In this episode Doug talks about wade fishing in the gulf and he shares a really weird story. Doug also talks fashion in swiim wear and how it has changed over the years. Why should I use the black lure over the white lure when fishing? Doug will explain this to you and give you the reasons why. Plus, Doug talks crankbaits and spinner baits. Do you want some good entertainment at the end of the day? Then camp out at at boat ramp and enjoy the scenes. You have to let Doug tell you why. Aslo,an Interview with Brian Treadway, reel repair, green crawl lizard talk and more in this show.
Doug and the callers talk about fishing and then this question comes up: Which is better Salt water fishing or fresh water? Hmm...I'll let you be the judge. Of course another topics of discussion is the Trout limits. How is this going to benefit the fishing community in the long run? What do you think? Well, Doug explains it to us. You just be sure to tune in to hear what he has to say. Plus, Doug gives us and update on his progress on cleaning out his garage. Then Doug tells us, why is it so important for us, to carry a compass when hunting. Plus, reflecting on good ol' days of jumping off or into things. Doug and the callers are surprised at the things they did.
Puuttuva jakso?
In this episode Doug talks about the southern states that are seeing snow and what issues may be coming if this weather continues. Doug talks to callers about the three trout limit and shares some memorable fishing stories. What is out there in the universe? Doug takes us on a trip as he expresses some of his views. Doug talks about bass fish, speckle trout, and red fish.Then we switch to scopes. Which is better themal scopes or night visions scopes? The callers will give there opinion on which is best in this episode. Which is the best for hunting hogs? In order to find out you need to listen to this episode. We then get updates on golf and we have an interview with Tommy O'Brian about improving your golf swing. Also, we have an interview with Sandra Hinajosa-Garza on her great outdoor Lodge.
In this episode Doug talks about The Houston Fishing Show, some of the interesting people he has met, and the new products that are on display. Is it safe to say that in order to be competitive in the sport of fishing you need the new technology? You have to hear what Doug says about this. Which weight line is best for fishing? Well, that depends says, Doug. I would tell you but its best you hear it for Doug Pike. Doug, also taks putter fitting and club fitting when it comes to golf. Is loud music against the rules on the golf course? Doug, shares a story of a golfer who has to loud on the course.
In this episode Doug talks about soft plastic baits, medium to light rods, and binoculars. Doug and callers share tips on scopes and how to prevent them from fogging up before your hunt. Doug, reflects on how this years duck season was very tough for hunters. Find out what he thinks the problems are. Do you know the rules of distance when it comes to fishing tournaments? Be sure to get the inside scoop on this rule so you will be in the know when you enter an event. Callers get creative on how to make their own duck blinds. Tips and tricks are shared on this money saving DIY project. Plus, Doug talks oysters, surfing and sharks with his guest call Ellis Pickett. Lots of fun and exciting talking topics a must listen.
In this episode, Doug gives a recap on the smugglers. Doug, talks about the violations and fines that they received and what amount was paid. Should it have been more? Did they get off with a slap on the wrist? Plus, fishing off the bank can it be rewarding? A caller explaines his experience to Doug and proves a lot of other fisherman wrong. Doug, also talks about the new technology and how its becoming the new normal. Yes, we're talking about forward facing sonar. Predators, what can we do to create the perfect balance in nature? Listen to what Doug has to say to a caller who brought up this important question.
In this episode Doug talks about fog and how boaters should navigae on the water. Who knew the crows were tough birds. They will attack you. Be sure to listen to some of the stories that the callers share with the audience. Doug shares a story with his listeners about some guys, who got caught up and charged with "illegal white tail deer smuggling". Join Doug and the callers to find out the details. What in the world could have the been thinking? This is crazy! Plus, Interviews with Jess Hewitt, Don Martindale, and Chester Moore. All these guys will be speaking at the Houston Fishing Show
In this episode Doug talks about the beautiful weather and what you should be doing to take advantage of it. We have 12 months of fishing where. Are your rods and reels ready? Do they need and upgrade? Doug, explans "Dog walking" and one of the best top water bait lures you should have at all times. Did you know there are different types of dogs that have different jobs, when it comes to hunting? What did Punxsutawney Phil the ground hog have to say about our weather? Doug, and a caller discuss the building of a pier at the bolivar in Galveston. All this and more on The Doug Pike Show.
In this episode Doug talks about Forward Facing sonar. Is this cheating? What's the best rhythm when fishing? You won't beleive this method. How do you enjoy nature? Doug and caller share tips on how to get the animals to come to you. Just be careful of venomus snakes when in the parks. Callers discuss the effects the freeze will have on the state of Louisiana and how long will it take for their fishing populaction to get back to normal. Caller Nick LeBrun shares his fishng tips and tricks with the KBME audience and Doug. All this and much more.
In this episode Doug gives us a weather report update and an in-depth look on his pipes freezing trauma days. What shoud we do with all of the dead trout? Louisianas swamp marshland has suffered from the big freeze leaving a lot of fisherman wanting to help. Listen to Doug and his callers as they express their concern for the wildlife industry. Doug talks ducks: Wood duck and mallards as this is the last day of duck hunting season, except for falcon hunters. Also, Doug tells us the difference between 1000 acres rifle hunting and 15 acres rifle hunting. Doug talks about the The Shot Show and who's its target audience.
In this episode Doug talks about Texas weather after the snow and expresses his phobia of pipes freezing. Doug also talks about the design of northern homes vs. southern homes when it comes to cold weather. What temperature is too cold for fish and for how long will fish survive at that temperature? Salt water fish vs fresh water fish which is tougher when it comes to cold weather? Doug will explain it all to you. What are the consequences for poacher and what did some of them decied to do once the new rules where set into place? Be sure to listen to Doug to find out. Plus, an interview with Art Stricklin and Scott Null all in this episode. Tons of information. A must listen episode.
Call this part 2 of winter storm preparation. Doug, and callers share more tips on keeping those pipes working as the temperture drops in the 20's in Texas. TDOT is putting the brine on the roads and highways. What is the best way to remove it from your car so that your car doesn't rust? You don't want to miss the answers and sugesstions to this question. What will the speckle trout do once it gets cold? And where are the ducks and geese? I heard someone say they may be in El Campo,Tx. I'll let you decide. Does lures matter? Here's a tip. Never judge a lure. You have got listen to find out why, you should never judge a lure. This is some good stuff. Plus, Doug interviews Bill Brown from Big Easy Ranch. This ranch has it all for the outdoors sportsman. Be sure to listen because your next trip will be to Big Easy Ranch.
In this episode Doug talks about the cold weather and how it will affect the trout population. Living down south we don't experience too many cold days but we still have to be prepared. Doug and the callers shares there tips on how to winterize your home. Also, Doug talks freshwater fishing and photo talk with Scott Null of scottnullphotos.com. They answer all the questions you've been wanting to know about film and digital cameras. All the pros and cons of camera phones including F-stop, ISO, and proper lighting. Finally, Texas Park and Wildlife release a survey on approx. how many goose and geese are in the state of Texas. Plus, Mitchell Holder joins Doug in this episode and talks about hunting. He shares lots of helpful information with the listeners in this episode. Doug, also talks about Billy Brown and Chet Williams and the process of taking bare land and transforming it into a well designed golf course.
Today on the Doug Pike Show, Doug talks about the end of Duck season, advice on deer behavior, and takes some callers from the fishing community asking for advice on their fishing line.
In this episode Doug talks about the water fowl season and what's the most important thing you need to know? Is it location? What are some of the crazy things that have happen to you in the deer stand? You don't won't to miss what some of the callers have to say. Man, these stories are really, crazy. Doug talks about chronic wasting disease and the wild fires in California. What can we all do to help out our fellow Americans and our hunting sport. Where are the ducks? What are they attracted to? Doug will let us know. Plus an interview with Craig Hicks from Black Horse Golf Course. What does MLDP stand for in the hunting industry? Don't cheat be sure to listen to the show to find out. Doug, explains the White tail season and when it starts.
In this episode Doug and callers share tips on how to protect your pipes as the temperature drops in Texas. Do you know when black power season starts? Doug, will let you know, just in case you forgot. Entry level fly fishing tips and trick right here. Doug, interviews Marcos and he spills the beans, on how to get started as a beginner fly fisherman. Ok, fishing with live scopes, is this a good thing or bad? The same applies for old school trail cams vs. real time videos. Is this techology making us lazy? Or, will it enhance our experience in the outdoors? Should we go back to basics? Doug explains to you were he stands on old school vs. new technology in todays age. Remember when we had a limit on redfish? Now, there everywhere what's next? Could we see a 3 foot trout soon? Besure to listen to Doug and the callers for this answer.
In this episode Doug addresses the cold weather that's coming our way and talks about how we can protect ourselves while out hunting.What's the biggest size, you think trout will get to be due to the new trout rules? A caller enlightens us, on how politics and corporations are getting involved with the Department of Wildlife and fishery. Should we beware concern? Doug and his callers discuss, What's the best bite times for fishing? Find out what Doug has to say about this. You'll be surprised.
Other topics include redfish, flounder, dogs and guns. -
In this episode Doug talks about staying active in hunting, fishing, and golf while getting older. What are some of the things you can do to enjoy the outdoors as you get older? Next time you go on a hike or a trail walk try not to get lost. Doug and callers suggest the one thing you might want to bring with you. Make sure you listen to show to get this tip. Remember catching birds with a box and a slice of bread. Reminiscing of the youthful days, setting traps as kids. Could this be the prerequisite to hunting? If you could fish with just one lure in brackish water what would it be? What it the one bait Doug would use for catching speckled trout? Doug expresses how we should deal with grief after the lost of a friend. Be sure to listen in order to find out the ansewer to all these questions and more.
In this episode Doug talks about the avian flu and recalls the outbreak in the 80's. Where are the pintails, teal and the snow geese? Doug shares how not to spoil the surprise of gift giving when it comes to kids. Do you know how to fish in a strong current? Whats the best lure to use and what design should you look for? Yes, fish are fancy when it comes to their food. Doug along with callers discuss duck blinds, fishing in cold weather, and warming up golf balls. Plus,be on alert their's a kangaroo on the loose in Texas. Tigers, wild hogs and scary wood stories all in this episode.
In this episode Doug talks about duck calling. When to call and when to stop calling in order to have a sucessful hunt. Is it save to say, the colder the weather the more quail, doves, and deer you'll have available? What's the best way to fish with live shrimp bait? If you don't know Doug will tell you. Do you know what to look for in a scope at an affordable price? Well, Doug will tell you the most important think about scopes. Plus, and interview with Blaien Friermood, taking kids fishing and rainbow trout.
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