
  • Abraham Gray, founder of 100+ businesses and a real estate investor, shares his journey and insights in this podcast episode. He started his first business at 15 and got into real estate at 22, eventually accumulating around 250 rentals and doing hundreds of fix and flips each year. He also does a lot of lending for real estate deals. Abraham emphasizes the importance of finding something you can be really good at and make a lot of money from. He shares his strategies for finding off-market businesses and real estate deals, as well as the key factors he looks for when buying a business. Abraham's advice includes the importance of networking, being positive, and learning from other people's experiences. Abraham Gray shares his best resources for learning and growing, including connecting with experienced individuals and investing in mentorships and conferences. He reveals that he has never read a book in his life, preferring to learn from others and ask for summaries. Gray discusses his love for martial arts and self-care activities like massages and cryotherapy. He also shares his favorite movies, celebrity crushes, and fears. Gray's greatest accomplishment is building a jewelry business that made over $100 million in profit.


    Start early and diversify your investments to achieve financial freedomFind something you can be really good at and make a lot of money fromNetworking and building connections are crucial for successLearn from other people's experiences and seek guidance from expertsFocus on buying profitable businesses with systems and employees in placeBe positive and attract the right kind of people to help you succeed Connect with experienced individuals and invest in mentorships and conferences to accelerate learning and growth.Learning from others and asking for summaries can be an effective alternative to reading books.Engaging in activities like martial arts and self-care can contribute to a balanced and fulfilling life.Favorite movies and celebrity crushes can provide insight into personal preferences and interests.Fear of significant injury or health issues can impact one's quality of life.Building a successful business that generates significant profit is a notable accomplishment.
  • Brian Humphrey, a full-time real estate investor, shares his journey and experiences in the real estate industry. He started with a fixer-upper property that he inherited and eventually sold it for a profit. Brian talks about how he transitioned from working a regular job to becoming a full-time investor. He emphasizes the importance of eliminating debt and using private money to scale his business. Brian also discusses the challenges of delegating tasks and building a team. He shares his biggest failure, which was a flip that resulted in a loss, and the lessons he learned from it. Brian Humphrey shares insights on analyzing real estate deals and the importance of surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals. He emphasizes the need to consider factors beyond the purchase price and rehab costs, such as interest, resale, contingencies, and expenses like contractors and real estate agents. Brian also discusses the lessons he learned from a deal that went wrong, including the importance of having a dining room and addressing water issues in the basement. He highlights the value of networking and mentorship in his journey as a real estate investor.


    Start with a fixer-upper property and build equityTransition from a regular job to full-time real estate investingEliminate debt to have more financial freedomUse private money to scale your businessDelegate tasks and build a team to grow your businessAnalyze deals carefully and don't overpayLearn from failures and adjust your strategies Analyzing a real estate deal involves considering factors beyond the purchase price and rehab costs, such as interest, resale value, and contingencies.Addressing issues like the absence of a dining room and water in the basement can significantly impact the success of a real estate investment.Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals and building a strong network is crucial for success in any field.Mentorship plays a vital role in providing guidance and motivation in the journey of becoming a real estate investor.
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  • In this episode of the Dream Huge podcast, Pete Peterson and JP interview's Alex Coffman, a successful real estate investor and co-owner of Teifke Real Estate. Alex shares his journey from being a heroin addict to becoming a multi-millionaire real estate investor. He emphasizes the importance of not just being a real estate agent, but also investing in real estate to build wealth. Alex and his partner, Matthew Teifke, focus on buying larger assets and are building their investor base to fund these deals. They also offer educational resources and events to help others learn about real estate investing. The conversation revolves around the importance of building relationships in real estate investing and thinking big. Alex emphasize the need to constantly think bigger and push the team to achieve greater goals. They discuss the power of networking and staying in touch with investors. The conversation also touches on the fear of lack of control and the importance of being in control of one's life. Alex also shares his favorite books and resources that have inspired his success.


    Real estate agents should not just focus on representing buyers and sellers, but also invest in real estate to build wealth.Building an investor base is crucial for buying larger assets and expanding real estate investments.Educational resources and events can help others learn about real estate investing and attract potential investors.Alex Coffman journey from being a heroin addict to becoming a successful real estate investor is inspiring and shows that anyone can achieve success with determination and the right mindset. Building relationships is crucial in real estate investingConstantly think bigger and push the team to achieve greater goalsNetworking and staying in touch with investors is importantFear of lack of control can drive one's actionsFavorite books and resources can inspire success
  • In this episode of the Dream Huge podcast, the hosts interview Parker Pursell, an expert in self-directed retirement accounts. They discuss the importance of taking control of your finances and investing in assets that make sense for you. Parker explains how self-directed retirement accounts work and the benefits they offer, such as the ability to invest in real estate and other alternative assets. He also shares his journey as an Ironman athlete and the lessons he learned from pushing himself physically and mentally. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of financial empowerment and pursuing your dreams.


    Self-directed retirement accounts provide individuals with the ability to invest in assets that make sense for them, such as real estate and alternative assets.Taking control of your finances and investing in assets that align with your goals can lead to financial empowerment and freedom.Pushing yourself physically and mentally, like training for an Ironman, can teach you valuable lessons about perseverance and the importance of saying 'yes' to challenges.Financial success should be used as a tool to bless others and make a positive impact in the world.
  • Thank you everyone for tuning in!! You make the show awesome!! 100!!

    The 100th episode of the Dream Huge podcast celebrates the milestone with a recap of favorite moments and guests. The hosts reflect on the impact of the podcast, share insights from top guests, and engage in a guessing game about the most viewed episodes on YouTube. The 100th episode of the Dream Huge Podcast features a lively discussion among the hosts, Pete Peterson, Mark Gray, Justin Bigelow, and John Pavlansky. The conversation covers a range of topics, including the most viewed YouTube guests, common themes from the podcast, personal updates from the hosts, and reflections on the podcast's journey.

    Take Aways!!

    Celebrating milestones is an opportunity to reflect on achievements and express gratitude.Engaging with a diverse range of guests brings valuable insights and learning experiences.Consistency and quality content contribute to the success of a podcast.Engaging in interactive games and discussions adds an element of fun and engagement for the audience. The three rules of success: work hard, never give up, and dream huge are recurring themes in the podcast.The hosts have experienced personal growth and success in real estate investing, with each sharing their individual updates and achievements.The podcast has reached its 100th episode, defying the odds and demonstrating the hosts' commitment to consistency and quality content.The guests on the podcast have shared inspiring stories of perseverance, faith, and family, highlighting the importance of these values in achieving success.
  • Brock Holliman, a Florida real estate investor, shares his journey and the three companies he runs: Holloman Capital Group (investment company), Brock Homes (construction company), and My New Rental (property management company). He emphasizes the importance of being prepared for curveballs in entrepreneurship and the need to keep pushing until something breaks through. Brock discusses his strategy of building new construction homes for rentals and sales to investors, focusing on modern and durable designs. He also highlights the tax benefits and the potential for appreciation in real estate investing


    Be prepared for curveballs in entrepreneurship and keep pushing until something breaks through.Building new construction homes for rentals and sales to investors can be a successful strategy.Consider the tax benefits and potential for appreciation in real estate investing.Focus on modern and durable designs to attract tenants and maintain low maintenance costs.
  • In this episode of the Dream Huge podcast, Pete Peterson and his co-hosts interview Mike Bender, an entrepreneur and owner of Moby Booth, a photo booth company. Mike shares his journey from being an art major to working in a factory to becoming an entrepreneur. He explains how he got into the photo booth rental business and eventually transitioned to manufacturing and selling photo booths. Mike also discusses the importance of data capture and marketing in the photo booth industry. The conversation then shifts to Mike's experience building a new house and the challenges and lessons learned throughout the process. Building a house is like an entrepreneurial journey with peaks and valleys. Research the builder's front office and vendors. Consider working with a smaller, local builder for better customer service. Pay attention to details when walking floor models. Delegate decisions between partners to avoid conflicts. Visit the construction site regularly during the framing stage. Clarify what is included in the price and be prepared for change orders. Be aware of unexpected costs like stone countertops. Surround yourself with peers and mentors. Dream bigger and break down self-imposed limitations. Learn from failures and listen to the market. Utilize resources like Google, YouTube, and peers. Family and helping others are the greatest accomplishments.


    Entrepreneurship can come from unexpected places and experiences.Photo booths are not just for fun, they can be powerful marketing tools that capture customer data.Building a house is a complex process that requires careful planning and attention to detail.Multiple streams of revenue are important for business sustainability.Providing excellent service and helping people should be the focus of any business. Building a house is similar to an entrepreneurial journey with its ups and downs.Research the builder's front office and vendors to avoid potential issues.Consider working with a smaller, local builder for better customer service.Pay attention to details when walking floor models to assess craftsmanship and quality.Delegate decision-making between partners to avoid conflicts.Visit the construction site regularly during the framing stage to catch any issues.Clarify what is included in the price and be prepared for change orders.Be aware of unexpected costs, such as stone countertops.Surround yourself with peers and mentors for support and guidance.Dream bigger and break down self-imposed limitations.Learn from failures and listen to the market to adapt and improve.Utilize resources like Google, YouTube, and peers for knowledge and advice.Family and helping others are the greatest accomplishments.
  • In this episode, Pete Peterson and John Pavlansky interview Jason Lamar, an online influencer specializing in personal development. Jason shares his journey from a troubled past to becoming a mindset coach. He emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and taking responsibility for one's actions. Jason also discusses the challenges of growing on social media and offers advice on monetizing coaching services. He highlights the need for accountability in society and encourages individuals to focus on their own growth rather than seeking validation from others. The episode concludes with Jason sharing his biggest failure and the lesson he learned from it. In this conversation, Jason Lamar shares his insights on personal development, mindset training, coaching, and nutrition. He emphasizes the importance of having core principles and beliefs to guide decision-making and avoid distractions. Jason also highlights the value of being open to learning and constantly growing. He recommends books like 'The Slight Edge' and 'Meditations' as sources of inspiration. The conversation concludes with a rapid-fire round and Jason's reflection on his greatest accomplishment: getting his life together and inspiring others to do the same.TakeawaysTake responsibility for your actions and focus on personal growth.Authenticity is key to standing out on social media.Don't blame external factors for your problems; take control of your own life.Start pursuing your goals and dreams now; it's never too late to start.Trust yourself and stick to your beliefs, even in the face of doubt. Have core principles and beliefs to guide decision-making and avoid distractions.Be open to learning and constantly growing.Read books like 'The Slight Edge' and 'Meditations' for inspiration.Inspire others and make a positive impact.

  • In this episode, McKenna Campbell shares her journey of buying her first property at the age of 18 and becoming a successful real estate investor. She talks about the process of purchasing the property and renting out the units as Airbnb. McKenna also discusses her future investment plans and the importance of hard work and relationships in her success. She shares her experience working with John Pavlansky and being a part of Richland Young Professionals. McKenna offers valuable advice on building confidence and highlights her parents as her best resources. She also discusses her life in China and the importance of family. TakeawaysStart investing in real estate at a young age and take advantage of opportunitiesBuild relationships and network to find investment opportunitiesConfidence is key in real estate and businessHard work and perseverance are essential for success Books can inspire success and change mindsetFamily and work-life balance are importantFacing fears can be a personal challengeBuilding relationships with family is a great accomplishment

  • In this episode, Pete Peterson and Justin Bigelow are joined by Nate Jenson, a fractional CFO and founder of Zero to CFO. They discuss the importance of data in business and how dashboards can help visualize financial information. Nate explains the difference between a CFO and an accountant and how his services differ from traditional accounting. They also touch on the importance of forecasting and cash management. Nate shares his personal journey of overcoming failure and the mindset required to be a successful entrepreneur. In this conversation, Nate Jenson shares his insights and experiences as an entrepreneur. He emphasizes the importance of discipline and staying the course, even on difficult days. Nate also discusses the need to identify opportunities and understand the demands of the marketplace. He highlights the reality of starting a business and the need for resilience and the willingness to pivot. Additionally, Nate emphasizes the importance of accounting and the value of education in his journey.


    Data is crucial for business success, and using dashboards can help visualize financial information.A CFO provides strategic financial guidance, while an accountant focuses on recording and analyzing financial transactions.Forecasting and cash management are essential for business planning and ensuring financial stability.Overcoming failure requires a positive mindset and persistence in pursuing goals. Discipline and accountability are crucial for success as an entrepreneur.Identifying opportunities and understanding market demands are key to building a successful business.Resilience and the ability to pivot are essential when facing challenges.Education and continuous learning play a significant role in entrepreneurial success.
  • In this episode, our special guest Mark B. Murphy discuss the importance of confidence for entrepreneurs and how to overcome common problems faced by struggling entrepreneurs. They emphasize the value of daily tasks and routine in achieving success and building confidence. Mark shares insights on being different and building your own table in the business world. They also discuss the ultimate investment, which is investing in yourself, and the need for education reform to focus on wisdom and vision rather than just knowledge. TakeawaysConfidence is crucial for entrepreneurs, and protecting your own confidence is the number one job of an entrepreneurial thinker.Investing in yourself is the ultimate investment, and it is important to prioritize personal growth and development.Being different and building your own table can set you apart from others in your industry and lead to greater success.Education should focus on wisdom and vision rather than just knowledge, and the ability to find people who know what you know is more valuable than simply knowing information.Grit, hard work, and an abundance mindset are key factors in achieving success and overcoming challenges.

  • Tim Dye shares his journey from corporate America to becoming a successful real estate investor. He started by flipping houses and using other people's money to fund his projects. Tim emphasizes the importance of building relationships and networking to find off-market deals. He also discusses his flipping system and the role of systems and technology in his business. Tim highlights the significance of perseverance and learning from failures in the real estate industry. He credits his success to surrounding himself with the right people and participating in mastermind groups. In this conversation, Tim Dye shares two books that have inspired his success: 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' and 'Profit First.' He explains how the 'Profit First' accounting strategy has transformed his business by prioritizing profit and pay for himself first. Tim also discusses the importance of mindset and viewing the business as a means to serve and support his family. TakeawaysUse other people's money to fund real estate projects and offer attractive returns to private lenders.Focus on off-market deals and implement effective marketing strategies to find motivated sellers.Develop systems and leverage technology to streamline processes and increase efficiency.Perseverance is key in the real estate industry, and failures should be viewed as learning opportunities.Networking and surrounding yourself with the right people are crucial for success in real estate investing.

  • In this episode, John Casmon, a real estate entrepreneur specializing in multifamily and commercial properties, shares his insights and experiences in real estate investing. He discusses the importance of understanding investor goals and offering solutions that align with their preferences. John emphasizes the need to assemble the right team and highlights the different strategies for real estate investing based on individual circumstances. He also shares the importance of attending real estate events and surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals. Throughout the conversation, John emphasizes the importance of taking accountability and learning from failures. In this conversation, John Casmon shares his experiences and insights on personal growth, overcoming challenges, and empowering others. He highlights the importance of selling oneself and having a positive mindset. John also recommends the book 'How to Sell Yourself' by Joe Girard and 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear for immediate change. He discusses his greatest accomplishment of navigating challenges and helping friends and family invest in real estate. Overall, John's story serves as an inspiration to work hard, persevere, and dream big.TakeawaysUnderstand investor goals and tailor your solutions accordingly.Assemble the right team to support your real estate investing endeavors.Different strategies exist for real estate investing based on individual circumstances.Attend real estate events and surround yourself with like-minded individuals for inspiration and support. Selling oneself is crucial in any field, and having a positive mindset is key to success.Books like 'How to Sell Yourself' and 'Atomic Habits' provide valuable insights and practical strategies for personal growth and development.Overcoming challenges and building confidence can lead to great achievements.Helping others unlock their potential and improve their financial future is a significant accomplishment.Personal growth and empowering others should be prioritized alongside individual success.

  • In this episode of the Dream Huge Podcast, Shane Noblin shares his insights and experiences in the real estate industry. He discusses his daily routine, including coaching agents from around the world and making personal calls to potential clients. Shane emphasizes the importance of building rapport in cold calls and shares strategies for successful conversations. He also highlights the value of storytelling in real estate and the need to focus on relationships over transactions. Shane's background as a former police officer and his experience in narcotics work have shaped his approach to real estate, emphasizing the importance of deescalating situations and building trust with clients. Shane Noblin also talks about his experience with CrossFit and the challenging workout 24.1. He emphasizes the importance of physical fitness and how it can be a fountain of youth. Shane also shares how the Zero to Diamond program and coaching from Ricky Carruth have transformed his real estate career. He highlights the value of investing in coaching and resources like Goldbar. The conversation explores the concept of focusing on high-impact activities and the key takeaways from Zig Ziglar's book 'See You at the Top'. TakeawaysBuilding rapport is crucial in cold calls and can lead to successful conversions.Avoid trying to convert prospects on the phone; focus on setting appointments and building relationships.Tell real-world stories to demonstrate the value of working with a real estate agent.Apply street smarts and skills from other professions, such as law enforcement, to real estate for better client interactions. Physical fitness is essential for overall well-being and can be a fountain of youth.Investing in coaching and resources can accelerate success in any field.Focusing on high-impact activities and avoiding busy work is crucial for productivity.The key to success is helping others achieve their goals.

  • In this engaging episode of the Dream Huge Podcast, hosts Pete Peterson and John Pavlansky sit down with Jodie Perry, the newly appointed Mayor of Mansfield, Ohio. Together, they explore Jodie’s vision for the city, emphasizing priorities such as growth, infrastructure, and safety. Jodie candidly discusses the challenges faced by Mansfield, including the need for park enhancements and utility improvements. She also shares insights on her personal journey to becoming mayor and highlights the transformative Main Street Project. Throughout the conversation, Jodie imparts valuable leadership wisdom, urging listeners to embrace resilience and stay true to themselves. Her recommended reading includes “Good to Great” and “The Leadership Challenge”. The episode concludes with Jodie’s passionate call to action for the community to actively contribute to Mansfield’s revitalization. Tune in for inspiration and bold leadership insights! đŸŽ™ïžđŸŒŸ


    Don't be afraid of failure and rejection; they can lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth.Invest in professional development and actively engage in your industry to learn from others and stay inspired.Build meaningful connections through networking, as relationships are key to personal and professional success.Read books that provide valuable insights and practical advice on leadership and personal growth.
  • In this captivating episode of the Dream Huge podcast, your host, Pete Peterson, delves into the fascinating world of real estate with the seasoned entrepreneur, Rob Ellis. Buckle up as we explore Rob’s remarkable journey, from humble beginnings as a real estate agent to his current role as a successful house flipper, general contractor, and developer.

    Key Highlights:

    The Genesis: Real Estate Agent to House Flipper

    Rob candidly shares how he cut his teeth in the industry, navigating the competitive landscape as a fledgling real estate agent. The highs, the lows, and the pivotal moments that shaped his trajectory—it’s all here.

    Flipping the Script: Challenges and Triumphs

    Rob doesn’t shy away from discussing the hurdles he faced. From financial setbacks to unexpected market shifts, he reveals the raw realities of entrepreneurship. Brace yourself for bankruptcy tales and the resilience that kept him going.

    Affordable Housing: A Purpose-Driven Pivot

    Discover how Rob’s passion for making a difference led him to pivot his business. He spills the beans on why affordable housing became his North Star. Spoiler alert: It’s not just about profits—it’s about impact.

    Risk and Credit: The Real Estate Compass

    Rob drops golden nuggets of wisdom on risk assessment and credit management. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or a newbie, his insights are invaluable. Learn how to navigate the choppy waters of real estate with finesse.

    Advice for Aspiring Real Estate Mavericks

    If you’re dipping your toes into the real estate pool, Rob’s got your back. His practical advice, sprinkled with humor and hard-won lessons, will set you on the right path. Get ready to dream big and act bigger.

    Tune in to Dream Huge and join Pete and Rob as they unravel the secrets of the real estate universe. Whether you’re a property enthusiast, an aspiring investor, or simply curious about the industry, this episode promises inspiration, knowledge, and a dash of Rob’s signature wit.

    Remember, the foundation of every skyscraper starts with a single brick. Let’s build something incredible together!

    Dream Huge is available on all major podcast platforms. Subscribe now and ignite your real estate dreams! đŸŽ™ïžđŸĄâœš

  • Welcome back to the Dream Huge podcast, where dreams turn into actionable plans. In this enriching episode, we have the pleasure of sitting down with the dynamic real estate duo, Janelle and Don Carlson. Known for their savvy investment strategies and successful transition from the competitive markets of California to the burgeoning opportunities in the Midwest, they share their wealth of knowledge and experience in real estate investing and wholesaling.

    Dive into Don and Janelle captivating journey, as they reveal why they ventured out of the familiar terrains of California and what made the Midwest an attractive landscape for their investment dreams. They unravel the advantages of Midwest investing, from affordability to scalability, and discuss how networking and forging the right partnerships have been pivotal to their success.

    Don and Janelle peel back the curtain on the intricacies of wholesaling and flipping properties, offering listeners an inside look at the process, challenges, and rewards. They emphasize the symbiotic relationship between investors and agents, highlighting the mutual benefits of collaboration.

    One of the key themes of this conversation is the mantra of being "obsessed with strategy and networking." They delve into why a focused approach and building a strong network are indispensable in the ever-evolving world of real estate.

    Looking to the future, Janelle and Don share their ambitious goals and what they are offering to the community, including a free digital book aimed at empowering middle investors. They also talk about creating a supportive community where like-minded individuals can share insights, challenges, and successes


    Be obsessed with your chosen real estate investing strategy and dive all in.Networking and building partnerships are crucial for success in real estate investing.Stick to your chosen strategy and avoid bouncing around from one strategy to another.For agents looking to transition to investing, think differently and find a brokerage that supports your goals.Investors play a vital role in revitalizing properties and providing quality housing in communities.
  • Welcome to another captivating episode of the Dream Huge Podcast! Join us as we sit down with the extraordinary Dan Amaro, a renowned real estate agent with a fascinating journey from the world of music to achieving phenomenal success in the real estate arena.

    In this compelling conversation, Dan Amaro shares the incredible story of his transition from a musician to a top-tier real estate agent, closing an impressive $13.5 million in sales within just three years. Tune in as Dan delves into the pivotal role of extreme work ethic, resilience, and creative problem-solving in his rapid ascent within the real estate industry.

    Discover the profound impact of personal transformation on Dan's business strategies and how it has fueled his success. Gain valuable insights into Dan's plans for scaling and growing his real estate business, along with his unwavering passion for music and potential collaborations on the horizon.

    Dan generously imparts a wealth of lessons learned from his real estate journey, emphasizing the importance of believing in growth and potential, making wise investments, and embracing failure as a stepping stone to success. Learn about the crucial role mentors and a support system play in achieving milestones, along with Dan's book recommendations that inspire success.

    The episode wraps up with Dan Amaro sharing his personal motivations as a father and expressing gratitude. Don't miss this inspiring conversation that bridges the worlds of real estate and music, only on the Dream Huge Podcast with Dan Amaro!

    Key TakeAways:

    Extreme work ethic, resilience, and problem-solving are key to achieving success in real estate.Personal transformation and investing in oneself can have a positive impact on both personal and professional life.Building systems and delegating tasks can help agents scale and grow their real estate business.Balancing personal passions, such as music, with a real estate career can provide fulfillment and opportunities for creativity.Continued growth and entrepreneurship are essential for long-term success in the real estate industry. Believe in your own growth and potential, and don't sell yourself short.Invest wisely in real estate by focusing on proven systems, leads, and mentorship.Learn from your failures and use them as opportunities for growth and improvement.Surround yourself with mentors and a supportive network to help you succeed.Read books that inspire success and provide valuable insights for your personal and professional growth.Fatherhood can be a powerful motivator and source of purpose in life.
  • Welcome to another empowering episode of the Dream Huge podcast, where we sits down with the incredible Tracy Jones, owner, of the Keller Williams Tracy Jones Team. Join us as we explore Tracy's awe-inspiring journey from addiction recovery to becoming a formidable force in the real estate industry.

    In this candid conversation, Tracy unveils the transformative power of an abundance mindset, sharing how it became the cornerstone of her success. Hear firsthand about her dedication to supporting others, finding the delicate balance between personal and business goals, and how her fitness journey played a pivotal role in shaping her life and career.

    Delve into the strategic insights Tracy gained from her experience, emphasizing the value of marketing, working leads, and the relentless pursuit of success in the competitive real estate landscape. Tracy's wisdom echoes through the episode as she underlines the significance of building authentic relationships with clients, treating them with kindness and respect, and leveraging tools like CRM for organizational efficiency.

    This episode is a treasure trove of lessons as Tracy vulnerably shares her experiences with failure, the battle against self-doubt, and the profound lessons learned along the way. Discover the transformative power of continuous personal and professional growth, and the unparalleled strength found in collaboration.

  • Welcome to another inspiring episode of the Dream Huge podcast! In this edition, Pete engages in a captivating conversation with none other than Danny Mignault, the ingenious founder of Throttle Burst and the mastermind behind the revolutionary Lightning Rod energy shot.

    Join Pete and Danny as they delve into the fascinating journey of Lightning Rod, a pre-workout mix that emerged from Danny's personal quest for the perfect energy boost. Discover the pivotal moment when positive feedback from his own son transformed Lightning Rod from a personal concoction into a marketable sensation.

    Explore the unique qualities of Lightning Rod, distinguishing itself from other pre-workout products by offering sustained energy, hydration, and focus, all without the unwelcome jitters or crashes. Danny unravels the secrets behind his grassroots marketing strategy, sharing insights into his successful partnerships with supercross riders, creating a symbiotic relationship where they not only promote the product but also share in the revenue.

    In this episode, get an exclusive sneak peek into Danny's ambitious plans for Lightning Rod's future. Learn about upcoming developments, including the introduction of a powdered version and other innovative supplements that will further elevate the brand. Aspiring entrepreneurs, take note as Danny imparts invaluable advice, emphasizing the significance of unwavering belief in your product, extending a helping hand to others, and staying steadfastly committed to your entrepreneurial goals.

    Tune in and let the Dream Huge podcast fuel your aspirations as Danny Mignault shares his remarkable journey of turning a personal passion into a thriving business venture, one Lightning Rod shot at a time.