
  • Today’s guests are Sue and Phil Huber. Phil and Sue have been married 30 years this August but it has not always been a dream - rather a nightmare at times. With listening to good counsel as well as taking to heart the Freedom in Christ principles, Phil and Sue are walking in a healthy, whole and growing marriage today. Phil is a bi-vocational pastor serving the congregation of Inlet Community Church in Inlet, NY. Sue works remotely as the National Course Coordinator of FICM-USA.

    FICM Resources: The FIC Course, Steps, Transform


    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org.

    For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Purchase The Bondage Breaker: https://freedominchrist.com/thebondag...

    Purchase The Steps to Freedom in Christ: https://freedominchrist.com/new-thest...

    Instagram: / freedominchrist_usa

    Facebook: / freedominchrist.usa

  • Today’s guest is Brian Westphalen. At a young age, Brian’s mom was diagnosed with cancer, which led him to have a lot of questions about God and life. As a college student, someone introduced him to Jesus and he threw himself fully into ministry with Campus Crusade for Christ. While in ministry he met his now wife, Jewl. Together, he and Jewl served the ministry and even spent time overseas in Russia on missions. Now, Brain and Jewl serve at Freedom in Christ Ministries, helping others find freedom.

    FICM Resources: The FIC Course & The Steps to Freedom in Christ



    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org.

    For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Purchase The Bondage Breaker: https://freedominchrist.com/thebondag...

    Purchase The Steps to Freedom in Christ: https://freedominchrist.com/new-thest...

    Instagram: / freedominchrist_usa

    Facebook: / freedominchrist.usa

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  • Today’s guest is Alison Cullen. Alison grew up in a home where she was exposed to occult practices, but nevertheless met Jesus and became a believer at a young age. She then spent time as a missionary as a young woman with YWAM in Asia and the South Pacific. Alison has made her living as an artist/designer over the past thirty six years.

    Through renouncing the occult practices of her family, she saw the miraculous healing of her son, and vibrancy brought back to her marriage.

    Now, Alison serves in her community as a Young Life leader. She is passionate about mentoring "twenty something" women in her home introducing them to the FICM message. Currently, Alison serves FICM as a member of its board of directors. We hope you enjoy her story!

    FICM Resources: The FIC Course, Steps, Freed to Lead


    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org.

    For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Purchase The Bondage Breaker: https://freedominchrist.com/thebondag...

    Purchase The Steps to Freedom in Christ: https://freedominchrist.com/new-thest...

    Instagram: / freedominchrist_usa

    Facebook: / freedominchrist.usa

  • Rod Woods and his wife, Karen, moved to City Temple in London in September 2001, after previously serving churches near St. Louis, Missouri. Over the years, Rod has worked with many churches and marketplace leaders, seeking to help them lead more effectively. Rod has a Doctor of Ministry in Missiology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Chicago. He is the author of Freed to Lead, and co-author with Steve Goss of the Freed to Lead course, used by thousands of leaders in more than 50 nations.

    FICM Resources: The FIC Course, Steps, Freed to Lead


    Read Rod’s Substack: https://freedtolead.substack.com/p/living-in-babylon?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email-restack-comment&r=3gd4xe&triedRedirect=true

    Order Freed to Lead today!: https://freedominchrist.com/freedtolead.aspx

    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org.

    For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Purchase The Bondage Breaker: https://freedominchrist.com/thebondag...

    Purchase The Steps to Freedom in Christ: https://freedominchrist.com/new-thest...

    Instagram: / freedominchrist_usa

    Facebook: / freedominchrist.usa

  • Neil Anderson is the founder of Freedom in Christ Ministries and the best-selling author of books Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker. Originally raised on a farm in Minnesota, Neil left a successful aerospace engineering job to go into ministry. As a pastor and later as a seminary professor, Neil noticed a common phenomenon among the people he was serving—even though they were Christians, they kept struggling with the same problems.

    This realization led Neil to spend years studying, learning and developing a step-by-step prayer and repentance process called The Steps to Freedom in Christ. It’s designed to help people resolve the root issues in their lives by submitting to God and resisting the Devil.

    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org.

    For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Purchase The Bondage Breaker: https://freedominchrist.com/thebondag...

    Purchase The Steps to Freedom in Christ: https://freedominchrist.com/new-thest...

  • Today’s guest is Chris Campbell. Chris is a licensed Christian Counselor, practicing in West Virginia. Chris began his adult life as an engineer, then became a pastor, and now is a counselor. In today’s episode, Chris will give us a broad overview of how Freedom in Christ Ministries resources can work hand in hand with licensed counseling. Some sensitive topics may be brought up, so if you’re listeneing with children around- you might want to put on some headphones. We hope you enjoy this episode!

    Episode Links:

    Resolutions Clinic: https://www.resolutionsofwv.com/

    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org.

    For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Purchase The Bondage Breaker: https://freedominchrist.com/thebondag...

    Purchase The Steps to Freedom in Christ: https://freedominchrist.com/new-thest...

  • Today’s guest is Kat Rodman. Kat is newly married and is working as a graphic designer in Orange County California. Kat grew up in a Christian home, but walked away from God when she experienced the loss of her father. Through God’s grace, she came back to following Jesus in high school. She consistently walked out her faith through her college years, but still felt deep grief, sadness, and anger. By God’s work through Freedom in Christ, she found healing. Here’s the rest of Kat’s story.


    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org.

    For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Purchase The Bondage Breaker: https://freedominchrist.com/thebondag...

    Purchase The Steps to Freedom in Christ: https://freedominchrist.com/new-thest...

  • Today’s guest is Matt Massingale. Matt is a father, husband, and the recent author of one of our new fee resources “No Power Over Me: Demolishing Satan’s Lies”. Matt grew up in a small town in Louisiana, where he was exposed to some pretty scary circumstances. Nevertheless, Matt became a believer at age 15. It wasn’t until about 10 years later, when he read Victory Over the Darkness, that he really took hold of his faith. Now Matt uses what he has learned to help others find freedom in Christ and pursue healthy relationships.


    Check out Matt’s free resource: https://www.ficm.org/courses/no-power-over-me/

    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org.

    For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Purchase The Bondage Breaker: https://freedominchrist.com/thebondag...

    Purchase The Steps to Freedom in Christ: https://freedominchrist.com/new-thest...

    Instagram: / freedominchrist_usa

    Facebook: / freedominchrist.usa

  • Today’s Guest is Beverly Wilburn. Beverly grew up in a difficult home, but her Grandfather was a Baptist preacher who showed her the love of God. After his passing, she was looking for a Christian who showed the same kind of love as her grandfather. When she couldn’t find it, she turned to Atheism and professed that there wasn’t a God. Years later, a friend brought her to a bible study, where she accepted Jesus. She is now involved in Freedom in Christ Ministries and is passionate about sharing her story to encourage others. Here’s Beverly’s story.


    Check out Beverly’s books:




    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org.

    For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Purchase The Bondage Breaker: https://freedominchrist.com/thebondag...

    Purchase The Steps to Freedom in Christ: https://freedominchrist.com/new-thest...

    Instagram: / freedominchrist_usa

    Facebook: / freedominchrist.usa

  • Today’s guests are Josh and Many Shaarda. Josh and Mandy met in Bible College, and once they got married, they made the difficult decision to move to an unreached part of Nigeria. After a few years there, the Shaardas felt the Lord move them to Uganda, where they now live with their children. In Uganda, Josh and Mandy have used the message of Freedom in Christ to minister to all the people of Uganda, but specifically those in prison. Through their obedience, many have come to Christ and God has radically transformed them. Check out the rest of their story!


    Read more about Sarah's Ministry at Renew Clinic! https://www.renewknoxville.com/

    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org.

    For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Purchase The Bondage Breaker: https://freedominchrist.com/thebondag...

    Purchase The Steps to Freedom in Christ: https://freedominchrist.com/new-thest...

    Instagram: / freedominchrist_usa

    Facebook: / freedominchrist.usa

  • Today’s Guest is Sarah Keel. Sarah is a wife, mother, and executive director of Renew Clinic- a Christ centered recovery ministry for those who have struggled with substance abuse.

    Sarah grew up in a home where she experienced lots of change and was not introduced to the love of God. In rebellion, she turned to drugs and found herself in jail, facing potential prison time. It was in jail that she someone shared the gospel with her for the first time.

    Now Sarah uses her story to minister to those who struggle with substance abuse and point them to Jesus.


    Read more about Sarah's Ministry at Renew Clinic! https://www.renewknoxville.com/

    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org.

    For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Purchase The Bondage Breaker: https://freedominchrist.com/thebondag...

    Purchase The Steps to Freedom in Christ: https://freedominchrist.com/new-thest...

    Instagram: / freedominchrist_usa

    Facebook: / freedominchrist.usa

  • Today’s guest is Billy Burleigh. Billy accepted Jesus when he was a young boy, but soon after he had a thought come into his mind: “God made a mistake, I’m a girl”. Billy started to believe the lies of the enemy, and after encouragement from his therapist, decided to undergo gender reassignment surgery and present himself as a woman.

    After 7 years of presenting as a woman, Billy became desperate for change and found Jesus. Once he understood his identity in Christ everything changed!


    WATCH: A documentary where Billy shares more of his story!


    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org.

    For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freedominchrist_usa/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freedominchrist.usa

    Billy's Resource Reccomendations:





  • Today’s guest is Amber Ward. Amber met Jesus at a young age and she and her late husband met in their high school youth ministry. After their daughters were born, Amber’s husband was diagnosed with a chronic illness. Through this difficulties of his illness, Amber’s husband became verbally abusive to her and their daughters.

    When her marriage was on the verge of failure, a friend introduced her to Freedom in Christ. Through Freedom in Christ, she learned how to forgive her husband and walk with him through his illness despite the verbal abuse she was constantly facing.


    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org. For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freedominchrist_usa/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freedominchrist.usa

  • We have an exciting announcement! Today's Guest is Lauren Boyt, who will be the new co-host of Stories of Freedom Podcast! Lauren is a recent graduate from Baylor University and is Freedom in Christ's new Communications and Content Manager!

    Lauren grew up in a healthy Christian home. But being the middle of three girls, she began to believe lies that she was not as important as her sisters. The lies of the enemy poured in her whole childhood and by the time she was in high school, she became harsh, angry, and bitter. She set up walls to protect and defend herself which had negative consequences on all her relationships.

    Then, her parents introduced her to Freedom in Christ. She finally understood that God is her defender and learned how to truly forgive those who had hurt her.


    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org. For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freedominchrist_usa/

  • Today’s guest is Rosemary Tong Davidson. Rosemary lives in Los Angeles, California, with her husband, Ronnie. Rosemary’s childhood was unstable, and she suffered both verbal and physical abuse. When she was 8 years old, her aunt and uncle gave her a Bible tract, and she prayed to receive Jesus in her heart. However, her view of herself was damaged due to the abuse and rejection she experienced as a child. Even after she rededicated her life to God as an adult, her walk with God continued to be a sin-confess-sin-confess cycle, and she didn’t understand God’s love for her.

    Not until a couple of years ago when Rosemary was given The Bondage Breaker by Neil Anderson. After reading the book and working through The Steps to Freedom in Christ, Rosemary felt a huge weight lifted. She experienced freedom from tormenting thoughts, and a peace she’d never known. But what impacted her the most was understanding God as her Father and His great love for her. Today, she is overflowing with God’s love and passionate about shining her Father’s light wherever she goes.


    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org. For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Purchase The Bondage Breaker: https://freedominchrist.com/thebondagebreaker-new.aspx

    Purchase The Steps to Freedom in Christ: https://freedominchrist.com/new-thestepstofreedominchrist.aspx

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freedominchrist_usa/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freedominchrist.usa

  • Our Guest today is Pati Colston. Pati is a licensed clinical social worker currently working at a Christian pregnancy center. Pati began a relationship with Jesus after attending Vacation Bible School but eventually drifted away from God. While she did return to her faith as an adult, the brokenness and dysfunction she experienced in her family growing up caused her to believe that she had to be perfect to earn God’s favor. For years, she was trapped in fear and shame, while outwardly appearing to be doing fine.

    It wasn’t until the last few years that Pati began to truly experience God’s abundant grace and love for her and find freedom. Being honest with God and getting to the depths of her fear and brokenness was the start of her healing and restoration. Now, Pati’s eager to share about God’s grace with others and testify to the fact that “there are no wounds too big for God to heal.


    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org. For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freedominchrist_usa/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freedominchrist.usa

  • Today’s guest is Jamesetta Roach. She is a Pastor and Christian Counselor in St Louis. Jamesetta grew up in a Christian home and felt a call to ministry at a young age.

    She began leading a deliverance ministry at her church, but quickly realized that her efforts were only producing temporary fixes within the members of her church. Then, she heard about The Steps to Freedom in Christ. After going through the Steps herself and seeing the drastic changes in her own life, she brought Freedom in Christ material to her church.

    Since then, Jamesetta has witnessed incredible transformation in her church body and seen numerous people experience healing and freedom through Christ. Not only have people within her church learned how to take responsibility for their freedom, but they also have became more connected and unified as a body.

    Jamesetta also went through the Freed to Lead course, which helped her throw off the fear of man and become a leader who solely looked to God for affirmation. Today, Jamesetta is eager to share these tools with others and see them embrace their identity in Christ and overcome bondage/strongholds.


    Purchase The Steps to Freedom in Christ: https://freedominchrist.com/new-thestepstofreedominchrist.aspx

    Jamesetta mentioned Freed to Lead as a resource she went through. Freed to Lead is offered as a small group course in both the fall and spring. Check it out here: https://www.ficm.org/courses/level-1-get-started/.

    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org. For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freedominchrist_usa/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freedominchrist.usa

  • This week’s guest is Rachel Kyriazis. Rachel lives in Pittsburg and currently works at a non-profit that works with at-risk youth. She met Jesus when she was young, but she began to really struggle with anxiety and hearing voices during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nothing seemed to help, so Rachel lived in a constant state of fear and anxiety. She got to such a low point that she believed she was unforgivable and almost lost her faith.

    When she found Freedom in Christ materials, she learned how to identify lies and silence the voice of the enemy. These voices still try to speak, but now Rachel knows her identity in Christ and can take authority over the lies. If you’ve ever struggled with anxiety or heard negative voices in your head, this episode is for you. Rachel unpacks what these harmful voices sounded like and how to stand in the truth of who you are in Christ.


    Interested in getting involved with Gen Free? Check out their website at https://genfree.ficm.org/.

    Register for the GenFree Intensive on October 9-10 in Spring Hill, TN: genfree.ficm.org

    Rachel mentions how helpful the Who I am Christ list & My Father God list have been in her life. Access them for free here: Who I am in Christ – https://www.ficm.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/who-i-am-in-christ05.pdf. My Father God – https://www.ficm.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/OurFatherGod-NoBackground.pdf

    Learn more about our Discipleship Process (including the Freedom in Christ Course and The Steps to Freedom in Christ): https://www.ficm.org/what-we-offer/our-discipleship-process/

    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: https://www.ficm.org/. For those outside the United States: https://www.freedominchrist.org/.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freedominchrist_usa/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freedominchrist.usa

  • Our interview today was a special one—we didn’t just talk to one guest; we talked to three! Dan sat down with Chris Campbell and James and Melissa Presley to discuss getting the Freedom message to younger generations. Chris Campbell is founder and president of Resolutions Counseling and originally founded and directed Generation Freedom, the youth arm of Freedom in Christ. James and Mellisa Pressley have worked with youth for over 20 years and head up GenFree, which is what Generation Freedom is now called.

    Chris, Mellisa and James start off talking about what first led them to get involved working with youth. From there, we cover a wide variety of topics. We talk about everything from the history of Generation Freedom (now GenFree), general characteristics of Gen Z, the new vision of GenFree, how to incorporate Freedom in Christ principles and practices into working with youth, and what makes GenFree curriculum different than other youth curriculum. Mellissa, the Director of GenFree, expresses the heart of GenFree: for young people to be shaped from the inside out, not from the outside in. Their vision is to see young people have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, be filled with the Holy Spirit, and be rooted and grounded in their identity in Christ. GenFree is also committed to helping parents, grandparents, youth pastors, counselors and anyone else working with youth.


    Interested in getting involved with Gen Free? Check out their website at https://genfree.ficm.org/.

    Register for the GenFree Intensive on October 9-10 in Spring Hill, TN: genfree.ficm.org

    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org. For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freedominchrist_usa/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freedominchrist.usa

  • Our guest today is Mark Eshelman.

    Mark accepted Christ at the young age of 10, but his faith soon became works based. In his 20’s, he experienced a spiritual crisis and sought answers as he traveled across the world. God provided the resources he needed to get through it, and for many years, Mark lived as a committed follower of Jesus.

    While his spiritual crisis led him to settle many of his intellectual questions about Jesus and Christianity, his faith was still very much in his head, and he did not know how to engage with God on a heartfelt, emotional level. Eventually he hit a spiritual drought, and he knew he needed something more.

    Then, a friend introduced him to Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker by Neil Anderson. Immediately, he noticed two significant changes: his heart was quiet, and his bitter anger was gone. This was the start of a new chapter in Mark’s life. Since then, he’s been on a journey of discovering his significance in God and learning to break off idols which has allowed him to fully receive and feel the depths of God’s love. Today, he’s able to love his wife, God and others in a way that he never was before.


    Subscribe to Stories of Freedom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts so that you never miss an episode!

    Learn more about Freedom in Christ Ministries USA and the discipleship resources we offer: www.ficm.org. For those outside the United States: www.freedominchrist.org.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freedominchrist_usa/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freedominchrist.usa