In this episode Tracy, Will, and Chris are joined for an interview by Robert Blokker: Figure Painter, Dioramist, Story Teller, and all-round provocateur.
As always you can find an album of images supporting this episode at our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/spruecuttersu/
your hosts also discuss 3D and its effect on the model industry now, and in the future.
You can find Robert on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/rblokker1/
You can find a guest blog he wrote for Chris here: https://modelphilosopher.com/the-demise-of-the-original-story/
contact the show:
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Check out all the great modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.com
Please do check out Chris's blog
Chris Note: in this episode Chris makes a shellac reference. This episode was recorded before the tragic death of Punk Rock Icon, Steve Albini. as huge fans, we mourn his loss.Support the show
In this episode, Chris, Tracy and Will talk about recasters, the pitfalls of selling STLs vs prints, and ugly planes,
Tracy also gives us a masterclass in modelling groundwork
Chris sits down with Robert Crombeecke from Scale Model Challenge (http://Scalemodelchallenge.com) to talk about what people can expect from the workshops at this year's show. You can find out more on the SMC website or on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/scalemodelchallenge) or on instagram at (scale_model_challenge)
This week's special guest is Sculptor, dioramist and model company owner Radek Pituch of Rado Miniatures (https://radominiaturesworld.com/ https://www.facebook.com/radominiatures or on Instagram as Radominiatures)
Chris mentions the awesome 3D parts for the Revell N1 Starfighter, from Sophie Rose. you can contact Rose Model Company on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rosemodelcompany
contact the show:
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Check out all the great modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.com
Please do check out Chris's blog
https://modelphilosopher.com/Support the show
Puuttuva jakso?
In this Episode, Will, Chris, and Tracy interview Noah Krasowitz (https://www.facebook.com/noah.krasowitz.9) of Artbox (https://www.modelkasten.com/), the editorial company behind Scale Aviation, Model Graphix, Armor Modeling, and Navy Yard modelling magazines
The guys also talk about zombie memes, and the usual cornucopia of modelling crap
During this episode, Chris mentions Dmitriy Klimchenko and the group he runs with his wife, in Kyiv, Kids Building Studio, to help kids building models and making crafts. you can support them here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/763830544371173/?ref=share_group_link
contact the show:
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Check out all the great modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.com
Please do check out Chris's blog
https://modelphilosopher.com/Support the show
In this Episode, Will, Cracy, and Triss interview the phenomenally talented Chris Jerrett and talk armour modelling, mountain biking and bespoke time zones.
Chris's socials
instagram chris_jerrett_models._
The debate about the state of social media modelling rumbles on, and we dive into the mailbag.
Contact the show: spruecuttersunion@gmail.com
Please support our sponsors
Check out all the great modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.com
Please do check out Chris's blog
https://modelphilosopher.com/Support the show
In this special episode, which is going out on all the podcaster's own channels, you get to hear a special discussion we, the Scale Model Podcasters, set up over the holidays
The discussion includes the producers of most of the well known modelling podcasts:
Dave Goldfinch from On the Bench
Darrin Cook from the Model Geeks
Rob Riviezzo from the Modelling Insanity Podcast
Chris Pabz from Built Sideways
Barry Biediger from Small Subjects
Malcolm Childs from Making Conversation
Stuart Clark from the Scale Model Podcast
Mike Baskette from the Plastic Model Mojo
Scott Gentry from the Plastic Posse Podcast
and our own Chris Meddings
You can find links to all the shows at http://modelpodcasts.com
Contact the SCU: spruecuttersunion@gmail.com
Please support our SCU sponsors
Check out all the great modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.com
Please do check out Chris's other podcast at https://modelsfromukraine.buzzsprout.com/
And his new blog
https://modelphilosopher.com/Support the show
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Chris, Tracy and Will return from the holidays, not rested and not refreshed, and jaded with the state of the online modelling community.
its all so Blur...
Contact the show: spruecuttersunion@gmail.com
Please support our sponsors
Check out all the great modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.com
Please do check out Chris's other podcast at https://modelsfromukraine.buzzsprout.com/
And his new blog
https://modelphilosopher.com/Support the show
Support the show
In this special episode, Vladimir Sulc, CEO, and Jan Bobek, of Eduard, join Chris and Tracy to give us exclusive news of a brand new, all new tool kit, from Eduard....
Check out our facebook page for photos of this kit! https://www.facebook.com/spruecuttersu
Please support our sponsors
Check out all the great modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.com
Please do check out Chris's other podcast at https://modelsfromukraine.buzzsprout.com/
And his new blog
https://modelphilosopher.com/Support the show
In this episode, Chris, Tracy, and Will talk to Rick Lawler about art and modelling, his powerful pieces, "Burden of Sorrow" and "Some Kind of Monster", modelling darker subjects and capturing "Lightning in a Bottle", plus his work with AK and other brands and, of course, his superb Youtube channel, Propaganda. (https://www.youtube.com/c/ricklawlerpropaganda)
Chris presents two mini Interviews from IPMS UK ScaleModelworld, with Vladimír Šulc of Eduard Models (https://www.eduard.com/) and Gabor Fodor, new owner of (https://friulmodel.hu/)
The guys also discuss listener email, the rights and wrongs of asking for STLs, things they are thankful for, and the 'Fiasco of the Tonedeaf Editorial'.
Contact the show: spruecuttersunion@gmail.com
Please support our sponsors
Check out all the great modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.com
Please do check out Chris's other podcast at https://modelsfromukraine.buzzsprout.com/
And his new blog
https://modelphilosopher.com/Support the show
In this episode, Chris, Will and Tracy discuss what's on their benches, including Will's dirty cans, Tracy's changing plans, and Chris's A-20.
They also discuss the recent YouTube video that pissed off the world, and present a set of recordings from Scale Model Challenge to round off their coverage of this year's show. This includes recordings from the show panels, and from traders at the show.
Contact the show at spruecuttersunion@gmail.com
The panels were
René van der Hart (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063653529060)
Fanch Lubin (https://www.facebook.com/Fancherello)
Peter Usher (https://www.facebook.com/peterw.usher)
Marijn van Gils (https://www.facebook.com/marijn.vangils.3)
Lester Plaskitt (https://www.facebook.com/lester.plaskitt)
Alex Clark (https://www.facebook.com/alex.clark.75286)
Figure Painters
Magnus Fagerburg (https://www.facebook.com/magnus.fagerberg.79)
Marion Ball (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009739961534)
Margot Crombeecke (https://www.facebook.com/margot.crombeecke)
Natalia Oracz (https://www.facebook.com/noracz.art)
David Lane (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082021666524)
Tue Kaae (https://www.facebook.com/tue.kaae)
We also spoke to Abilio (https://www.facebook.com/abilio.pineirograjera) at AK Interactive (https://ak-interactive.com/)
Eduard (https://www.eduard.com/)
Harrald at Modelbau König (https://www.modellbau-koenig.de/en)
Alina and Alex at Miniart (https://miniart-models.com/)
Tim at Ouroboros Miniatures (https://www.facebook.com/groups/338471510287157/user/100000612854795)
Please support our sponsors
Check out all the great modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.com
Please do check out Chris's other podcast at https://modelsfromukraine.buzzsprout.com/
And his new blog
https://modelphilosopher.com/Support the show
In this episode, Chris, Tracy, and Will are joined by TJ and John from the Plastic Posse Podcast to discuss their experiences of Scale Model Challenge 2023
Check out the Posse here: https://plasticpossepodcast.buzzsprout.com/
and their facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/PlasticPosse
Please support our sponsors
Check out all the great modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.com
Please do check out Chris's other podcast at https://modelsfromukraine.buzzsprout.com/
And his new blog
https://modelphilosopher.com/Support the show
In this episode, the guys dive into the mailbag, deal with some burrs, and interview Alexandre Duchamp
you can find Alex here on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alexandre.duchamp.96
or on instagram as @maschinen_heimat
You can find some of Alex's work under the episode album on the Sprue Cutters Union Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/spruecuttersu
you can contact the show at spruecuttersunion@gmail.com
Please support our sponsors
Check out all the great modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.com
Please do check out Chris's other podcast at https://modelsfromukraine.buzzsprout.com/
And his new blog
https://modelphilosopher.com/Support the show
Chris Recently attended the fantastic "Scale Scotland" Show in Edinburgh
In this bonus episode he talks to:
show team member, Andy Canning (Scale Scotland https://www.scalescotland.co.uk/)
Keith from Cozmic Scale Models (https://www.cozmicscalemodels.com/)
John from Hawk Miniatures (https://www.hawkminiatures.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/hawk.miniatures)
Superb diorama and armour modeller (who builds great aircraft too) Ian Barraclough (Ian's facebook group, the Tank Room )
and Paul from NameIt Plates (https://www.nameitplates.co.uk/)
Please support our sponsors
Check out all the great modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.com
Please do check out Chris's other podcast at https://modelsfromukraine.buzzsprout.com/
And his new blog
https://modelphilosopher.com/Support the show
In this episode, Will, Chris and Tracy are joined by Matt McDougall and Jake McKee to discuss modelling, competition, and a lot more
They also talk about mental health and suicide.
If you are struggling at the moment you can reach out for help. In the UK there is a list of regional mental health crisis numbers at NHS.uk, or you can call the Samaritans 24 hours a day on 116 123, you can text the word “SHOUT” to the Shout Crisis line on 85258, or if you are under 19, text “YM” to the same number. Alternatively you can call Childline on 08001111. The call will not appear on your bill
In the US you can call 988 for the Mental Health Emergency Hotline, or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: on 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to reach a 24-hour crisis center, or text REASON to 741741 at the Crisis Text Line.In Australia you can reach out to Lifeline https://www.lifeline.org.au/ on 13 11 14, or
Samaritans Australia on 135 247Samaritans in Canada can be reached on 116 123
The International Suicide Prevention Directory is at : findahelpline.com
Matt's Blog is Here: https://doogsmodels.com/
His Facebook model page is here https://www.facebook.com/doogsmodels
Jake's Blog is Here https://build.jakemckee.com
He details his mental health journey here https://build.jakemckee.com/intrusive-thoughts-drugs-and-the-fine-art-of-model-making/
The Ira Glass quote is here https://build.jakemckee.com/this-is-supposed-to-be-fun-why-the-perfectionism/
Please support our sponsors
Check out all the great modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.com
Please do check out Chris's other podcast at https://modelsfromukraine.buzzsprout.com/
And his new blog
https://modelphilosopher.com/Support the show
in this Special, Tracy and Chris outline the special events the Sprue Cutters Union will be running at Scale Model Challenge, and Chris talks to show host, Robert Crombeecke to get the latest on the best celebration of the art of modelling in the modelling callendar
Please support our sponsors
Check out all the great modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.com
Please do check out Chris's other podcast at https://modelsfromukraine.buzzsprout.com/Support the show
This week Tracy, Will, and Chris discuss the incredible feedback from episode 48, and the unbelievable blowback from the IPMS nationals.
This week's interview is with master automotive modeller Martin Aveyard https://www.instagram.com/stokemodels. Martin's models will leave you speechless, we can guarantee. Find out how he does it, why he does it, and what motivates his modelling in our full length interview.
welcome our new sponsor: Hypersonic Models!
Please support our sponsors
Check out all the great modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.com
Please do check out Chris's other podcast at https://modelsfromukraine.buzzsprout.com/Support the show
In this episode , Chris, Tracy, and Will, are joined by Modeller, Archeologist and 3D kit designer: Sophie Rose
You can find Sophie's work on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/rosemodelcompany/?
Also, Will and Matt McDougall of Doogs Models (https://doogsmodels.com/) tell Tracy and Chris all about their experience at the IPMS USA Nationals,
contact the show at spruecuttersunion@gmail.com
Please Support our Sponsors
Check out all the great modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.com
Please do check out Chris's other podcast at https://modelsfromukraine.buzzsprout.com/Support the show
Tracy is away in Australia, and Will is banned from doing his 'Aussie accent'
In this episode Chris and Will deal with a bumper saddlebag of burrs, their own, and burrs sent in by listeners.
During this episode Chris recommends figures from Bao Nguyen
You can find him here: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009160069060
They also interview Peter Castle about his amazing products at Airscale, and about his incredible 1/18 Scratchbuilt aircraft
Peter on Large Scale Planes
Order Peter's e-book from KLP Publishing here:
contact the show at spruecuttersunion@gmail.com
Please Support our Sponsors
Check out all the great modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.com
Please do check out Chris's other podcast at https://modelsfromukraine.buzzsprout.com/Support the show
Episode 46: "Smush it Real Good" with John Simmons and Robert Crombeecke
In this episode Tracy, Chris, and Will discuss chipping, talk to Robert Crombeecke about Scale Model Challenge 2023 (https://www.scalemodelchallenge.com/) and look back over the first two years of the Sprue Cutters Union, reflecting on the amazing guest interviews and what they have brought to the show.
This episode's interview is with John Simmons (https://www.facebook.com/johnsimmonsscalemodelling) and John tells the guys all about studio scale modelling, specifically replicating models made for the Star Wars movies, the challenges of sourcing the correct parts, and even replicating the colours and weathering techniques used in the ILM workshops in the 70s, 80s, and 90s.
You can see John's models on his Facebook page, on Instagram, (https://www.instagram.com/john_simmons_scale_modelling/?hl=en) and on the RPF Forums (https://www.therpf.com/forums/)
Contact the show spruecuttersunion@gmail.com
Please support our sponsors:
Check out the other modelling podcasts at http://Modelpodcasts.comSupport the show
In this Episode we dive deep into the mailbag to answer your feedback on episode 45, and We talk to Danielle and Rudy from LionHeart Hobby about how they are making the bricks and mortar hobby store a ‘destination’ proposition, adding value to their hobby community and bringing people together
Check out the SCU on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/spruecuttersu
our email is at spruecuttersunion@gmail.com
Please support our sponsors:
Check out the other podcasts at modelpodcasts.com
Music (c) Lemonmusicstudio, all rights reserved by the copyright holderSupport the show
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