
  • Your Archetypal Tarot Podcast Host, Cyndera Quackenbush here!

    After spending decades with the Tarot, I find myself still tapping all their mysteries and layers of interpretation. Here and there, the Lenormand started to tap at my window and I got curious what this divination system was all about.

    I got my first Lenormand deck years ago, and drew my first card (a practice I later learned was not suited to Lenormand readings). What card did I get? The Coffin. Not long after that the pandemic began. Life (and death) happened

    It wasn’t until I came across Lenormand expert Erika Robinson, that I was introduced properly to this method and how it could be used for readings.

    This podcast unveils Lenormand for all listeners and Erika even gives me a reading on the show! Her warmth and clarity is stunning.

    Here are a few of my takeaways from our conversation:

    As the title of Erika’s book suggests, Lenormand can be seen as a language of divination. The way the cards work together in a spread is like interpreting a sentence, or (my favorite thing) telling a story that speaks to your question. Who better than Erika, long-time English teacher and writer, to break this down for us?

    Cards are rarely picked for 1-card readings. Cards are best interpreted in relationship to each other in a spread.

    There is a beautiful simplicity inherent in the Lenormand. Meanings can be memorized and fortunes told even with a regular deck of playing cards.

    Erika is just a wonderful person - fun to chat and connect with! Her reading was insightful and dead on.

    Check out Erika’s latest publication, The Language of Lenormand and her beautiful deck, Lenormand of Hope:

    Thank you Erika for coming onto the Archetypal Tarot Podcast!
  • This delightful dialogue with Kara Simons introduces her new book You Belong Here: A Story of Otherworldly Help in Finding My Place, which will launch its Kickstarter campaign on May 7th.

    Kara recounts her journey of breaking away from a restrictive and damaging belief system rooted in Mormon theology. Her experience of being torn away from deep family connections at a young age paved her path toward a direct connection with the other world. She found guidance from the forces and animals of nature, which lead to the creation of her Prairie Majesty Oracle and Song of the Grandmothers.

    Kara is a mother of 3 and a practicing lawyer too, so you get a well-grounded and practical perspective that is rare in the spiritual canon. Have you ever felt you might need a spiritual lawyer to come and draw up some contracts for greater self-awareness and boundary setting? With Kara’s guided questions at the end of each section of her book, search no further!

    This autobiographical book is not just a beautiful read but a gateway of encouragement and allowance for each person’s deeper access to spirit. Please join the Archetypal Tarot Podcast in celebrating the bravery of Kara’s work - you can sign up to receive updates at the following link:


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  • For the Archetypal Tarot Podcast’s special Women’s History Month edition of the podcast, we’re featuring the art and interview of Rachel Phillips!

    Though her work doesn’t (yet) appear in the form of tarot decks or grimoires, Rachel’s creations tap into the communicative powers of photo manipulation and the magic that such manipulation has on our own reflections of time, ancestry and the journey of women as both the viewer and viewed.

    Rounding out the end of last year, Cyndera had the chance to go and visit Rachel’s exhibition Holding Time, Tracing Light held at San Francisco State University’s School of Art and Design.

    Cyndera at the life-size Ghost Light Theater Projection! She had so much fun playing with shadows and pretending to be part of the art!

    Cyndera had originally been drawn to Rachel’s artistry in the form of her collection called Divinations.

  • Archetypal Tarot is thrilled to release this latest podcast with guest Dr. Giavanni Washington about her new oracle deck, The Black Goddess Within. It was inspiring to meet a woman who has followed her ancestral wisdom and is blazing a powerful path of healing through conversation and connection through the imagery and words of her oracle.

    This deck, for Every Body, features photographs of real woman embodying the goddesses of Africa in its many territories and elements (beautifully bedecked by illustrator Marla Warner). Meet stunning mermaids in the deck along with warriors, healers and other divinities of different ages, body types, abilities, skin tones and gender expressions.

    The deck links the Black body to her storied, ancestral and mythology past in the roots of Africa. Past and present are bridged offering specific healing to Black women in particular, and any who wish to welcome the deep expressions of these goddesses within their modern lives.

    This deck welcomes and challenges us to see beyond the veils of a white-valued society to the many-faceted aspects of Black Beauty, Black Divinity and Black Joy.

    Many thanks to Dr. Giavanni for joining the Archetypal Tarot Podcast <3 You can find out more on her website and even draw a card online!

  • The Chinese 5 Elements Oracle is a deck to accompany you in the adventure that is and will be 2024, and also in the new cycle we find ourselves according to Chinese Metaphysics. 2024 launches “the Age of 9” which is the last cycle of the 180-year great cycle of the Nine Periods. It is said to bring back a rise in Yin Energy, ruled by the Fire trigram Li which is associated with spirituality and middle aged women (never been so excited to turn 40 this year!!)

    The Lunar New Year itself will welcome the Wood Dragon. We met with Vicki Iskandar, creator of The Chinese Five Elements Oracle, in this podcast to discuss what we can expect from this cycle and symbolism.

    Surprisingly, Vicki’s words on this card and cycle were all about joy.

    In 2024, we find ourselves in an election year, not just in the United States, but with over 50 countries deciding between authoritarian and democratic leaders.

    Already we see divisiveness and tension playing out with over 110 armed conflicts through out the world - how can we possibly participate and cultivate joy?

    "Joy, associated with Fire element, is the key to raising our frequency. This is especially critical in the Age of 9
 As the world becomes more divided, those who are able to cultivate inner joy will be the ones who’ll keep moving up on the path to bring light to others; fear and negativity may push others to spiral downward."

    ~Vicki Iskander

    Many of the messages within The Chinese Five Elements Oracle are designed lovingly to stoke your inner joy. From the messages of Heaven and Earth to the charming illustrations provided by Candice Soon, you are sure to find that special spark that is uniquely your own joy.

    Happy 2024! Happy Lunar New Year! Happy Age of 9 to you!

    To glimpse imagery from this glorious deck in the Video Interview, along with other perks, please become a paid subscriber on Substack!

  • If you were to walk a Tarot path and see each familiar card, Major and Minor, with a recognizable human face, you will have stumbled onto the Unfolding Path universe!

    In this interview, Athene and Cyndera discuss spiritual belief and creation as well as how she makes the tarot images tangible and relatable in an intuitive way. Athene shares her journey with us, which in turn becomes a tool that can welcome communication with the beyond to inform our own paths.

    The imagery included in this deck features animals, plants, and a cast of modern and diverse people—all with a mystical touch. Each suit is represented by a different color palette while characters of varying color, size, ability, and age create a beautiful community. This 78-card deck and guidebook is the perfect compass for those seeking self-discovery.

    ATHENE NOCTUA is the artist and creator behind several oracle and tarot card decks. Her creative process is deeply meditative and forms a key pillar of her spiritual practice. Placing herself at the service of Spirit, she works to create divination tools that open a channel of communication between us and the Divine. Living deep in the English countryside on a renovated canal barge, her art is inspired by the energies and cycles of life in the natural environment around her.

    For the Video version of this podcast, subscribe to https://archetypalstories.substack.com/

  • This newly released oracle deck was created by artist Carrie Paris and writer Tina Hardt. The Beloved Dead invites us into conversation with ancestor archetypes and spirit guides. Pictures of the past from both known and unknown sources help to shed light on unconscious patterns unfolding in our daily lives.

    This rich conversation between Tina and Cyndera unveils how this Oracle deck came to be (it started with a picture!) and how the collaboration between Tina and Carrie blossomed (it started with a card reading!).

    Amongst these stories, Tina delves into the structure of this 81-card Oracle, tips on usage, and some ways to look at the shadow aspects of the cards. She also distinguishes between the process of divination and mediumship, both of which she has pursued and practiced in her extensive channeling of words, Spirit and ideas.

    Additional collaborations between Carrie Paris and Tina Hardt include The Siren’s Song and The Relative Tarot.

  • Co-Creator of The Archetypal Podcast, Julienne Givot, returns for this very special podcast and interview with Perdita Finn!

    Perdita, Julienne and Cyndera discuss the deep meaning and magic inherent in having a daily connection with ancestors, and all friends, beyond the grave.

    Perdita Finn's father, a doctor, used to arrive home in the middle of the night and find his three-year-old daughter sitting in the dark in front of a broken figurine from some lost Nativity scene of the Virgin Mary. Not only was their family not religious but Perdita would not even see the inside of a church for another decade. Perdita didn't remember this...and her father would not tell her this story until just before his death. It took her almost a half century to uncover her childhood devotion and to begin to make sense of it.

    A longtime Zen student, she decided she'd had enough of priests and lineages and fundraising campaigns soon after the birth of her children. She preferred to be out in the woods with her kids and caring for various wild animals they discovered that needed help. Once they rehabilitated 16 baby possums together. A pet goose marched up and down the long driveway to their house in the Catskills.

    In 2011 in the events described in The Way of the Rose: The Radical Path of the Divine Feminine Hidden in the Rosary her life changed forever. Rediscovering her devotion to the Lady freed her own voice at last. She is the co-founder with her husband Clark Strand of The Way of the Rose, an eco-feminist rosary fellowship dedicated to the rights of the earth and the rights of women. More of her writing can be found at wayoftherose.org

    *This description contains content from Perdita Finn’s bio featured on Amazon.

    *Julienne Givot's amazing Ancestor Hoops are available in her Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/FreeRangePriestess

    You can access the video of this interview by subscribing to archetypalstories.substack.com!

  • Join Cyndera Quackenbush in this special recording as she interviews Kate Farrell about the patterns and archetypes of the Heroine’s Journey and how it unfolds throughout the movie Barbie, directed by Greta Gerwig.


    This interview covers the differences between the more commonly known “Hero’s Journey” popularized by Joseph Campbell. With parallels to ancient myth, the world’s first writing, and fairy tales, the heroine’s journey has the power to reach and validate women in their real-world lives. A deeper exploration within this interview reveals how the Heroine’s Journey can be a transformative experience open to anyone regardless of gender.

    Kate Farrell believes in the power of story. A graduate of the School of Library and Information Studies, UC Berkeley, she has been a language arts classroom teacher (pre-school and grades kindergarten through 12th), author, librarian, university lecturer, and storyteller in Northern California since 1966.

    Kate has founded Woven with the vision to enhance and elevate the feminine in 21st century culture by applying the universal archetypes of the heroine’s journey to creative works that reflect a clear awareness of the vital role of the feminine in our era. Woven’s mission statement is to provide opportunities to explore the fundamental aspects of the universal heroine’s journey through activities such as, but not limited to, talks, workshops, training, retreats, in person and online, publications, and other media.

    You can sign up for Kate’s upcoming workshops by visiting her website: https://katefarrell.net/events/

  • This podcast celebrates the beautiful blooming of the Rosebud Tarot, now available from Weiser Books! Cyndera interviews artist Amanda Lee Stilwell and writer/diviner Diana Rose Harper.

    This deck depicts the glories of roses in their many forms along with vintage photographs collaged with sensuous altar imagery. Each card interpretation is introduced with an individualized poem that opens and expands the image translation (this podcast features Diana reading her poem from “The Star”). Tarot titles and suits are creatively re-imagined, busting old tarot restrictions to make both a queer and BIPOC-friendly deck.

    In addition to deep discussions on process and collaboration details, this podcast also unveils powerful gardening magic such as intentional tools and the use of rose stems as protective wards.

    After witnessing this playful deck and its creators, prepare to have your perspective of roses - and tarot - transformed.

  • This is the story of Cyndera's dad, the Archetypal Tarot's host and creator of the Story Through Stone Reflection Card deck. The billion year-old stones that her father Jim Quackenbush found within the Mojave desert contain rare naturally-occurring imagery that inspired not only the cards but a new process of card readings.

    This is an origin story. This is a family story. This is a story from the earth herself.

    To see additional imagery and video surrounding this podcast, please head over to Cyndera's substack archetypalstories.substack.com or to her website storythroughstone.org

  • Asha Frost, a member of the Chippewas of unceded Nawash First Nation (present day Ontario, Canada) shares with Cyndera about her Oracle deck and recently released book, You are the Medicine: 13 Moons of Indigenous Wisdom, Ancestral Connection and Animal Spirit Guidance.

    When so much traditional knowledge, life and livelihood has been lost through colonization, where can we even begin to pick up the pieces? New hope is found in the great gift of Frost’s Oracle, illustrated by Steph Littlebird. Steeped in Ojibway teachings, Asha has retrieved this wisdom from ancestors and from her own bones, to share with both indigenous and non-indigenous seekers. She instructs her audience on how to approach and use this medicine respectfully, with the true belief that these teachings can guide each of us back to our own unique medicine. How might the world transform if we are to walk in our own gifts, tailored from our own healed ancestors?

    While revealing traditional insights, Asha’s work is also immensely inclusive for our modern world. Asha embraces two-spirit folks in her work and introduces guides that are non-binary in both her imagery, stories and language.

    A whole-hearted gift from a rainbow healer, podcast listeners will love Asha Frost and for the visionary work that lies within her words and Oracle.

    ASHA FROST (she/her) is an Indigenous Medicine Woman and a member of the Chippewas of Nawash First Nation. As an energy healer, homeopath, and mentor, Asha has guided thousands of people through profound and lasting transformation with her ceremonies, teachings, and speaking events. Asha lives on Anishinaabe, Huron-Wendat, and Haudenosaunee Territory, with her husband and two beautiful children, with whom she co-creates a better world for the seven generations to come. Visit her online at ashafrost.com

  • “The only question in the end is whether I can find and tell my inner story,

    which is also my inner truth.” ~ Michael Meade.

    What fairy tale, myth or story most resembles what your mother lived in her formative years?

    This month’s podcast is a special early tribute to Cyndera's mom for Mother’s Day! This podcast includes her story as a child, and its many parallels to the Cinderella story: absent mother, absent father, abandonment, perseverance, patience, kindness, birds, housework, stepmother, stepsisters, fairy godmother, the magic carriage, the dog, the dream come true....

    A video version of this reading is available for paid subscribers on the Archetypal Stories Substack! The article and video includes pictures of Cyndera's mom and images from the Little Golden Book version that captured my her imagination and heart as a little girl.

    Enjoy and... Happy Mother's Day!

  • Cyndera welcomes Melissa Townsend - artist, psychic and card creator - to her home in Suisun, California. Over tea, the two discuss the deep process of working with the philosophies of Putanjali through the creation of art work inspired by the yoga sutras. Townsend has dedicated a painting of her personal process to EVERY yoga sutra (Books 1-4). The work of the sutras and the art of Tarot are compared and contrasted. The vital nature of doing such deep artistic work in the age of AI is revealed.

    Melissa's work can be purchased through her website at https://melissa-townsend.com

    Melissa's Bio:

    Melissa Townsend is an Artist, Author, Psychic & Astrologer, and lives in San Francisco with her husband and son.

    She has been a practitioner of Yoga for over 35 years, and studied Sanskrit for over 15 years, now teaching the language to others. Melissa has also translated the Yoga Sutras, and has been creating paintings inspired by them since 2011. The paintings, translations, and commentary of the Yoga Sutras, Book One and Book Two, have been published in full-color, soft-bound books and as Meditation Cards.

    You can also find Melissa on YouTube videos on Astrology and the Tarot. She has created a couple Tarot Decks including The Subtle Tarot.

    The unifying force behind all of Melissa's work lie the age-old questions, the ones that push us onto the spiritual path, “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” All of this is a way to engage with each other, as we all ask and try to answer those questions.

  • The Rider-Waite-Smith deck has been known as the preeminent Tarot deck that first illustrated the entire Minor Arcana along with a re-imagining of the Major Arcana that has influenced hundreds of deck on the market today. This podcast interviews Weiser author and editor Judika Illes and researcher/artist/designer Kathryn Sky-Peck about their recently released Weiser Tarot that features Pamela "Pixie" Colman Smith's original line art with freshly watercolor painted cards. The Weiser Tarot presents a fresh face that embraces figures on a varying spectrum of skin tone and gender orientation. The creators' process with this landmark deck inspires all of us to come to this antiquated deck with fresh eyes and to "examine each card one by one, prior to considering the interpretations of others." The 78 pieces of art, originally drawn by Smith, "open our intuition and imagination to explore our hearts and minds" (Illes 2022).

    More about Judika Illes:

    Born in New York City, Judika Illes is a lifelong lover, student, and practitioner of the magickal arts. She is the author of numerous books devoted to magic spells, witchcraft, saints, spirits, and the paranormal including the best-selling Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells and Encyclopedia of Spirits. Her other books include Pure Magic: A Complete Course in Spellcasting, Magic When You Need It, Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, and Daily Magic, a perpetual calendar of spells, rituals, and feasts. Judika is also the curator of two books of occult fiction. Someday she will publish some occult fiction of her own. Judika is a certified aromatherapist and has been a professional tarot card reader since 1988. Judika has worked as an editor for Weiser Books since 2015. Before that, she worked for The Witches’ Almanac. She teaches about spell-casting and other topics in the US, internationally, and virtually. Her website is under construction, but Judika is easily found on-line at Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorJudikaIlles Instagram: @judikailles and Twitter: @JudikaIlles

    More about Kathryn Sky-Peck:

    Kathryn Sky-Peck has been a life-long student of the esoteric arts. Currently Creative Director at Red Wheel/Weiser, she has been with Weiser books off and on since 1981 when she first began working with the publisher. She is an award-winning poet, a fine artist, and—when the grace of youth allowed it—a modern dancer. She sees all these art forms interconnected, finding color and movement in words and music in poetry. She has been the sole proprietor of Sky Peck Design for the last 27 years, where she maintains a select group of clients, most notably The Witches Almanac and Ibis Press. In her role as book development director at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, she authored Who Has Seen the Wind? and The Poet’s Delay, both compilations of poetry based on the museum’s art collection. She loves the anonymity of being in the background, from where she’s had the honor to work with, support, and learn from some of the occult world’s best-known authors. Not on social media, she lives at the edge of a New England wood with her cat Milo.

  • The Tarot Lady, Theresa Reed, visits the Archetypal Tarot Podcast with tips on intuition and the power of free will. We discuss her book on Astrology and Tarot and how to overcome fears of "bad" charts or cards.

    This episode begins with Theresa's own story - how she was in a slump with her career and was surprised to get a reading that she would one day run her own business. She has now been a successful tarot reader for over 30 years and author of many publications. This interview and book details how most of us need to "twist our fate" to best understand ourselves, bring our gifts to the world and thrive even when challenges in our charts arise. If you're curious or drawn to better utilizing tarot and astrology to guide your decision-making The Tarot Lady is the wise sister you've always wanted to listen to!

    For video of this special interview, become a subscriber at archtypalstories.substack.com!

  • Happy New Year and happy new podcast platform! I am writing to let you know that all new Archetypal Tarot Podcasts will be published on Substack at archetypal stories.substack.com. You can head over there now to listen to Song of the Grandmothers: An Interview with Deck Creator Kara Simons! This beautiful deck's insights restore our connection to grandmother energy for everyone, and to the larger natural world. This great shift comes with an immense THANK YOU for supporting the podcast on Podbean. I hope you will consider subscribing and supporting the podcast on its new platform. All old episodes will still be available here on Podbean and also on Youtube (thank you Richard Cox for uploading those!!) Yours in Tarot Podcasting, Cyndera Quackenbush

  • In this interview with oracle deck creator Kara Simons, Cyndera and Kara explore the bounty of wisdom from the prairie plains through its animals, flora and elemental beings. At the heart of this beautiful and boldly illustrated deck is the revelation of self sovereignty, and the invitation therein to reclaim a direct connection with nature. Kara breaks down the channeled wisdom of these cards and the structure that organically emerged during the cards' creation. Stories of synchronicity and deep learning abound, including how the connection with artist Amy Putney Koenig was sparked. Carefully crafted questions emerge from each card that will clarify your inquiries and stir up transformative intuition. Any and all are welcome to the wildness of the prairie to open to its expansive wisdom!

    Find out more anout Kara, her decks and connect with her on her website joyfulresonance.com

    This episode is sponsored Freerange Priestess on Etsy - you’ll find nontraditional rosaries, quirky prayer beads, sacred jewelry and more. freerangepriestess.com / https://www.etsy.com/shop/FreeRangePriestess

    BIG Thanks to our patrons: Peter, Janet, Richard, Joro, Juniper and Rash of Stay Woke Tarot. We appreciate our Patrons and their support! You can find out more about the fabulous benefits of being a Patron at http://tiny.cc/tarotpodcast

    Are you a fan of this podcast? Rate and review us on whatever app you use to listen. Connect with us on Instagram & Facebook @TarotPodcast our email is tarotpodcast @ gmail.com

    The podcast is produced by Both/And Media Theme music by: The Lunar Group

  • This episode Julienne is in conversation with Sophie Bashford, author of The Goddesses, Gods & Gaurdians oracle deck recently published by Hay House and with beautiful illustrations by Hillary Wilson.

    Together they discuss the universal archetypal patterns and perspectives seen in the cards and guidance on working with these energies.

    Sophie Bashford is a UK based author, channel and much-loved expert on Goddesses. She supports people all over the world to awaken their soul memories of the Goddess through her Moon Temple Membership, private sessions and retreats. www.sophiebashford.com

    Follow her on Instagram

    BIG Thanks to our patrons: Peter, Janet, Richard, Joro, Juniper and Rash of Stay Woke Tarot. We appreciate our Patrons and their support! You can find out more about the fabulous benefits of being a Patron at http://tiny.cc/tarotpodcast This episode is sponsored Freerange Priestess on Etsy - you’ll find unconventional rosaries, quirky prayer beads, sacred jewelry and more. https://www.etsy.com/shop/FreeRangePriestess
  • Cyndera Quackenbush interviews Theresa Reed aka "The Tarot Lady" in this latest installment of the Archetypal Tarot Podcast. Celebrating her recently released deck Tarot for Kids, these two Geminis dive deep into the discussion around early life and the intuitive arts. How can children learn to use Tarot? How can they trust their instincts? How can intuitive wisdom be nurtured and cultivated at an early age? These questions and more are illuminated with real life stories from the Tarot Lady and her own experiences as a precocious child, mother and card reader for thousands. You'll emerge from this podcast with renewed hope for the next generation! BIG Thanks to our patrons: Peter, Janet, Richard, Joro, Juniper and Rash of Stay Woke Tarot. We appreciate our Patrons and their support! You can find out more about the fabulous benefits of being a Patron at http://tiny.cc/tarotpodcast This episode is sponsored Freerange Priestess on Etsy - you’ll find unconventional rosaries, quirky prayer beads, tarot jewelry and more. freerangepriestess.com / https://www.etsy.com/shop/FreeRangePriestess About The Tarot Lady: Theresa Reed (aka “The Tarot Lady”) is a world-renowned Tarot expert who has been reading Tarot—and teaching Tarot to curious students—for close to 30 years. She is the author of Tarot: No Questions Asked – Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading and The Tarot Coloring Book, an illustrated tour through the world of Tarot with coloring sheets for every card in the deck. Theresa is also the author of Astrology For Real Life (A No B.S. Guide for the Astro-Curious) and the co-author of Tarot for Troubled Times with Shaheen Miro. Her latest project is Tarot for Kids, a kid-friendly tarot deck with artist Kailey Whitman.In addition to writing, teaching, podcasting, and speaking at Tarot conferences, Theresa also runs a popular website—TheTarotLady.com—where she dishes out advice, inspiration and tips for Tarot lovers of all experience levels. She also hosts two educational podcasts: Tarot Bytes and Astrology Bytes, which have been downloaded by millions of people around the world.Follow Theresa on Twitter and Instagram for her daily “Six Second Tarot Readings”—plus photos of her extremely handsome cat, Monkey.Photographer credit: Jessica Kaminski