Spring is (almost!) in the air, and so is looooove. So tell us, what do you think is a sign you're in a healthy and successful relationship? Also, if someone buys you a drink at the bar, do you accept it? And if you do, is it technically flirting? We'll also chat about promotions at work and see if you've ever accidentally called 911 (like Casey did!) Join us for The Good Stuff and games like 30 Second Name Game, Eaaaasy Trivia, and Quick Draw.
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Do you know what your grandparents did for a living? Not all of us do - so let's figure that out and celebrate our hard-working family members! We'll chat about basic skills you're surprised not everyone knows how to do, themed weddings, and big-screen-at-the-hockey-game proposals. Join us for a boatload of games like 30 Second Name Game, Eaaaasy Trivia, Minute to Win It, and Quick Draw. Plus, a legendary Good Stuff that will make you proud to be Canadian :)
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Puuttuva jakso?
What are some 'green flags' that you recognize in other people - those signs that make you INSTANTLY want to be someone's friend? We'll take it one step further and find out when you dropped the big L-BOMB in your relationship. Help us help out our buddy Trent, too. His wife's new job might be ruining his life (or at least his sleep)! We'll also get to 30 Second Name Game, Eaaaaasy Trivia, Quick Draw, and a warm and fuzzy story with The Good Stuff.
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We're taking a few trips down memory lane as we discuss school dances, washing your "mouth out with soap," and the things you LOVED as a child, but really can't be bothered with now. Also, when do you think we hit 'middle age,' exactly? Because no one seems to know! Join us for a bunch of games, too, like 30 Second Name Game, Quick Draw for Casey's Cash, Eaaaasy Trivia, and Minute to Win It.
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Would you ever date someone with the same name as an ex? It's not that bad... After all, Sasha has dated FIVE Justins (her parents must be so proud, lol)! We chat about the things everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime, debate over leftover cereal milk, and see how you feel about hosting birthday parties for people who are "no longer with us." Play some games with us, too, like Quick Draw for Casey's Cash and Eaaaasy Trivia!
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This might be a bit of a dangerous episode, LOL. We chat about assumptions men make about women that they usually get wrong, and just for good measure, we dive into the wrong assumptions women make about men, too! Casey also received a cool $36.29 in his email - as did 900,000 other Canadians - but is he getting scammed??? Join us for a couple of games of Minute to Win It, Quick Draw for Casey's Cash (the $36.29 in question), and Eaaasy Trivia!
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Do you actually like talking on the phone - or do you potentially have telephobia...it's more common than you think! Also, we discuss your birth stories (Casey has a doozey from when his kids were born!) and try to help Sasha find some new friends as an adult. Oh! And seriously... is there really an "unwritten code" that every truck owner needs to fold in their side mirrors? Join us for The Good Stuff, Minute to Win It, Eeeeaaasssy Trivia, and 30 Second Name Game, too!
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Happy New Year! We're back and better than ever...? Join us as we chat about leaving partners at the airport, disappointing Christmas gifts (or lack there of) and daughters getting tattoos! Also, when you're mad do you talk it out like an adult (that's no fun!) or do you have a go-to move that let's your partner know you're a little peeved? We've got some games, too, like Eaaaasy Trivia and Quick Draw for Casey's Cash!
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Do you have any friends significantly younger or older than you? And what movie or TV show have you seen that (try as you might) you DO NOT understand?! Lotsa Christmas chatter, too, like when is the right time to do a couple's holiday card, and what corny Christmas movie cliches do you actually take part in? Join us for The Good Stuff and some games, like 30 Second Name Games, Eeeeaaaasssy Trivia, and Minute to Win It!
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As Christmas gets closer, we share our favourite holiday memories and weird gift-giving traditions. And we'll find out if your PETS are making Santa's naughty or nice list. Also, is giving the gift of an all-expenses paid (and planned) vacation a good idea, or would it be a major imposition on someone? Join us for games like Minute to Win It and Easy Trivia. And, of course, we've got your warm and fuzzy stories with The Good Stuff.
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The 'Taylor Effect' has people spending THOUSANDS on tickets with obstructed views, just to be a part of her Eras Tour! Would you be willing to do that? Plus, the holiday push IS ON! So, which is more important to us as Canadians - Black Friday or Boxing Day? We also chat about taking an 'adult gap year', dealing with in-laws overstaying their welcome, and the luxuries you couldn't live without. Join us for 30 Second Name Game, Eeeeaaaasy Trivia, and The Good Stuff, too :)
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Both have their rewards and challenges, so we compare co-parenting with an ex to having full-time custody of your kids - which would work better for you? Also, is it a major faux pas to show up to your FIRST day of work sick with a bad cold? There's an Uber driver out there using his side hustle as a dating service (wow)! Creepy or kind of genius?! Join us for The Good Stuff and some games, like Quick Draw and Minute to Win It.
Make sure you follow The Casey Clarke Show on Instagram, too! Reach out to us there and join in on the show :)Have you given The Casey Clarke Show a follow on Instagram yet? Come ooooon, you know you want to! ;)
We're BACK and ready to get into the holiday spirit! On that note, how many Christmas trees are too many? And do you think a realtor should disclose whether a house is in a neighbourhood that goes bonkers with holiday decorating? Also, what is the oldest piece of clothing that you own? (And omg why do you still have it? LOL!) Join us for The Good Stuff and some games, like 30 Second Name Game and Quick Draw for Casey's Cash.
Get more from The Casey Clarke Show and chat with us through our socials :)Have you given The Casey Clarke Show a follow on Instagram yet? Come ooooon, you know you want to! ;)
Would you be cool if your spouse put your kids on TikTok without consulting you first? Yikes! We'll also explore this influencer's thoughts on why women shouldn't pay on dates. Oh, and we definitely need some advice on a scandalous situation with one of our listener's neighbours! Join us for Quick Draw for Casey's Cash, Easy Trivia, 30 Second Name Game, and an absolutely inspiring Good Stuff :)
Are you following along on Instagram yet? Come on, let's go! Check us out today (please, heehee).Have you given The Casey Clarke Show a follow on Instagram yet? Come ooooon, you know you want to! ;)
K, hear us out... morning weddings. Yay or nay? Also, would you expect a realtor to tell you the place you're buying is haunted? We'll play a little Minute to Win It and Finish the Lyric and get your take on splitting up housework when one partner works from home. And OMG, you gotta hear this story about a Costco birthday party on The Good Stuff :)
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Holy cow - we've been doing this podcast thingy for a whole year! Join us as we discuss the weird/uncommon traits you find attractive, the fears that developed in childhood that you STILL have, and - honestly - if you took your driver's test today, would you pass?! We'll touch on the 'push present' trend and chat about a CEO's controversial idea to weed out applicants. Oh! And we've got the cutest story about a marathon running goat coming up on The Good Stuff :)
Follow along and chat with the show, too, by giving us a follow on Instagram!Have you given The Casey Clarke Show a follow on Instagram yet? Come ooooon, you know you want to! ;)
It looks like we're saying buh byyyye to CD players in our car, so let's take a trip down memory lane and find out what tunes YOU were listening to back when CDs were 'hip.' We'll discuss weird rules around the office, what makes you feel old, and get your opinion on Sasha's friend's shady online dating strategy. Join us for the Good Stuff and a few games, like 10 in 30 and Quick Draw for Casey's Cash!
Give us a follow, will ya? Check us out on Instagram and feel free to shoot us a message about the show!Have you given The Casey Clarke Show a follow on Instagram yet? Come ooooon, you know you want to! ;)
We all have 'em... awkward conversations. So, what's your go-to escape when you're stuck in one?! We chat about gender reveal parties, social media flops, and play Quick Draw! Also, Braden contacted us about the age-old issue of breaking out of the 'friend zone.' Let's try and help him, shall we?!
As always, follow along with The Casey Clarke Show on Instagram for more information and to chat with us :)Have you given The Casey Clarke Show a follow on Instagram yet? Come ooooon, you know you want to! ;)
Hey, look at us chatting with BRETT KISSEL! Let's see how he fairs against Casey with Quick Draw. We'll also chat about cafés charging patrons for WIFI and see about your handy life hacks. And the things we do for pets, right? We're on the hunt for the most expensive (but obviously worth it) vet bill. Oh! And we'll get your thoughts on the latest edition of "Judge Common Sense"... does it really matter what your twins wear at their FIRST birthday party?!
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It's one thing to have a partner who games a lot, but what if all that gaming interferes with parental duties?! We'll chat about that AND see how you feel about a cafe instituting a real sticky dress code. We'll have a lot of games for ya, too, like 30 Second Name Game, Minute to Win It, and Eaaaasy Trivia! Join us to talk about when you took that first big trip with your partner (and how it went!) and a GREAT feeling story with The Good Stuff :)
Follow along on Instagram for more and to chat with The Casey Clarke Show!Have you given The Casey Clarke Show a follow on Instagram yet? Come ooooon, you know you want to! ;)
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