
  • This sermon by Rev. C.H. Spurgeon focuses on the command to "Kiss the Son" from Psalm 2:12. The sermon explores the different meanings of this command, including reconciliation, allegiance, worship, and affectionate gratitude. It also emphasizes the consequences of not obeying this command, highlighting the anger and wrath of God. The sermon concludes with the benediction that those who trust in Christ are blessed.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

  • In this sermon, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon exhorts believers to do whatever work they find to do with all their might. He emphasizes that we are here on earth to glorify God and bring others to know His love. The sermon reminds us that our time on earth is limited and that we should not delay in serving God and fulfilling our purpose.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

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  • In this sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon explores the title of Jesus as "the mighty God" from Isaiah 9:6. He discusses the folly of those who deny Christ's divinity, the ways in which believers practically acknowledge Christ as God, and the ways in which Christ has proven himself to be the mighty God. This study guide will help you reflect on the sermon and apply its message to your own life.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

  • In this sermon, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon explores the concept of judgment and the weighing of one's actions and character. He emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and self-examination in order to determine one's true standing before God. The sermon also highlights the need for genuine faith and righteousness, rather than relying on external appearances or the opinions of others.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

  • In this sermon, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon explores the four pillars of the believer's faith that provide a strong foundation for their hope and assurance. These pillars are: Christ's death, Christ's resurrection, Christ's position at the right hand of God, and Christ's intercession for believers. Through these pillars, the believer can confidently challenge anyone who would condemn them, knowing that they are justified and secure in Christ.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

  • This sermon by Rev. C.H. Spurgeon explores the concept of God's justice and how it is satisfied through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The sermon emphasizes that God's justice is not an obstacle to salvation, but rather a means by which sinners can be forgiven and cleansed from all unrighteousness. The study guide will delve deeper into the message of the sermon and encourage readers to reflect on Christ's sacrifice and apply the sermon to their own lives.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

  • In this sermon, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon explores the significance of the wounds of Jesus. He explains why Jesus, after rising from the dead, still bore the marks of his crucifixion. The wounds served as proof of his identity, a reminder of his suffering, and a symbol of his love and sympathy for his followers. This study guide will delve deeper into the message of the sermon and encourage reflection on Christ's goodness and the application of his sacrifice to our own lives.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

  • In this sermon, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon explores the theme of knowing and believing in the love that God has for His people. He emphasizes that experiencing God's love is far more powerful than simply hearing about it, and encourages believers to testify to this love in their own lives.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

  • In this sermon, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon explores the concept of holy violence in seeking the kingdom of heaven. He emphasizes the need for earnestness and fervor in our pursuit of salvation, drawing from the example of the crowds who pressed around Jesus and John the Baptist. Spurgeon argues that true believers are marked by a violent desire to be saved and a passionate love for Christ. He also highlights the opposition and adversaries we face in our spiritual journey, but assures us that the violent will ultimately be successful in their pursuit of the kingdom of heaven.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

  • In this sermon, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon emphasizes the absolute necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives for salvation. He argues that man, by nature, is dead in sin and averse to everything that is good and right. He also highlights that the means of salvation, such as preaching and the ordinances, are inadequate without the work of the Spirit. Furthermore, he points out that the experience, faith, and acts of a Christian cannot be accomplished without the Spirit's presence. This study guide will explore the sermon's message and encourage readers to reflect on the importance of the Holy Spirit's work in their own lives.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

  • In this sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon exhorts the church of Christ to fight the Lord's battles. He emphasizes that the battles of the Lord are not physical wars, but spiritual battles against sin, error, and worldliness. Spurgeon encourages believers to be soldiers of Jesus and to fight these battles with spiritual weapons. He also reminds them to be united in their cause and to rely on God's strength and guidance.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

  • In this sermon, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon explores the vision of the latter-day glories as described in Isaiah 2:2 and Micah 4:1. He paints a picture of a mountain, representing the church of Christ, that grows and rises above all other mountains, becoming a beacon of light and a place of worship for all nations. The sermon emphasizes the church's future growth, its preeminence, and its ultimate supremacy under the reign of Christ.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

  • In this sermon, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon addresses the temptation to view little sins as insignificant and harmless. He argues that even though they may seem small, little sins have the potential to lead to greater sins, multiply rapidly, and have serious consequences. Spurgeon encourages believers to resist this temptation and strive for holiness in all areas of life.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

  • In this sermon, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon explores the contrast between the peace and gifts that Christ gives and those of the world. He emphasizes that Christ's peace is genuine, lasting, and given with a sincere heart, unlike the empty compliments and temporary peace offered by the world. Spurgeon also highlights how Christ's gifts are abundant, selfless, and eternal, in contrast to the limited, selfish, and temporary gifts of the world.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

  • In this sermon, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon addresses the issue of doubt and fear that often accompany faith. He uses the story of Peter walking on water to illustrate how doubt can arise even in those with strong faith. Spurgeon encourages believers to look to Christ and trust in His power and faithfulness, rather than focusing on their own circumstances or shortcomings. This study guide will explore the themes of doubt, trust, and perseverance in the Christian life.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

  • In this sermon, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon emphasizes that there is only one way to come to God: through Jesus Christ. He addresses different ways people try to approach God, such as through nature, penitence, good works, and communion, and explains that none of these ways are acceptable to God without Jesus Christ. The sermon reminds us that our acceptance with God depends solely on what Jesus has done for us, and encourages us to come to God through Him.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

  • In this sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon explores the human need for rest and clothing, both physically and spiritually. He emphasizes that man's attempts to find rest and clothing for his soul in worldly pursuits are futile, as they always fall short. However, he also highlights that God has provided a bed and a covering that are more than sufficient for the believer in Christ.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

  • In this sermon, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon addresses the importance of caring for those who are weak and despondent, both in the world and in the church. He focuses on the significance of having strong hands and knees in the Christian journey, as they represent active duty and supplication. Spurgeon also highlights the ill effects of weak hands and feeble knees, and identifies the causes of these weaknesses. Ultimately, he encourages believers to seek strength from God and to actively serve Him.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

  • In this sermon, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon explores the preciousness of Christ to believers. He shares personal experiences and historical examples to illustrate how Christ has been and continues to be precious to those who believe in him. The sermon emphasizes the intrinsic value of Christ, the believer's need for him, and the ways in which he meets those needs.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n

  • In this sermon, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon explores the concept of predestination and calling. He emphasizes that while the book of God's decrees is closed to human curiosity, God has revealed aspects of his calling in his Word. Spurgeon encourages listeners to reflect on their own calling and predestination, and to find assurance and comfort in the knowledge that God's calling is holy, high, heavenly, and liberating.

    Imagine the impact of bringing more than 3,000 of Spurgeon's sermons to life through this daily podcast. Your generous support can make this vision a reality.  By giving your best gift today at princeofpreachers.com, you play a pivotal role in sharing these profound teachings with countless souls around the world.

    ❤️ To help more people discover the saving power of the gospel through Charles Spurgeon's preaching, you can make a donation at https://princeofpreachers.com/ ❤️

    Spurgeon Resources
    Spurgeon's Sermons https://amzn.to/3zevgTU
    Morning & Evening Devotional https://amzn.to/3J3CUE1
    CH Spurgeon 2 Volume Autobiography https://amzn.to/3Pi5hAA
    Lectures to My Students https://amzn.to/3cpPD7n