
  • There are many challenges facing the food industry at the moment, and those challenges are being faced by all of us, farmers, producers, manufacturers, retailers and consumers.

    Consumers in particular, are increasingly concerned with a rising cost of living, their overall health, as well as sustainability and climate change.

    In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, made in partnership with Azelis UK Food and Nutrition, we look at how the food industry can address these concerns, and support consumers whilst continuing to feed a growing population.

    It is a challenge, but every challenge presents an opportunity.

    We look at the latest trends, the differences and similarities between working with a start-up and a multi-national, and learn all about the new product development journey.

    Meet the Azelis team at the Food Matters Live Tastes of Better event

    Charles Hawley, Managing Director, Azelis UK and Ireland
    Mandy Hogben, Senior Sales Manager, Azelis Food and Nutrition
    Joe Yeates, Business Manager, Azelis Food and Nutrition UK and Ireland
    Alie Coppolella, Market Manager, Azelis Food and Nutrition UK and Ireland

  • Looking after crops and maintaining a resilient food supply is as important now as it has ever been.

    But the challenges farmers are facing are growing, from inflation to a growing population and climate change - and all with sustainable agriculture front of mind.

    In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, made in partnership with CropLife Europe, we explore the role biopesticides could play in helping to ease some of the pressure on our food producers.

    Biopesticides are pesticides produced using naturally occurring substances such as plants, microbes, or biochemicals.

    They offer opportunities for protecting crops from pests and diseases and have a more favourable toxicological safety profile compared to conventional pesticides.

    In many parts of the world, they are widely used and new products can make it to market within a couple of years. In Europe, things are moving, but much more slowly.

    The question is: is Europe playing catch-up?

    This episode looks at how biopesticides are currently being used in Europe, how they might be used in future, and whether or not current regulations are in need of a shake-up.

    Olivier de Matos, Director General, CropLife Europe

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • What are the innovations that will shape our culinary experiences over the next decade or so?

    It is exciting to think about some of the things we may be seeing on our plates in the years ahead, but the really interesting aspect is what influences those trends.

    In this episode, recorded live at the Food Matters Live Tastes of Better event in Ascot in April 2024, we ask the experts where we might be heading, and which factors may be taking us there.

    How will an increased interest in sustainability, provenance, and cultural diversity impact our culinary experiences if the future?

    We also ask them to reflect on some trends from the past, which have stood the test of time, and which have fallen by the wayside?

    It is a journey from the past to the present and beyond, that left our live audience licking their lips.

    Juliane Caillouette-Noble Managing Director, Sustainable Restaurant Association
    Jamie Robinson Executive Chef, Tesco
    Tim Sheed Head Chef, 1215 Restaurant at Fairmont Windsor Park
    Stephen Humphries Executive Development Chef, Vacherin
    Chris Baber Chef and Author, Content Creator

  • How can the food sector go about achieving its sustainability goals? It's a big question, but one that is increasingly pressing.

    Sustainability has been a hot topic in the food sector for many years, and whilst consumers might try to make more sustainable choices, often it's the parts of the food production system they do not see that are the most energy intensive.

    In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, made in partnership with Tetra Pak, we take a look at some of the solutions that could make a real difference.

    The food industry is making great efforts to reduce things like CO2 emissions and water wastage, but it is a big challenges, and most would agree that it requires a joined-up, cohesive effort to really make the changes needed.

    One of the answers for food manufacturers could be Tetra Pak's new Factory Sustainable Solutions.

    It is all about moving away from a piecemeal approach to sustainability, looking at a factory's sustainability credentials as a whole.

    In this episode we find out more about how it works, who it is appropriate for, and where the biggest wins might be.

    Nicole Uvenbeck, Director of Factory Sustainable Solutions, Tetra Pak

  • There seems to be little doubt that AI and other new technologies are going to play a big role in many aspects of our lives, but what will their role be in food?

    New product development, production processes and food formulation could all be impacted by technological advances.

    The potential, is that some of the big questions the food industry is facing could be solved using AI.

    The concern, if there is one, is that the human element is sidelined by a rush to robots.

    As with most things, the truth is likely to lay somewhere between those two extremes, but there can be little doubt that we are on the cusp of a significant moment.

    In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, recorded live at our Tastes of Better event in Ascot in April 2024, we explore this fascinating subject.

    What is the potential for food companies to leverage AI and new technologies to accelerate product development, could we see the design of more nutritious foods and ingredients, and how do we mitigate the challenges associated with the application of AI in the food space?

    Sterling Crew President, Institute of Food Science and Technology
    Carolina Pinto Thematic Analyst, GlobalData
    Geraldine Gilbert Principal Strategist – Food & Sustainable Nutrition, Forum for the Future
    Bernhard Strauss Director of Research, Camrosh Limited
    Peter Noy Associate Director, Food Systems Institute at the University of Nottingham

  • We are living longer now than before, but increased age in itself is not the ultimate goal.

    What most people really want is to live in good health for a long time.

    The problem is, although medical advances have helped to extend our lives, we have not necessarily seen health increase in that time.

    In fact, the expectation is that we will spend more of our lives in poor health.

    Attend our Tastes of Better events in Manchester and Dublin

    In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, recorded at our Inspiring Nutrition event in London on November 2023, we look at how consumers are increasingly seeking to take control by turning to food and nutrition.

    So, how can the food industry innovate at-pace to support these consumers, using exciting and unique new ingredients on the market?

    Robert Thomas, Professor of Exercise and Nutritional Science, University of Bedfordshire
    Harriet Smith, CEO and Founder, HRS Communications
    Claire Hughes, Director of Product Development and Innovation, Sainsbury's
    Vivien Rolfe, Head of Research, Pukka Herbs

  • For many decades starch has been a backbone of the modern food industry, used in food production for a variety of purposes.

    It is versatile, easy to mix, and can enhance the overall experience of a product.

    In this episode, made in partnership with Royal Avebe, we delve into the role this incredible ingredient has traditionally played in the food industry, as well as discovering some of the innovative ways it is helping to shape the food industry of the future.

    Attend our Tastes of Better events in Manchester and Dublin

    Avebe has been involved in the production of potato starch for more than 100 years, bringing an unrivalled level of expertise.

    So, how does starch fit into a world that is shifting towards plant-based and protein-rich diets?

    What impact will the rising cost of living have on the use of starch in the industry?

    And, how does starch fit into the sustainability ambitions of consumers and producers?

    Royal Avebe

    Royal Avebe is a market-oriented cooperative of starch potato growers with a great heritage.

    They take responsibility for the whole process, from crop to shop and have been doing so since 1919. They are on top of trends, and their international experts help food producers worldwide with the right application of their potato-based ingredients.

    From plant-based burgers with the perfect texture and taste, to Asian noodles with the perfect bite, to plant-based desserts that requires no cow, they strive to eliminate allergies, e-numbers and unnatural additives.

    Meleknur Tüzün, Global Segment Manager, Royal Avebe
    Akkelien Vermüe, Strategic Marketing Manager, Royal Avebe

  • There are many things that affect our mental and cognitive health, and increasingly what we eat and drink is gaining prominence in this area.

    The good news, is that we have some control over what we consumer, and for the food and drink industry, that creates an opportunity.

    Making products that can boost our mental and cognitive health, or slow any decline, are becoming more and more attractive.

    This episode of the Food Matters Live podcast was recorded live at the Food Matters Live Inspiring Nutrition event held in London in November 2023.

    Our panel discusses the role nutrition can play in our mental and cognitive health.

    They delve into the science around the gut-brain axis, the ingredients leading the way in supporting good mental health, and how all the research out there can be formulated into practical applications for consumers.

    Jackie Lynch, Founder, WellWellWell Nutrition
    Miriam Ferrer, Head of Product Development, Cambridge Nutraceuticals
    Piril Hepsomali, Lecturer in Psychology, University of Reading
    Marisa Poster, Co-Founder, PerfectTed

  • Palm oil is on everybody’s lips, not just metaphorically, but physically too.

    It is a hugely versatile ingredient and it is widely used in the food industry.

    It has so many properties that make it useful, including being an extremely efficient crop, which is why it is present in a huge array of products.

    The farming of palm oil has made the headlines because of links to deforestation and unsustainable farming practices — but does it have to be that way?

    In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, made in partnership with Daabon, we look at how palm oil can be produced sustainably.

    Daabon is a Colombian third generation family business dedicated to sustainable and organic palm oil.

    It has established themselves as a flagship example of how to grow, harvest process, and deliver fully traceable and sustainable palm oil ingredients that help local communities.

    In this episode we ask: is palm oil inherently bad? What will new EU regulations mean for the industry? And we will look at some of the practical applications of palm oil in food.


    The Grupo Daabon is a pioneer company, leader in the production of organic ingredients in South America. Its headquarters are located in Santa Marta, Colombia. This family-owned company was founded in 1914 and it employs over 3000 people and has presence in the 5 continents.

    The mission of the Grupo Daabon is to grow, transform and sell top quality organic products, based on a permanent research process framed within corporate policies that guarantee the wellbeing of our employees, the protection of the environment and the search for economic profitability.

    Manuel Davila, Managing Director Daabon UK and Daabon Europe
    Felipe Guerrero, Executive Vice President, Daabon
    Balachandar Selvamohan, Global Innovation Director, Daabon

  • Butchers shops, once a common sight in most towns and villages across Europe, are declining in number.

    The impact of that decline can be felt in communities throughout the continent, and it could also be impacting our diets too.

    On Allergen Awareness Week, and in partnership with Dutch Spices, we look at why butchers shops are disappearing, but also how that trend can be reversed.

    We delve into some of the methods butchers can use to get themselves fit for the future, and compete with the supermarkets.

    In the UK, we have seen a reduction in the number of butchers shops of more than 18 per cent in the last decade.

    It is around 16 per cent in the Netherlands, nearly 20 per cent in Belgium, and the list goes on.

    So, what is behind the decline? What is the impact on our diets and our communities? And what can be done to reverse it?

    Peter Curry, Managing Director, Gastrome Professional Ingredients
    Piet Buis, Business Unit Manager, Dutch Spices
    John West, award winning butcher, product development & innovation specialist

    About Dutch Spices

    Dutch Spices offers a wealth of tasty solutions like herb mixtures, marinades and sauces.

    It also specialises in developing seasonings and flavours that answer its customers’ specific wishes and develops new flavours especially for their products.

    Its specialists would be delighted to hear your requirements and preferences so they can offer you tailor-made advice.

    Dutch Spices only uses ingredients that comply with the most stringent allergen safety, vegan and halal guidelines.

  • Has there been a more challenging time for the global food system in modern times?

    It is difficult to argue against considering the amount of geopolitical turmoil and the growing climate crisis.

    Add into that, a growing population, and the scale of the challenge of keeping everyone fed is clear.

    But that is where innovation will be key. The global food system needs to keep innovating in order to meet the challenges it faces.

    Attend our Food Innovation, Nutrition and Sustainability events

    In this episode of the Food Matters Live Podcast, recorded live at the Sustainable Food Forum in London in September 2023, we shine a light on the innovators who are making a difference.

    Our panel is made up of innovators defining the future of food, covering a range of activities.

    Some are still embryonic, but all reflect a rethinking of every aspect of the way we source, produce, package, distribute, promote, buy and consume food and drink.

    Matilde de las Rivas, Chief Technology Officer, Levprot
    Aurelia Greystroke, Chief Transformation Officer, Aleph Farms
    Farayde Fakhouri, Co-Founder, BIO2Coat

  • Few industries embrace new technology as readily as the food industry, so what does the future hold?

    In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, recorded live at the Sustainable Food Forum held in London in September 2023, we ask a panel of experts to answer that question.

    They explore the latest ground-breaking technological developments in food processing, and delve into the potential impact of robotics and AI on the food industry as a whole.

    Attend our Tastes of Better events in Ascot, Manchester and Dublin

    What will their impact be on the next generation of ingredients and products?

    And can we protect our food supply chain with precision fermentation and lab-grown meat?

    John Casey, Chief Manufacturing and Supply Chain Officer, Nuritas
    Annette Granéli, CEO & Co-Founder, Green-On
    Stephan Verdier, VP Research & Innovation, Solvay Aroma
    Alessio D'Antino, Founder & CEO, Forward Fooding

  • From the first apple orchards, to its resurgence in modern craft cideries, cider’s history is a story of innovation, tradition, and deep connection to the land.

    But it is not just a tale of apples and fermentation. It is a journey that has shaped communities, cultures, and the way we raise a glass to celebrate life's moments.

    It is also a tale of adaptation, with cider evolving alongside the changing tastes and technology of today’s modern world.

    So, in this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, we uncover the twists and turns in cider's evolution, and explore the fascinating interplay between nature, science, and craftsmanship, that transformed the humble apple into a timeless libation

    Jane Peyton, Drinks educator, broadcaster and the UK’s first Pommelier (cider sommelier)

  • When we think about sustainable nutrition, many of us will think about plant-based eating.

    There is no doubt that switching to a plant-based diet helps the sustainability cause in multiple ways, but the bigger picture is far more nuanced than that.

    Every consumer, ingredient, product and brand has their own context, which makes generalising about environmental impact very difficult.

    In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, recorded live at our Inspiring Nutrition event in London in 2023, we look at how some of the complexities in this area might be addressed.

    Attend our Sustainability events in April

    Our panel discusses consumer demands, legislation, and labeling.

    They unpick the food industry’s role in climate commitments, the nuances of communicating effectively with consumers in this area, and how to avoid unintentional greenwashing.

    Emma Piercy, Head of Climate Change and Energy Policy, Food and Drink Federation
    Lucy Williamson, Award Winning Nutritionist, Lucy Williamson Nutrition
    Fay Cooke, Chief Impact and Financial Officer, Yeo Valley
    Lee Holdstock, Trade Relations Manager, Soil Association

  • Packaging has a huge role to play in making the global food system more sustainable.

    The materials we use to transport, store and market our food are a key part of the conversation when it comes to increasing sustainability in the sector.

    There is a demand for more responsible food packaging solutions across the value chain as pressure mounts from both regulators and consumers.

    But, the move towards more sustainable packaging is not always an easy, or straight forward, one.

    In this episode of the Food Matters Live Podcast, recorded live at our Sustainable Food Forum held in London in September 2023, we look at some of the innovations helping the industry on that journey.

    Our panel discusses how the industry is collaborating to create a sustainable packaging system, new eco-friendly materials and innovative packaging technologies, and the relationship between sustainable food packaging and food formulation.

    Paul Collins, Vice President Sustainabilty, Huhtamäki
    Hoa Doan, Head of Impact, Notpla
    Paloma Lopez, Co-Founder and CEO, Future Fit Foods

  • Producing a new food product, bringing it to market, and then successfully selling it, is no easy task.

    It is difficult to get an exact figure, but most research indicates that at least half of new products fail within a year of launching.

    It is no surprise when you consider just how competitive the food industry is - in the UK, it is the largest manufacturing sector.

    Taking all of that into account, getting your new product “just right” is a challenge that requires skill, knowledge, and in most cases, deep category expertise and experience.

    In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, made in partnership with IFF, we look at some of the ways companies can achieve that ultimate aim of producing a product that consumers actually want to buy.

    It is a form of art, but with a healthy dose of science, crucially, everything we talk about in the podcast is underpinned by solid insights and a wealth of experience.

    So, how do you go about finding out what customers really want? How do you get a deeper understanding of their short, mid, and long-term concerns? And how do you use all of that information to successfully develop a new product?

    Matthew Stokes, Design Director for Northern Europe, IFF
    Laurent Venzi, North Europe Sales Leader, IFF

  • Nutraceuticals are big business, but what is in store for this dynamic and competitive market in 2024 and beyond?

    There is no doubt that demand for these products is growing, and consumers are more knowledgeable than ever.

    But with greater awareness and increased understanding, comes greater skepticism, meaning the science has to be water-tight.

    In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, recording live at our Inspiring Nutrition Event in London in November 2023, we ask an expert panel to forecast where the nutraceuticals market is heading.

    They delve into the latest science, forecast the types of supplements we will be seeing on our shelves over the next year and beyond, and discuss the importance of effective communication and labeling.

    Alex Glover, R&D Nutrition Development Lead, Holland & Barrett
    Miriam Ferrer, Head of Product Development, Cambridge Nutraceuticals
    Phil Beard, Speaker, Nutritionist and Senior Nutrition Trainer, Viridian Nutrition
    Esther Mills-Roberts, Director of Communications, HFMA

  • What role can new developments in ingredients play in moving us towards a more sustainable global food system?

    As food companies move towards a more circular, less wasteful model, how important will ingredient innovation be?

    In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, recorded live at our Sustainable Food Forum in London, we try to answer those questions.

    Attend our Sustainability events in April

    Experts and innovators explore the pipeline of emerging sustainable ingredient development, which will shape the future of food.

    They also delve into the potential of up-cycling waste products into new ingredients and foods.

    Carl Jones, Plant Sciences Director, Mars Advanced Research Institute
    Zbigniew Lewicki, Chief R&D and Sustainability Officer, formerly Unilever and Pepsi-Lipton
    Eve Martinet-Bareau, Global Innovation Program Director, IFF

  • The gut microbiome is one of the hot topics on the lips of nutritionists, dietitians, and the food industry as a whole.

    But are consumers keeping up with an area of understanding that is moving at such speed?

    From probiotics, prebiotics, postbiotics, to the impact of artificial sweeteners on the mind-gut connection, there is a lot to get your head around.

    In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, recorded live at our Inspiring Nutrition event in London in November 2023, we delve into this dynamic market.

    Our panel moves beyond the buzzwords and discusses the opportunities and the pitfalls of a still evolving market, and which ingredients are driving this area forward.

    This session was titled: "Staying ahead of the cutting-edge gut microbiome market."

    Alex Ruani, UCL Doctoral Research and Chief Science Educator, The Health Sciences Academy

    Emily Leeming, Registered Dietitian and Nutrition Scientist, King's College London
    Jon Walsh, Founder and CEO, Bio & Me
    Susan Gafsen, Director and Founder, Pep & Lekker

  • There are multiple challenges facing the global food system, so how can we go about changing it to overcome them?

    It is projected that the system will need to feed nearly 10 billion people by 2050, a big enough challenge in itself.

    But when you combine that with protecting the planet and building more resilience, it becomes and even more daunting task.

    In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, recorded live at our Sustainable Food Forum in September 2023, we do our best to find some answers.

    How must the global food system needs to change to meet the challenges of a growing population, whilst simultaneously protecting the planet?

    And how do we build more resilience into the system, making sure all of us have access to a healthy, affordable, and environmentally-friendly diet?

    Jonathon Porritt, Environmental Campaigner
    Marjolein Brasz, CEO, Foodvalley NL
    Dr Helen Harwatt, Senior Research Fellow, Chatham House
    Angela Francis, Chief Advisor Economics and Economic Development, WWF