
  • Featuring Carbon Almanac Founder Seth Godin and Portfolio Editor in Chief Niki Papadopoulos

    In this episode, Jennifer is joined by Seth and Niki to explore the spark behind The Carbon Almanac. Seth shares why he started this, where the idea came from, what he accomplished in 24 hours and how he chose the Almanac format for the book. We learn from Niki about her role in the Almanac and how this project is different from others that she has worked on.

    This is the episode to dive into if you want to hear more about how this project came to be. Why now? What's the urgency? Why choose an almanac over another format, why use a community to write a book? How can we change the culture? And how is the Carbon Almanac like the pit of a cherry?

    The conversation explores the early phase of writing the book as well as the establishment of the Almanac community. Seth dives into how it's evolved, who he asked to join first, and both Niki and Seth explain their most challenging moment so far. They share the personal impact this project has had on them and where they hope the project will be in a year from now. All while reminding us that it is not too late to join the Carbon Almanac project and create meaningful contributions and take action on climate.

    This podcast is a part of the Carbon Almanac Podcast Network.

    Production Team: Jennifer Myers Chua, Sam Schuffenecker, Leekei Tang, Tania Marien, Barbara Orsi

    Cover Art: Ray Ong

    Copyright © 2022 The Carbon Almanac Network

    About the Carbon Almanac Collective: What happens when regular people work together to create massive, meaningful change on a global scale? Welcome to the carbon Almanac collective. A podcast where the volunteers who created the Carbon Almanac share the insights and aha moments they had while collaborating on this landmark project to help fight the climate crisis.

    Hosted by Jennifer Myers Chua, and featuring the voices of Carbon Almanac Contributors. Reminding you that it's not too late to join in on the conversation.

  • Featuring Carbon Almanac Contributors Barrett Brooks and David Meerman Scott

    Hailing from opposite sides of the US, Barrett from Portland and David from Boston, these two writers talk about their experiences in The Carbon Almanac. Both joined the community very early in the process and were instrumental in the development of the book.

    Listen as Barrett and David talk about why they joined The Carbon Almanac and what it is to create and deliver on deadlines within a community that doesn’t follow a traditional structure. Not only that, the community is supported entirely by volunteers. They share how this experience has helped them personally and what they will take away from being a part of it. Finally, we learn the impact they hope this book and movement will have on our global community.

    This podcast is a part of the Carbon Almanac Podcast Network.

    Production Team: Jennifer Myers Chua, Sam Schuffenecker, Leekei Tang, Tania Marien, Barbara Orsi

    Cover Art: Ray Ong

    Copyright © 2022 The Carbon Almanac Network

    About the Carbon Almanac Collective: What happens when regular people work together to create massive, meaningful change on a global scale? Welcome to the carbon Almanac collective. A podcast where the volunteers who created the Carbon Almanac share the insights and aha moments they had while collaborating on this landmark project to help fight the climate crisis.

    Hosted by Jennifer Myers Chua, and featuring the voices of Carbon Almanac Contributors. Reminding you that it's not too late to join in on the conversation.

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  • Featuring Carbon Almanac Contributors Jenn Swanson, Inma Lopez, Rod Aparicio, Olabanji Stephen

    These four contributors span the world hailing from Canada, Spain, Germany and Nigeria. They come together, not as experts, but as regular people to have real conversations on topics involving climate change and sustainability.

    In this episode, we talk about why CarbonSessions has developed and the vision for this podcast. We get a taste of some of the topics we’ll be hearing about in upcoming episodes. Listen as each person brings their unique experience and viewpoint to the conversation to foster learning, grow to understand and engage in action.

    And if you'd like to get involved in the conversation, CarbonSessions would love to hear from you. Find them wherever you get your podcasts or send a voice message to Rod, Jenn, Inma, Leekei, and Olabanji at thecarbonalmanac.org/podcasts

    This podcast is a part of the Carbon Almanac Podcast Network.

    Production Team: Jennifer Myers Chua, Sam Schuffenecker, Leekei Tang, Tania Marien, Barbara Orsi

    Cover Art: Ray Ong

    Copyright © 2022 The Carbon Almanac Network

    About the Carbon Almanac Collective: What happens when regular people work together to create massive, meaningful change on a global scale? Welcome to the carbon Almanac collective. A podcast where the volunteers who created the Carbon Almanac share the insights and aha moments they had while collaborating on this landmark project to help fight the climate crisis.

    Hosted by Jennifer Myers Chua, and featuring the voices of Carbon Almanac Contributors. Reminding you that it's not too late to join in on the conversation.

  • Featuring Carbon Almanac Contributors Leekei Tang, Tania Marien & Manon Doran.

    Coming together from Paris, France, Southern California and Ontario, Canada, these three collaborators combined their backgrounds in art, biology, environmental education and sustainable development with their passion for education to work on the Educator’s Guide.

    While the Educator’s Guide brought them together, their contributions also include writing and editing articles, supporting the travelling exhibition and daily emails as well as developing podcasts within the Carbon Almanac podcast network.

    In this episode, we talk about how the Carbon Almanac community creates a space to share ideas and foster your personal creative energy to create something magical. We discuss aha moments and the role of optimism in starting conversations to take one step towards changing the narrative.

    For more information on the project and to pre-order your copy, visit thecarbonalmanac.org

  • Featuring Carbon Almanac Contributors Kristy Sharrow, Bruce Clark and Katherine Palmer

    Cause…climate…compassion…confidence…COVID....crowd-sourcing…contagious…carbon...create…connection…celebration…cohort...courage. They’re all here in this episode brought to you by the letter C.

    Hailing from Detroit, Michigan; Bloomington, Illinois; and Vancouver, British Columbia, these three contributors came to the Carbon Almanac with diverse backgrounds — a writer and editor/marketer, an architectural lighting designer and a farmer. But nobody is defined by just one metier and so it is with this group that stepped up to offer their skills in infographics, content creation and social media. Each took a chance to try something new and found community and even confidence as they did so.

    They discuss their inspirations — Seth Godin’s thought leadership and entrepreneurial inspiration; the cohort itself of 2,000 (nearly always cheerful!) volunteers around the world that came together to create the Carbon Almanac and is now disseminating it worldwide, and the resulting connections in new ideas and relationships. They’ve leaned into the compelling work that calls us to care for the planet in its hour of need and learned to rely on one another for support, editing, fleshing out ideas and images, and mastering new technology.

    This podcast is a part of the Carbon Almanac Podcast Network.

    Production Team: Jennifer Myers Chua, Sam Schuffenecker, Leekei Tang, Tania Marien, Barbara Orsi

    Cover Art: Ray Ong

    Copyright © 2022 The Carbon Almanac Network

    About the Carbon Almanac Collective: What happens when regular people work together to create massive, meaningful change on a global scale? Welcome to the carbon Almanac collective. A podcast where the volunteers who created the Carbon Almanac share the insights and aha moments they had while collaborating on this landmark project to help fight the climate crisis.

    Hosted by Jennifer Myers Chua, and featuring the voices of Carbon Almanac Contributors. Reminding you that it's not too late to join in on the conversation.

  • Featuring Carbon Almanac Contributors Linda Westenberg, Lynne Richards & Teresa Reinalda.

    This trio lives around the world with Linda in the Netherlands, Lynne from Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Teresa originally from New York living in a suburb of Chicago.

    These collaborators have vast backgrounds and were involved in The Carbon Almanac in roles including assistant editor, researcher, layout, design, and graphics.

    In this episode, we talk about a vast array of topics including what it’s been like to work in the Carbon Almanac community, leaning in to lead, the water challenge in the Netherlands, individual vs. systemic change, and our earliest memories of the importance of protecting the earth.

    For more information on the project and to pre-order your copy, visit thecarbonalmanac.org

    This podcast is a part of the Carbon Almanac Podcast Network.

    Production Team: Jennifer Myers Chua, Sam Schuffenecker, Leekei Tang, Tania Marien, Barbara Orsi

    Cover Art: Ray Ong

    Copyright © 2022 The Carbon Almanac Network

    About the Carbon Almanac Collective: What happens when regular people work together to create massive, meaningful change on a global scale? Welcome to the carbon Almanac collective. A podcast where the volunteers who created the Carbon Almanac share the insights and aha moments they had while collaborating on this landmark project to help fight the climate crisis.

    Hosted by Jennifer Myers Chua, and featuring the voices of Carbon Almanac Contributors. Reminding you that it's not too late to join in on the conversation.

  • Featuring Carbon Almanac Contributors Anne Marie Cruz, Tonya Downing and Leah Granger

    A former Magazine Editor from New York, A Digital Strategist from Durham in North Carolina and a Law Librarian from San Francisco in California talk have brought their expertise to be a part of the Carbon Almanac. Having contributed to many areas of the book, the three came together to talk about teamwork and the way that teams have worked together to produce the Carbon Almanac, reaching out to others from different generations and backgrounds, how they became involved and some of the challenges they've faced.

    They chat about the Carbon Alamanac book club and how the different books have inspired them in taking action on the project. The discussion broadened to include how leadership rather than leaders have created a space where lots of things happen, how reaching out to external organizations as well as celebrities has become part of the process and how Page 19 thinking helped to overcome overwhelm and pushed them out of their comfort zones.

    For more information on the project, and to pre-order your copy visit thecarbonalmanac.org

    This podcast is a part of the Carbon Almanac Podcast Network.

    Production Team: Jennifer Myers Chua, Sam Schuffenecker, Leekei Tang, Tania Marien, Barbara Orsi

    Cover Art: Ray Ong

    Copyright © 2022 The Carbon Almanac Network

    About the Carbon Almanac Collective: What happens when regular people work together to create massive, meaningful change on a global scale? Welcome to the carbon Almanac collective. A podcast where the volunteers who created the Carbon Almanac share the insights and aha moments they had while collaborating on this landmark project to help fight the climate crisis.

    Hosted by Jennifer Myers Chua, and featuring the voices of Carbon Almanac Contributors. Reminding you that it's not too late to join in on the conversation.

  • Featuring Carbon Almanac Contributors Louise Karch, Eva Forde & Diane Osgood.

    This trio lives around the world with Louise a Canadian living in Australia, Eva the self-proclaimed nomad currently in West Palm Beach, Florida, and Diane who splits her time between the United States and France. These collaborators have vast backgrounds in social work, entrepreneurship, marketing, sustainability, and biodiversity.

    They all contributed to content for The Carbon Almanac, but equally important, they provided glue and connections to the community – raising team members up and helping everyone believe they have what it takes to make a difference.

    In this episode, we talk about the power of community by leveraging and leaning on one another for their strengths, writing a book to start a movement, and how change will happen by activating individuals across governments, corporations, and communities.

    To read Diane Osgood's guide on how to "Unleash Your Shopping Superpower" visitdianeosgood.com/shopping-superpower

    For more information on the project and to pre-order your copy, visit thecarbonalmanac.org

    This podcast is a part of the Carbon Almanac Podcast Network.

    Production Team: Jennifer Myers Chua, Sam Schuffenecker, Leekei Tang, Tania Marien, Barbara Orsi

    Cover Art: Ray Ong

    Copyright © 2022 The Carbon Almanac Network

    About the Carbon Almanac Collective: What happens when regular people work together to create massive, meaningful change on a global scale? Welcome to the carbon Almanac collective. A podcast where the volunteers who created the Carbon Almanac share the insights and aha moments they had while collaborating on this landmark project to help fight the climate crisis.

    Hosted by Jennifer Myers Chua, and featuring the voices of Carbon Almanac Contributors. Reminding you that it's not too late to join in on the conversation.

  • Featuring Carbon Alamanac Contributors David Kopans, Avaleen Morris & Lori Sullivan.

    From Boston, Nashville (Jamaica-born!), and Detroit, these collaborators have backgrounds in cleantech, philanthropy, and founding/running a business that helps companies lessen their environmental impact.

    They’ve contributed to many areas of the Carbon Alamanac but came together to build and execute a daily email action program - the Daily Difference. To give individuals a way to contribute to big scale difference-making, every day.

    In this episode, we talk about dealing with eco-anxiety, celebrating the good work folks are doing for the environment, and how multiple backgrounds and skillsets enhance a project — especially with so much passion and interest.

    For more information on the project and to pre-order your copy, visit thecarbonalmanac.org

    This podcast is a part of the Carbon Almanac Podcast Network.

    Production Team: Jennifer Myers Chua, Sam Schuffenecker, Leekei Tang, Tania Marien, Barbara Orsi

    Cover Art: Ray Ong

    Copyright © 2022 The Carbon Almanac Network

    About the Carbon Almanac Collective: What happens when regular people work together to create massive, meaningful change on a global scale? Welcome to the carbon Almanac collective. A podcast where the volunteers who created the Carbon Almanac share the insights and aha moments they had while collaborating on this landmark project to help fight the climate crisis.

    Hosted by Jennifer Myers Chua, and featuring the voices of Carbon Almanac Contributors. Reminding you that it's not too late to join in on the conversation.

  • Featuring Carbon Almanac Contributors Mark Deutsch, Vivek Srinivasan & Scott Hamilton.

    The collaborators featured in today’s episode come from Virginia and New York State in the eastern United States and Bangalore, India.

    With backgrounds in sales for financial services, writing, research, and business development - these contributors share interests in sustainable development, economic growth, clean energy, and ESG.

    Their contributions to the Carbon Almanac include: Writing and editing articles, Contributing to the Resource section, Developing Accessibility and Alternative Text, Establishing corporate partnerships and conducting business Outreach.

    In this episode, we discuss viable alternatives to petroleum, and how the wealthy are failing us (and why). We discuss the economics of the climate crisis and how we can look to the eradication of polio as inspiration for massive change.

    We also talk about myths surrounding recycling and reforestation and why we must get corporations and mid-sized businesses involved in creating change.

    For more information on the project, and to pre-order your copy visit thecarbonalmanac.org

    This podcast is a part of the Carbon Almanac Podcast Network.

    Production Team: Jennifer Myers Chua, Sam Schuffenecker, Leekei Tang, Tania Marien, Barbara Orsi

    Cover Art: Ray Ong

    Copyright © 2022 The Carbon Almanac Network

    About the Carbon Almanac Collective: What happens when regular people work together to create massive, meaningful change on a global scale? Welcome to the carbon Almanac collective. A podcast where the volunteers who created the Carbon Almanac share the insights and aha moments they had while collaborating on this landmark project to help fight the climate crisis.

    Hosted by Jennifer Myers Chua, and featuring the voices of Carbon Almanac Contributors. Reminding you that it's not too late to join in on the conversation.

  • Featuring Carbon Almanac Contributors Alexis Costello, Ryan Flahive & Annie Parnell.

    From British Columbia, Canada (via Costa Rica), and from Colorado in The United States, these collaborators have backgrounds in education, instructional design, publishing and as parents.

    Having contributed to many areas of the Carbon Almanac, the three came together to develop lesson plans and activities that educators can use to help all kinds of learners understand climate change. We wanted to bring forward an attitude of compassion rather than anxiety about a topic that can generate a lot of emotions and reactions.

    In this episode, we talk about the joys and challenges of collaborating with a fast-moving global team of volunteer writers, thinkers, researchers and designers; our hope and confidence in young people; what climate action each of us will take forward from this collaboration into our own lives – and what it’s like to pivot when Seth Godin tells you to start from square one. (Spoiler: It all works out even better in the end.) 

    For more information on the project, and to pre-order your copy visit thecarbonalmanac.org

    This podcast is a part of the Carbon Almanac Podcast Network.

    Production Team: Jennifer Myers Chua, Sam Schuffenecker, Leekei Tang, Tania Marien, Barbara Orsi

    Cover Art: Ray Ong

    Copyright © 2022 The Carbon Almanac Network

    About the Carbon Almanac Collective: What happens when regular people work together to create massive, meaningful change on a global scale? Welcome to the carbon Almanac collective. A podcast where the volunteers who created the Carbon Almanac share the insights and aha moments they had while collaborating on this landmark project to help fight the climate crisis.

    Hosted by Jennifer Myers Chua, and featuring the voices of Carbon Almanac Contributors. Reminding you that it's not too late to join in on the conversation.

  • Featuring Carbon Almanac Contributors Anna Cosentino, Lisa Blatt & Michel Porro.

    The collaborators presented in this episode come from the Netherlands, New York and San Francisco. Their backgrounds stretch from lawyer and designer, business founder and therapist to - fintech and podcast production.

    With so many tools on their belt, their contributions to the Carbon Almanac span a wide variety of areas as well: research and writing articles, the resource section, editing and they were all major contributors to - the Photo PDF. “Post Almanac”, they keep contributing virtually everywhere: producing podcasts, email drip, marketing and much more.

    In this episode, we talk about climate role models, what drove them to join this project, their favourite contributions to the Almanac and what impact they think that the Almanac will have on the adults of the future. The three also share their insights on working with people from 90 different countries, on connections they have made in the community and how they plan to bring the energy of working on this project to the outside world.

    For more information on the project, and to pre-order your copy visit thecarbonalmanac.org

    This podcast is a part of the Carbon Almanac Podcast Network.

    Production Team: Jennifer Myers Chua, Sam Schuffenecker, Leekei Tang, Tania Marien, Barbara Orsi

    Cover Art: Ray Ong

    Copyright © 2022 The Carbon Almanac Network

    About the Carbon Almanac Collective: What happens when regular people work together to create massive, meaningful change on a global scale? Welcome to the carbon Almanac collective. A podcast where the volunteers who created the Carbon Almanac share the insights and aha moments they had while collaborating on this landmark project to help fight the climate crisis.

    Hosted by Jennifer Myers Chua, and featuring the voices of Carbon Almanac Contributors. Reminding you that it's not too late to join in on the conversation.

  • Featuring Carbon Alamanac Contributors Andrea Morris, David Robinson, Felice Della Gatta

    From sunny Portugal and The United States, these collaborators have backgrounds in creative services for clean energy, graphic design, and freelance copywriting and marketing.

    If you hold the book in your hand you will see the magic they helped make. The three came together (with a team of 10-12!) to design and produce the layout spreads for the Carbon Alamanac.

    In this episode, we talk about how encouragement from leadership helped the team push through hurdles, process changes, favourite spreads, how we feel about the climate crises and what's changed for us and then how to take this energy forward - and create something meaningful after the almanac.

    For more information on the project, and to pre-order your copy visit thecarbonalmanac.org

    This podcast is a part of the Carbon Almanac Podcast Network.

    Production Team: Jennifer Myers Chua, Sam Schuffenecker, Leekei Tang, Tania Marien, Barbara Orsi

    Cover Art: Ray Ong

    Copyright © 2022 The Carbon Almanac Network

    About the Carbon Almanac Collective: What happens when regular people work together to create massive, meaningful change on a global scale? Welcome to the carbon Almanac collective. A podcast where the volunteers who created the Carbon Almanac share the insights and aha moments they had while collaborating on this landmark project to help fight the climate crisis.

    Hosted by Jennifer Myers Chua, and featuring the voices of Carbon Almanac Contributors. Reminding you that it's not too late to join in on the conversation.

  • Featuring Carbon Alamanac Contributors Paige NeJame, Michi Mathias & Boon Lim.

    From Singapore, the United Kingdom and The United States, these collaborators have backgrounds in teaching design, owning a family business, and spending years working with Greenpeace.

    Having contributed to many areas of the Carbon Almanac, the three came together to craft one of the most meaningful parts - the Carbon Almanac for kids' content.

    In this episode, we talk about digitizing hand-drawn illustrations, being inspired by the wacky inventions of kids, and why this environment was so drastically different but delightfully so - than working creatively on your own.

    For more information on the project, and to pre-order your copy visit thecarbonalmanac.org

    This podcast is a part of the Carbon Almanac Podcast Network.

    Production Team: Jennifer Myers Chua, Sam Schuffenecker, Leekei Tang, Tania Marien, Barbara Orsi

    Cover Art: Ray Ong

    Copyright © 2022 The Carbon Almanac Network

    About the Carbon Almanac Collective: What happens when regular people work together to create massive, meaningful change on a global scale? Welcome to the carbon Almanac collective. A podcast where the volunteers who created the Carbon Almanac share the insights and aha moments they had while collaborating on this landmark project to help fight the climate crisis.

    Hosted by Jennifer Myers Chua, and featuring the voices of Carbon Almanac Contributors. Reminding you that it's not too late to join in on the conversation.

  • Featuring Carbon Alamanac Contributors Jasper Croome, Barbara Orsi and Steve Wexler

    From Portland, the New York State and Bologna, Italy these collaborators are passionate about data visualization, D3, data science & analytics - and cricket burgers with hot sauce.

    The three came together on the Carbon Almanac charts team. Taking complex data and using design thinking and design to present the information clearly, and making it easy to understand for the readers of the almanac.

    In this episode, we talk about data, charts, how data can be manipulated to present certain ideas, why clarity is key, and we learn how contributors from around the globe came together to create charts that are beautiful in their simplicity.

    For more information on the project, and to pre-order your copy visit thecarbonalmanac.org

    This podcast is a part of the Carbon Almanac Podcast Network.

    Production Team: Jennifer Myers Chua, Sam Schuffenecker, Leekei Tang, Tania Marien, Barbara Orsi

    Cover Art: Ray Ong

    Copyright © 2022 The Carbon Almanac Network

    About the Carbon Almanac Collective: What happens when regular people work together to create massive, meaningful change on a global scale? Welcome to the carbon Almanac collective. A podcast where the volunteers who created the Carbon Almanac share the insights and aha moments they had while collaborating on this landmark project to help fight the climate crisis.

    Hosted by Jennifer Myers Chua, and featuring the voices of Carbon Almanac Contributors. Reminding you that it's not too late to join in on the conversation.