The Terragast estate holds danger for our group as they face off against the fiend hiding within the flesh of man.
Credits: The narrator: Hollow Tale, Sorcha: Jess of Littlecuppajo, Ailfryd: Pruitt of WebDM, Xarris: Lindy of Laughlovelindy
Our Journey continues as our heroes find themselves investigating the murdered noble found on the roads on the outskirts of Eyrr a few days prior by Ailfryd. Their investigation turns sour however as they find something troubling at the Terragast Estate.
Credits: The narrator: Hollow Tale, Sorcha: Jess of Littlecuppajo, Ailfryd: Pruitt of WebDM, Xarris: Lindy of Laughlovelindy
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Our Journey continues as our heroes find themselves meeting outside of the Northern town of Eyrr where the winter tide festival is due to begin. Each of the heroes are drawn together by fate it seems, as they find out they share more in life than just a destination as the shadow over the northern lands grows ever larger.
The narrator: Hollow TaleSorcha: Jess of LittlecuppajoAilfryd: Pruitt of WebDM Xarris: Lindy of Laughlovelindy
Our journey begins as we find 3 individuals drawn together by a common cause, each driven to set off on their own journey through the cold and deadly northern lands of Aria. A missing loved one, a want for more out of life and the body of a noble found within the cold snows.
The narrator: Hollow TaleSorcha: Jess of LittlecuppajoAilfryd: Pruitt of WebDM Xarris: Lindy of Laughlovelindy