The Giant Turnip
The Grimms’ fairy tale,” The Queen Bee”
Puuttuva jakso?
A story by Joan Almon, for the Winter Spiral festival
“Earth Who Gives to Us this Food”
“Earth Who Gives to Us this Food”
The story of the hobgoblin
An autumn story
A story for the festival of Michaelmas
The Grimms fairy tale, “The Frog King”, otherwise known as “The Frog Prince”.
The Butterfly Prince
The Grimms' fairy tale, "Rumpelstiltskin"
Wash Your Hands song. It's just over 30 seconds long. You can Wash for the entire song, or wash for the first 22 seconds until the words, "Look at all these friends of mine/Washing hands so clean and fine".
Circle of Friends song
The Grimms' fairy tale, "Sweet Porridge"
Little Round Bun--2 songs from the circle
Little Briar Rose (Grimms)
The story of the little round bun
Story written for young children as a pictorial, gentle way to describe why we need to stay home during the pandemic.
Most of these songs are sung most days of the week, daily, or several times a day in the Sunshine Garden.