
  • Can you believe it?! It is our 100th episode and we are FINALLY getting our ADHD assessed! Not really - but this week Katie and Garet give each other made up ADHD assessments by asking questions that really get to the heart of living with ADHD as grown ass adult women who have bills and families and jobs. Will you be just as surprised as we were at our results? Tune in to find out.

    MOST IMPORTANTLY -- we have a huge announcement -- we are changing our podcast format to a seasonal format!!! We are taking a seasonal break starting THIS WEEK and will be back at the end of 2024.

    HOWEVER - our patreon subscribers will still be getting monthly bonus episodes even in the off-season. So join our Patreon now for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh . This new podcast format will allow us to do better and more in depth research and keep us from getting burned out and overwhelmed. With Garet returning to full time employment with a full time baby that still requires attention almost all of the time, and Katie's life getting busier and busier, and our unpaid intern still working full time as our editor PLUS he has an actual job that pays him real human dollars to do - we all thought this was the best way to ensure we continue to give you all the best content in the most consistent manner. We love you all and don't ever want to let you down so we hope you'll continue to support us!

    The other great way to support us is by leaving us a 5-star review anywhere you find us and making sure you're following us on Instagram and Threads @thebarisanklehigh and on TikTok @anklehighpod.

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Calm Strips: https://calmstrips.com/ Promo Code: LIMBO20

    Wild Deodorant: https://zen.ai/dHUTZ7FL8hTa9viX9ft0Jw Promo Code: anklehigh

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA

  • This week Garet talks to us about over-stimulation. We've discussed sensory processing disorder but what happens to your brain when you're just overwhelmed by the texture of the chair you're sitting on or how hot you are or how many people are talking at the same time? Well, this week we discuss that and how some super aggressive monkeys near Puerto Rico stopped throwing poop at everyone when they got too hot. And if that's not relatable, what is? Overstimulation has physical and emotional implications and we dive into those aspects of it and we discuss ways to combat overstimulation without medication!

    You can check out our brand new merch at bit.ly/anklehighmerch and support us by joining our Patreon for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh where you'll get access to extended cut ad free audio and video episodes plus bonus episodes, be added to our close friends list on Instagram, and get an on-air shout out and goodies from us in the mail!

    Make sure you're following us on Instagram @thebarisanklehigh to join in on the weekly episode title contest for your chance to win a free podcast logo sticker! We're also on TikTok where Katie posts a whole bunch of episode clips but also fun ADHD tidbits - so go follow us there at @anklehighpod

    Finally, the best way to support us is to leave us a 5-star review anywhere you find us and share us to your IG stories to make sure all your friends know why you're laughing so much at work!!

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Calm Strips: https://calmstrips.com/ Promo Code: LIMBO20

    Wild Deodorant: https://zen.ai/dHUTZ7FL8hTa9viX9ft0Jw Promo Code: anklehigh

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • This week Garet teaches us all about aphantasia and hyperphantasia - words used to describe whether or not you are able to picture something in your mind's eye and to what extent you can picture something. It turns out - not everyone has a TV show running in their brains like Lizzie McGuire and that can make a difference when you're trying to remember important moments in your life - from happy memories like the birth of your child to really terrifying memories that are associated with PTSD. Garet explains this phenomenon to us and we discuss possible connections to increased rates of PTSD, dementia, and Alzheimer's. Head over to our Instagram post for today's episode and tell us where you fall on this Fantasia Barino spectrum!

    You can check out our brand new merch at bit.ly/anklehighmerch and support us by joining our Patreon for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh where you'll get access to extended cut ad free audio and video episodes plus bonus episodes, be added to our close friends list on Instagram, and get an on-air shout out and goodies from us in the mail!

    Make sure you're following us on Instagram @thebarisanklehigh to join in on the weekly episode title contest for your chance to win a free podcast logo sticker! We're also on TikTok where Katie posts a whole bunch of episode clips but also fun ADHD tidbits - so go follow us there at @anklehighpod

    Finally, the best way to support us is to leave us a 5-star review anywhere you find us and share us to your IG stories to make sure all your friends know why you're laughing so much at work!!

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Calm Strips: https://calmstrips.com/ Promo Code: LIMBO20

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA

  • We've referenced this topic in almost every single one of our episodes - but we've never actually examined the truth behind the common belief that ADHD is over-diagnosed these days. Katie took over the research this week to answer the question - are there ACTUALLY more people with ADHD these days, or is that just something old farts on social media want us to believe? Katie breaks down the studies that actually objectively measured the incidences of ADHD in children since 1997 and if you're late diagnosed like us, the answer will probably not surprise you. We also take a slight detour into the DONE ADHD president and CEO arrests from last week and what that federal indictment for drug trafficking charges can mean for continuing care for folks who used that app and service.

    If you are struggling to access your medications, please do not attempt to acquire your medication on the black market. You can find resources to safely wean yourself off of your ADHD meds here: https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/adderall-addiction/adderall-taper/

    You can check out our brand new merch at bit.ly/anklehighmerch and support us by joining our Patreon for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh where you'll get access to extended cut ad free audio and video episodes plus bonus episodes, be added to our close friends list on Instagram, and get an on-air shout out and goodies from us in the mail!

    Make sure you're following us on Instagram @thebarisanklehigh to join in on the weekly episode title contest for your chance to win a free podcast logo sticker! We're also on TikTok where Katie posts a whole bunch of episode clips but also fun ADHD tidbits - so go follow us there at @anklehighpod

    Finally, the best way to support us is to leave us a 5-star review anywhere you find us and share us to your IG stories to make sure all your friends know why you're laughing so much at work!!

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Calm Strips: https://calmstrips.com/ Promo Code: LIMBO20

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA






  • Well, if you're in the United States then you know this year, 2024, is yet another election year. The thing is, even though the presidential election this year guarantees to be a dystopian rematch of the 2020 election and subsequent debauchery including everything from Rudy Guiliani's melting head outside an adult sex toy store and Four Seasons Total Landscaping to another breach of the Capitol Buildings, there's also EVERY SINGLE House of Representatives seat up for grabs as well as a good portion of the senate AND of course your local elections.

    That's a shitload of voting so we brought in our favorite Legislative Director, Sarah Spellman, who you might know on Instagram as @senatorspellman, or you might recognize their voice from their appearance on our Pride Month episodes from last year. This year, Sarah is bringing their expertise in elections to us to explain basic civics and how to pick a candidate - and also the best way to connect with your representatives so they know about the issues that really matter to you. So tune into this extra long episode and make sure you're registered to vote!

    You can check your registration status and find information about everyone you're eligible to vote for this year by heading over to www.vote.org (non-partisan!)


    Session Schedules - StateScape State Session Schedules

    Schoolhouse Rock - I'm Just a Bill - YouTube

    Mapping Attacks on LGBTQ Rights in U.S. State Legislatures in 2024 | American Civil Liberties Union (aclu.org)

    You can check out our brand new merch at bit.ly/anklehighmerch and support us by joining our Patreon for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh where you'll get access to extended cut ad free audio and video episodes plus bonus episodes, be added to our close friends list on Instagram, and get an on-air shout out and goodies from us in the mail!

    Make sure you're following us on Instagram @thebarisanklehigh to join in on the weekly episode title contest for your chance to win a free podcast logo sticker! We're also on TikTok where Katie posts a whole bunch of episode clips but also fun ADHD tidbits - so go follow us there at @anklehighpod

    Finally, the best way to support us is to leave us a 5-star review anywhere you find us and share us to your IG stories to make sure all your friends know why you're laughing so much at work!!

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Calm Strips: https://calmstrips.com/ Promo Code: LIMBO20

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA

  • We're back with another episode of ADHD Would You Rather! Katie & Garet discuss various scenarios, such as cleaning out a closet vs. rebuilding a wardrobe, drinking coffee with missing elements vs. having perpetual coffee breath, waking up sweaty vs. waking up freezing cold, and being misunderstood vs. unable to explain oneself. They also touch on topics like sticky lip gloss vs. chapped lips and the band Phish. The conversation is light-hearted and humorous, with both Katie and Garet sharing their preferences and personal experiences. In this conversation, Garet and Katie discuss various topics, including plastic surgery, jaw reconstruction and it's impact on facial changes as demonstrated by our tweeny hearthrob, Zac Efron. No matter which of these you choose, remember to be kind to yourself, because the bar is ankle high!

    You can check out our brand new merch at bit.ly/anklehighmerch and support us by joining our Patreon for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh where you'll get access to extended cut ad free audio and video episodes plus bonus episodes, be added to our close friends list on Instagram, and get an on-air shout out and goodies from us in the mail!

    Make sure you're following us on Instagram @thebarisanklehigh to join in on the weekly episode title contest for your chance to win a free podcast logo sticker! We're also on TikTok where Katie posts a whole bunch of episode clips but also fun ADHD tidbits - so go follow us there at @anklehighpod

    Finally, the best way to support us is to leave us a 5-star review anywhere you find us and share us to your IG stories to make sure all your friends know why you're laughing so much at work!!

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Calm Strips: https://calmstrips.com/ Promo Code: LIMBO20

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA

  • Remember a few weeks ago when Garet was talking about Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder and mentioned something about the use of dopamine to regulate pain levels? Well, that fun fact stuck in Katie's head in a big way so this week Katie teaches us about the connection between dopamine and pain perception - and can you believe it? It's different for folks who were assigned male at birth than it is for folks assigned female a birth! If ONLY we had seen this in every other study we've ever looked into...wait...oh yeah. We also discuss the effects that chronic pain has on the brain and dopamine production and reception and then discuss that gem of a commencement speech by Harrison Butker - because the bar is ankle high.

    You can check out our brand new merch at bit.ly/anklehighmerch and support us by joining our Patreon for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh where you'll get access to extended cut ad free audio and video episodes plus bonus episodes, be added to our close friends list on Instagram, and get an on-air shout out and goodies from us in the mail!

    Make sure you're following us on Instagram @thebarisanklehigh to join in on the weekly episode title contest for your chance to win a free podcast logo sticker! We're also on TikTok where Katie posts a whole bunch of episode clips but also fun ADHD tidbits - so go follow us there at @anklehighpod

    Finally, the best way to support us is to leave us a 5-star review anywhere you find us and share us to your IG stories to make sure all your friends know why you're laughing so much at work!!

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Calm Strips: https://calmstrips.com/ Promo Code: LIMBO20

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA

  • Have you ever thought your own home or apartment isn't designed for neurodivergence? Us too, that's why in this week's episode we're talking about what we would put in our ADHD Barbie Dream House from kitchens with no cabinets, kitchens with deep drawers, bathrooms made to fit tall and short people, and other personalized solutions for coping with our ADHD at home.

    You can check out our brand new merch at bit.ly/anklehighmerch and support us by joining our Patreon for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh where you'll get access to extended cut ad free audio and video episodes plus bonus episodes, be added to our close friends list on Instagram, and get an on-air shout out and goodies from us in the mail!

    Make sure you're following us on Instagram @thebarisanklehigh to join in on the weekly episode title contest for your chance to win a free podcast logo sticker! We're also on TikTok where Katie posts a whole bunch of episode clips but also fun ADHD tidbits - so go follow us there at @anklehighpod

    Finally, the best way to support us is to leave us a 5-star review anywhere you find us and share us to your IG stories to make sure all your friends know why you're laughing so much at work!!

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Calm Strips: https://calmstrips.com/ Promo Code: LIMBO20

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA

  • Welcome to yet another topic inspired by Katie's endless scrolling on TikTok before it gets banned - today we're diving headfirst into Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder, a connective tissue disorder that affects joint stability. Although the video Katie sent Garet was discussing hyperextending your joints and how damaging that can be to your body over time, HSD can actually cause problems with your vascular system, intestines (think Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis), skin, and - you guessed it - your brain! We discuss Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and the connection between hypermobility and neurodivergence - so make sure you listen to the whole episode because we also discuss what these new and developing studies could mean for AFAB healthcare in the future.

    You can check out our brand new merch at bit.ly/anklehighmerch and support us by joining our Patreon for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh where you'll get access to extended cut ad free audio and video episodes plus bonus episodes, be added to our close friends list on Instagram, and get an on-air shout out and goodies from us in the mail!

    Make sure you're following us on Instagram @thebarisanklehigh to join in on the weekly episode title contest for your chance to win a free podcast logo sticker! We're also on TikTok where Katie posts a whole bunch of episode clips but also fun ADHD tidbits - so go follow us there at @anklehighpod

    Finally, the best way to support us is to leave us a 5-star review anywhere you find us and share us to your IG stories to make sure all your friends know why you're laughing so much at work!!

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Calm Strips: https://calmstrips.com/ Promo Code: LIMBO20

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA

  • Well, it finally happened - after 90 episodes our winning streak was broken and we lost one of our recordings. It doesn't matter why, all that matters is that it was Garet's fault and we've probably fixed the problem!

    In the meantime - this week we are giving you one of our Patreon Bonus Episode Deep Cuts with an episode where we discuss living with someone who has ADHD or being the person that someone else has to live with even though we have ADHD. Katie had just moved in with her boyfriend - the first time in five years that she's lived with a romantic partner. Katie shares the adjustments she and PK have had to make recently and Garet shares the things she's learned over the course of her decade-long (and we'll say successful) marriage.

    You can check out our brand new merch at bit.ly/anklehighmerch and support us by joining our Patreon for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh where you'll get access to extended cut ad free audio and video episodes plus bonus episodes, be added to our close friends list on Instagram, and get an on-air shout out and goodies from us in the mail!

    Make sure you're following us on Instagram @thebarisanklehigh to join in on the weekly episode title contest for your chance to win a free podcast logo sticker! Finally, the best way to support us is to leave us a 5-star review anywhere you find us!!

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Calm Strips: https://calmstrips.com/ Promo Code: LIMBO20

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA

  • Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Quality Time, Acts of Service, Gifts...the Five Love Languages that, in 1992, were the subject of Pastor Gary Chapman's book that was used by Christians and non-Christians alike to help their intimate relationships. But are there only five love languages? And how did Chapman come up with this list anyway? This week Katie dives into the Five Love Languages and what they really mean - and then we talk about what the Love Languages of ADHD are. Tune in to find out and make sure you're following us on Instagram to add in your own love language.

    You can check out our brand new merch at bit.ly/anklehighmerch and support us by joining our Patreon for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh where you'll get access to extended cut ad free audio and video episodes plus bonus episodes, be added to our close friends list on Instagram, and get an on-air shout out and goodies from us in the mail!

    Make sure you're following us on Instagram @thebarisanklehigh to join in on the weekly episode title contest for your chance to win a free podcast logo sticker! Finally, the best way to support us is to leave us a 5-star review anywhere you find us!!

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Calm Strips: https://calmstrips.com/ Promo Code: LIMBO20

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA

  • Welcome back to Part 2 of our series on coping with ADHD at work when you're not requesting or using a formal reasonable accommodation. Whether you aren't formally diagnosed or aren't comfortable requesting a formal accommodation, we have work arounds for you to try out. We discuss using quiet fidget items, doodling, paraphrasing and repeating instructions to ensure we understand, and setting and requesting clear deadlines. No matter what you do for work or where you are on your ADHD journey, your struggles are valid and you are still deserving of respect in the workplace. Make sure you're following us on social media and tell us on today's post on IG what workplace hacks you use to manage your own ADHD!

    You can check out our brand new merch at bit.ly/anklehighmerch and support us by joining our Patreon for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh where you'll get access to extended cut ad free audio and video episodes plus bonus episodes, be added to our close friends list on Instagram, and get an on-air shout out and goodies from us in the mail!

    Make sure you're following us on Instagram @thebarisanklehigh to join in on the weekly episode title contest for your chance to win a free podcast logo sticker! Finally, the best way to support us is to leave us a 5-star review anywhere you find us!!

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Liquid IV: https://zen.ai/SgwDnrtoYsDFd2clkjuNZg

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA

  • This week Garet tells us all about what to do at work if you're NOT comfortable asking for a formal reasonable accommodation from your employer. We discuss things like how we cope with difficulty sitting still in meetings, struggling to keep track of projects and deadlines, dealing with distractions in the office, and managing time and organization. Katie and Garet discuss their experiences with test-taking, time management, and workplace challenges related to ADHD. They share tips for focusing on one task at a time, using background noise to stay engaged, and organizing emails and voicemails, as well as using YouTube tutorials to learn skills and brush up on skills that maybe your boss thinks you're supposed to know but literally only one person on YouTube and Bill Gates know how to do. And no matter what, remember that you are doing a great job and you deserve a little treat for getting through another workday with ADHD. It's HARD!

    You can check out our brand new merch at bit.ly/anklehighmerch and support us by joining our Patreon for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh where you'll get access to extended cut ad free audio and video episodes plus bonus episodes, be added to our close friends list on Instagram, and get an on-air shout out and goodies from us in the mail!

    Make sure you're following us on Instagram @thebarisanklehigh to join in on the weekly episode title contest for your chance to win a free podcast logo sticker! Finally, the best way to support us is to leave us a 5-star review anywhere you find us!!

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Liquid IV: https://zen.ai/SgwDnrtoYsDFd2clkjuNZg

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA

  • Have you ever heard that ADHDers are great in a crisis? Or perhaps you have noticed that any time the proverbial shit hits the fan, you're able to handle the emergency with poise and aplomb? Well in this week's episode we explore why ADHD brains are maybe BETTER equipped to handle emergencies than our neurotypical counterparts. Inspired by the April 5, 2024 New Jersey Earthquake heard 'round the world, we dive into emergency preparedness tips, too! So grab your bug out bag and your cash and tune in!

    You can check out our brand new merch at bit.ly/anklehighmerch and support us by joining our Patreon for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh where you'll get access to extended cut ad free audio and video episodes plus bonus episodes, be added to our close friends list on Instagram, and get an on-air shout out and goodies from us in the mail!

    Make sure you're following us on Instagram @thebarisanklehigh to join in on the weekly episode title contest for your chance to win a free podcast logo sticker! Finally, the best way to support us is to leave us a 5-star review anywhere you find us!!

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Liquid IV: https://zen.ai/SgwDnrtoYsDFd2clkjuNZg

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA

  • There's something in the air and we're feeling it too - the pressure to get that Spring Cleaning Itch scratched. It's a lot of pressure - the stores are FULL of cleaning and organizing supplies, aids, tricks, hacks, EVERYTHING. Yet -- we have ADHD so do those really work for us? Today we talk about how to engage in spring cleaning when you're neurodivergent so you don't get burnt out, overwhelmed, or trapped by ADHD paralysis. What's your favorite ADHD cleaning tip?

    You can check out our brand new merch at bit.ly/anklehighmerch and support us by joining our Patreon for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh where you'll get access to extended cut ad free audio and video episodes plus bonus episodes, be added to our close friends list on Instagram, and get an on-air shout out and goodies from us in the mail!

    Make sure you're following us on Instagram @thebarisanklehigh to join in on the weekly episode title contest for your chance to win a free podcast logo sticker! Finally, the best way to support us is to leave us a 5-star review anywhere you find us!!

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Sun & Swell: https://zen.ai/krpZqJaBHwQUWQELntfeSA

    Liquid IV: https://zen.ai/SgwDnrtoYsDFd2clkjuNZg

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA

  • As promised, we're back to discuss requesting reasonable accommodations for your ADHD at work. It's a topic that we can talk ourselves out of "deserving" but the fact of the matter is - RAs don't have to be permanent and they don't have to be something you even use every day! This week's episode discusses the statutory framework for the Americans with Disabilities Act and its amendments - but make sure you check with your own state's disability support office to ensure you're getting access to all the services you're entitled to and always always always - when it doubt, check with an employment law attorney. To our international listeners, we hope this episode will help you get ideas on how to navigate the systems in place in your own countries but ultimately - Katie could not handle researching the laws in other countries given her attempt to understand the EU's VAT system.

    You can check out our brand new merch at bit.ly/anklehighmerch and support us by joining our Patreon for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh where you'll get access to extended cut ad free audio and video episodes plus bonus episodes, be added to our close friends list on Instagram, and get an on-air shout out and goodies from us in the mail!

    Make sure you're following us on Instagram @thebarisanklehigh to join in on the weekly episode title contest for your chance to win a free podcast logo sticker! Finally, the best way to support us is to leave us a 5-star review anywhere you find us!!

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Sun & Swell: https://zen.ai/krpZqJaBHwQUWQELntfeSA

    Liquid IV: https://zen.ai/SgwDnrtoYsDFd2clkjuNZg

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA


  • Okay fine - the jig is up and we're finally peeling back the costumes we wear in public and tackling a topic that especially effects those of us who were diagnosed later in life - MASKING. What is it? Why do we do it? How can we stop? Should we stop? Tune in to find out just how attacked we BOTH are this week!

    You can check out our brand new merch at bit.ly/anklehighmerch and support us by joining our Patreon for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh where you'll get access to extended cut ad free audio and video episodes plus bonus episodes, be added to our close friends list on Instagram, and get an on-air shout out and goodies from us in the mail!

    Make sure you're following us on Instagram @thebarisanklehigh to join in on the weekly episode title contest for your chance to win a free podcast logo sticker! Finally, the best way to support us is to leave us a 5-star review anywhere you find us!!

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Sun & Swell: https://zen.ai/krpZqJaBHwQUWQELntfeSA

    Liquid IV: https://zen.ai/SgwDnrtoYsDFd2clkjuNZg

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA


  • Everyone is talking about it and SO. ARE. WE. As part of our new regular show-and-tell of our hyperfixations, this month Katie is teaching Garet allllll about the British Royal Family and asks the question that is currently dominating the internet: Where is Kate? Where's Kate Middleton a/k/a Her Royal Highness, Catherine, Princess of Wales. She hasn't been seen in public since Christmas Day, 2023, and since then, we have a royal motorcade heading to a hospital on December 28, 2023, an announcement of some sort of "planned abdominal surgery" that also required cancellation of every Kate appearance scheduled through Easter 2024 that occurred on January 14, and most recently - the photoshop fiasco heard 'round the world on March 10th, we're finally starting to genuinely doubt the safety and security of the Princess of Wales. The first woman to hold the title since the divorce of Lady Diana Spencer and then-Prince Charles (now King Charles) - is the title cursed? Is the engagement ring Kate wore that famously belonged to her dearly departed mother-in-law cursed? Well, it's not featured in that notorious Mothering Sunday photo, that's for damn sure. Tune in to catch up on theories, hear our conclusions, and tell us your own theories in our Instagram post for today's episode!

    You can check out our brand new merch at bit.ly/anklehighmerch and support us by joining our Patreon for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh where you'll get access to extended cut ad free audio and video episodes plus bonus episodes, be added to our close friends list on Instagram, and get an on-air shout out and goodies from us in the mail!

    Make sure you're following us on Instagram @thebarisanklehigh to join in on the weekly episode title contest for your chance to win a free podcast logo sticker! Finally, the best way to support us is to leave us a 5-star review anywhere you find us!!

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Sun & Swell: https://zen.ai/krpZqJaBHwQUWQELntfeSA

    Liquid IV: https://zen.ai/SgwDnrtoYsDFd2clkjuNZg

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA

  • Born from a group chat conversation that was overflowing with suggestions, Garet brings us this week's relaxed fit episode with a riveting game of "would you rather - ADHD edition!" We discuss things like waiting in line, being in loud crowds, tight clothes, wet clothes, and the real plague on society these days - The Trader Joes Parking Lot.

    You can check out our brand new merch at bit.ly/anklehighmerch and support us by joining our Patreon for just $5 per month at www.patreon.com/thebarisanklehigh where you'll get access to extended cut ad free audio and video episodes plus bonus episodes, be added to our close friends list on Instagram, and get an on-air shout out and goodies from us in the mail!

    Make sure you're following us on Instagram @thebarisanklehigh to join in on the weekly episode title contest for your chance to win a free podcast logo sticker! Finally, the best way to support us is to leave us a 5-star review anywhere you find us!!

    The second-best way to support us is to support our ad sponsors:

    Sun & Swell: https://zen.ai/krpZqJaBHwQUWQELntfeSA

    Liquid IV: https://zen.ai/SgwDnrtoYsDFd2clkjuNZg

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA

  • This week we take a deep dive into how our ADHD has affected our own self-image throughout our lives - both pre- and post-diagnosis! And since we just can't help ourselves, we talk about how our body image changes during and after pregnancy and how having ADHD and already being prone to comparing our own success and progress to our peers is a constant battle with ourselves and with the media we consume every day. So if you struggle with your body image and have ADHD - this episode is for you!

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    Sun & Swell: https://zen.ai/krpZqJaBHwQUWQELntfeSA

    Liquid IV: https://zen.ai/SgwDnrtoYsDFd2clkjuNZg

    Zencastr: https://zen.ai/hbxFmHWJjfjA7r-Jy12hoA