
  • Ever feel completely out of control?

    Trying hard to hold onto something? Praying for specific outcomes to God? Frustrated because you feel very little certainty?

    How do you get to a place of surrender when you feel those things?

    Sammi and I have an honest dialogue about considering moving, changing businesses, changing life directions and we end up having a deep chat about surrender and trusting God with what's next.

    If you haven't felt clarity in your life or you have struggled with surrender, take the time to listen to this week's episode.

    please check out our courses at www.aliveandfreeconsulting.com

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

    (0:00:01) - Navigating Life and Relationships With Authenticity
    (0:05:09) - Navigating Surrender and Decision Making
    (0:16:54) - Trusting in God for Home Transition
    (0:23:28) - Longing for Security and Surrender
    (0:36:38) - Journey of Surrender and Healing
    (0:50:22) - Leave a Review for Impactful Episodes


    (0:00:01) - Navigating Life and Relationships With Authenticity
    Personal growth, marriage, and spirituality are explored through candid discussions on control, provision, and trusting God's timing.

    (0:05:09) - Navigating Surrender and Decision Making
    Balance between waiting on spiritual guidance and taking decisive action, trusting in divine timing and valuing connection over direction.

    (0:16:54) - Trusting in God for Home Transition
    Internal struggle with self-worth, trusting in a higher power, financial recovery, and holding material possessions lightly.

    (0:23:28) - Longing for Security and Surrender
    Personal struggle between home ownership and spiritual surrender, entrepreneurship and social media metrics, and creating authentic content aligned with personal values.

    (0:36:38) - Journey of Surrender and Healing
    Encounter with Jesus at the well, living water, nurturing next generation, relinquishing control, healing fears through God's love.

    (0:50:22) - Leave a Review for Impactful Episodes
    Reflect on our discussions, leave a review, share with a friend, and find additional resources for healing and aiding others.

  • This is an episode of the Alive & Free podcast that we just absolutely loved, although we might have had just a bit of a vulnerability-hangover afterwards.

    We all have seasons or circumstances in our lives that drain our capacity for anything else.

    But how can we still own our pain, not blame our loved ones, and fight for deep connection?

    In this episode, We take you through the trials and triumphs of raising our son, Wilder, and the toll it takes on sleep, sanity, and our relationship. Parenting is far from perfect, and we're here to share our journey through the sleep-deprived nights and the joyous moments that make it all worth it. More importantly, we open up about how we've managed to stay connected, even when it feels like everything is falling apart.

    Listen in as we tackle the intimate aspects of postpartum life, including the changes in our sexual dynamics after Wilder's arrival. We get candid about the challenges of maintaining intimacy, Spencer's past struggles with lust, and how we've navigated our desires and needs in the midst of newfound parenthood. It's a conversation that sheds light on the emotional complexities of a relationship in transition, and how we've found fulfillment and connection beyond just the physical.

    This is an episode for both men and women. If you don't get actionable steps and help from this episode, at the very least, you will feel understood at deep levels of your painful and difficult seasons.

    For info on our inner healing course for men and women, you can find more details at https://www.yourheartfree.com/comealivecourse/

    For info on our life coaching and business school, go to https://www.thecoachlaunch.com/go

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

    (0:00:01) - Navigating Parenthood
    (0:12:34) - Navigating Postpartum Intimacy Challenges
    (0:24:44) - Navigating Pain, Compassion, and Selflessness
    (0:36:10) - Navigating Challenges in Marriage and Motherhood
    (0:48:11) - Navigating Hard Times Together


    (0:00:01) - Navigating Parenthood
    Our honest reflection on marriage, parenthood, and raising a high-needs baby, including struggles and triumphs, personal growth, and spiritual walk.

    (0:12:34) - Navigating Postpartum Intimacy Challenges
    Postpartum challenges, managing sexual needs, and enduring pain and growth in different seasons of our relationship.

    (0:24:44) - Navigating Pain, Compassion, and Selflessness
    Validating personal pain in relationships, self-compassion, and spirituality's role in healing and connection.

    (0:36:10) - Navigating Challenges in Marriage and Motherhood
    Balancing family, work, and marriage while relying on non-family child care can impact attachment, boundaries, and intimacy.

    (0:48:11) - Navigating Hard Times Together
    Compassionate commiseration, self-care through spirituality, and embracing vulnerability for healing during tough times.

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    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • Join us for a heartwarming conversation with Sam Cabra, a pastor from Reunion Church, as we explore the depths of our spiritual journeys and the quest for authenticity in our relationship with God.

    In this episode, you'll discover the transformative power of personal encounters with the divine, moving you beyond intellectual understanding into the realm of experiential faith. We tackle the challenging task of reconciling the images of God from the Old Testament with the loving figure of Jesus, and engage with touching stories of healing, miracles, and the pursuit of a deeper connection with our Creator.

    Our dialogue with Pastor Cabra offers profound insights into the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding our faith and decisions, and how embracing the concept of God as 'Abba, Father' can enrich our spiritual lives. Hear about moments that defy logic and challenge the balance between faith and reason, inspiring a renewed openness to the charismatic gifts of the Spirit.

    This conversation is an invitation to reflect on the humility and growth that come from our personal experiences with God, and how they can navigate us through trauma, skepticism, and towards a genuine embrace of His presence. Wrapping up, we contemplate the delicate dance between taking action and patiently waiting on God's timing.

    The heart and the Holy Spirit emerge as central guides in this journey, leading us to trust in the wisdom within us. As you join us on this episode, we trust you'll be inspired to recognize the joy that stems from a true, loving connection with God, and to appreciate the balance between self-reliance and divine surrender. Don't miss the opportunity to have your heart stirred towards a deeper, more authentic faith.

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

    (0:00:01) - Navigating Relationship With God and Authenticity

    (0:10:43) - Encountering God's Healing Presence

    (0:15:49) - Encountering Miracles and Spiritual Growth

    (0:28:11) - Deep Dive Into Spiritual Growth

    (0:39:44) - Fatherhood and the Holy Spirit

    (0:43:48) - Trusting Your Heart in Faith

    (0:48:14) - Trusting in God and Self

    (0:57:56) - Gratitude for Podcast Support


    (0:00:01) - Navigating Relationship With God and Authenticity Experiencing God's presence, reconciling Old Testament image with Jesus, creating space for personal encounter to understand His goodness.

    (0:10:43) - Encountering God's Healing Presence Spiritual experiences can heal trauma, bypass conventional communication, and challenge traditional religious expectations.

    (0:15:49) - Encountering Miracles and Spiritual Growth Divine intervention, humility, skepticism, and healing through prayer and ministry are explored through transformative experiences. (0:28:11) - Deep Dive Into Spiritual Growth Jesus's actions reflect God's nature, offering choices and challenging individuals to let go of pride and find fulfillment in their soul and love.

    (0:39:44) - Fatherhood and the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit helps us see God as a loving father, transforming our beliefs and behaviors through encountering His love.

    (0:43:48) - Trusting Your Heart in Faith God's word, heart's deepness, old vs. new covenants, trusting our hearts, Holy Spirit's guidance, genuine desires for joy and love.

    (0:48:14) - Trusting in God and Self Trusting God in decision-making, balancing action and waiting, and staying connected to Him through life's challenges.

    (0:57:56) - Gratitude for Podcast Support Nature's discussions on language, culture, and perception, and the importance of ratings and reviews for our work.

    To learn more about what Sam is doing in church or in his ministry school:

    Reunion Church: www.reunionhawaii.com

    Kingdom Living ministry school: www.kingdomlivingoahu.com

  • If you've been a christian long enough and attended church for long enough, the chances are high that you have been hurt by a person or a leader...

    So what do you do with that?

    And what is a healthy way to go about church community?

    Should we just attend and serve? Is it wrong to "church shop"? Should we just honor leaders no matter what?

    We get very vulnerable with our process in this episode as well as build a case for how we believe church community should be done.

    Hope you enjoy the episode!

  • Embark on a soul-searching expedition with us as we confront the comfortable but treacherous terrains of 'cruise control Christianity.' We lay bare our own spiritual struggles and triumphs, revealing how an active pursuit of God goes beyond prayer to include decisive action. As we peel away the layers of guilt-driven religion, we uncover the liberating truth that God's love is the real spark for change. We'll invite you to consider the authenticity of your faith journey and challenge you to stoke the spiritual flames that lead to a life transformed by divine love.

    In our candid conversation, we delve into the complexities of human narratives and the necessity of leaders to embrace vulnerability, drawing lessons from the stories of public figures like Mike Bickel and Carl Lentz. By sharing our own moments of reckoning, we hope to illuminate the grace found in our imperfections and the strength gained by admitting our uncertainties. This episode is not just a dialogue but a heartfelt communion with all who seek a deeper, more meaningful connection with God amidst the cacophony of life's demands.

    Finally, we make a heartfelt request to continue this conversation beyond just our voices. Your experiences, thoughts, and stories are a crucial thread in this tapestry of shared spiritual growth. As you carve out your own sacred spaces and confront the noise of the everyday, remember that your journey, like ours, is vital to the collective experience. We eagerly await your insights and extend our deepest appreciation for your companionship on this path. Join us, share with us, and let's burn with a passion for God, together.

    (0:00:01) - Journey to Burn for God
    Active pursuit of God, avoiding guilt and fear, and taking responsibility for our faith to deepen our connection with Him and the community.

    (0:11:46) - Understanding Narratives and Embracing Uncertainty
    Human tendency to create narratives for powerlessness in relationships and faith, embracing uncertainty and vulnerability, and returning to God's grace.

    (0:15:41) - Finding Margin for Spiritual Growth
    Stepping back from social media to prioritize spiritual growth and authenticity, and the impact of busyness on inner fire.

    (0:22:10) - Seeking Deeper Connection With God
    Creating space to reconnect with God, avoiding complacency, being present in life, reassessing motives and actions.

    (0:33:43) - Authenticity and Vulnerability in Leadership
    Leaders face challenges like moral failures and influencer culture, but authenticity and vulnerability can lead to profound love and personal growth.

    (0:49:07) - Request for Ratings and Reviews
    Nature's impact on our lives, your feedback's importance, and our gratitude for your engagement on this journey.

    Spiritual Invigoration, Relationship with God, Passionate Faith Life, Spiritual Walk, God's Love, Transformative Force, Human Narratives, Divine Journey, Vulnerabilities, Leadership, Social Media, Spiritual Growth, Quietude, Vulnerability, Authenticity, Genuine Leadership, Unconditional Love, Empowerment, Authentic Pursuit, Divine Inspiration, Personal Responsibility, Inner Fire, Busyness, Spiritual Nourishment, Identity in Christ, Cruise Control Christianity, Worldly Pursuits, Moral Failures, Public Life, Influencer Culture, Fame, Personal Empowerment, Ratings and Reviews, Feedback, Engagement

  • In this episode we take you through our personal experiences with money and how we've navigated our relationship with it in our marriage, our faith, and our pursuit of dreams. We challenge the common misconception that money is the root of all evil, clarifying that it's the love of money that can be problematic.

    I share my journey of overcoming a poverty mentality, while Spencer offers insights into his straightforward approach to financial conversations.

    We tackle the intricate relationship between money, purpose, and personal growth, reflecting on our journey with Alive and Free—a business and ministry that generated significant income while serving others. I share my internal conflict over the necessity of money in achieving our goals without letting it overshadow our core values.

    We explore the journey of faith and obedience in entrepreneurship, highlighting the sacrifices made when choosing to follow a spiritual calling over purely financial success.

    Together, we address the complexities of discussing wealth and abundance, acknowledging the various triggers and religious mindsets associated with this topic. We aim to strike a balance between recognizing the potential excellence of prosperity and maintaining humility in our financial blessings.

    Join us as we candidly explore the emotional landscape of money, our path to an abundance mentality, and the grace we afford ourselves along the way.

    (02:09 - 03:22) Mindsets and Abundance in Money
    (05:20 - 07:00) YouTube Support and Money Mindsets
    (10:00 - 11:00) Balancing Wealth and Humility
    (16:28 - 20:15) Challenging Limiting Beliefs About Money
    (22:45 - 23:44) The Rich Young Ruler's Dilemma
    (26:52 - 27:46) Teaching Heart Posture in Life
    (32:01 - 33:37) Teaching Abundance and Gratitude
    (39:18 - 40:33) Investing in Skills and Knowledge
    (44:52 - 46:17) Giving & Trust
    (49:59 - 50:33) Navigating Relationships and the Gospel

  • Do you ever feel like you're being fixed by your partner?

    Or do you ever feel the urge to fix your partner's pain or struggles?

    We address the challenges and nuances of avoiding codependency and 'fix-it' dynamics in relationships, particularly between spouses and friends.

    We talk about the balance between being supportive and overstepping into a counseling role within our personal connections.

    Through our personal experiences, we touch on the importance of self-awareness, growth, and the recognition that relationships naturally ebb and flow through phases of codependency. We also explore the power of surrender, ownership, and the gift of love that comes with less dependency on others' affection.

    Through this episode we hope that you will learn how to question your intentions and be comfortable with rejection, and aim to cultivate healthier dynamics in your relationships and avoid the helper or fixer roles.

  • In this episode, we share our story of transitioning from best friends to life partners, a topic that garnered a whirlwind of reactions when I shared a piece of our story online. We dive into the backlash we received on a recent instagram post, and further explain to give more context how our friendship evolved into a complex but rewarding romantic relationship. Now, six years into our marriage, we celebrate the growth and healing it has required. Through this episode, we aim to inspire others to embrace their narratives of love, regardless of societal expectations or judgments.

    (06:08 - 08:06) Interpreting Video Comments and Masculinity Issues
    (17:24 - 19:16) Healthy Boundaries in Relationship Communication
    (27:14 - 28:03) Miscommunication About Friendship and Romance
    (29:50 - 32:36) Learning Emotional Intelligence and Communication
    (36:14 - 38:35) Adjusting Boundaries With a Friend
    (44:54 - 46:30) Sexual Trauma and Breakup Podcast Episode
    (51:21 - 53:15) Confessing Feelings, Uncertain Response
    (54:31 - 56:31) Unexpected Romantic Encounter
    (01:01:42 - 01:03:55) Healing and Growth in Relationships

  • In this episode I sit down with Jake Dowd, whose story is a powerful testament to the transformative power of faith and recovery. I first met at an event in Hawaii when he let me sample his $12,000 bottle of wine...and today we got to "talk story" (as they say in Hawaii)
    Jake shares how he went from being $250,000 in debt and facing marital issues, to making millions by becoming involved in the dangerous world of arms dealing, influenced by the film "War Dogs."
    A pivotal moment in the episode is Jake's recounting of a supernatural encounter that serves as a turning point in his life. Describing a spiritual battle and his brother's role in it, Jake speaks about experiencing protection through a vision of angels and ultimately finding safety in Jesus. The latter part of the episode focuses on overcoming addiction, restoring his marriage, and experiencing a drug raid. Jake's story emphasizes the role of divine intervention and the spiritual darkness he had to navigate to transform his life. This episode covers an intense and personal story of struggle, addiction, and eventual redemption.

    (05:51 - 06:59) Starting a Business Journey and Success
    (09:47 - 10:37) Business Evolution and Taking Huge Risks
    (13:11 - 14:04) Rogue Mission for Guns in Peru
    (19:15 - 20:54) Unbelievable Experience With Sudden Wealth
    (24:55 - 25:41) The Devil's Connection to Drugs
    (30:45 - 31:56) Unsettling Experience in a Luxurious Penthouse
    (43:50 - 45:21) Unbelievable Encounter With a Red Dot
    (48:44 - 50:33) Encounter With Power and Forgiveness
    (53:05 - 54:14) Brother's Spiritual Revelation and Its Impact
    (01:01:17 - 01:02:11) God's Grace and Redemption in Addiction

  • In this episode we'll take you on an intimate journey through the peaks and valleys of parenting. We open up about the profound transformation that parenting has brought into our lives, reshaping not only our daily routine but also our personal growth, faith, and our approach to leadership. The episode is a candid exploration of intentional parenting and the emotional healing that's necessary to break free from the cycles of our past. We touch on how parenting serves as a mirror, reflecting our unresolved issues, and we share our experiences with the hope of sparking a wider conversation. We invite you, the listener, to reflect on your own experiences as we all aim to envelop our children in love, respect, and wisdom. We hope this episode sheds light on the beautiful complexity of parenting and offers support to those on their own parenting journey. Join us as we continue this conversation in the episodes to come.


    (01:27 - 03:08) Beliefs and Practices of Parenthood
    (07:28 - 08:23) Learning, Reflecting, and Healing
    (20:11 - 21:06) Responding to a Crying Child
    (27:15 - 28:11) Christian Faith and Desires
    (31:37 - 34:44) Parenting With Intention and Discipline
    (42:23 - 45:25) Teaching Children to Align With Love
    (53:39 - 54:49) Understanding Child Development for Effective Parenting

  • In this episode, we dive into the heartfelt and often complex topic of embodying Christlike love in the midst of disagreements and differences. Drawing on Jesus' life and teachings, we explore how to stand firm in our faith while engaging others with a transformative and gentle love. It’s a vulnerable conversation that hopefully invites you into a space of self-examination, questioning how to maintain our principles in Christ and build genuine connections.

    Throughout the episode, we didn't shy away from the practical aspects, such as setting boundaries and the role of mature believers in reaching out with love to those who may not share our faith. We get into personal stories, tackling controversial topics within the church and maintaining friendships amidst differing views.

    Our aim was not just to inspire but to guide you toward a path of wholeness and love—whether you’re dealing with 'church hurt', longing for a deeper connection with God, or seeking to live out your faith with true passion. Join us on this journey of sharing our hearts and stories as we pursue genuine transformation.

    Find our Come Alive Course here: https://aliveandfreeconsulting.com/our-courses

    (03:32 - 05:29) Loving Like Jesus
    (08:05 - 09:00) The Importance of Faith and Identity
    (12:22 - 13:16) Metanoia and Healing in Personal Transformation
    (18:37 - 20:47) Building Trust in Relationships
    (31:01 - 31:45) Jesus' Message of Love and Freedom
    (33:47 - 35:10) Loving and Accepting Others Without Judgment
    (38:59 - 40:02) The Power of Love and Fatherhood
    (46:57 - 48:14) Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler
    (50:56 - 53:05) Struggling With Faith and Church Hurt
    (55:27 - 57:26) Power of Love and Wholeness

  • In this episode we provide an intimate glimpse into our family relationships. I offer a generational contrast to my parents' experiences with family, their parents’ experiences, and now ours. Through this exploration, the resilience of the human spepisodeseals itself amidst generational trauma, capturing moments of joy and struggle, and highlighting the evolution of parenting, the complexities of forming connections, and the healing power of understanding and empathy.

    In a conversation filled with laughter and tears, this episode reflects the power of truth, love, and connection with God. I hope that our shared stories will inspire you to engage in healing conversations within your own families, promoting personal growth and stronger familial bonds.

    (00:29 - 02:18) Parents' History and Healing Journey
    (05:45 - 06:28) Smoking, Stay-at-Home Moms, and Divorce
    (14:29 - 16:30) Parental Relationships and Discipline
    (26:07 - 28:06) Navigating Emotional Intimacy and Insecurities
    (30:53 - 32:03) Discovering the Qualities of a Relationship
    (43:32 - 45:17) Baggage and Support in a Relationship
    (48:46 - 50:19) Struggling With Parenting and Self-Reflection
    (54:49 - 56:42) Insights on Life, Pain, and Redemption
    (58:29 - 01:00:04) Healing Through God's Unconditional Love
    (01:06:25 - 01:08:29) Discovering the Father's Love Through Jesus

  • In this episode we discuss our personal journeys of learning to embrace change, surrender control, and find peace amidst life's chaos. Sammi shares her personal struggles in motherhood, and Spencer around his need for control. We discuss the benefits of surrender, acceptance, and bringing in compassion over just trying to fix the problems. We also explore how chaos and uncertainty can teach profound lessons about unconditional love and healing.

    Last day for our holiday bundle HERE:

    (05:33 - 07:22) Embracing Acceptance and Letting Go
    (12:19 - 13:52) Insecurities and Control in Life
    (16:14 - 17:13) Unplanned Connection and Unconditional Love
    (21:16 - 22:29) Connecting With God
    (25:16 - 26:47) Facing and Healing Emotional Pain
    (34:21 - 35:27) Authentic Love and Motherhood Challenge
    (37:22 - 39:14) The Power of Love and Acceptance
    (44:16 - 45:40) Emotional Connection With God's Power

  • TRIGGER WARNING: this episode has mentions of suicide, alcoholism, and abuse.
    In this episode, we invite our friend Jordan to share his family’s story of parenthood, faith, resilience, and adoption with us. Jordan and his wife Kylie have eight children, two of whom were adopted after a series of traumatic events. Jordan shares his experiences on fatherhood, teenage pregnancy, and the fight for custody, all while upholding a strong backbone of faith and love. They also discuss the challenges they faced in creating a home environment that promotes accountability, love, and transformation. This episode offers a wealth of wisdom and fresh perspectives on life, relationships, and parenting.

    (01:42 - 03:18) Jordan's Unique Fathering Journey
    (06:26 - 07:35) Friendship, Romance, Parenthood
    (16:44 - 17:13) Teen Pregnancy and Family Challenges
    (21:29 - 22:56) Traumatic Car Accident and Survivor's Memory
    (56:45 - 58:08) Transformation and Perseverance Through Faith
    (01:08:23 - 01:10:05) Teaching Kids Order and Structure

    Find our Come Alive program and our Coach Launch program here: https://aliveandfreeconsulting.com/our-courses

  • In this episode we talk about the transformative power of self-love and compassion in overcoming feelings of shame and self-rejection. We all have a common struggle with self-love, and at the root of that is a fear of becoming the person we tend to reject. We open up on some of our own personal triggers and the practical steps we use to work through a trigger. Get a free bag of our favorite coffee beans here: http://s.trdcfe.me/33L8Sb

    Find our Come Alive program and our Coach Launch program here: https://aliveandfreeconsulting.com/our-courses
    (00:11 - 00:45) The Life-Changing Breville Espresso Machine (35 Seconds) (03:58 - 04:56) Struggling With Healing and Internal Voice (58 Seconds) (10:01 - 11:15) Brain Development and Self-Soothing in Babies (74 Seconds) (13:20 - 14:43) Overcoming Fear of Self-Acceptance (82 Seconds) (23:13 - 24:29) Dealing With Rejection Triggers and Pain (76 Seconds) (26:15 - 27:51) Recognizing and Addressing Emotional Triggers (96 Seconds) (33:54 - 34:53) Taking Ownership and Personal Power (59 Seconds) (43:09 - 43:50) Focusing on Praiseworthy Thoughts (41 Seconds) (51:33 - 53:27) Come Alive Program (114 Seconds)

  • If you’re like the rest of us, we’ve all been deeply motivated by shame at one point or another. Society tells you to do more, be more, achieve more, all in order to receive the fulfillment you’re lacking. What if there was another way to feel happy, loved, and content in your daily life? What if grinding and hustling to exhaustion every day isn’t actually leading you to the inner peace you thought it promised?
    Join our conversation to hear about our personal experiences with this and how we navigate achieving our dreams without using them to fill our deficits.

    Find our programs to heal and help others heal at our website, aliveandfreeconsulting.com

    (03:16 - 04:36) The Role of Productivity in Self-Worth
    (10:07 - 11:17) Seeking Happiness and Intimacy With God
    (12:40 - 13:57) Desire for Significance and Impact
    (17:31 - 18:22) Juggling Responsibilities and Emotional Needs
    (26:15 - 28:11) Balancing Responsibilities With Heart's Desires
    (32:30 - 33:17) Core Needs and Heart Desires
    (40:15 - 41:19) Living With Purpose and God's Fulfillment

  • Many of us want to be good leaders whether it’s in ministry, as parents, or in business. But to show up as our best selves, we HAVE to heal the pain that gets in our way and learn how to meet our own needs. In this conversation we share how we lean on God in our day to day to meet our needs and stay full to lead others, as well as some of our favorite examples of leadership from the Bible.

    (05:43 - 06:23) Self-Hatred and Shame-Based Motivation in Influence
    (10:41 - 11:03) Seeking God's Direction in Prayer
    (18:02 - 18:58) Imitating Jesus and Loving Without Boundaries
    (24:56 - 25:50) Identity and Needs Met Through God
    (28:14 - 29:36) Self-Discovery and Leadership Preparation Journey

    To find our programs mentioned, visit www.aliveandfreeconsulting.com

  • We're Back!! From Europe...and it was all fairy tales and unicorns right??


    We experienced so much discomfort on this trip and realize that God was on ALL of it.

    How do you respond when all of your comfort is being threatened?

    What do you do when you realize your life has become complacent in different areas?

    Are we made for comfort or something else?

    In this episode, we share stories from our trip to europe and how God did a big thing in our hearts as a result.

    To find out more about our programs, go to www.aliveandfreeconsulting.com


    (02:53 - 04:34) The Value of Discomfort and Growth (102 Seconds)
    (06:31 - 07:58) Trusting God's Guidance for Adventure (88 Seconds)
    (12:05 - 13:49) Adjusting to Uncomfortable Circumstances in Europe (103 Seconds)
    (19:22 - 20:46) Finding Hope in Big Emotions (84 Seconds)
    (23:39 - 25:28) Transformative Journey of Surrender (109 Seconds)

  • For Marriage Retreat, CLICK HERE to Learn More.

    For our All-Women's Retreat in Costa Rica, CLICK HERE for more info.

    For our Come Alive Program, CLICK HERE for info.

    Expect to be stirred as we recount transformative stories of divine encounters and healing that have deepened our understanding of God’s relentless pursuit for us.

    Journey with us as we navigate the unexpected ways God shows up to answer prayers, and the life-changing decisions that follow. We invite you into intimate discussions about cultivating honesty in our relationship with God and bask in the sense of security this vulnerability can bring into other relationships. Understand the importance of shedding the chains of shame, legalism, and religious routines to truly experience the supernatural. We hope that our spiritual voyage will inspire you to be open to miracles, shed inhibitions, and bolster your faith.

    In this rich tapestry of discussions about God's love, pursuit, and his knack for using seemingly ordinary moments for extraordinary purposes, we delve into knowing Jesus intimately. We challenge the pressure to perform and inspire the transition to a deep desire to truly know Jesus. Finally, we explore the beauty of bringing raw honesty to God, an act that can unlock deeper intimacy and provide a secure anchor in times of doubt or anxiety. Whether you're grappling with doubts, keen to deepen your faith, or simply curious about the spiritual journey of others, this episode is a spiritual banquet that has a lot to offer. Join us and reignite your spiritual journey.


    (0:00:01) - Journey to Becoming Alive and Free (3 Minutes)

    We're hosting two upcoming retreats in Costa Rica - one for couples and one for women. Continuing our conversation about God stories, I share a story about praying for a man on the street corner and his response. It's a reminder of how God can show up in unexpected ways to answer our prayers. These moments of faith bring God's reality into our lives.

    (0:07:27) - God's Kingdom Displayed (3 Minutes)

    My roommate and I met up with a girl I had met a long while back and her cousin was with her. He was curious about theology and miracles, and I suggested that we could pray for people on the street to learn about it. He was excited and it ended up sparking a huge conversation with our clients on a coaching call. We were risking having faith on the streets and praying for people in order to see God's kingdom come.

    (0:10:10) - Miraculous Healing and Life Transformation (4 Minutes)

    We explore how God can show His love and power through a seemingly small moment. We have a conversation with an army veteran and experience how God can build faith and lead to a life-changing decision. We also discuss how witnessing such an event can have a lasting impact on those around it. We share how God can use even the smallest of moments to bring healing, hope, and faith to both those directly involved and those who observe.

    (0:14:39) - Expecting God's Healing and Miracles (6 Minutes)

    We {explore} the importance of letting go of shame, legalism, and religion when it comes to the supernatural. We {discuss} how formulas and rule-systems pull us away from an intimate relationship with the Father. We {reflect} on how the miracles of God are meant to be a signpost and an encounter with the Father that demonstrate His love and power. We also {consider} how our own lack of experience, pain, and trauma can form theological beliefs and truths that are not true. We share a story about my cousin Sarah who battled cancer for 14 years before passing away. We talk about how God is growing us into sons and daughters and how we are still learning to trust and have faith in Him.

    (0:20:24) - Finding Faith and Experiencing Love (9 Minutes)

    We talk about the importance of a life dedicated to knowing Jesus intimately. We discuss the pressure of striving to perform and how to shift our hearts from going after miracles to wanting to know Jesus. We reflect on the value of having four hours of margin per day and how that season of dedication has been a source of strength for us. Finally, we contemplate the beauty of being the beloved disciple and how it gives us insight into Jesus’s heart.

    (0:29:05) - Honest Conversations (5 Minutes)

    Bringing our raw honesty to God can be the key to unlocking deeper intimacy with Him. We explore how to bring our fears and questions to God, and how to trust what we hear in return. Carving out time to be real and vulnerable with God is what true intimacy looks like. We share how this type of intimacy has created a security in our relationships with God, as well as our marriages, and how it can be incredibly anchoring in times of doubt or anxiety.

    (0:34:30) - Exploring God's Love and Pursuit (8 Minutes)

    We look at how God is available and accessible, and how we can let go of the lies and beliefs that keep us from getting real and vulnerable with Him. We discuss Damon Thompson's podcast and his parable of the merchant in the field, and how it reveals God's pursuit of us. We examine how Jesus reveals the true nature of God, and how we need to view Scripture through a Christological filter. We explore how the Israelites missed the Messiah and how we must honor the traditions of our mentors while still trusting God's revealed nature in Jesus. We consider how the Old Testament is full of people misunderstanding God, and how we should not accept any doctrine that is not rooted in the person of Jesus.