Is "The Exorcist" just a scary movie, or is it a cultural artifact, a theological debate wrapped in celluloid? Mandy Kaplan confesses her way into the abyss with Lester Ryan Clark and Kenan Diaz, the minds behind "The Exorcist Minute," a podcast dissecting the film minute by agonizing minute.
Why does the film open in Iraq? Is it a pro-Catholic screed, or something far more subversive? What does the film say about feminism? And what does it mean that the scariest voice in the movie comes from Mercedes McCambridge?
Prepare to have assumptions challenged as they unearth the hidden layers of a film that continues to haunt and fascinate decades after its release. Was Linda Blair robbed of an Oscar? Is Burke Dennings a secret gay icon? And could Captain Howdy be less interested in possessing a child and more in sowing discord maybe?
So join Mandy for an exploration of faith, fear, and the enduring power of a story that asks us to confront the darkness within ourselves... but you know... doing all that really nerdily.
The Exorcist Minute: A podcast that examines the movie The Exorcist minute by minute with Lester Ryan Clark and Kynan DiasMakeMeANerd.com: Come support the show!Every Minute of Everything, Everywhere, All at Once: Same Lester and Kynan but with more Hot Dog Fingers!The Devil's Details: A spin-off show that Lester and Kenan do, which covers the history and evolution of the devil through art and literature.
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The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
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Howdy, Folks! Just a quick update:
Firstly, all 26 "History of the Devil" episodes (PLUS the Testament of Solomon episodes) will be removed from the feed to be given a new home as the first 30 episodes of our new show, The Devil's Details! Starting June 30th, we'll be releasing two of our old episodes each week on Sunday and Monday until we're all caught up, after which we'll be giving you BRAND NEW episodes every week on Sunday!
Second, all other bonus episodes, (Our special holiday episodes like HALLOWEEN, XMAS, and APRIL FOOLS (which is really our look at EXORCIST parodies like Linda Blair in REPOSSESSED), our review of THE EXORCIST: BELIEVER, our take on the Academy Awards, or our multi-part deep dive into the mysterious case that inspired William Peter Blatty to start it all, the exorcism of Robbie Doe.)...will be moving to our member feed.
WAITAMINUTE! What member feed?! That's our OTHER big announcement!
We are now Banana for Scale! That’s the name of our new podcast empire that we were able to create because of you! All of our shows going forward will be under that umbrella, so if you see Banana for Scale, that’s us, Lester & Kynan. Whenever you think of two chuckleheads going on tangents or bad puns or excessive, exhaustive, obscene amounts of research into questions you never thought to ask, think: Banana for Scale!
By joining, you folks get access to a separate ad-free feed, with updates to all of our shows–The Devil’s Details, The Exorcist Minute, and all the new shows coming soon–plus access to new episodes a full week before non-members!
ALSO! You now have access to bonus content for ALL of our shows at Banana For Scale, so even if you join just for the Exorcist Minute bonus content, you now get bonus content from The Devil’s Details, and all our OTHER shows we’ll be launching (like Every Disney Villain and our movies-by-minute deep dive into EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE). To start your membership, go to https://trustory.fm/join/ and look for Banana for Scale! Plus, you now have access to our private members-only channels in our Discord community. Yay! We’re on Discord! And you can be too! Join other listeners in the ongoing discussion.
Lastly, we just wanted to say thank you all so much for being "in here with us," for being so supportive, and for being our first audience. We could not have asked for a better group! We hope you'll follow us on our new journeys through Everything Everywhere, Disney Villains, Christmas Carols and even more Devil discussions!
Until next time: The power of YOU compels US!!
-Lester and Kynan---
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
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Puuttuva jakso?
On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
Some special announcements!the last 13 seconds of this film!This is NOT CasablancaOh! Who left this dead horse here?It's Cujo, with lions!I'm a thirst trap!...and more!
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
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On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
Do you like lunch, Father?Our last reading from the Book of Blatty!Do you like Big Macs, Father?The Misadventures of Karl EngstromWhat's the deal with happy endings?It's not all sunshine and dumbbirds...Exorcist in the CARS universe???So how about that Gom Jabbar?...and more!
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
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On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
A craggy, schmaltzy sleuth!All right, pigsI have fights with non-human things.That'll do, Chat-GPT. That'll do.Do you purse or pucker?Forgive our Lestering, we were trying to Kynan...We try to make Chat-GPT cry!Chat-GPT, it's not your fault......and more!
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
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On this episode of The Exorcist minute:
Don't be homophonophobicHave we talked about Sally Field yet?Don't give up the goat if you can buy the cow for free...Sometimes Hakuna Matata is not the answerOh, Karl, I think I'll miss you most of all...A NEW SEGMENT!Ain't no party like a Karl party cuz a Karl party wants no straps!Schrodinger's medallion ANOTHER NEW SEGMENT!!...and more!
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
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On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
MAIL BAG DEADLINE IS MAY 25TH!A reading from the Book of BlattyThe Devil does lots of commercials!We're coo coo for callbacks!Can YOU pat your own back while up your own ass?We missed the streams down in AfricaI don't even gotta deal with demons and I gotta deal with demons...Bye, Sharon!"Please, call me Mrs. MacNeil."Is Poltergeist white trash Exorcist?Willie lets her freak flag fly!....and more!
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
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On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
Why do they call it "luggage?"There's never enought T's in "enough!"Dwight PigsEveryone wants to wipe Chris MacNeil's windowsGenius LociWhy DID they call them the Hitchcock Steps?The 39 Steps To Not Possessing My Teenage DaughterIs THIS where ghosts come from?Whatcha gonna do with all that space, all that space inside that trunk?Horse Man 2025...and more!
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
Check out the other podcasts in the Banana for Scale family of podcasts: -
On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
A reading from the Book of BlattyThe DoubtfatherKeep your friends close, but your furniture closer!Hollywood's whitewashing LA is shitty heaven, New York is fun hellFlakey douchebagsChrist, eighty-eight Bills!Don't slap your actors! Or your priests!...and more!
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
Check out the other podcasts in the Banana for Scale family of podcasts: -
On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
Dimmy the priest went up some steps steep....A reading from the Book of BlattyAre you Team Lester, or Team Punch-A-Little-Girl-In-The-Face?Some nostalgia for you 90's Zelda fans...Father, please, it's my Dodongus.....Why you do this to me, Kynan?...and more!
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
Check out the other podcasts in the Banana for Scale family of podcasts: -
On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
A reading from the Book of BlattyKnock-knock, who's there? TROUBLE!Anacondas have learned how to open doors....and sell insurance!We love our new character, Snake Salesman (NOT a man who sells snakes)Friedkin makes us forget about the most important door in the movie!Acting In Film Workshop taught by Sir Michael CaineDimmy FINALLY gets the Hero Shot!Dara O'Briain's CPR bit....and more!
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
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On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
Now who could it be at THIS time of the movie?The history of doorbells?!A divisive device!A compelling definitionCouch vs loveseat vs platonicseatWhy is Chris wearing Daddy's Clothes? Did he say that Chris MacNeil looks like a clock?Do you know the story of The Viper?We've got mail! Again!... and more!
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
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On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
A speechless minute!I try out Kynan's catchphraseWas that a DeLorean I just heard......?We break the fourth wall with some Dimmy Death PunsYou're probably wondering how we got here...This episode was approved by the Flan and Biscuit InstituteWe get another email!...and more!
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
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On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
Why don't you two get a roo....oh.The Mousetrap by Agatha Hasbro ChristieAn Excellent Day For ConfessionsThe villain in Frozen was lukewarmOne Night Ultimate WHERE Wolf?"Father Merrin's right behind me, isn't he."Somebody HUG somebody in this movie!The power of Jesuit Dean EXPELS you!This truly was.....an exorcist minute.We've got mail!...and more!
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
Check out the other podcasts in the Banana for Scale family of podcasts: -
On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
Why you make me listen to podcast, Dimmy?Surprised By Grief, By C. S. LewisWe're finna get more 5 star reviews, PERIODT.A reading from the Book of BlattyA room with a BellevueI can't operate on this little girl...because she's my mother!Dimmy, why have you forsaken me?my ER story!If I can Lazarus my way over to this hospital..."I'm your host, Lester Ryan Capgras (but not really!)I make Tim Curry noises...and more!
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
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On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
No, that's not an ambulancepeople on the internet are forgiving and nice"Tell me about the dust bunnies, Karl..."we finally find out what happens to that armoire......but we never find out who Potsie is...Special guest: Edvard Munch's The ScreamHowdy is giving.......Oh, thank God - it's only a demonMary Karras (and friends!)Quoth the raven, "Why you do dis to me, Dimmy?"...and more!
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
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On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
This episode was brought to you by the letter: WHY!"Couldja help an old altar monster, foddah?"Return guest Alex Bledsoe!A reading from the Book of Blatty!Why Michelangelo never did any self-portraitsDon't go in my chamber!... and more!
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
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In this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
it's a little too calm!you thought we were done with Mario?First rule of Fright! Club...That's the punchline!Thirty seconds of pure, unfiltered Dimmy!Priests behind bars!...and more!
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
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On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
That rug from Dimmy's dream is pulled out from under us!They say "Be not afraid," and yet here I am...."I know Czernobog, and you, sir, are no Czernobog."We discuss what's going on physically, symbolically, phallically......Aren't fake statues also real statues?Do the Mario!Could it be.....Şeytan?we're all just glass skeletons in lard jumpsuits......and more!
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
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On this episode of The Exorcist Minute:
With guest hosts Colonel Piledriver and Jim (The Jackhammer) Steel!Holy Minute, Batman!A reading from the Book of BlattyYou're so vain (you probably think this taunt is about you!)Silly Dimmy, he is a liar, the Trix Rabbit is a LIAR!Mea Culpa - "the power of Christ" IS in the ritual!DanHowdy - "Very nice, very evil."The carpet matches the ....... previous carpet!...and more!
The Devil's Details: The Evolution of the Devil Through Art & LiteratureEvery Minute of Everything Everywhere All at Once
Learn more about supporting this podcast by becoming a member. It's just $5/month or $55/year. Visit our website to learn more.
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