Christine Dancke har i en årrekke snakket med artister om musikken og livet, og fortsetter her med det samme - hver mandag.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
New York City DJ and Songwriter Dave Swirsky plays great music from every genre imaginable. Dave also interviews interesting, talented musical guests!
Trzech muszkieterów mających zamiast szpad mikrofony w dłoni. Za ich pomocą, ramię w ramię i do ostatniej kropli krwi, bronią resztek dobrego gustu i przyzwoitości w polskim Internecie.
Słuchaj i wygraj pendrive 2 GB. Więcej informacji na -
MindTrip music, Founded by Pfirter 2006.
Reinvented and relaunched in 2012 under the new name MindTrip.
MindTrip Music was the creation of Buenos Aires born Juan Pablo Pfirter in 2006. The digital-only label acted as a springboard for upcoming Argentinian artists and of course, Pfirter himself, introducing those talents to the rest of the world. Over the years, the fledgling label allowed Juan Pablo the ability to experiment and play with music, sounds and textures and develop his own sense of direction and focus. Collaborating and drawing influence and experience from fellow MindTrip Music artists like Jonas Kopp, Flug, Markus Suckut, Psyk and Monoloc, both the label and Pfirter grew in symbiotic proportion. But after 6 years and 48 releases, Pfirter felt the need for change.
Having released on CLR, Stockholm LTD, Stroboscopic Artefacts & Figure, Pfirter’s brand of hypnotic music has touched dancers and listeners the world over. Not only limited to the clubs, Pfirter’s productions have delved deep into the experimental side too. This is the focus and framework of the new label.
Juan Pablo reinvented and relaunched the MindTrip imprint, showcasing the full degree of his sound. The label changed its name from MindTrip Music to
just MindTrip, releasing vinyl as well as digital utilising a bespoke artwork profile.
This is MindTrip music! -
The Music Podcast
d'origine Mauricienne et passionés de musique tropical et musique Urbaine
vous propose différents mix/edit/intromix....sur différents styles...également beatmaker
booking -
Piano Instrumental Music for Prayer, Meditation, Deep Healing, Worship, Study, Rest, Reflection, and Relaxation.
An Indo-Spanish cross-pollinized record label!
Home to Arjun Vagale @arjun-jalebee
& Ramiro Lopez @ramirolopez -
Official World of Ambient™ Podcast hosted and mixed by Stars Over Foy. The most relaxing space ambient, soundscapes and drone music in the WOA podcast.
Hugo Jarocki is a Circuit Progressive House DJ. His solo career begun in 2018 after playing around Europe with the duo XCUBS idealized and made by him. Colourful and full of energy by nature, he distributes happiness and freedom with his music in every party he plays.
Brazilian, he lived 7 years in Dublin where he became resident of two big parties out there: PROFILE and DADDI. He started to gather attention for his different attempt to bring beats that you never heard before making his statement as “Less is more”. His signature tunes are grooved songs that moves people with the bassline.
Currently studying music production to bring his House Music point of view to the world, always aware of what is new in the market and updating himself to better entertain and do what he loves most: connecting people through music.
Parties played around the world:
Beyond - Fire (London)
L’Omega Club (Nice)
Bigger Party (São Paulo)
SAME - Duel Club (Napoli)
WOOF Bear Pride (Luxembourg)
UTOPIA Festival (Athens)
Boate Metrópole (Recife)
XTRA Party (Padova, Florence)
VAULT (Bulgaria)
Diversity Pride Party - Joy (Madrid)
Rainboworld/Olympus (Malta, Nice, Lódz, Barcelona, Strasbourg)
Mucca - Skala Heaven (Maspalomas)
DADDI Gay Pride (Maspalomas)
DADDI meets MADBEAR (Torremolinos, Madrid)
AQUA CLUB (Torremolinos)
BANANAS (Dublin)
ToyBoy (Dublin)
Euphoria (Dublin)
Resident DJ:
XTRA Italy -
Музыка для меня - это уникальное явление, которое проходит через всю мою жизнь. Начиная с самого моего рождения и до настоящего момента - это одно из немногих воплощений творчества, живущее внутри меня, бьющееся в ритм моего сердца, заволакивающее своими вибрациями всего меня целиком и полностью и создающее мой собственный клип длиною в жизнь.
guys please DO NOT send me demos or promos here...thx
Polski podcast o Madonnie nagrywany przez twórcę – najstarszej na świecie strony o Królowej Popu. Już od 1999 roku.
Decibel is a project based on a club events, music podcast series and video sets. It all initiated with two fans of electronic music, Babiński & Lord who in the last couple of years have participated in organising many techno music parties in Krakow. The fascination of their favourite artists, observing them up close during showcases as well as personal performances on the other side of the decks resulted that early 2018 they started the Decibel project where you can hear DJ's presenting music that is close to their hearts.
- -
Electronic Podcast and Label with a lot of newcomers.
selected by
Serioes & Legendaer
Little Duracell
Follow our other channel: -
«Обережно, Мох!» - авторська програма Моха, продюсера гурту «Перкалаба» / «Familia Perkalaba».
Гості Моха, непересічні люди, які розвивають міську культуру, працюють у сферах актуального мистецтва і прогресивної освіти і головне – готові бути відкритим світові, що на думку автора і є ознакою їх сили. -
Музичний подкаст, який відправить слухачів у ритмічну подорож через світ музики, досліджуючи різноманітні жанри, обговорюючи видатних виконавців, ділиться цікавими інтерв'ю та розкриваючи захоплюючі історії за улюбленими піснями.
Готуйтеся зануритися у магічний світ музики та дозвольте її гармоніям та мелодіям надихнути вашу душу. -
No Tags is a podcast and newsletter from Chal Ravens and Tom Lea chronicling underground music culture. -
Benvenuti a "Musica elettronica e Cinema", il podcast mensile che vi condurrà in un affascinante viaggio attraverso le intricate sinfonie elettroniche che hanno dato vita alle colonne sonore più memorabili nella storia del cinema.In ogni episodio, esploreremo come l'arte dell'elettronica si è fusa con il linguaggio cinematografico, creando atmosfere uniche e coinvolgenti. Dalle pulsanti sequenze di sintetizzatori degli anni '80 ai suoni futuristici dei giorni nostri, vi porteremo in un mondo di emozioni e immagini attraverso le orecchie.Attraverso approfondite analisi scopriremo come le tecnologie elettroniche abbiano trasformato la colonna sonora cinematografica, portandola ad un livello completamente nuovo. Da Viaggio allucinante all'acclamato Blade Runner esploreremo le pietre miliari della musica elettronica nel cinema, svelando segreti nascosti e curiosità dietro le quinte.Unisciti a me ogni mese per un'immersione avvincente nel mondo delle colonne sonore elettroniche, mentre scopriamo come questi suoni futuristici abbiano contribuito a plasmare il mondo del cinema e a trasportarci in mondi mai visti prima.Queste puntate sono state trasmesse in origine su Radio Video Music, all'interno della trasmissione Excursus.