Tyyppimuunnos on podcast teknologiasta, työstä ja sen tulevaisuudesta, yrittäjyydestä ja jatkuvasta kehittymisestä.
Analytics on Fire is your backstage pass inside the enterprise data, analytics, AI, and business intelligence world. Join your host, global keynote speaker, author, coach, trainer, TV news commentator, and data community manager and leader, Mico Yuk, as she pulls back the curtain on what’s working right now in the enterprise analytics, AI, and business intelligence world and what is not. You’ll hear the inside scoop from experienced business leaders on how to plan, implement, and gain true business value from your analytics dollars. Visit to subscribe and get weekly insights and freebies!
Come behind the scenes of real-life marketing experiments with your hosts Adam Franklin and Toby Jenkins. Hear guests confess their failures and reveal the truth about what really works on the web. The show is brought to you our book "Web Marketing That Works". Download the bonus 33 free templates from
Software developers exploring learning and education in programming. Hosted by web developers and teachers Ken Howard and Nikos Katsikanis.
HR topics discussed and broken down.
The 4rd Marketing Podcast is a weekly show dedicated to helping small business owners and entrepreneurs move their business forward with Growth Hacking techniques and digital marketing practices. Designed to be Actionable and Value Filled, every episode contains at least 1 actionable growth tactic! Entrepreneurs will learn about SEO, SEM, PPC, ORM and orther digital marketing acronyms in the internet marketing world and apply it to their business.
Tervetuloa Herrasmieshakkereiden kartanoon takkatulen ääreen. Tässä ohjelmasarjassa käsittelemme tietoturvaan ja vääjäämättömään kybertuhoon liittyviä asioita ja ilmiöitä. Oppaananne verkon alamaailmassa toimivat Suomen tietoturvakentän wiralliset wanhukset Mikko Hyppönen ja Tomi Tuominen.
Kartanomme ylläpidosta huolehtii WithSecure. -
Every company has a story.
Learn the playbooks that built the world’s greatest companies — and how you can apply them as a founder, operator, or investor. -
ÄTA SOVA SPARA - En podd om allt och lite till kring privatekonomi och mindset. I avsnitten blandas konkreta tips, råd och inspiration om till en passlig helhet som förhoppningsvis hjälper dig att skapa ett starkt ekonomiskt självförtroende!
Evelin Stjernberg och Ronja Roms uppmanar alla till att våga prata pengar! -
Courtland and Channing Allen interview the ambitious indie hackers who are turning their ideas and side projects into profitable online businesses. Explore the latest strategies and tools founders are using to capitalize on new opportunities, escape the 9-to-5 grind, and create their own personal revenue-generating machines. The future is indie!
The SaaS Breakthrough Show is an inside look at what is working in marketing for SaaS companies today by the marketers who are in the trenches, experimenting on a daily basis to grow their MRR and build amazing businesses. The SaaS Breakthrough show is brought to you by Demio, an easy-to-use, reliable webinar software built to help marketing and customer-education teams effectively scale their efforts in less time than ever before.
Kuuntele tämä podcast, niin työstä häviää rangaistuksen maku! Podcastissa Satu Rämö ja Hanne Valtari juttelevat eri alojen unelmaduunareiden kanssa siitä, kuinka loikka unelmien töihin tehtiin - mikä onnistui ja mikä meni pieleen.
Deep discussions on entrepreneurship and personal development books. If you're looking to build your business, increase your productivity and learn unique methodologies to optimize various aspects of your entrepreneurial endeavours, you'll enjoy this podcast.
Video lessons on learning programming and electronics with Arduino. This is part of our Arduino Crash Course and Arduino Course for Absolute Beginners. It's designed to take someone with little or no experience in programming and electronics and get them fast-tracked to learning the skills to prototype using Arduino.
At Active Day Trader we have a simple, fun and effective approach to the markets! Tune in to our podcast for some valuable lessons in trading Stocks, Options and Futures. Ditch the unnecessarily complicated (often magic) indicators and grab some REAL tips from career trader (former CBOE Options market maker and CME floor trader) Jonathan Rose and guests. We'll cover, Bond (US Treasury) Futures, owning inexpensive options, relative value trades, position management, volatility, pairs, events, catalysts and more!
The CRFCast explores the latest thinking across a range of strategic HR topics with academics, practitioners and leading experts in the field. We focus on the practical application of the latest insights. Subjects include the future of work, leadership and talent management, and organisation design and development.
Keeping You Organized is the show that brings you the best organizing tips, advice, and behind-the-scenes stories from the top professional organizers in the nation.
This series covers the Strachey Lectures, a series of termly computer science lectures named after Christopher Strachey, the first Professor of Computation at the University of Oxford.
Hosted by the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, the Strachey Lectures began in 1995 and have included many distinguished speakers over the years. The Strachey Lectures are generously supported by OxFORD Asset Management. -
Ideoita ja työkaluja unelmien jahtaamiseen
Copywriting lessons from David Garfinkel