Inspirational Interviews & Stand up Comedy.
Tune in weekly for a good laugh with Trent Parker, AKA "Mr. Fat Cheeto" as he interviews and tells funny stories from the trades. Check out my videos on Facebook, TikTok & YouTube
Mr Fat Cheeto. OH YEAH! -
Gun Monkey Nation interviews with small business, local heroes, and more!!! Covering topics from shooting to sports!!!
Stories you would here at a dive bar
The Sailor and a Sex Worker podcast! Meet your hosts Jack and Whitney. Jack is 14 year Navy Sailor with 8 tours under his belt and some crazy ass sea stories. Whitney is a sex worker with 4 years in the fetish and adult industries. On this podcast we will discuss life, sex, service and everything in between. make sure to follow and subscribe so you never miss your Wednesday episodes!
This is a safe space for anyone who has ever lost a job, left a job, or is sitting at their desks bored out of their mind right now! Based on the hit live digital talk show, "The Unemployed Show," where Anna and guests would wear pajamas every week and commiserate about bad jobs, this podcast is a more intimate look into the world of unemployment and underemployment. Anna sat in front of a camera on her couch for 'The Unemployed Show' for 2 years and then got a job hosting a show in front of hundreds of thousands of people on the app HQ. Is she the fairy godmother of unemployed millennials? Some say yes! Hopefully this podcast will inspire you to pick yourself up and get a new job, or stay on your couch and chill all day. Either way, you'll laugh with Anna and her guests about the insane things they did for work. Each week Anna interviews friends, comedians, and professionals about their worst (and best!) job stories and how they figured out life as an unemployed person. Oh and sometimes they call a stranger from the internet who is unemployed and in need of a pep talk. It's sweet.
The Brew Happy Show is a weekly show about beer. Hosted by Damian DeBuiser and his happy crew as they interview brewers, beer fans, pub owners, and entrepreneurs, that all come together because of their love of different brews. Learn about travel destinations, new products and other beverages along the way. Music, Cigar, and Food pairings, plus many other things that go great with your next favorite brew. Now all they need is you!
In the United States, you must be over 21 years old to fully enjoy the fruits of the beer lover's labor. Enjoy and Listen Responsibly. -
Opening up real conversations with real people.Taking it away from Fitness and getting down to raw, real, now topics that make us all tick.Hosted by- *Naka *Jason Grimma *Big Ty KubiakCheck the clips out on Youtube at THE ONETRIBE PODCAST and add the Boys on Instagram @Theonetribepodcast
We started Per Our Last Email because we know first hand how hard it can be to be a freelancer. Our hope is that the stories we share and the guests that we interview will be a reminder that you are not alone in this crazy entrepreneur life. Mix up a cocktail (you’re going to need it), listen, and laugh along with us. Follow us on IG at @perourlastemail for podcast updates, cocktail recipes, and freelancing memes. Got a crazy freelancing story? Submit it at // Artwork by Good Vibes Type and Podcast Intro by SLVMM and Sara Witsch.
Cameron, Jonny and Landon of the cufboys sit down and talk about anything and everything.
The Penny Lane Podcast explores all aspects of trading stocks and options. We interview respected experts in the field and discover their secrets as well as take the audience with us along our own trading journeys. If you're brand new to trading or have been doing it for years, you will learn something new from each episode. Whether it's day trading, swing trading or long term investing, Blayne and Justin cover it all!
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After years of seeing friends (and some enemies) get rich, rich, rich selling their shows and companies to other bigger shows and bigger companies, longtime podcast executive Laura Mayer has decided to get hers. To do this, she'll speak to straight-up geniuses in the worlds of podcasting, entertainment, and business to understand what value is in media and how to make it. At the end, Laura will sell the show itself to the highest bidder. Will she make hundreds, millions, or even dozens of dollars? Will she be able to afford the gray house down the street from her rental apartment? Let’s find out together… shamelessly.
This is an interview style podcast about everyday people and the jobs they do. We bring on people from all walks of life with all different occupations and ask them what its like to be them doing their job!
Real people with real stories!
The worst thing a person can be is uninteresting. In this weekly podcast, comedian Chance Nichols talks with people who have avoided the trap of 'peaking' too early in life about how they got here, where they came from, and where they think they're going. Follow Chance on instagram and Twitter @chanceisloud
The John Rondi Show, powered by Johnny Drinks, is hosted by John Rondi. Blending entertainment with education, viewers can expect to hear stories from exceptional guests with extraordinary lives. From professional fighters to multi-millionaire business owners, Each episode will provide an opportunity to learn from some of the best in their industry.
Customer Service evolves into Guest Service. Listen with me as I go over stories, valuable lessons learned, and best practices from working in resorts, retail, and the medical field for the last 30 years. I'd love to share career advice to help you further your skillset and be more valuable to your customer and your business. Whether it's b2b or b2c, I'll cover the topics that arise every day when interactions go awry and how to conquer them, with the magical touch that 23 years at Walt Disney World Resort taught me."Les is More - The Art of Guest Service" does not claim to represent the Walt Disney Company in any way. Though Les Tsui is technically employed by or affiliated with The Walt Disney Company, the views, and opinions showcased on this podcast are in no way endorsed by The Walt Disney Company or the Walt Disney World Resort. For official Disney information, visit Disney directly.
A podcast where entrepreneurs share their story. Hosted by Therese (@trickyfoods) & Shelby (@miggysbakes) ๐ฅณ
A podcast to motivate, inspire, and get you to say โscrew it, Iโm doing itโ. Where we discuss the moments in life we choose to go after it, despite the many factors that hold most people back. It doesnโt have to be glamorous, in fact youโll most likely flop.. a lot..๐ throughout the process, but thatโs the fun! Instead of checking all of the boxes before going after your dreamsโฆletโs say โscrew it , weโre doing thisโ together
xoxo Therese and Shelby