Welcome back to another episode of the elementary podcast. We talk about what's to come for the podcast then introduce a new guest Johnny. The Elementary crew tells the tales of a crew member Troy. Its a tell all and The Elementary crew gets a surprise guest at the end!
We have David a 4th generation farmer stopping by the Elementary Podcast to discuss some hot topics. David is known to have participated in FFA throughout school. Now he balances UPS, a diesel repair shop, and farming to keep food on Americas shelf. The topics are broad and range from men's mental health to what it takes to be an American Farmer.
We welcome The Elementaries first Australian Ambassador. If the audio comes out upside just flip your phone! Luke is a long-time friend from playing X-box in highschool from opposite ends of the world. Luke and Cory do a lot of catching up. 2 silly Americans bombard the ambassador with all questions Australian. This was a fun episode to do and has sparked the fire for The Elementary Crew. Thanks Luke for being a part of it!!
It's been a while since we have dropped an episode and for that we are sorry. Two busy guys but if we are going to do this, we are going to do it right. Nick and Cory have the next several episodes booked with some interesting people. We talk about what's to come and have some small talk before wrapping up the episode.
The Episode is hosted by Cory and Nick today with guest Mr. Molycule. He talks about his DMT use and how it has helped him with his schizophrenia. If you can make it past the initial antics of the episode, there's a real hidden gem later on.
We are looking for more people to interview. You can hop on and talk about anything. We are still getting everything Elementary set up. A lot to come.
I cant even bring myself to type the contents of this episode. Really Its just normal folk talking amongst themselves. Join and be a part of the movement! What movement is that? IDK yet! After the initial vulgarness the conversation dies down to more appropriate dwellings of the past and other ramblings.
Nothing wrong with working out the kinks. We continue working on this hobby and have a decent intro. This is a no hold bars where we say what we want, mostly. Nick gives us some antics from his youth as well as shares about his involvement in raising fighting roosters. Does he fight roosters? Well I guess you will have to listen to find out.
Welcome to episode 02. Nick tells us about his motorcycle accident and how mushrooms helped him recovery memory. Some medicines may have the side effect of bleeding asshole so tune in to know which one.
We blast this thing off with hosts Nick and Cory! The conversation is interesting mostly led by Nick. We start off with some basic introductions and lead into the topic of vicious chemical. Cory uncovers a big conspiracy that Nick is not allowed to comment much on. But, you'll have to hang around to find out what it is!