In this episode – the final episode of Season 3 – we're breaking down everything you need to know about us, including how we got here and, most importantly, where we're going from here.
This one's jam-packed with news and updates, so we'll keep it short and sweet, but don't skip it. This is an episode you won't want to miss!
Show Notes:
✅ Want to learn more about SpeakerFlow, our system, and where we're headed next? Book a call with us: https://speakerflow.com/demo/
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
There's a lot of truth in the phrase "Hindsight's 20-20" – no doubt about that – but it rings especially true as a business owner.
In fact, ask any entrepreneur, thought leader, speaker, you name it, and they'll share a host of things they've learned along their journey as a business owner.
To share her own business experience with us, we're joined in this episode by speaker, author, and coach Cindy Tschosik.
Cited as the “Go-To Book Writing Resource” for authors who want to “Change, Save, and Celebrate Lives One Story at a Time," Cindy has spent almost three decades across a wide range of industries including legal, IT, corporate, non-profit, marketing, entrepreneurship, writing and speaking.
Here, she shares insights from her last ten years as a business owner and seven lessons she wishes she'd known in the beginning.
That way, if you're at the beginning of your business ownership journey, you can skip some of the learning curve.
Show Notes:
✅ Learn more about Cindy and SoConnected: https://www.soconnectedllc.com/
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
Puuttuva jakso?
Everyone wants to be known for doing something great, for making their mark, and, as a thought leader, that mark can also be what takes you from "getting by" to "making a decent living" in the industry.
So how do you find your big idea? How do you build a mindset that keeps you innovating and continually generating ideas for your audience?
Here to talk about that with us is keynote speaker, author, and innovation expert Bill Stainton.
Bill is a 29-time Emmy Award winner who produced Seattle's legendary comedy TV show "Almost Live!" the longest-running, highest-rated, and most award-winning regional comedy TV show in the United States.
Additionally, as a speaker and advisor on the topics of innovation, creativity, and breakthrough thinking, Bill has coached hundreds of organizations – like Microsoft, Boeing, and Nike – to tap into their creativity and, in doing so, generate their next breakthrough idea.
Let's dive into the details and find out how all of us can do the same!
Show Notes:
✅ Learn more about Bill and his speaking and coaching programs: https://billstainton.com/
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
There are plenty of challenges that come with running a small business – Any thought leader will tell you that.
But there are also countless benefits, not the least of which is the closer-knit relationships and exceptional experiences you can provide for clients.
In this episode, we're joined by speaker, financial expert, and owner of Get Looped, Chris Lautenslager to explain his "Get Looped" model.
This model is comprised of three "loops": prosperity, integrity, and community.
Here, we break down the topic of his first book and the first loop, "Prosperity," which centers around the idea that we have the opportunity, as small businesses, to scale the "unscalable" to make our customer experiences as rich as possible.
Put simply, in a large company, we're all just numbers. But, in small and medium-sized businesses, we have the chance to make real connections and, in doing so, be more prosperous.
Learn how you can do the same in this jam-packed episode!
Show Notes:
✅ Learn more about Chris's work at Get Looped: https://get-looped.com/
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
For many business owners – large and small – the thought of building better systems is an enticing one.
But it's also daunting. For instance, how do you know what components a system needs? What's the trigger for when one of these components needs to do something? How do you make it repeatable and iterative?
And, most importantly, how do you measure the results of the system to make sure it's successful over time?
Here to discuss that with us is speaker, author, sales expert, and nationally syndicated business columnist Shawn Rhodes.
In this episode, Shawn shars his insights about his own systems and how he identifies when an additional component is needed. He also shared his acronym for building new systems: Trigger, Replicatable, Iteratable, and Measurable (or T.R.I.M.).
Using this acronym, Shawn has helped companies across the country build systems – sales and otherwise – that not only bring in more revenue but do so consistently AND scale the business to new heights.
If you're ready to build systems in your own business, this is one episode you don't want to miss!
Show Notes:
✅ Connect with Shawn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shawnrhodes/
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
When you think about your favorite places to shop, there are likely a few things they all have in common, like polite and friendly team members or being quick to help when you have a question or concern.
It's also likely that these reasons keep you from looking at their competitors. After all, you've been happy with them – Why look elsewhere?
In the same way, providing an exceptional experience for your clients can keep them coming back again and again, and in this episode, we're joined by CX expert Shep Hyken to talk about just that.
A New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, he's the author of 8 books, including his latest, "I’ll Be Back: How to Get Customers to Come Back Again and Again."
Put simply, for the last 30+ years, Shep has helped countless organizations build loyal relationships with their customers and employees. Here, he explains how you can do the same.
Show Notes:
✅ Check out Shep's CX articles and weekly podcast: https://hyken.com/topic/sheps-articles/
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
Outbound sales is, undoubtedly, one of the hardest things to master when running your own business, especially if you don't have any prior experience in sales.
And even if you do, it can be frustrating, feeling like you can't get your foot in the door with potential clients or not knowing which sales strategies are worth trying.
That said, one tried-and-true approach to sales is a simple one, focusing on sales as relationships (rather than revenue), and who better to break that down for us than David Asarnow.
The founder of Business Nitrogen, David is an entrepreneur, trainer, speaker, and business growth mentor who's grown two companies to 8-figures — $10M and $45M, respectively, and both in less than five years.
He also once sent a shoe to the VP of a company, literally getting his "foot in the door" for future sales conversations and proving that sometimes the best sales tactics are the most out-of-the-box.
In this episode, David outlines more strategies like this and how you can take the same approach, building relationships that turn into sales down the road.
Show Notes:
✅ Check out Business Nitrogen: https://businessnitrogen.com/
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
We've all stumbled on instances where we didn't seem to be getting through to someone.
Maybe they were a potential client who misunderstood what products or services you provide. Maybe they were an existing client and, somewhere in your work together, their expectations were misaligned.
In any case, the best business owners are always on the lookout for ways to better communicate, and here to help all of us hit that mark is Jason Raitz.
The Founder and President of Speak with People, Jason's spoken on more than 500 stages throughout the United States and is passionate about coaching leaders to "Speak with people, not at them."
With that in mind, this episode's all about how to better "speak with" the people around you from clients to sales leads to family and friends.
Let's dive in!
Show Notes:
✅ Learn more about Speak With People: https://www.speakwithpeople.com/
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
We've discussed virtual business ownership at length on this podcast and how to use tools like your website, email marketing tools, and CRM to make the most of incoming leads.
But one tool we haven't touched on is Google Business which, turns out, can be a secret weapon for getting in front of – and catching the attention of – your ideal clients.
Joining us to explain that in more detail is serial entrepreneur, consultant, speaker, and certified Google Business expert Bobby Kerr.
Having established and scaled five successful real estate businesses, Bobby's been at the forefront of referral-based marketing for years, and he's collected a whopping 1200+ Google Business 5-star reviews.
In this episode, he breaks down how you can kickstart the same efforts in your thought leadership business and leverage your happy customers' testimonials to close more deals, all with Google.
Show Notes:
✅ Learn more about Bobby and his work: http://thebobbykerr.com/
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
Now more than ever, it can seem like everyone and their brother has a podcast, but it's also fair to say that not all podcasts are created equal.
If you're thinking of launching a podcast yourself, this episode is all about how to get above that "average," and who better to teach us that than voiceover expert and audio engineer Gary Maholm.
Having edited more than 12,000 podcast episodes – and yes, you read that right – over the course of his career, Gary knows firsthand what makes for a killer podcast.
He also knows the production elements that torpedo a podcast, even if the content itself is valuable, and make listeners less likely to stick around.
Here, he shares all of these tips and tricks, so you can hit the ground running with your own podcast, just like he helped us kick ass with Technically Speaking!
Show Notes:
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
Whether you're a seasoned public speaker or just starting your journey, there's a notable difference between speaking on stage and speaking on camera.
In fact, even if you're a skilled communicator in person, it can be easy to get flustered or appear inexperienced when you're being recorded.
To help you avoid this, we're joined in this episode by speaker and entrepreneur Wendy Russell.
Perhaps best known as the Gemini-nominated host & producer of HGTV Canada’s “She’s Crafty," Wendy has more than 30 years of experience in the film and television industry.
Having coached countless thought leaders in that time, Wendy shares everything you need to know about building your on-camera confidence including what NOT to do.
That way, in your next live appearance, virtual speaking gig, or online course, you can ensure you look as polished as possible.
Show Notes:
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
For as long as SpeakerFlow's existed, one of the most common questions we've heard from clients and connections alike is a simple one: "What's working for other people?"
In other words, "Which business systems are other thought leaders using to produce consistent, reliable results?"
So, without further ado, this episode is all about the best of the best: the systems we see used most frequently, the systems we've seen the most success with, and the things you can learn from the hundreds of clients we've worked with asking this question.
We also cover business development and sales processes as a thought leader, building relationships with and creating content for bureaus and bureau agents, and how to generate leads from the stage and continue engaging with them post-event.
Suffice it to say, this is one of our most jam-packed episodes, so don't miss out!
Show Notes:
✅ Take our free Systems Check-Up to receive a personalized report on what to improve in your business: https://speakerflow.com/start-here/
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
When you hear the word "accountability," if you're like most people, you probably think of something similar to "responsibility."
You might think of your job description, the projects you accomplish as part of that job, and the tasks that make up your day-to-day working routine.
In reality, though, "accountability" is all about your core values and acting in a way that not only produces results in line with those core values but demonstrates consistent commitment to them.
To explain this in more detail, we're joined by the founder of The Accountability Institute and keynote speaker Sam Silverstein.
As a member of the CPAE Speakers Hall of Fame and a Past-President of the National Speakers Association, Sam's mission is to "empower people to live accountable lives, transform the way they do business, and to thrive at extraordinary levels."
In authoring 12 books and his years of speaking around the world, Sam's mastered the balance of "accountability" and "responsibility" better than anyone and, in this episode, he's here to share it with you.
Let's dive in!
Show Notes:
✅ Download Sam's free value worksheet: https://samsilverstein.com/values-worksheet/
✅ Take Sam's new accountability quiz: https://samsilverstein.com/me/
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
Running a business is no picnic – On that much, we can all agree – but it's even harder when you're drowning in the day-to-day operations.
Put simply, no entrepreneur wants to run a business that sucks. They want one that's well organized, speed-optimized, and creates the lifestyle they've always wanted.
With this in mind, this episode is all about removing the parts of running your business that fall into that category of "This really sucks."
In it, we break down the four pillars of a business's foundation and how to look at them through the lens of "functions," not "to-do's."
We also outline the basics of an accountability chart including what it is, how it's important for the overall vision of an organization, how to create one, and – most importantly – how to compartmentalize all the different functions of a business so we can start alleviating the things we don't want to be doing.
If you're ready to lose some of that operational stress weighing you down, you're not going to miss this episode!
Show Notes:
✅ Check out our free resource for creating an accountability chart: https://speakerflow.com/resources/creating-an-accountability-chart/
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
Every business owner wants to know, with certainty, that they're offering something valuable, something their clients will definitely want.
But how do you find that "something"? How do you take as much uncertainty out of innovation as you can?
Here is discuss that with us is the pioneer of Jobs-To-Be-Done Theory, the inventor of the Outcome-Driven Innovation (ODI) process, and the founder and CEO of Strategyn: Tony Ulwick.
The author of 2 best sellers – "What Customers Want" and "Jobs To Be Done: Theory to Practice" – Tony's one of the foremost experts on innovation, and has been described by Clayton Christensen as having "brought predictability to innovation."
His Jobs-To-Be-Done Theory is "a powerful lens through which companies can observe markets, customer needs, competitors, and market segmentation differently, and in doing so, make their success at innovation far more predictable and profitable."
And, in this episode, Tony describes how you implement this approach in your own business, so whether you're interesting on a large or small offering, you can be confident it's accomplishing the right job for your ideal clients.
Show Notes:
✅ Learn more about Tony and his work at Strategyn: https://strategyn.com/tony-ulwick/
✅ Learn more about "Jobs-To-Be-Done Theory": https://strategyn.com/jobs-to-be-done/
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
We've covered Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) on this podcast a fair number of times, but we've rarely gotten into the details.
In this episode, we're changing that and diving right into the podcast equivalent of the beginner's guide to SEO for thought leaders.
Joining us is Brandon Leibowitz from SEO Optimizers, "a digital marketing company that focuses on helping small and medium-sized businesses get more online traffic, which in turn converts into clients, sales, leads, etc."
Here, Brandon outlines the basics of SEO including what backlinks are, what relevancy is, and what type of content you should be producing.
He also summarizes how to prioritize your SEO strategies if you're starting from ground zero.
Let's get into it!
Show Notes:
✅ Connect with Brandon: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandonleibowitz
✅ Learn more about SEO Optimizers: https://seooptimizers.com/
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
There are a handful of things that automatically give you an air of credibility as a thought leader, one of them being the title of "author."
However, for many speakers, coaches, and consultants, writing and launching a book can seem like a massive hurdle.
We're joined by writer, editor, and the president of Leverage2Market Associates, Linda Popky, to explain why this doesn't have to be the case.
The author of "Marketing Above the Noise: Achieve Strategic Advantage with Marketing that Matters," Linda is a seasoned expert when it comes to launching books.
She was also named one of Silicon Valley’s Top 100 Women of Influence and a member of Alan Weiss’s Million Dollar Consulting Hall of Fame, so it's safe to say she knows her stuff.
Here, she explains why you don't need to be afraid to create your own book and outlines everything you need to get started including how to most effectively market your book before and after launch.
So what are you waiting for? Let's dive in!
Show Notes:
✅ Curious to learn more about Linda? Check out her website: https://www.leverage2market.com/
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
It's a fairly well-known fact among professional speakers that corporate speaking gigs tend to be the most lucrative.
But they also tend to be the most competitive – So how do you branch into corporate speaking if you're currently building a speaking business in another niche?
Here to share his experience is speaker, coach, and the author of "Leading Imperfectly," James Robilotta.
Although he started his journey speaking for educational audiences, over the last several years, James has segued into corporate speaking and faced his fair share of unforeseen challenges along the way.
In this episode, he outlines those challenges including how speaker pricing varies in corporate vs education, how his approach to speaking shifted, and how the transition impacted other areas of his life.
That way, if you're looking to launch into corporate speaking yourself, you can learn from his experiences and hit the ground running.
Show Notes:
✅ Check out James's book, "Leading Imperfectly: The Value of Being Authentic for Leaders, Professionals, and Human Beings": https://jamestrobo.com/book
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
As in any industry, the vast majority of businesses in the speaking industry are looking for the answer to the big question: "How do I make more money?"
Depending on who you ask, you can get a wide range of answers, but the core to all of them remains the same. Put simply, you have to differentiate yourself.
Joining us in this episode is someone who's seen this firsthand through his work in the speaking industry, Chris West.
The owner of Video Narrative, Chris has had a front-row seat over the last 10 years as the industry shifted from one of referrals to one that requires more and more sales and marketing effort each day.
In his words, event organizers aren't simply hiring speakers that are recommended to them anymore. They're doing their own research on the speakers available, and to get in front of them, "You have to be unique. You have to become known for something."
Tune in for all of the ways Chris has seen the biggest names in speaking make this happen. This isn't an episode you want to miss!
Show Notes:
✅ Learn more about Chris and Video Narrative: https://videonarrative.com/
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
We don't have to tell you that running a modern thought leadership business demands a website.
But what you may not know is just how much work your website can take off your plate, starting with the forms on it.
From collecting contact information to storing that in your customer relationship management system to automating communication with those contacts, your website forms can be the starting point for a long list of things.
Here, Taylorr and Austin break down a small part of this list including the basics of why and how to connect your website forms to your CRM and email marketing apps, how to use forms with lead magnets, and how to build your forms into your other business automations.
This is an incredibly useful episode on a topic many business owners gloss over, so don't skip this one!
Show Notes:
✅ Download our free guide for automating your website forms: https://speakerflow.com/resources/form-automation-best-practices/
📷 Watch the video version of this episode and subscribe for updates on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYAr3nGy6lbXrhbezMxoHTSCS40liusyU
🎤 Thank you to our sponsor, Libsyn Studio (formerly Auxbus)! Want the best podcasting solution out there? Learn more here: https://www.libsynstudio.com/
🚀 And as always, don't forget about all the mind-blowing free resources at https://speakerflow.com/resources/
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