
  • Grab your beverage of choice and get ready to feel deeply INSPIRED on our latest podcast! We are delighted to continue our SPECIAL GUEST series with our dear friend Brad Ludden, the driving force behind the non-profit organization he founded 20 years ago that continues to be a recognized leader in outdoor experiential programming: First Descents.

    First Descents provides life-changing, outdoor adventures for young adults impacted by cancer and other serious health conditions. Through outdoor adventures, skills development, and local adventure communities, First Descents improves the long-term survivorship -- as well as the overall emotional, mental and physical well-being -- of these brave and inspirational young adults.

    The participants in their programs experience free outdoor adventure programs that empower them to climb, paddle, and surf beyond their diagnosis, reclaim their lives, and connect with others doing the same. 

    Brad dives into all this and more in our touching conversation -- and he also addresses the pivot the organization made in 2020 during the pandemic to serve/help the Front-Line Workers and First Responders who worked tirelessly for the common good during this time. Thank you Brad and FD for all you do and contribute everyday to those lucky enough to know and work with you!

    Resources to connect with First Descents:

    1. Visit First Descent's website: Outdoor Adventure for Young Adults Living with Cancer and MS (firstdescents.org) to find out all about their programs and offerings.

    2. Email FD at [email protected]

    3. Like them on Facebook: First Descents | Facebook

    4. Consider donating (any amount) to their cause: Fuel Adventure (firstdescents.org)


    As always, thanks for tuning into our podcast as we come together bi-weekly to remember that who we really are is the Love & Light within, no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world. Please feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts you want to share or future topics you would like us to dive into.

    You can also find us and like us on Facebook and YouTube via "The Embodiment of Soul Care"

  • Grab your beverage of choice and get ready to expand your MINDSET on our latest podcast! We are delighted to continue our SPECIAL GUEST series with our dear friend Taylor Montey, Founder of Mindset Reps based in Fort Collins, Colorado. 

    Mindset Reps is a unique and innovative program that specializes in the combination of exercise and psychotherapy to bring about change and build self confidence. Research has shown that exercise increases mood, builds confidence, self-efficacy and conquers fears and negative beliefs. Group fitness classes help to promote bonding through shared group experience and create an opportunity for risk-taking in a safe environment.

    Taylor designed fitness-based therapy after coaching teens and recognizing that they were more willing to open up after sharing a workout together. Recognizing how fitness had benefited her own life, combined with the researched mental and physical benefits of exercise, Taylor wanted to create a place where people could go to treat the whole person.

    ...So be sure to check out the "Resources" section below to find out how to dive deeper into her offerings!

    As always, thanks for tuning into our podcast as we come together bi-weekly to remember that who we really are is the Love & Light within, no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world. Please feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts you want to share or future topics you would like us to dive into.

    You can also find us and like us on Facebook and Youtube at "The Embodiment of Soul Care"

    Resources from the podcast:

    1. Visit Taylor's website at Mindset Reps – Mental Resilience through Physical Fitness – A Different Kind of Therapy (www.mindsetreps.com) to find out all about her programs and offerings.

    2. Email Taylor at [email protected] to explore if her programs may be a fit for you or a loved one.

    3. And find out more about her involvement with Steve's Club -- a non profit developed to help disadvantaged kids improve their lives through fitness! 

    Steve's Club Battle Ready | Facebook


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  • Let's dive right in! Energies are intense right now in the USA (and around the world) with the pending 2020 Presidential Election results, the ongoing COVID-19 situation, and a general sense of division and uncertainty pervading the current fabric of our societies.

    So tune in for this timely podcast that's all about reminding each of us of our internal power to choose our own personal VIBRATION, in each and every moment. Are you choosing expansive and high vibrations as the guiding force in your life and your impact on others, or are you allowing yourself to dwell in negative vibrations that result in giving your power and peace of mind away to what's outside of you? The power to choose -- and to embrace "what's so" -- is fully within YOU.

    The podcast begins at the 1:40 mark with a 6-minute centering meditation that reminds us to connect with the Light of our Soul by being present in the moment and infusing our energetic field with the golden, healing light of the Divine. Allow this to be a balm for your soul and a gift to your heart.

    As always, thanks for tuning into our podcast as we come together bi-weekly to remember that who we really are is the Love & Light within, no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world. Please feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts you want to share or future topics you would like us to dive into.

    Resources mentioned in the podcast:

    1. We spoke about "A Course in Miracles" -- a unique spiritual self-study program designed to awaken us to the truth of our oneness with God and Love that helps us to feel peaceful even in difficult circumstances... Check it out if it calls to you!

    Note: You can also find our podcasts & guided meditations on our YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCObZv3pmoLjaC-iAMLXCF3w/ or on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/embodimentofsoulcare/

  • Visiting Hours in Heaven are OPEN! Our recent full-length podcast with our dear friend and extraordinary medium JJ Smith was truly insightful and heart-opening.   

    And now tune in for these special mini-episodes in our post-podcast LIVE READING series as JJ fulfills her promise to viewers to do separate private readings for both Kelly and Kasey...connecting with our loved ones on the Other Side and giving heart-touching messages of love and faith. These are not to be missed!  

    In this 2nd episode, watch in real-time as Kasey connects deeply with her maternal grandfather... Thanks for tuning into this extraordinary conversation and reach out to JJ today to schedule your own reading to connect with your loved ones who have crossed over!  

    Resources to connect with JJ -- and schedule your own private reading: Visit JJ's website at https://jjsmithmedium.com/  or find her on Facebook and other social media platforms @ "JJSmithMedium"

    You can also find us on Facebook and Youtube -- look up "The Embodiment of Soul Care"

  • Visiting Hours in Heaven are OPEN! Our recent full-length podcast with our dear friend and extraordinary medium JJ Smith was truly insightful and heart-opening.   

    And now tune in for these special mini-episodes in our post-podcast LIVE READING series as JJ fulfills her promise to viewers to do separate private readings for both Kelly and Kasey...connecting with our loved ones on the Other Side and giving heart-touching messages of love and faith. These are not to be missed!  

    In this first episode, watch in real-time as Kelly connects deeply with her maternal grandmother and dear childhood friend.... Thanks for tuning into this extraordinary conversation and reach out to JJ today to schedule your own reading to connect with your loved ones who have crossed over!  

    Resources to connect with JJ -- and schedule your own private reading: Visit JJ's website at https://jjsmithmedium.com/  or find her on Facebook and other social media platforms @ "JJSmithMedium" 

    You can also find us on Facebook and Youtube -- look up "The Embodiment of Soul Care"

  • Visiting Hours in Heaven are OPEN! We are delighted to continue our SPECIAL GUEST series with our dear friend and extraordinary medium: JJ Smith.   

    People often long for feeling a deeper sense of connection to loved ones that have "crossed over". Over the years -- since she began truly nurturing her natural gift for mediumship -- JJ has delivered countless messages of love and hope from those who have crossed over to their loved ones still on this earth plane. The overall theme of our podcast focuses on the importance of HIGH VIBRATIONS (on Earth and in Heaven), as well as the opportunity we all have to live our lives with greater purpose and a deeper experience of Love and Light... everyday.  

    In our conversation, we dive into the bigger questions with JJ as our guide: Are those who have crossed over at peace on the Other Side? How do we connect more deeply with our loved ones who have crossed over? Should I fear crossing over? And more! (Be sure to check out the "Resources" section below to find out how to dive deeper into her offerings).  

    So grab your beverage of choice and tune in for our light yet profound conversation! Thanks for tuning into our podcast as we come together bi-weekly to remember that who we really are is the Love & Light within, no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world. Please feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts you want to share or future topics you would like us to dive into.  

    You can also find us on Facebook and Youtube -- look up "The Embodiment of Soul Care"

    Resources from the podcast: 

    1. Visit JJ's website at https://jjsmithmedium.com/ to find out all about her and her offerings.  

    2. Find JJ on Facebook and other social media platforms @ "JJSmithMedium"

  • Get ready to catch the Contagion of Joy & Mindfulness on this podcast! We are delighted to continue our SPECIAL GUEST series with our dear friend Gregg Gonzales, Founder of Joyful Living. Or as we like to call him: The Firestarter!  

    People often long for feeling a greater sense of JOY in their lives, and the secret to Joy is meaningful connection. In our conversation, Gregg guides each of us to dive deeper on our own personal life journeys as he illuminates themes and practical tools for re-connecting with ourselves and others through mindfulness practices, interpersonal reflections, purposeful interactions, and the authentic expression of our own voice/story. (Be sure to check out the "Resources" section below to find out how to dive deeper into his offerings...)  

    So grab your beverage of choice and tune in for our playful yet profound conversation that's all about reminding us of the true inner power we each have to source our own experience of inner Joy, as well as the positive ripple effects of this personal work in our relationships and for the world.  

    Note: For podcast #19 we will be welcoming another Special Guest to our show -- and especially themed for the month of October -- so stay tuned!  

    As always, thanks for tuning into our podcast as we come together bi-weekly to remember that who we really are is the Love & Light within, no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world. Look us up on Facebook and feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts you want to share or future topics you would like us to dive into. 

    Resources from the podcast: 

    1. Visit Gregg's website at https://www.joy-ful-living.com/ to find out all about his programs and offerings 

    2. Email Gregg at [email protected] to schedule a complimentary 30-minute Discovery Call with him! 

    3. Tune into his podcast "Joyful Living -- The Podcast Series" via any of your favorite podcast providers!

  • This was an epic (juicy) podcast! We are delighted to introduce our first SPECIAL GUEST onto the show -- our dear friend Suzanne Muller. Or as we like to call her: Love Life Coach Extraordinaire!  

    As a Speaker, Coach and Author, Suzanne's passion in life is to help couples and singles experience a healthy and fulfilling relationship while being their most lovable selves. (Be sure to check out the "Resources" section below to find out how to dive deeper into her offerings...)  

    So grab your beverage of choice and tune in for our playful yet profound conversation that's all about reminding us of the true inner power we each have to source our own experience of self-love, as well as the positive ripple effects of this personal work on our (love) relationships.  

    Important Note: For podcast #18 we will be welcoming another Special Guest to our show. As a teaser, our upcoming guest is a Mindfulness Coach and Book Producer, and our conversation will be deep and rich and powerful to be sure. So stay tuned!  

    As always, thanks for tuning into our podcast as we come together bi-weekly to remember that who we really are is the Love & Light within, no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world. Look us up on Facebook and feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts you want to share or future topics you would like us to dive into. 

    Resources from the podcast: 

    1. Suzanne's book is called "Loveable – 21 Practices for Being in a Loving & Fulfilling Relationship." Find it on Amazon or at several local book stores.

    2. Visit Suzanne's website at https://www.loveablize.com/ to view her array of offerings/events/classes, for both singles and couples. 

    3. The other book we mentioned during the podcast is called: "Calling in the One" by Katherine Woodward Thomas

  • Tune in for our most recent podcast that's all about framing a reboot on the widely-accepted line of thinking in spiritual circles that "thoughts become things", and how we can breathe new life into this idea in a way that empowers us rather than frustrates us. 

    We also weave in a discussion on the mind-bending idea that "the Universe always say yes" is the source of what we create, and how we can harness the power of our Spirit to consciously craft the meaning we bring to our lives as Creators, everyday.  

    Important Note: At the 48:00 mark, we give an intro for the SPECIAL GUEST who will be on our upcoming podcast. We are so excited to have her on! The topic will be deep and juicy and oh so fun. Tune in to find out who it is and be sure to look for Podcast #17 when it comes out next week!   

    As always, thanks for tuning into our podcast as we come together bi-weekly to remember that who we really are is the Love & Light within, no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world. Look us up on Facebook and feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts you want to share or future topics you would like us to dive into.

  • Let's dive right in... Tune in for our most recent podcast that's all about SELF-LOVE! 

    Why is it important and why do we often lack self-love both personally and collectively? How can we consciously cultivate Self-love such that it enhances our own life and the lives of those around us?  

    Note: Kelly's beautiful-deep-dive guided (visualization) meditation is at the 49:30 mark! Be sure to listen to it and drift off into a sea of never-never-land style self-love and inner juiciness as you do...  

    As always, thanks for tuning into our podcast as we come together bi-weekly to remember that who we really are is the Love & Light within, no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world. 

    Look for us on Facebook and feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts you want to share or future topics you would like us to dive into...

  • Let's dive right in... Especially since the pandemic hit earlier this year, many people have been experiencing a sense of grief on one level or another: Perhaps from a sense of loss of "normalcy" and the usual activities that had provided us with a sense of wellness and connection; or from a job loss or from the loss of a loved one etc. Or from anything else that relates to a past grief or regret we may be carrying with us which has seemed to loom bigger or has seemed harder to heal in the midst of all the intensity in recent months...  

    Tune in for our 14th podcast as we continue our Q&A Series in which Kelly gives Kasey a pressing question about Grief... and watch in real-time as Kasey reveals her deep musings and recent bombshell moments -- related to healing grief and transforming beliefs -- that are helping her embrace a whole new world of possibility in living life.... and could do the same for you as well.  

    As always, thanks for tuning into our podcast as we come together bi-weekly to remember that who we really are is the Love & Light within, no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world. Look for us on Facebook and feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts you want to share or future topics you would like us to dive into...

  • Grab your cup o' tea (or your fav drink of choice) and tune into our 13th podcast as we continue our Q&A Series in which we exchange questions that feel timely, relevant, and intriguing to our modern day lives... 

    And a SPOILER ALERT for this week: Kelly turns the topics of Karma and Reincarnation on their heads!! Tune in to find out how...  The Question of the week: Please share with us your thoughts on "karma" and reincarnation: On the journey from being a human being stuck in the endless cycles of karma (and reincarnation) playing out, to being a multi dimensional spiritual being that is transcending karma altogether? And as we transcend, how can we clear karma from our embodiment and cellular memories and keep moving forward?   

    As always, thanks for tuning into our podcast as we come together bi-weekly to remember that who we really are is the Love & Light within, no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world. Look for us on Facebook and feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts you want to share or future topics you would like us to dive into...

    Resources mentioned in the podcast -- Get your own personalized mala (prayer beads) or buy one as a gift: 

    ~By Liz Hartman at https://www.imin-lizhartman.com/shop-malas/Mala-Necklaces-c38473145  

    ~By Kylah on her Instagram page, go to @ananda_malas_and_crystals

  • Grab your glass of Gin & Tonic (we added a new twist to our “T” this week! 😉) and tune into our 12th podcast as we do our first Q&A Series show where Kasey and Kelly each give and take a question that feels timely, relevant, and intriguing to our modern day lives. The conversation was so lively and engaging and such fun for us… you’ll really enjoy this one!   

    The Questions: 

    1. How does one determine whether they are being guided by ego or by Spirit at any given time? 

    2. What are your thoughts on parenting from Spirit vs. from ego? As in, how does that shape the parent's thoughts and actions, as well as their own personal peace of mind? And What would you say to parents who feel guilt for various reasons? How does that fit into the overall picture?  

    As always, thanks for tuning into our podcast as we come together bi-weekly to remember that who we really are is the Love & Light within, no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world. Look for us on Facebook and feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts you want to share or future topics you would like us to dive into...

    Resources mentioned in the podcast: 

    "Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior" by David R. Hawkins, a fascinating read and powerful book that evaluates and calibrates the levels of human consciousness.  

    For reference, here are the Levels of Human Consciousness (which are exponential -- not additive -- in power as you go up), listed out in greater detail (see pp. 90-91 for the detailed chart):  

    Calibration # -- Level – Emotion – Process   

    700-1000 – Enlightenment – Ineffable – Pure Consciousness 

    600 – Peace – Bliss – Illumination 

    540 – Joy – Serenity – Transfiguration  

    500 – Love – Reverence – Revelation  

    400 – Reason – Understanding – Abstraction  

    350 – Acceptance – Forgiveness – Transcendence  

    310 – Willingness – Optimism – Intention  

    250 – Neutrality – Trust – Release  

    200 – Courage – Affirmation – Empowerment  

    175 – Pride – Scorn – Inflation  

    150 – Anger – Hate – Aggression  

    125 – Desire – Craving – Enslavement  

    100 – Fear – Anxiety – Withdrawal  

    75 – Grief – Regret – Despondency  

    50 – Apathy – Despair – Abdication  

    30 – Guilt – Blame – Destruction  

    20 – Shame – Humiliation – Elimination

  • Grab your cup o' tea and tune into our 11th podcast as we do our own self check-in re: our life experiences & spiritual explorations over the past several months (our victories, our challenges etc.) and encourage you to take stock and do the same... as well as to set a continuing course for  expanded CONSCIOUSNESS through the rest of 2020!  

    As always, thanks for tuning into our podcast as we come together bi-weekly to remember that who we really are is the Love & Light within, no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world. Look for us on Facebook and feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts you want to share or future topics you would like us to dive into...     

    Resource mentioned in the podcast: 

    1. We referred to the book entitled: "Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior" by David R. Hawkins, a fascinating read and powerful book that evaluates and calibrates the levels of human consciousness.

  • Grab your cup o' tea and tune into our 10th podcast as we go down the rabbit hole and look deeply into the "The God Question" and how that relates to the Blame Game that continues to be played all over the world as part of the human experience -- at both personal and collective levels.   

    To reclaim our Inner Power in seeming chaos, we must dive deep and learn to listen to our own Inner Voice of Spirit -- and not to the voice of ego we've been programmed to listen to and think is "ours" via the influences of our society, upbringing and life experiences.    

    To access this Inner Voice, we explore the importance of embracing a regular practice of Self-Forgiveness, which allows you to: 

    ~Re-write your own life story by letting go of judgements  

    ~Access a deep well of Self-Trust to create from 

    ~Be the embodiment of God's pure love -- for yourself and others -- while living in a 3D body on this crazy/beautiful planet we've all co-created.  

    As always, thanks for tuning into our podcast as we come together weekly to remember that who we really are is the Love & Light within, no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world. Look for us on Facebook and feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts you want to share or future topics you would like us to dive into...

    Resources mentioned in the podcast:   

    1. We spoke to the power of the ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness called Ho'oponopono, as well as a great little book on the topic with a simple healing mantra on page 141. The book is called "The Sovereignty of Love: Coming Home with Ho'oponopono" by Alaya Denoyelles  

    2. Here's the video we mentioned by Mooji -- a great spiritual teacher: "You Be the One that Wins Your Self Back" at https://youtu.be/V0Ss5XjJ9Aw  

    3. Here's a quick reminder of our recommendation to watch the movie "Moana" if you haven't seen it, or re-watch it again if you have!

  • Grab your cup o' tea and tune into our 9th podcast as we all just take a moment to breathe and go within and BE with the extremely heightened energies/dynamics on our planet right now – both within ourselves and within the collective… 

    And perhaps in all this current chaos we are perceiving, you are asking yourself: “Why?!” Why is life so messy? Why is there such a lack of peace within us and in the world? Why can’t we all just get along?  

    In this podcast, we encourage you as the listener to consider a more expanded version of why life is the way it is and how it came to be, with YOU playing the central role as the Avatar in the Game of Life, and your inherent power/ability to CHOOSE whether you play the game from a place of CONSCIOUSNESS (the Voice of Spirit) or Unconsciousness (the Voice of Ego). The choice is up to you in each and every moment, and will absolutely determine the quality of your life experience, no matter the circumstances. Unconsciousness keeps us trapped in an endless cycle of contraction and forgetting, but expanding to live from Consciousness and remembering the Truth of who we really are sets us FREE!   

    In this spirit, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. features strongly in this podcast as the perfect role model for our times. As a man who walked this Earth and experienced all the bittersweet duality therein, MLK showed us what it means to expand the vibration of the collective by offering GRACE to all, no matter what, and he also wholly embodied the Truth of Who We Really Are as Love which allows us to live from a place of untouchable inner peace.  

    As always, thanks for tuning into our podcast as we come together weekly to remember that who we really are is the Love & Light within, no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world. Look for us on Facebook and feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts you want to share or future topics you would like us to dive into...

    Resources mentioned in the podcast:   

    1. This is a short video that allows you to see the “Free Will and the Game of Life” drawing referred to during the podcast: https://youtu.be/1_yRoyFUrdg  

    2. Take 10 minutes to listen to a gentle but powerful guided meditation that Kasey recorded to support us all in “Anchoring the Vibration of Peace & Grace for Yourself and for the World”: https://youtu.be/Ipl11_zpCSM 

     3. The full text of “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop”, the address delivered by Dr. Martin Luther King the day before he died: https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/king-papers/documents/ive-been-mountaintop-address-delivered-bishop-charles-mason-temple

  • Grab your cup o' tea and tune into our 8th podcast as we dive into the power of releasing your need to try to control other people and the world in order to focus on what you can control: How you perceive life and the world, and the daily efforts you can make to expand your own consciousness and heart field.  

    In this podcast, we encourage you as the listener to pay attention to the visions of personal and global "utopia" that you may be attached to and which may cause you to suffer when these visions do not play out just as you wish they would... The reality is that many of us these days tend to focus on trying (usually fruitlessly) to wake other people up, rather than focusing on our own personal journey to "wake up" by deepening into spiritual/emotional practices that help us develop greater consciousness and awareness (as well as compassion towards others) in our daily lives.

    As always, thanks for tuning into our podcast as we come together weekly to remember that who we really are is the Love & Light within, no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world. Look for us on Facebook and feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts you want to share or future topics you would like us to dive into...

    Resources mentioned in the podcast:  

    1. The two articles we quoted from which speak to the scientific aspects of the heart field surrounding the human body:  https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-11982/7-scientific-reasons-you-should-listen-to-your-heart-not-your-brain.html https://goop.com/wellness/spirituality/could-the-energy-of-our-hearts-change-the-world/  

    2. We read a passage on embracing duality from this book (page 35): "The Sovereignty of Love: Coming Home with Ho'oponopono" by Alaya Denoyelles  

    3. Kasey mentioned a favorite spiritual thought leader of hers that's currently posting very relevant material to help each of us stay centered and focused on our own expansion of consciousness during this pivotal time. Check her out at: https://www.facebook.com/JillReneeFeeler/  

    4. Two powerful guided meditations Kasey recorded to support us all in deepening into our own spiritual practices for Heart Field Expansion:  ~Link to the guided meditation on Activating Your Toroidal Flow & Triple Heart Chakra: https://youtu.be/-fMVRMag8RE ~Link to the guided Metta Meditation for Full Heart Field Expansion: https://youtu.be/FabZMKVegP8

  • Grab your cup o' tea and tune into our 7th podcast as we dive into the power of living from an Expanded Heart Field and how that helps you to explore/claim your role as a "Lightworker" on the planet, especially right now at this pivotal global time.  

    This week's podcast is jam-packed with content. We dive into mechanics of the heart field and how it's the greatest source of Divine intelligence in our body/mind/spirit... and how actively fostering the flow of Light & Love in this field is often the missing key for people seeking to live an authentically heart-centered and balanced life.  

    In this podcast, we offer a bold invitation to everyone: To work daily to increase our consciousness and awareness, especially with regards to whether we are coming from a place of love or judgment in relation to others and to ourselves; how coming from ego and judgement can lead to smallness and contraction of our heart field; and how coming from a expanded place of love, consciousness and tolerance can greatly expand our field, allowing us to GROW OUR BUBBLE and live as a Lightworker -- moment to moment -- no matter what the world may look or feel like at any given time.    

    (Check out this visual of a sacred Toroidal geometric flow before/after listening to the podcast to deepen your understanding of the expanded heart field as your aura and channel of light through the body: https://www.facebook.com/embodimentofsoulcare/videos/2911800635534154/ )   

    As always, thanks for tuning into our podcast as we come together weekly to remember that who we really are is the Love & Light within, no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world. Look for us on Facebook and feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts you want to share or future topics you would like us to dive into...

    Resources mentioned in the podcast:  

    1. Kasey mentions Matt Kahn and his offering of a free monthly call. The message for May 2020 ("Healing the Planet on the Quantum Level") was especially powerful and in alignment with our podcast topic. Sign up for the calls & listen to the replays at: https://mattkahn.org/project-resolution-listen/   

    2. Kelly spoke to the power of the ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness called Ho'oponopono, and it's well-known mantra: "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you." If you want to learn more, here's a place to start: https://upliftconnect.com/hawaiian-practice-of-forgiveness/  

    3. We read a passage from A Course in Miracles at the end titled "Peace be to me...Peace to my brother, who is one with me. Let all the world be blessed with peace through us": https://acim.org/workbook/lesson-360/  

    4. Kasey referred to the 2 powerful guided meditations she recorded this week to support us all in deepening into our own spiritual practices for Heart Field Expansion:   ~Link to the guided meditation on Activating Your Toroidal Flow & Triple Heart Chakra: https://youtu.be/-fMVRMag8RE  ~Link to the guided Metta Meditation for Full Heart Field Expansion: https://youtu.be/FabZMKVegP8

  • Grab your cup o' tea and tune into our 6th podcast as we dive into the power of Rising Above the Tide of Negativity (anyone else out there feeling a bit like a caged tiger right now in need of some support?!)  

    There's a lot of noise & chaotic energies "out there" -- and often inside of ourselves as well -- especially right now at this pivotal global time. So it's a great time to give ourselves the gift of tuning in and tapping into our inner power on ever-greater levels... to stay in a positive vibration and to help calm the waves we may be finding ourselves immersed in.  

    Thanks for tuning into our podcast as we come together weekly to remember that who we really are is the Love & Light within, no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world. Look for us on Facebook and feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts you want to share or future topics you would like us to dive into...

    Resources mentioned in the podcast: Kasey briefly spoke about the power of Metta Meditation at the end of the podcast (a meditation for loving-kindness to self and to all beings, to help dissolve negativity and reinforce positive feelings/thoughts). If you want to learn more and try it on your own, Kasey recorded a 10-minute guided metta meditation. Go to: https://youtu.be/FabZMKVegP8  You can also read a good article on it here: https://www.lionsroar.com/how-to-do-metta-january-2014/

  • Grab your cup o' tea and tune into our 5th podcast as we dive into the power of manifesting from a place of inner balance...  

    A few highlights: 

    ~We dive deeper into the topic of "surrender" from last week's podcast, especially as it relates to MANIFESTATION and how being in the Flow re: the ever-changing fabric of life helps you to tap into your inner power as a Creator Being. 

    ~Kasey describes how Kelly played a key role this past week to help her process some deep emotional & energetic baggage, thereby allowing her to regain inner balance re: pursuing desire/creation while remaining unattached and in a state of surrender to the higher/greater vision of Spirit. 

    ~How we each play a role in influencing what is manifested by the collective and how we can use our Light Within to help shape our collective reality.

    Who we really are is the Love & Light Within, no matter what is happening in our lives and in the world. Thanks for tuning in! Look for us on Facebook and feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts you want to share or future topics you would like us to dive into...

    Resources mentioned in the podcast: 

    1. The book by Tosha Silver titled "Change Me Prayers: The Hidden Power of Spiritual Surrender" includes the passage we read aloud on 'Flow'. For more info go to: https://toshasilver.com/products/change-me-prayers