - What to do when you’re inside negative mental loops 

    Connect with Bob:

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    Connect with Angelo:

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    - Website

  • You might be a sales beast, but a little coaching can take those skills to the next level. So, the first step is recognizing the opportunity for growth. Once you've got that down, you're ready to improve. 

    Today, we've got a true sales powerhouse in the hot seat, and you're about to witness a coaching session like no other. Angelo's the man with the plan, asking those hard-hitting questions that'll take Noah's skills to the next level.

    We're not here to sugarcoat stuff. It's all about being brutally honest. That's where the true transformation happens. Angelo's pushing Noah to the limit, not for the right answer, but for that mindblowing a-ha moment.

    Noah's a sales warrior, but he's not quite at that mythical 10/10 level... yet. Angelo's not here to hand out answers on a silver platter. He's guiding the conversation, leading Noah to his very own revelations.

    This isn't just about Angelo and Noah. It's about YOU and your clients. You have to be the guide, helping them find their own epiphanies. It's a journey, and Angelo's showing you the way.

    Dive deep into this jaw-dropping episode. It's all about raw honesty, direct coaching, and those life-changing a-ha moments. 

    Don't miss it, and remember, you must keep guiding others to their greatness!

    "They [the prospects] need to generate more revenue or something for the business, right? They don’t need ideal clients. Nobody needs leads. Nobody needs an offer. They want what comes from that, right?" - Angelo Perone

    In this episode:

    - Noah’s background 

    - What are some areas for improvement when you start in sales?

    - How comfortable are you in your ability to bring customers results?

    - Do prospects really need more leads?

    - Creating “a-ha” moments to close prospects

    - How to coach your clients the right way

    Connect with Noah Ackman: 

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    Connect with Angelo:

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  • The ultimate superpower is delayed gratification. This core ingredient separates the champions from those who quit too soon. 

    You already know that consistency is the key that unlocks the treasure chest of success. You have to push through those tough days, those moments when you feel like you're grinding with zero gains. That's where the magic happens.

    So you don't have to let frustration crash your party. The compounding effect of hustling day in and day out is like a snowball rolling down a hill—it starts slowly but picks up speed. Keep grinding 'cause success is just a matter of time.

    It's all about embracing the process, showing up daily, and not letting the setbacks trip you up. The payoff is on the horizon.

    But hold up, it's not just about you. We're also diving into the world of teams, responsibilities, and being a leader. Accountability is the name of the game, and that extends to your whole squad.

    Mistakes are a part of life. As leaders, we must guide our team through the bumps and teach them to soar higher.

    Get ready to absorb the wisdom. You'll learn about delayed gratification and some leadership moves. Let's keep dominating!

    "Just stick with it. Delay the gratification. And it’s everything in life, dude. You plant a seed, and it just doesn’t pop up and give you fruit. Like, you gotta wait sometimes years for trees to bear fruit. That’s life, dude. That’s business, that’s success, that’s finances, that’s meaningful relationships." - Angelo Perone

    In this episode:

    - Why you need to inspect what you expect from employees

    - How to prevent issues from happening again  

    - Creating internal systems for accountability 

    - The importance of systematizing EVERYTHING

    - Do you have a business or a glorified job?

    - The compounding effect of effort  

    - Delayed gratification is key  

    - Don’t believe everything you see on social media 

    - The inspirational story of Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Resources mentioned: 

    - Book “The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It” by Michael E. Gerber

    - Arnold on Netflix

    - Book “Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story” by Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Connect with Bob:

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    - YouTube

    Connect with Angelo:

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  • Those "not-so-nice" comments on your ads aren't as bad as they seem. In fact, they're your secret weapon to finding your ideal clients. 

    So, you dropped an ad bomb, and suddenly, the haters started rolling in. But guess what? These nasty comments are like a spotlight, helping you separate the wheat from the chaff. It's all about repelling the wrong crowd and attracting your true ride-or-die fans.

    Your ideal customers are out there, and they're searching for you. Your vibe isn't for everyone, and that's fu*king AWESOME. 

    Bad comments act like a magnet, drawing in the clients who like your offer while giving those who don't a one-way ticket out of your universe.

    Trying to please everyone is like chasing rainbows. Instead, embracing the authenticity of your brand and welcoming those bad comments is fuel for your success rocket.

    By the end of this episode, you'll be ready to take on those bad comments like a champ. Embrace them, learn from them, and use them to create an epic tribe that's ready to ride or die with you.

    It's time to build an authentic empire that can't be shaken by a few naysayers. 

    "We want the negative comments. We want to repel those who are not our good clients." - Bob Thompson

    In this episode:

    - Angry people commenting on our ads

    - How to respond to negative comments? 

    - What is magnetic marketing? 

    - If you hang with trash, you’ll smell like trash

    - Why the quality of your videos has to be top-notch for YouTube

    - Working on the Metaverse  

    - The future of VR 

    - Only competing on price is the worst move in your business

    Resources mentioned: 

    - Book “The 48 Laws of Power” by Robert Greene

    - Movie “Ready Player One” by Steven Spielberg

    Connect with Bob:

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    - LinkedIn

    - YouTube

    Connect with Angelo:

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    - TikTok

    - Website

  • If you're in the game for clients and you aren't running ads, what are you even doing? 

    Paid ads can flip complete strangers into paying clients within 24 hours. Organic? Yeah, it's cool, but it's like the tortoise in the race—long-term strategy vibes.

    Today we're diving deep into the explosive world of paid ads and sharing the epic strategies that propelled our businesses to the next level. 

    But hold up, we're not just about the hype. We'll break down the real deal about organic posts. Now, we don't hate them, but the truth is that they don't always translate into that sweet cash flow we're after.

    Structure that organic content like a boss, though, and it's a game changer for creating die-hard, raving fans. But let's be honest. You need customers first before the fan club grows, right?

    Crafting a mind-blowing offer is like the entrance ticket to the money party. It isn't the whole show, but you gotta start there.

    Join us in this episode as we drop the knowledge bombs on the paid ads hustle, the power of purposeful organic content, and how to create an offer that'll make your clients scream, "Take my money!" 

    Get ready to soak up some insane insights.

    "Paid traffic is a better way to scale, especially to understand it in the foundation. You wrap some good organic [content] around it, and then it’s like untouchable." - Bob Thompson

    In this episode:

    - Organic posts don’t necessarily translate into sales

    - The reason why every business should start with paid ads

    - Why organic content is a long-term game 

    - Best resources for learning about paid ads

    - How to create a compelling offer 

    - Understanding who your customers are 

    - The three components to create a successful paid ad

    - Focusing on legitimate guarantees 

    Resources mentioned: 

    - Book “The Ultimate Sales Letter, 4th Edition: Attract New Customers. Boost your Sales” by Dan S Kennedy

    - Book “Predictable Revenue: Turn Your Business Into a Sales Machine with the $100 Million Best Practices of Salesforce.com” by Aaron Ross and Marylou Tyler

    Connect with Bob:

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    - YouTube

    Connect with Angelo:

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    - LinkedIn


  • The road to making our first million dollars took time and effort. But we did it, and so can you, so today, we'll share our journeys to get you going. 

    Once you crack that first million, you can unleash a money-making whirlwind and triple it within a year if you make the right moves. 

    Different personality traits indicate different paths to success. Some of us go all-in and take the leap, while others take it step by step. Either way, one thing is sure—you gotta be patient and remember that time is your ally.

    It's a major plus if you're super young and dive in headfirst because you've got little to lose. But age is just a number. It's never too late to start chasing those million-dollar dreams.

    In this episode, we're breaking down our strategy of massive simplicity, the art of making calculated risks, and how to invest your money according to your interests. We'll also reveal how our priorities have evolved over the years.

    So, join us as we spill the secrets to financial success and how you can level up your wealth game. 

    From zero to millionaires, it's all about making the power moves that'll skyrocket your fortune. 

    "I think zero to one, for most people, is the most difficult. It’s just getting started is super hard." - Bob Thompson

    In this episode:

    - Would you sell erotic content online to become rich? 

    - The compound effect after earning your first million

    - Taking the leap or doing it step by step? 

    - The strategy of massive simplicity 

    - Making calculated risks 

    - Type of investments we did 

    - The state of the housing market in the US 

    Connect with Bob:

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    Connect with Angelo:

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    - TikTok

    - Website

  • Closing deals, conquering challenges, and bringing in new clients are epic moments we crave. It's like a thrill that fires us up and fuels our drive to dominate the sales game.

    But only some challenges are worth tackling, and only some people are the right fit for your business. There are some clients you should NEVER bring on board, no matter how tempting it may seem.

    Sure, there are immediate perks to signing a bad fit, like a revenue boost. And if you're a true sales beast, you might believe you can work miracles for even the most challenging clients.

    Let's get real here—the long-term consequences are gnarly. It's like a toxic ripple effect within your team, tarnishing your hard-earned reputation.

    So, let's flip the script and level up our sales game. Instead of chasing every opportunity, let's focus on going above and beyond for our loyal clients. These real rockstars have our back.

    Join us in this episode as we dive deep into the art of knowing when to close and when to let go. It's time to master the sales game with strategic precision and create a tribe of stoked clients who will stay with us for the long haul.

    "Salespeople as well put their self-worth on them closing deals. So they’re getting an elevation and that confidence as a result of closing that person, whether it was a difficult sale or not." - Bob Thompson

    In this episode:

    - Types of people you should never bring to your business

    - Immediate benefits of signing up a bad fit 

    - Long-term repercussions of signing the wrong client 

    - The problem with believing you can help everybody 

    - Roleplay as a strategy for improving sales 

    - Record and break down your sales call

    - Scorecards to track your team’s progress 

    Resources mentioned: 

    - Book “The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure” by Grant Cardone

    Connect with Bob:

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    - YouTube

    Connect with Angelo:

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    - TikTok

    - Website

  • We used to jump from one relationship to another when we were younger. But then something mind-blowing happened when we stuck with that one special woman and made a solid commitment.

    When we found a partner who was down to ride or die with us, magic started happening in our love life. 

    Having that partner by our side through the ups, downs, and everything in between made all the difference.

    It's refreshing and beautiful to have a partner who's got our back. Our partners are total powerhouses themselves, driven and understanding of our ambitions. And we're there to support them just as fiercely.

    The parallel extends to business too. When we build trusted relationships with our employees, they feel secure and stick with us through thick and thin. That's when we all thrive together.

    Those who fail quit too early. Whether it's in business or relationships, you gotta stick it out long enough to make it work. 

    The key is to never give up, to tackle problems head-on, and to keep pushing until you achieve your goals. Just stick with it.

    Join us in this episode as we unravel the power of commitment in both love and business and discover how building solid relationships can lead to unstoppable success. 

    "When you have that stability and your parents back you and stuff, sometimes it allows you to flourish. It’s almost the same thing with a relationship. Everything is taken care of, I feel very good, secure. I have my home base, so it just allows me to go out, like not have anxiety about these things, and put my full attention and just go." - Angelo Perone

    In this episode:

    - The beauty of having a committed relationship

    - Stability at home will make you flourish 

    - Sales reps need big commissions (but not big salaries)

    - Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and partnerships

    - Changes in business that AI will bring

    - You’ll be successful as long as you don’t quit 

    - Surround yourself with people who are ten steps ahead of you

    - Avoid “get rich quick” opportunities

    Resources mentioned: 

    - Book “The Richest Man In Babylon” by George S Clason

    - Book “Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!” by Robert T. Kiyosaki

    Connect with Bob:

    - Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/bob.thompson.1232  

    - Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/iambobthompson/  

    - LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertthompsonlegion/  

    - YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/@smallinputs-bigoutcomes

    Connect with Angelo:

    - Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/AngeloPerone21/  

    - Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/ceo_angelop/  

    - Twitter-

  • Sacrifices, obsession, and the sweet taste of success await those brave enough to become entrepreneurs. This is not for everybody. 

    Entrepreneurship requires sacrifices that only some are willing to make. Being present mentally can be challenging, the hours are long, and the work is demanding. It's a journey that not everyone fully understands.

    Back in the day, if you mentioned starting your own business, people thought you were straight-up crazy. But now, they only see the glory, the few who make it big. 

    They don't witness the blood, sweat, and tears we pour into our dreams. They romanticize the outcome but have no clue about the hustle behind the scenes.

    And if you're in a growth season, your emotional life will take a hit. One hundred percent. Balancing your loved ones and your business requires intentionality. 

    It's a rollercoaster ride, but we're obsessed. 

    Despite the challenges, we'd do it all over again. The victory lies in the journey. It's about the process, the hustle. We get to do what we love every single day.

    Today we reveal the untold truth of entrepreneurship—the sacrifices, the obsession, and the joy of doing what we were born to do.

    It's time for you to discover the true essence of building something remarkable. Are you ready?

    "The majority of people don’t like seeing other people successful because it lets them know what they are not doing. And most of the time, whether that’s a fitness-related thing or maybe a business thing, it comes down to like actions were not taken. This is why people get angry and frustrated." - Bob Thompson

    In this episode:

    - How difficult is it to be actually present when you’re an entrepreneur 

    - Being intentional in your personal life if your business is growing 

    - Accepting the opportunity to fail 

    - Why most people wouldn’t like to see you being successful?

    - What would you regret on your deathbed? 

    - Giving the best options for your children and their children

    - Different opinions about schools and education 

    Connect with Bob:

    - Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/bob.thompson.1232  

    - Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/iambobthompson/  

    - LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertthompsonlegion/  

    - YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/@smallinputs-bigoutcomes

    Connect with Angelo:

    - Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/AngeloPerone21/  

    - Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/ceo_angelop/  

    - Twitter- https://twitter.com/CEO_AngeloP 

    - LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelo-perone-909b2a128/  

    - TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@ceo_angelop  

    - Website-

  • All things being equal, mindset is what will make you successful. You can have the same resources, time, and opportunities as your competitors. Still, if your mindset is negative, you'll attract negative experiences. Period. 

    It's all about the way we think and speak to ourselves. The words we choose reflect our inner selves and have a powerful impact on our lives. Words are more than just words. They shape your reality. 

    What you focus on is what you attract into your life. So, let's flip the script and celebrate those wins, no matter how small. By focusing on the positive, you train your brain to create more of it.

    If you are trapped in a negative cycle, it's time to break free. You'll need to cut through self-doubt and keep your mind open to the good stuff.

    And it doesn't matter where you are in your business journey. Cultivating a positive mindset is the key to success. 

    Join us in this episode as we explore the power of a positive attitude. It's time to level up your mindset game and create a life filled with positivity and success.

    "Something that I want to share with people is how important your mindset is, and your language is. Words really do mean things, and they can come to fruition, right? What you say is a reflection of how you feel in your inner true self." - Angelo Perone 

    In this episode:

    - Words are powerful 

    - Why you should celebrate your wins 

    - All things being equal, the proper mindset will set you apart

    - If it’s working, don’t change it 

    - Difference between helping and serving

    - How to deal with objections when making a sale 

    Resources mentioned: 

    - Book “Psycho-Cybernetics: Updated and Expanded” by Maxwell Maltz - https://www.amazon.com/Psycho-Cybernetics-Updated-Expanded-Maxwell-Maltz/dp/0399176136/ 

    - Book “Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity” by Kim Scott - https://www.amazon.com/Radical-Candor-Kick-Ass-Without-Humanity/dp/1250103509 

    - Book “The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation” by Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson - https://www.amazon.com/Challenger-Sale-Control-Customer-Conversation/dp/1591844355 

    - Book “The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire” by David Deida - https://www.amazon.com/Way-Superior-Man-Challenges-Anniversary/dp/1622038320 

    - Book “Becoming a King: The Path to Restoring the Heart of a Man” by Morgan Snyder and John Eldredge -

  • It's time we talk about one of the toughest decisions you'll face in your business: firing people. 

    Yeah, it's a bitter pill to swallow, but it's part of the game. So buckle up, grow some thicker skin, and let's dive into it.

    When it comes to firing, don't fret. Most of the time, you won't regret it. If you've reached that point, chances are they suck big time. It's not an overnight decision. Something's been brewing for a while, and it's time to address it head-on.

    The good news is that, in the long run, it's the best call for both parties involved. You might face backlash on social media and some long faces. But guess what? You'll survive. Don't let the haters bring you down.

    And don't avoid difficult conversations. That's a major mistake. Doing it will hurt your business and sabotage your team's morale. So step up and make the tough calls for the greater good.

    Join us in this episode as we navigate the unpopular waters of firing, learn how to own it like a boss, and discover why embracing the hard truths will ultimately make your business stronger. 

    It's time to fire 'em up and level up your leadership game!


    "Why would you ever fire or try to get rid of or put somebody out that is a high-performer, that’s an asset to your company?" - Angelo Perone 

    In this episode:

    - Why the new Lamborghini is uninspiring  

    - Profile types of salespeople

    - What personality do you need to have to be successful in business? 

    - Knowing your “why” will take you further 

    - Our extremely unpopular opinion about firing people

    - Setting clear expectations for your team   

    - Best firing experiences 

    - Losing good employees because you don’t have your sh*t together

    - How to hire fast in a successful way 

    - Hiring the right people is the only way to scale up 

    Resources mentioned: 

    - Book “The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation” by Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson

    - Book “Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action” by Simon Sinek

    Connect with Bob:

    - Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/bob.thompson.1232  

    - Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/iambobthompson/  

    - LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertthompsonlegion/  

    - YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/@smallinputs-bigoutcomes 

    Connect with Angelo:

    - Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/AngeloPerone21/  

    - Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/ceo_angelop/  

    - Twitter- https://twitter.com/CEO_AngeloP 

    - LinkedIn-

  • Entrepreneurship is all about embracing failures to pave the way for epic successes.

    An entrepreneur is not just some regular dude. Entrepreneurs look at problems and see opportunities. While others get stuck, entrepreneurs work to create solutions that fix sh*t up.

    Failures? They're like rocket fuel for entrepreneurs. They propel massive innovation and bring forth game-changing products, services, and companies that shake up entire industries.

    We always talk about our success stories, right? But today, we wanna get real with you. We wanna spill the beans about our mistakes along the way.

    Look, failure is part of the deal. You gotta fail, learn from your mistakes, and reflect on them so you don't pull the same crap again. 

    We straight-up messed up our businesses. Like, so many freakin' times. 

    But here's the thing—we learned from them. And now, we're here to lay it all out for you so you don't make those rookie mistakes we made back in the day. 

    We got your back. Let's learn from our f**k-ups together and level up your game!


    "Failure is one of the most important things an entrepreneur can have. It’s an asset if you treat it the right way." - Angelo Perone 

    In this episode:

    - Entrepreneurs see problems as opportunities 

    - How to learn from your failures

    - Training your employees and giving them feedback  

    - Don’t hire people too quickly 

    - Open more locations or have more businesses? 

    - The “zero to one” period is very tough 

    - Learn how to keep clients 

    - Be smart with your money 

    Resources mentioned: 

    - Book “Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It...and Why the Rest Don't” by Verne Harnish - https://www.amazon.com/Scaling-Up-Companies-Rockefeller-Habits/dp/0986019526 

    Connect with Bob:

    - Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/bob.thompson.1232  

    - Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/iambobthompson/  

    - LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertthompsonlegion/  

    - YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/@smallinputs-bigoutcomes

    Connect with Angelo:

    - Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/AngeloPerone21/  

    - Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/ceo_angelop/  

    - Twitter- https://twitter.com/CEO_AngeloP 

    - LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelo-perone-909b2a128/  

    - TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@ceo_angelop  

    - Website-

  • Business and life have seasons. There are highs and lows. There are moments of planting seeds and others of raking cash. 

    First, we're talking about the exploration season, where you hustle hard to level up your skills and explore new horizons. Then, brace yourself for the growth season! That's when you go from zero to hero, making significant gains and stacking that paper.

    But hold up. That's not all. After all that grind, it's time for the reflection season, where you step back, evaluate, and recalibrate your moves. 

    And listen up - You can't go all out 24/7 without crashing and burning. Sometimes you start slow, figuring things out and putting in the work. Then boom! You hit your stride and become an unstoppable force.

    So stay laser-focused, put in the work, and brace yourself for those hard seasons. We're here to show you how to survive, conquer, and dominate every challenge that comes your way. Get ready to crush it.

    "If you are in business, and you plan on being in business for a long enough time, then there’s going to be times of up and down." - Bob Thompson 

    In this episode:

    - An important quote from Jim Rohn 

    - Seasons in businesses 

    - Intensification and accumulation phases

    - Lessons from fitness that apply to business

    - Be all-in to be successful

    - Grant Cardone’s influence

    - Urgency in your business is needed

    - Hire people who love their roles

    - Qualities you need to have to be an entrepreneur

    - Doing good stuff for others will help you 

    Resources mentioned: 

    - Book “Be Obsessed or Be Average” by Grant Cardone - https://www.amazon.com/Be-Obsessed-Average-Grant-Cardone/dp/1101981059 

    - Book “Buy Back Your Time: Get Unstuck, Reclaim Your Freedom, and Build Your Empire” by Dan Martell - https://www.amazon.com/Buy-Back-Your-Time-Unstuck/dp/059342297X/ 

    Connect with Bob:

    - Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/bob.thompson.1232  

    - Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/iambobthompson/  

    - LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertthompsonlegion/  

    - YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/@smallinputs-bigoutcomes

    Connect with Angelo:

    - Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/AngeloPerone21/  

    - Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/ceo_angelop/  

    - Twitter- https://twitter.com/CEO_AngeloP 

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  • Nobody, and we mean NOBODY, can close everyone who comes to their business. It's just not possible. 

    So if someone's bragging about closing 100% of their leads, it's straight-up bullshit. Don't fall for that nonsense. It's a major red flag.

    But hey, no worries. You're not here to please everyone. 

    Instead, focus on helping those who can genuinely benefit from your services. By rocking those sales calls, you'll quickly figure out if you and your prospects are a perfect match.

    Once you've nailed those killer sales calls, it's time to set the right expectations during the onboarding process. Your clients gotta know precisely what you can do for them. 

    And if they aren't ready for what you're offering, that's OK too. You can always hook them up with someone better suited for their needs.

    Remember this: clear expectations and a kickass onboarding process are the keys to boosting retention. 

    Forget about chasing more leads. Focus on attracting the right ones and fine-tuning the other aspects of your business.

    So never forget - onboarding is the freakin' secret sauce to your success. Embrace it and watch your business soar to new heights.

    "In your onboarding, it should really reduce people's overwhelm and create that clear path of what this individual needs to do in order to have success. And then for any business to scale, like, that should be somewhat systematized." - Bob Thompson 

    In this episode:

    - You have a finite amount of decision power

    - The real estate market is shifting 

    - What you need to do to create wealth

    - Managing clients’ expectations 

    - Do it yourself, done with you or done for you?

    - Sales calls should be about helping people

    - Benefits of paid traffic

    - Getting your onboarding right 

    - Importance of offering clear roadmaps 

    - You can’t close every lead 

    Resources mentioned: 

    - Book “The Simple Path to Wealth: Your road map to financial independence and a rich, free life” by J L Collins

    - Book “The Automatic Millionaire, Expanded and Updated: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich” by David Bach

    - Book “The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness” by Morgan Housel

    Connect with Bob:

    - Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/bob.thompson.1232  

    - Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/iambobthompson/  

    - LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertthompsonlegion/  

    - YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/@smallinputs-bigoutcomes


  • Any idiot can make money today. That's how businesses are nowadays and have been in the past years. But when the tide changes, not all of them will survive. Only the ones which offer good attention to customers are gonna last. 

    A bad experience at Bob's wedding venue is the kickstart for us to speak about customer service. They refused to extend a discount for Bob and his loved ones. Besides, they didn't offer other alternatives to improve the overall experience. 

    We understand that companies have processes, best practices, and SOPs. Sometimes you can't give discounts. And that's OK. Still, you have to provide amazing customer service to those who have decided to spend their hard-earned money on your product or service. 

    People buy from people they like. And if they don't like you, they will go to the competition. So keep that in mind when training your employees about the importance of human touch, connection, and empathy with the people they're trying to help. 

    Apart from discussing customer service, we talk about outlandish guarantees, the role artificial intelligence will play in the future of business, and why you must show customers that they are not just a transaction for you.  

    "Especially during harder economic times, you know, those companies that have an amazing product, that have amazing customer service, that have an amazing customer experience, like those are the ones that are gonna last." - Bob Thompson 

    In this episode:

    - Bob’s experience with bad customer service at his own wedding

    - How to improve your customer’s experience without giving discounts

    - Opinions about different payment processing companies

    - Establishing core values for your company

    - Creating good offers for your business by not offering guarantees 

    - How would artificial intelligence change businesses 

    Connect with Bob:

    - Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/bob.thompson.1232  

    - Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/iambobthompson/  

    - LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertthompsonlegion/  

    - YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/@smallinputs-bigoutcomes 

    Connect with Angelo:

    - Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/AngeloPerone21/  

    - Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/ceo_angelop/  

    - Twitter- https://twitter.com/CEO_AngeloP 

    - LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelo-perone-909b2a128/  

    - TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@ceo_angelop  

    - Website-

  • Some people were taught to sell using a feast and famine approach. This means they may get many leads and clients but lose them soon enough because they suck at retention. Or maybe because they were trying to sell to everyone. 

    Keeping good clients for a long time is a way better strategy. It may cost more money upfront, but it will make your business most sustainable and profitable in the long run.


    And how do you get good, loyal clients? By creating copywriting that attracts them. By showing them, thanks to your ads, why you are the right fit who would solve their problems. 

    We both have achieved enormous success by writing compelling ads. And today, we discuss what works, what doesn't, and what the big dogs are doing to sell more. 

    In this episode, we share our thoughts on marketing the right way, the most critical elements of an ad, and why you need to always be testing and tweaking your ads to reach the right audience. 

    "With the offers that are getting more and more outlandish, how does somebody stand out? By going in the opposite direction." - Bob Thompson 

    ï»żIn this episode:

    - Working in solitude vs. being surrounded by people

    - Intangible asset that makes you a good seller 

    - Don’t set false expectations when connecting with clients

    - Why the “feast and famine” approach to sales doesn’t work

    - If some client is not a good fit, refer them to someone else

    - How to stand out from the crowd

    - Keep marketing even when you’re not getting traction 

    - Different levels of testing with ads 

    - Why targeting is easier than it used to be 

    Connect with Bob:

    - Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/bob.thompson.1232  

    - Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/iambobthompson/  

    - LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertthompsonlegion/  

    - YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/@smallinputs-bigoutcomes 

    Connect with Angelo:

    - Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/AngeloPerone21/  

    - Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/ceo_angelop/  

    - Twitter- https://twitter.com/CEO_AngeloP 

    - LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelo-perone-909b2a128/  

    - TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@ceo_angelop  

    - Website- https://legalcaseconnect.com/ 

  • Buying a Ferrari or a Lambo is attractive. Sexy. And what isn't sexy? Purchasing a property that nobody knows about that doesn't look nice and is located in a mediocre neighborhood. 

    But you have to do it. Because in ten years, when you have multiple houses, some of them are even paid off, that becomes really sexy. 

    Using your active income, the money from your day job, to invest in boring stuff like real estate will accumulate over time. Eventually, you will have a substantial and predictable cash flow.

    The boring investments will grant you the money to buy the Ferrari, the Lambo, and all the cars you like. 

    At the same time, you don't have to wait till you're half-dead to enjoy your money. 

    But you also don't want to be stupid with it. 

    In this episode, we share our thoughts on how to invest in boring stuff to buy sexy goods while retaining all the freedom you want to have in your daily life.

    "True freedom is when your living expenses are surpassed by activities that don't require any energy from you. That's true passive investing." - Bob Thompson 

    In this episode:

    - Start investing in real estate when you are young

    - Having financial knowledge will help you get ahead

    - Spend your time wisely developing your skills 

    - Mediocrity is failure

    - Don't delegate your tasks too quickly

    - Difference between revenue and profits metrics

    - People starting a company may not be the same people taking it to the next level

    - Consistency leads to success

    - A spectrum of people who spend every penny and people who save everything

    - Making money vs. preserving money


    - Book “The Simple Path to Wealth: Your road map to financial independence and a rich, free life” by JL Collins - https://www.amazon.com/Simple-Path-Wealth-financial-independence/dp/1737724103/ 

    - Book “Ready, Fire, Aim: Zero to $100 Million in No Time Flat” by Michael Masterson - https://www.amazon.com/Ready-Fire-Aim-Zero-Million/dp/0470182024/ 

    - Book “Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't” by Jim Collins - https://www.amazon.com/Good-Great-Some-Companies-Others/dp/0066620996

    - Book “ Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!” by Robert T. Kiyosaki - https://www.amazon.com/Rich-Dad-Poor-Teach-Middle/dp/1612681123/ 

    - Book “The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It” by Michael E. Gerber -

  • The only person who can screw up a sale is you. This is the cold hard reality. And since sales and self-improvement are some of the topics we find most fascinating, we share some of the tactics we have learned about selling and how to get better at it in this conversation. 

    You can’t force people to do things. But you can inspire them. They will make the right decision when you show them that the alternative is way worse than investing in what you’re selling. It has to be an internalized realization. They have to understand it by themselves. 

    And to understand why they need to buy your product or service, YOU must know why it’s the best option. Conviction is a crucial ingredient when you are making a sale because the prospect has to feel that you know what you are talking about and that you genuinely believe it will help them solve their problems. 

    Conviction, certainty, and the willingness to help people will make you thrive. And in this episode, we share some ideas for improving your sales, retention rates, and client trust.  

    “People are willing to pay any amount of money to get out of pain or to achieve their desire state, their dream state.” - Bob Thompson 

    In this episode:

    - Address your prospects’ objections early on 

    - Have absolute certainty about what you’re selling 

    - Solving problems requires investing money

    - Importance of understanding the silent overwhelm 

    - If you feel challenged, you are on the right track

    - Being proactive with new clients and their issues

    - Increase retention by explaining challenges before they emerge

    - Concept of definiteness of purpose 

    - Serving people will give you joy and money 

    - Problems with the entitlement mentality


    - Book “Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success” by Napoleon Hill - https://www.amazon.com/Outwitting-Devil-Official-Publication-Foundation/dp/1640953213/ 

    ï»żConnect with Bob:

    - Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/bob.thompson.1232  

    - Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/iambobthompson/  

    - LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertthompsonlegion/  

    - YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/@smallinputs-bigoutcomes  

    Connect with Angelo:

    - Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/AngeloPerone21/  

    - Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/ceo_angelop/  

    - Twitter- https://twitter.com/CEO_AngeloP 

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