Seeing our Most Holy Mother respond to Archangel Gabriel with such humility shouldn't discourage us, but rather should motivate us to become more like her. She is our great example and a saint who we can all aspire to become and also who we can call on in our prayers.
Are we prepared? Have we taken this fast as a time of preparing our hearts to receive our Lord? As the time nears to our Lord Jesus Christ's Incarnation, it is a wonderful time for us all to examine the state of our souls and see whether we have made room for Him. And if we haven't to begin to do so.
Puuttuva jakso?
Join us as we begin our new Bible study on the book of Genesis
Come join us as we conclude the final Bible study on the life of Moses
God sows the seeds of His love to all people with impartiality. It is then our obligation to respond to His outpouring of love by taking action to till the soil of our hearts so that it is ready to receive His Word. May God help us all to bring forth a crop according to our capacity.
Join us as we wrap up the final chapters of the book of Exodus and also begin to come to a close on the life of Moses. Next week we will look at the book of Deuteronomy briefly to see the final moments of the life of the Prophet Moses.
We are called to preoccupied with Light, so that whatever we do or wherever we go we reflect the Light of Christ. Sometimes we are tempted to hide the Light of God, but instead as Christ calls us to do, "Let your light so shine that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven."
Join us as we continue our study of the life of Moses in Exodus
There is nothing for us to be anxious about once we begin to see that everything is from the Lord's hand. Whether it be good or bad in our eyes, it will all work out for good for those who love God. If our hope is in Him, it doesn't mean that we won't experience hardship or trials, but that whatever we go through we can be assured of it all working out in the end.
Join us as we celebrate the blessed feast of St Luke the Evangelist, our blessed patron saint and intercessor!
Join us as we continue our study through the life of Moses!
God is Love and so by moving closer to Him we in turn become more like Him. This is why God has given us the commandment to love Him and to love one another. By loving God and becoming more like Him we in turn fulfil the commandment to love our neighbour. This is the goal and purpose of our whole life!
Join us as we continue our study through the life of Moses
Falling at Christ's feet and realising his own sinfulness, St Peter demonstrates for us what remarkable repentance looks like. When we know ourselves and truly see how far away from God we are and how often we reject Him, then we can as St Peter did, make a true and life changing repentance that changed the course of his whole life and eternity!
After a hiatus of a few weeks, we are back! Join us for part 4 of Moses' life in the book of Exodus
Christ comes to us and condescends to us and heals us from our infirmities and sins. He can never be defiled by us and by our sin. Conversely, when we come into contact with Christ He transforms us and cleanses us rather than us defiling Him. Let us run to Him!
God desires our broken and contrite hearts. Just as the sinner woman comes before Christ and holds onto His feet as if to not let go, so also Christ desires for us to come to Him with our brokenness and in repentance. Clinging to Him without ever wanting to let go.
At the moment many of us struggle to 'desire' God. Instead we run after the things of the world and try to seek pleasure and fulfilment in them. However, if we struggle day by day and seek after Christ a little more each day then one day through His grace we may come to truly desire Him.
Join us as we continue our Bible Study through Exodus
When we actually live for Christ, it is then that we truly experience Him. As such we become doers of the Word and partakers of who He is.
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