Hilary and Rev. Rob explore the consequences of sharing your Truth. Is it always best? What do we want to happen as a result of us sharing? Are we prepared for the consequences of sharing -- or receiving -- the Truth?
Hilary and Rev. Rob discuss their own spiritual practices and rituals. They also help listeners see that they most likely already have a practice or ritual that serves their spirit, but may not realize that it is indeed a spiritual "practice!"
Puuttuva jakso?
Hilary and Rev. Rob are back with a passionate and compassionate discussion about experiencing this year's LGBTQ Pride parade together, and how this joyous event is really a metaphor for how we could be celebrating ALL of as unique and precious expressions of of All That Is, or however you experience a "higher power" or "greater energy."
"Judge not, lest ye be judged..." seems like such an accessible concept. In other words, its probably not a good idea to judge someone for a behavior they display or for a choice that they have made, because that leaves us open to be judged with the same kind of scrutiny. So I'll get out of your business (which is none of my business anyway), and (hopefully) you'll stay out of mine. Easy peasy, right?
Anyone who has struggled with being a "judgy" person knows that this can be much easier said than done. Born out of our survival instinct, we have been conditioned since the beginning of humanity to judge situations, people, ourselves, so we can make choices that most effectively cultivate or advance our well-being.
And even though our primitive survival threats have long been extinguished, our instinct to judge has become a distorted lens of perspective: we judge to feel better about ourselves at others' expense OR we judge ourselves mercilessly because we think others are better than us.
Either way, focusing on someone else's life, choices, situation, experiences means that we are taking our eye off the ball of our own life's relationships, behaviors, and choices.
Hilary and Rev. Rob spill their "spiritual
-TEA" about their personal experiences and relationship with judgment in their own lives.
Do you receive "signs" that reveal or illuminate decisions you must make on your Life's journey? If so, do you follow those signs?
In this episode, Hilary and Rev. Rob share their personal experiences with seeing and following signs, and encourage listeners to begin to pay attention to how they might be receiving signs or guideposts in their own lives.
Where do we go after we leave the EarthPlane? Hilary and Rob have a few thoughts.
Hilary recently lost her father. Rob lost his parents nearly 10 years ago, and a partner nearly 30 years ago. While experiencing profound loss, both have felt a profound and exquisite beauty by being present with their dying loved ones. They talk about that beauty on this first episode of Season 4 of Spilling the Spiritual-TEA.
Faith... What is it? Do we always have it? And what happens when we have a crisis of it?
In this full version of our two-part video discussion, we explore faith and how to trust that still, small, powerful voice that guides us to our highest and best life.*Hilary Loewenstein is a Life Coach and Spiritual Teacher. She offers private counseling, mindfulness groups, retreats, and public speaking. Reach out to her at hilaryloew@gmail.com if you are interested in any of her services.Find Hilary on these platforms:Website: https://hilarysmindfulliving.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hilarysmindf...Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hilarysmind...Buy Hilary's Book: https://smile.amazon.com/Answer-Handb...*Rob Banaszak is a Spiritual seeker, Spinning instructor, tune-spinner, and metaphysical minister! Rev Rob is The Spiritual SPINister, offering inspirational speaking, intuitive reading, energy healing, wedding officiating, spiritual guidance, dance music mixing, and more.Find Rev Rob on these platforms:YouTube: / @thespiritualspin... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpiritualSPI...
When was the last time you did something that made you feel uncomfortable? Or tried something new that scared you? Or took a leap of faith without knowing what the outcome would be? If you can't remember, watch this video and let us inspire you to get out of your comfort zone. Rob and I share experiences that made us uncomfortable but ultimately were completely rewarding. Life is meant to be an adventure full of joy and fun. Get out there and live it!
What is the most effective way to handle conflict with people? If you confront someone is it fair to expect they will understand and see the situation the way you do? And if you don't say anything but privately stew about it, you close your heart and risk becoming bitter. What then is the solution? This is exactly the discussion Rob and I have in this week's episode. We offer an unusual and unpopular solution. Take a listen and let us know what you think.
Though it's hard to admit, grief is a good thing! It helps us process and our the losses we experience in our lives...of a loved one, a job, a relationship, or anything significant that is ending in your life. Hilary and Rev Rob and I unpack this topic by exploring the ways we grieve, and reminding us that there are no rules about grieving...we all grieve in our own way!
Why are we so afraid of death? All things must die. It's the cycle of life. Yet humans, particularly in Western culture do everything we can to avoid it, or even thinking about it. Whether we believe there is something -- or nothing -- after death, there is one thing that we can learn from it. Death's inevitability can make the life we have here rich, meaningful, and precious. Hilary and Rev Rob have an honest, sometimes uncomfortable, conversation about death, and reveal how their experiences of it has impacted their lives and helped to clarify the beauty in living.
It's Valentine's Day and while it's great to enjoy the day with someone you love, it's even more important to love YOU! If you don't love yourself how can you effectively love someone else?
Rev. Rob & Hilary have an open chat, and even do an exercise where they each share what they love about themselves.
Make every day Valentine's Day by falling in love with YOU!
*Rob Banaszak is a Spiritual seeker, Spinning instructor, tune-spinner, and metaphysical minister! Rev Rob is The Spiritual SPINister, offering inspirational speaking, intuitive reading, energy healing, wedding officiating, spiritual guidance, dance music mixing, and more. Find Rev Rob on these platforms:
Website: www.thespiritualspinister.com
LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/spinister
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx2E...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpiritualSPI...
. *Hilary Loewenstein is a Life Coach and Spiritual Teacher. She offers private counseling, mindfulness groups, retreats, and public speaking. Reach out to her at hilaryloew@gmail.com if you are interested in any of her services. Find Hilary on these platforms: Website: https://hilarysmindfulliving.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hilarysmindf...Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hilarysmind...Buy Hilary's Book: https://smile.amazon.com/Answer-Handb...
What does it mean to be vulnerable?
The dictionary definition of “vulnerability” says it is “the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally." So it can be pretty easy to see how in our culture vulnerability might be considered a weakness. Why would we knowingly, or voluntarily, expose ourself to this risk of attack, either physically or emotionally?
Hilary and Rev Rob take a closer look at vulnerability, and how our choice to expose ourselves to possible pain or rejection has the potential to be strengthening and empowering for us, and help reveal our own authenticity, while cultivating intimacy in our relationships.
We all feel the heavy burden of shame. In this episode Rev. Rob and Hilary discuss their takes on two kinds of shame: 1) When we hide something about ourselves, or what we are doing, from others; and 2) When we are ashamed for actions or behavior we consciously engaged in to hurt others. As usual, they "spill the t" with candid examples of their own experiences with shame in their lives.
Hilary and Rev. Rob hit the ground running, and get even MORE real with the first episode of Season 3, talking about SEX, yes SEX, and how it is a part of our Spirituality -- or can be - if we are open to experiencing it as such. And what better topic to join the conversation about? Subscribe to the podcast, like the episode, and leave a comment!
Once again honest and revealing, Hilary and Rev Rob discuss their addictions to consumption and consumerism around the holiday season, and share how they snap themselves back into the true "Spirit" of the Season. Take a listen, maybe you can relate? Happy Holidays everybody!
It's easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed by the noisy demands that Life is placing on us, and that we continue to place on ourselves. We need to remain diligent at not forgetting Who We Are, especially as the demands pile on, or the noise gets louder. When we are secure in our own "Being," we claim our own power over the challenges in our life, we don't let those challenges have power over us.
You are not alone! Rev. Rob and Hilary share their own challenges at navigating through life's noise, and have a few tips & tactics that might help you "snap outta" your own stress spiral, and re-align with the You that is the unique and powerful gift in the Universe.
In this bonus episode, Hilary and Rev. Rob talk about the creative ingenuity of the sublime animated film "Marcel the Shell with Shoes On," and start to explore the connection between creativity and spirituality!
Let's talk about the Holidays. Gratitude. Families. Authenticity. FOMO. In this bonus episode, Hilary and Rev. Rob get REAL with their first-ever Instagram Live stream, which, through the miracle of technology, was recorded and is now available here as a podcast!
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