How did Christ remain sinless during his earthly ministry? Is that an accomplishment that only God could achieve? This week's episode examines what the New Testament authors have to say about Jesus' sinlessness, particularly focusing on his unwavering obedience and faithfulness to his God and Father.
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What did the author of the Epistle of Barnabas believe about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? This week's episode explores this important early second-century Christian document's theology, christology, and pneumatology. This epistle is notable for its attribution of personal preexistence to Jesus and its explicit denial that he is a descendant of King David.
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Within the Book of Revelation, the Lord God and the Lamb are described as "Alpha and Omega." What does this title mean, and what significance does it have for Revelation's christology? This episode explores these important questions and demonstrates that the Lamb bears the title "Alpha and Omega" in his role as the Lord God's agent.
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Does Jude 5 say that "Jesus" rescued the Israelites, or does it say that "the Lord" rescued them? Jude 5 possesses an interesting textual variant that some argue points to Jesus' preexistence. This week's episode will examine all the relevant data to determine what Jude 5 originally said about the one who rescued Israel during the Exodus period.
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How do the Dead Sea Scrolls help inform New Testament Christology? In the Genesis Apocryphon, also known as 1Q20, we see a human being in whom God's wisdom has become embodied. This is the very same theology taught by Jesus and the early Christians, namely that Christ himself was the enfleshment of God's personified wisdom. This week's episode introduces this important Qumran document and demonstrates how it helps create the context from which the New Testament authors inherited their wisdom Christology.
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This week's episode examines how the narrative of the Gospel of Matthew slowly reveals the role of the messianic son of God as a figure who must suffer and be rejected in accordance with the will of God. We look at how Jesus responds to the accusation of being a rebellious son, how the Transfiguration reinforces Jesus as the promised messiah to whom the disciples owe their allegiance, and the way that narrative both closes and opens with a triple temptation concerning Jesus' sonship. Jesus is condemned for being perceived as a disobedient son, a messianic pretender, but he never once claimed, hinted, or otherwise implied that he was God or divine.
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How does the Gospel of Matthew portray Jesus as the "son of God" as he relates to Yahweh, the nation of Israel, and his disciples? Moreover, what does it mean that Jesus calls his disciples "sons of God"? This episode begins the task of exploring the theme of sonship in Matthew, noting how an ideal son of God is obedient to the true God--whom Jesus defined as "our Father."
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What did Justin Martyr, the second-century Platonic philosopher who converted to a Christian apologist, believe about the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit? Did Justin think that Jesus was the true God or that he was a second, lesser god whom the true God created? Were the Father, Son, and Spirit regarded within Justin's theology as coequal, or were they set in a hierarchy? Did Justin condemn Biblical Unitarian Christians, or did he tolerate their beliefs? This episode explores these crucial questions, looking directly at the Greek text in order to draw our conclusions.
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Is Jesus "the beginning of God's creation" or "the ruler of God's creation" in Rev 3:14? This episode sets this passage in its context, follows the author's patterns, and offers reasons why the correct translation of this ambiguous passage is "ruler" (not "beginning").
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Proverbs 30:4 is sometimes pointed to as proof that Jesus, the son of God, was conscious and alive during the Old Testament. This episode explores Prov. 30:4, sets it in its context, and discerns the identity of the son. We also closely interact with the argument that this refers to a preexistent son of God, showing by many proofs and reasons that this interpretation is highly unlikely.
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Since 2025 marks the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, which took place in 325 AD, many have begun to reflect on its significance and lasting legacy. Unfortunately, several assertions commonly tossed around about what really took place at Nicaea are simply untrue. This episode examines facts and fiction surrounding the noteworthy church council of the year 325 to help listeners become more well-informed about this key historical event.
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Partitive Exegesis is the interpretive strategy of reading into the texts of Scripture the doctrine of Christ's Two Natures, attributing to some things Jesus did as pertaining to his human nature and other things to Jesus' divine nature. This week's episode shows how key figures in the fourth and fifth centuries employed partitive exegesis in their understanding of Christology. We also examine the New Testament to demonstrate why partitive exegesis distorts the Bible's portrayal of Jesus rather than responsibly explaining its original meaning.
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1 John 5:20 is one of the handful of grammatically ambiguous passages in the New Testament that either calls Jesus "God" (theos) or distinguishes Jesus from God. This week's episode examines the passage as neutrally and fairly as possible to determine whether Jesus is called "the true God and eternal life." 1 John 5:20 will be set in the broader context of the entire book and the context of Johannine literature as a whole before deciding on the key theological matter.
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While Jews and Unitarian Christians have traditionally argued from Deut 6:4 that God is only one person, several Trinitarian apologists and internet theologians have insisted that "echad" (the Hebrew word for "one") refers to a compound unity of multiple persons. This episode examines the cardinal Hebrew number one ("echad") to determine if it is a word possessing the meaning of compound unity. After digging deep into the lexicons and dictionaries, we listen to the best arguments put forth by Trinitarians in favor of "echad" referring to a plurality of subjects. The results are, let's say, less than compelling for the argument in favor of compound unity.
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Far too often, the biblical unitarian view of Jesus Christ is mocked as a "mere man." This episode seeks to correct this straw-man portrayal by looking at how the Old Testament authors described the coming messianic king. We examine six Old Testament passages that describe many ways in which Yahweh promises to empower, authorize, and establish the anticipated son of David as his human agent.
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This week's episode explores the various throne room visions in order to locate Jesus Christ. While the early Christians were united in their belief that the risen and exalted Jesus now sits at the right hand of God, the Old Testament throne room visions offer a different picture. We examine the continuity and discontinuity between the Old Testament portrayals and the New Testament portrayals as we seek to discern whether Jesus was in heaven before his birth.
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This week's episode examines the Megiddo Mosaic that reportedly bears an inscription calling Jesus "God Jesus Christ." This mosaic, crafted around the year 230 AD, has been recently hyped for promotional purposes, but a lot of fiction is being reported about its meaning and significance. This episode separates the wheat from the chaff, sets the mosaic in its context, and discerns the meaning of all three inscriptions. We also ask the relevant question of what Christians in the year 230 meant when they called Jesus "God."
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Does the Gospel of Matthew use typology to portray Jesus Christ as the new Jeremiah? When Jesus asked about what people were saying concerning the Son of Man, some responded that Jesus was like Jeremiah. This episode explores the extent to which Matthew deliberately illustrates Jesus in terms of the preaching, symbolic actions, and attitude towards the temple that the prophet Jeremiah exhibited.
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This episode demonstrates that the Gospel of John presents Jesus Christ as thoroughly human--as a genuine member of the human race. Despite claims that the Fourth Gospel presents a high divine christology, the data indicates that Jesus is called a human being, he calls himself a human being, he has normal human limitations, and he dies the death of a human person. At no point in the Gospel of John does the narrator attempt to qualify this humanity as only partial or perceived. The Johannine Jesus is fully human.
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Is Jesus Christ fully God and fully man? Is the christology present in the creed of Chalcedon thoroughly biblical? This episode examines what it means to be "God" and what it means to be "human" in order to discern whether the doctrine of the two natures of Christ is logically coherent. Spoiler alert: it isn't.
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