
  • You may have heard of “functional” nutrition and medicine, but what the hell does that even mean, and why should you care? As Erin Holt, aka The Funk’tional Nutritionist, tells us, function medicine is about focusing on the root causes of illness, rather than simply treating symptoms. For so long, traditional medicine has been gate-keeping our health, so Erin has built a business helping us become active participants in our own health journeys, while also training other nutrition providers the importance and impact of functional nutrition. But Erin didn’t come here just to talk about nutrition, she’s also a bad-ass entrepreneur and shares her insights on navigating visibility, criticism, and the emotional aspects of entrepreneurship, emphasizing the need for mentorship and personal growth in the journey. She’s our favorite kind of person.

    Looking to school to help heal from disordered eating [4:48]

    The root causes of our health struggles [8:10]

    Who needs functional medicine? [12:41]

    Should we be gatekeeping health? [17:56]

    You need to be getting your clients real results [21:20]

    The Funk’tional Nutrition Academy [25:11]

    If your certs aren’t helping, you need business advice [29:49]

    Can anyone be an entrepreneur? [33:36]

    Expanding her business [40:14]

    Learning to empower others to do more [46:39]

    The biggest hurdles to starting an online business [49:50]

    You can’t control how people see you [57:52]

    Connect with Erin!



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    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • Getting older is mind-fuck after mind-fuck, but as we approach perimenopause and menopause, we’re sick of being told that everything has to suck from now on. We don’t accept the idea that all of a sudden we can never build muscle or that our hormones will prevent us from enjoying our lives, and luckily for us, people like Dr. Stephanie Estima exist. Today Jill and Dr. Stephanie are chatting everything to do with perimenopause, women’s bodies as we age, the importance of stress reduction, and valuing ourselves as much as we value the people in our lives. We all deserve to feel happy, healthy, and sexy as we age—Dr. Stephanie is on a mission to lead us there.

    A 30,000ft view of Dr. Stephanie’s online biz journey [1:34]

    Men’s bodies and women’s bodies have different needs [5:09]

    Muscle and your metabolism [10:28]

    From skinny to strong [16:15]

    Is it possible to build muscle after 40? [20:06]

    How movement affects your brain [23:22]

    Dealing with insulin resistance [27:49]

    Lowering stress seems so un-sexy [30:22]

    Your are as important as the rest of your family [34:43]

    Protecting ourselves from the stress of life [37:39]

    The bell-shaped curve of walking + sleep [41:18]

    What is the Betty Body? [46:32]

    Drugs in conjunction with lifestyle change [49:37]

    Podcasts with Dr. Stephanie [53:12]

    Connect with Dr. Stephanie!



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    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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  • Lately, Danny has been taking more girls’ trips in an effort to maintain some individuality outside of her relationship. We love our partners, and we love nurturing them, but when your sole sense of self is tied to your partner and their needs, your own sense of self and your needs start getting ignored, and before you know it, resentment starts growing. We were raised to be people pleasers, and while we’re so great at making others happy, it’s a lot harder to bring that same level of care to ourselves. Ultimately, the only person in charge of how you feel is *you* and if you’re starting to resent your partner, family, friends, coworkers, or really anyone in your life, it’s up to you to make a change and learn to prioritize the things you need before you worry about everyone else.

    Instagram is listening to us [3:11]

    Some misconceptions around infidelity [5:02]

    Traveling with your girlfriends [8:16]

    Having a life outside of your partner [13:41]

    Resentment builds when you have to control everything [16:23]

    You can’t see the forest through the trees [21:27]

    If you’re upset, it’s up to you to make a change [23:45]

    You can’t manage everyone’s feelings [27:08]

    Why are you saying “yes” all the time? [29:55]

    Cultural impact [33:35]

    Checking in on your actual wants and needs [36:51]

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    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • We all know social media is full of smoke & mirrors but, like clockwork, we’re seeing a new disturbing trend: influencers sharing their “mindset transformations” without being upfront about how they’re actually transforming—with the help of weight loss drugs and other procedures. Bestie, you know we’re all for doing whatever makes you feel confident, no questions asked and no judgement, but the rules are different when you’re selling a transformation you got through other means. Maybe honesty doesn’t make you as much money online, but we’re gonna keep doing it our way.

    Subliminal messaging without truth [1:56]

    Weight loss drugs disguised as therapy [4:24]

    Which change came first? [7:08]

    Take everything you see with a grain of salt [10:32]

    Anything can be bought [13:01]

    What do the vanity metrics even get you? [15:24]

    Attention is not a ticket to success [18:34]

    The power in honesty (especially in personal brands) [20:29]

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • Trying something new is scary enough, but even more so when you’re trying something new. Impostor syndrome happens to all of us, and that’s okay! But Bestie, what we never want is for impostor syndrome to prevent you from taking action and living the life you dream of. Today Jill is sharing 4 tools you can use to help overcome impostor syndrome.

    Trying something new in front of public eyes [1:42]

    Everyone starts as a beginner [5:36]

    The only way to get better is to start [7:51]

    Make it ’til you make it [8:37]

    There’s no way around getting more reps [11:54]

    Borrow your confidence from somewhere else [16:14]

    One step at a time [20:49]

    The secret benefit to being a beginner [22:51]

    You can’t know unless you try [25:57]

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

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    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • Look, Bestie, we never want to say we’re better than you. Buuuuuuut Danny’s been meditating every single day for a month, so…. Kidding, of course, but these last 30+ days have been life changing for her. What started out as a years-long unfulfilled promise turned into curiosity, which turned into a real, daily practice that feels like the kind of peace you get while taking a Valium. No kidding. If you’ve ever been curious about meditating, let this be your time to start.

    Starting a meditation journey [0:58]

    One “woo” out of two [2:56]

    Testing out a new meditation app [6:11]

    A natural valium [8:26]

    Getting out of your head daily [12:05]

    Becoming a more kind, loving person to yourself [13:39]

    The power in consistency [15:29]

    Does this shit work? [18:00]

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

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    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • We’ve been entrepreneurs for a while now, and we’ve learned quite a few lessons. The highs are high, the lows are low, but through it all, we’ve pivoted and learned everything we could, and as a result, we’ve become better people. When it comes to business (and life) it all boils down to taking action in the face of paralysis and realizing that you can handle any problem that comes your way—as long as you truly believe you can.

    There’s always something new to learn [1:30]

    Sell before you build [3:30]

    Act like you don’t need the sale [7:26]

    Iterate as you go [11:12]

    You can view this as a pain, or you can view this as a puzzle [14:45]

    Focus on what you’re good at, and delegate the rest [19:51]

    Pressure is a privilege [23:25]

    Tools to get you through the hard times [29:00]

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • With the rise in popularity of beauty influencers and reality shows like Love Island, there seems to be a new standard of beauty, and it requires a lot of effort (and frankly, money). Lash extensions, hair extensions, botox, fillers, and a full-face of makeup daily is becoming increasingly popular… but are men even into it? Do we have to get work done in order to look acceptable? And is this what will be beautiful forever, or is there any hope that the pendulum will swing the other way? Look, we’re no strangers to getting some work done here and there, but we don’t want to look entirely plastic—at least, not yet.

    Danny-J’s documentary [2:06]

    Why is “fake” beauty in right now? [6:56]

    Men have no idea what is and isn’t natural [9:31]

    “Fake” beauty comes in a range [12:56]

    Is the pendulum swinging? [15:10]

    Your environment makes an impact [17:38]

    Let’s all do the things that make us feel confident [20:03]

    Societal pressures we all face [21:36]

    Subtlety and simplicity go a long way [25:09]

    What makes you feel comfortable and confident? [27:09]

    Doing too much can age you [28:57]

    Transparency is becoming more common [30:35]

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • In the aftermath of our divorces, we turned to alcohol maybe a little more than we’re proud of. But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do, and sometimes that means not always having the healthiest coping mechanisms. But since then, we’ve stopped going out at much, met our significant others, and developed new goals around longevity, so our drinking habits have changed. We have new boundaries around alcohol and we’re far more aware of the things that trigger us to drink. It wasn’t an overnight change, but rather, baby-steps taken over a few years, and now our relationship to alcohol is moderate and healthy. We’re thankful to wine for being there when we needed it, and now we can drink it in a way that we feel proud of.

    A near 2-year sobriety journey [2:38]

    Addictions vs. habits [5:35]

    A changing relationship with alcohol [7:28]

    The all-or-nothing mentality [13:06]

    Setting boundaries around drinking [15:12]

    Creating new routines [19:46]

    Knowing your triggers and re-directing [21:49]

    You can take baby steps [24:14]

    Have some self-compassion [25:45]

    A journey, not an identity [28:25]

    You have to do what you have to do to survive [30:54]

    Outgrowing certain phases of our lives [35:25]

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

    You can also follow us on Facebook

    @Jill Coleman


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  • Some people find doing everything on their own to be difficult, but for us, it’s asking for help that ends up being the harder task. Asking for help can feel like admitting to failure, not being good enough, or opening ourselves up for judgement and it feels safer to struggle alone than to admit we need assistance. But when we think about it, we LOVE to help the people we love, so maybe it’s true that people love to help us, too. It’s like the old proverb says, “If you want to go far, go together.” So lately, we’re trying out what it’s like to ask for help when we need it, and we hope you try it too, Bestie.

    The mental hurdle of asking for help [3:47]

    Battling our own egos [6:46]

    The fear of “keeping score” [8:17]

    The fear of being perceived differently [9:42]

    Knowing the right people to trust [12:42]

    Acknowledging the wins and the losses [16:35]

    Feeling insecure about certain aspects of your life [17:04]

    People love helping [20:27]

    Start with baby steps [22:02]

    Practice receiving [24:34]

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

    You can also follow us on Facebook

    @Jill Coleman


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  • We’re really passionate about women making money for themselves. Obviously in an ideal world, women in partnerships don’t have to worry about being the primary financial provider if that’s not what they want to do, but having a way to financially support ourselves during our unexpected divorces was pivotal for us, and we want every women to have the option to take care of herself if she ever needs to. So if you’ve been thinking about starting an online side-hustle, for whatever reason, Jill is sharing some of her best tips for getting started.

    Providing for yourself in difficult times [1:52]

    Anyone can start a business [4:03]

    What problem can you solve? [6:53]

    Catalogue your skills and experiences [9:23]

    Reverse engineering your own journey [13:29]

    Beta test your business [15:46]

    Start by giving value [18:46]

    Who is your ideal client? [20:06]

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

    You can also follow us on Facebook

    @Jill Coleman


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  • Would you break up with your partner if they didn’t allow you access to their cell phone? It certainly seems like a weird dealbreaker to have, but after going through infidelity at the hands of our exes, we can empathize. Private cell phones (and computers for that matter) are causing new problems that weren’t possible before, and while everyone deserves to have privacy, some motherfuckers out there are acting sneaky. Ultimately, it’s up to you and your partner, and what kind of privacy you feel is necessary in your relationship.

    Is hiding your phone password a red flag? [2:41]

    Phone access after experiencing infidelity [4:26]

    Laptop access [5:55]

    A bizarre deal-breaker [8:30]

    Having access vs. utilizing your access [10:32]

    When an ex reaches out to you [14:04]

    The difference between privacy and being sneaky [17:47]

    Trauma and hyper-vigilance after infidelity [19:52]

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

    You can also follow us on Facebook

    @Jill Coleman


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  • We consider ourselves dreamers and big believers in what’s possible, but we do believe in the utility of being “realistic.” At least, being realistic about what you’re willing to do, and realistic about the timeline you want to achieve things in. Every human achievement seemed impossible at one point, and to realize them, it took people who were bold enough to think of them and resilient enough to keep trying, even when things were difficult. It’s never a bad idea to be realistic with your goals, but don’t forget to dream big, too.

    Being “realistic” about your dreams [1:32]

    Vision without action [2:35]

    All breakthroughs felt impossible at one point [6:04]

    Managing your expectations of outcomes [7:34]

    Anything is possible if you remove the timeline [12:00]

    Making a plan to realize your dreams [13:33]

    Setting process-related goals [15:24]

    Building confidence through momentum [17:49]

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

    You can also follow us on Facebook

    @Jill Coleman


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  • It’s been a while since we recorded a personal episode of this podcast and we felt like it might be time to catch you up to date on what we’ve been doing, Bestie. The world is just as chaotic as ever, meanwhile we’ve been sick, vacationing, and grieving. You know, all the usual stuff. We promise not to be so distant and keep you more in the loop next time—or maybe we won’t. We haven’t decided yet.

    Living in a season-finale of Scandal [1:33]

    How people make their political decisions [3:52]

    A universe where an assassination succeeds [7:19]

    10 days in Hawaii [9:28]

    The possibility of a proposal [13:00]

    A partner who is “smaller” than you [15:12]

    Making peace with your partner’s changing body [23:08]

    Removing a deceased loved one’s personal items [25:37]

    The sentimentality of places [34:31]

    A shared experience in grief [35:35]

    Get a personalized playlist for all your fav podcast topics!


    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

    You can also follow us on Facebook

    @Jill Coleman


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  • When we started this podcast, we were somewhat newly divorced and trying to navigate the world on our own for the first time in a long time. We weren’t sure how to be alone, but we had to. Maybe you can relate—when is the last time you did something all by yourself? Today, Jill shares a 5-item bucket-list for you to try out if you’re newly divorced, or even if you just want to grow as an individual and rebuild some self-esteem.

    Building self-trust by doing things alone [1:16]

    The stigma around divorce and women [5:53]

    Vacation by yourself and embrace the discomfort [7:14]

    Go on dates with someone who isn’t your type [8:31]

    Join a class where you won’t know anyone [11:08]

    Try a new style [13:30]

    Go to a conference or retreat [17:56]

    Tell your story [19:47]

    Get a personalized playlist for all your fav podcast topics!


    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

    You can also follow us on Facebook

    @Jill Coleman


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  • There’s a new kind of side hustle you can do from almost anywhere: user generated content. After Danny saw a friend making thousands a month for seemingly little output, she had to do some investigation. For the past few months, she’s been dabbling with UGC so she can give you to lowdown on the the truths, the lies, and what’s possible if you decide to try it for yourself.

    What is UGC? [1:11]

    Exploring the idea of UGC [2:06]

    Danny’s first creation experiences [4:11]

    How much money is it possible to make? [6:10]

    The downsides and scammy side to UGC [7:51]

    Making money from content you made at home [11:00]

    Get a personalized playlist for all your fav podcast topics!


    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

    You can also follow us on Facebook

    @Jill Coleman


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  • There’s so much more to being healthy than just being “thin” and the closer we get to perimenopause and menopause, the more we realize that. Today Jill is chatting with Tina Haupert of Carrots N Cake about minerals, metabolism, mindset, and how important they are to maintaining our health. We always hear about macronutrients, but no one seems to care about micronutrients and the effect that a lack of minerals has on our energy levels and metabolism. Sometimes we can get so focused on being the smallest version of ourselves that we forget that our bodies need nourishment in order to function. We don’t know about you, but we care far more about feeling good lately, but when you feel good, looking good isn’t far behind.

    Taking action over the span of 16 years [1:30]

    Starting her career as a blogger [4:00]

    Getting in control of her own health journey [6:48]

    Tests to have a deeper understanding of our bodies [12:11]

    How stress affects everything [15:43]

    Shifting into a low-stress mindset [20:51]

    The magic in micronutrients [24:17]

    Symptoms of mineral deficiency [28:25]

    What foods should we be eating for minerals? [31:07]

    Getting back in tune with your body [34:18]

    Finding out what your body needs [39:23]

    Working through dieting PTSD [41:58]

    Taking one step back to take two steps forward [48:09]

    Connect with Tina:


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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • We’re the kind of women who love to work and yes, we love to make money. There’s so much moralizing about money and whether having it makes someone good or bad, but to us, money is just a tool. So how do we know when we’ve made “enough” of it? American culture is so focused on always striving for more, and while that’s not necessarily a bad thing, at a certain point money stops helping us live the life we want, and isn’t that what really matters? We call this The Best Life podcast for a reason. Money is definitely an aspect of our Best Lives, but it’s not the whole picture.

    What is “enough”? [2:21]

    Starting with the end in mind [3:02]

    Ask yourself why you want the things you want [6:48]

    Reaching your highest potential [10:09]

    More money doesn’t make you happier [13:39]

    Money is a metric, but it’s not the only one [17:19]

    Even if you had everything you wanted… then what? [18:18]

    Morality around women and money [20:05]

    If you have privilege, why not use it? [24:14]

    More money won’t make you shallow (all the time) [26:20]

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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • We’re independent women and we don’t need men to validate us—but we do still care what our partners think. But there’s definitely a balance that needs to be struck between changing your appearance whenever you want and asking your partner for permission to change. We want to be attracted to them, and for them to be attracted to us, so it’s not a bad idea to check in before you go cutting off all your hair or getting a boob job. But at the end of the day, it is your body, and you should be able to look how you want, no permission necessary. The only permission you should care about is ours, and we say go for it, Bestie.

    Asking permission before changing your looks [4:44]

    Caring about your partner’s preferences [6:07]

    Hair loss fucks with your self-esteem [10:41]

    Making drastic changes without consulting your partner [13:19]

    Changes behind your partner’s back [15:48]

    Is your partner being controlling or is it normal? [17:33]

    What if your partner changed their looks? [19:55]

    The things we’re attracted to change over time [22:58]

    Piercings we hate [25:43]

    At the end of the day, do whatever you want [29:47]

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    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

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    @Jill Coleman


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  • Are you too old to start an online business? The short answer is yes. The long answer is of course not! Look, we don’t know about you, but we don’t want to take a 20-year-old’s advice about anything. The older we get, the less we care about impressing the younger generations or about looking like we once did. Now, we see bad-ass women in their 50’s, 60’s, and beyond and we want to be like them! There will always be someone looking for help from a person like you. The question is whether or not you’re brave enough to be ready for them.

    Can you start at any age? [1:11]

    Age grants credibility [3:32]

    Make room for excellence [7:01]

    Why are you trying to impress a 20 year old? [10:35]

    Check your relationship to attention [13:51]

    Age is just a number [16:31]

    Get 20% off your Magic Mind order using code THEBESTLIFE20


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    Don’t forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you never have to miss an episode! Comments and questions can also be sent to [email protected], and you can head to thebestlifepodcast.com to join our Facebook Group.

    FOLLOW US ON IG: @TheBestLifePodcast

    FOLLOW JILL: @jillfit

    FOLLOW DANNY J: @dannyjdotcom

    You can also follow us on Facebook

    @Jill Coleman


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