
  • EP 120: MIDLIFE MUFFIN TOP... I know you can relate. As a midlife woman, do you struggle to find consistency in your diet? I do! Do you find yourself snacking when you're bored or when your college kid leaves the nest again to go back to school? I do! Do you wish that your weight loss was sustainable and easy to maintain? I do!!! This mini episode talks all about diet as a lifestyle in midlife and has some simple and practical nuggets for you to start today!

    This week we are doing another quick golden nugget mini-sode excerpt from my past conversation with nutritional therapist, registered dietitian & “fellow midlifer”, Kim Shapira. She knows what works and what doesn’t and she’s sharing it all with us today with 6 science-backed rules to transform your relationship with food. Kim says that applying these 6 simple rules to your daily life will result in aself n increased self confidence and improved health and wellbeing.

    Enjoy this mini-sode, then dive into the full episode, where we get into so much more of Kim’s research. Food, Weight & Me In Midlife

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/120

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • Calling all midlifers! Today I’m reviewing my first year as a half-empty nest mom. Ugh! In this 15 min quickie, I have so many thoughts and questions that I know you’re probably having too… So, in the regular Flexible Neurotic style I’m getting honest and vulnerable in this solo mini-sode. With one kid (teen son) in college and the other finishing her junior year of high school, I’m feeling all the feels. This was a “year-of-firsts” (kid in college) in so many ways and next year will be another “year-of-lasts” (last high school prom), ugh again! Teen daughter will be graduating from high school. If you are a midlifer, empty-nester, and/or generally feeling like “WTF?” about midlife, this episode is definitely for you.

    Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken in a new solo episode called “Midlife’s 10 Things”. In this episode I am recapping my ten “take aways” from my first year as a half empty-nester. I’m getting into all the questions I ask myself on a daily basis, including why is my kid not texting me back? And am I over ordering on Amazon as a coping mechanism? Yep, we’re getting real today. Get ready for the Midlife 10 Things, you won’t want to miss this mini-sode.

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/119

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • Puuttuva jakso?

    Paina tästä ja päivitä feedi.

  • EP 118: Are you a midlife woman experiencing intense shoulder pain? I was! Does your body just ache? Mine does. Is your doctor suggesting it’s just a pickle-ball injury or you just gotta push through the midlife grind? Mine was too! (even though I don’t play pickle-ball, lol) Are you knee deep digging through google for answers to why you can’t f*kn move your arms? Look no further because today’s guest has all the answers you are looking for about Frozen Shoulder, AKA Adhesive Capsulitis, the real medical term. And, the midlife “aches and pains” is called Arthralgia.

    Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken in an educational conversation called “Midlife Body Aches & Frozen Shoulder”. My repeat guest, Dr. Vonda Wright is a double board-certified orthopedic surgeon, best selling author and sought after speaker, empowering and educating women on longevity and health practices. I got so many messages about Frozen Shoulder that I asked her to come back and do a special episode answering all of your unanswered questions. We get into everything from the causes, treatments and prevention of Frozen Shoulder in midlife. And, we get into the midlife “aches and pains”! You won’t want to miss this episode.

    Listen to my previous experience and solo episode about Frozen Shoulder here: Snap, Crackle & Pop… Mystery Pains

    If you enjoyed this episode, make sure to check out my previous episode with Dr. Vonda Wright. Lift Heavy Sh*t In Midlife

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/118

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • EP 117: Midlife philosophy, marriage, health and action steps. Ready for a little midlife motivation from the midlife health queen herself? My guest tells us what it means to “live life from the inside out”, a practice that she embraces for connecting to her inner voice and taking necessary action steps. Looking for a midlife lifestyle reset? Ready to embrace a mindset that promotes ease and intuition? Wanna talk about midlife marriage? Then this episode is definitely for you!

    This week we are diving back into The Flexible Neurotic archive to bring you the juicy information that you might have forgotten about from the full length episode. This week is another golden-nugget recap quickie and short minisode on all things midlife health, wellness and relationships. Let’s call them hacks. I’m revisiting a conversation that I had with fellow midlife hottie, Abbie Crane. She knows all things physical, mental and nutritional health. She is an integrated health coach, brand marketer, nutrition enthusiast and mother and today she is sharing her midlife mindset, marriage and health tips.

    Enjoy this minisode, then dive into the full episode, where we get into so much more detail on Abbie’s midlife experience in a two part episode Midlife’s 10 Things… Freedom For Reinvention In Self-Awareness, Marriage, Nutrition & Empty Nest.

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/117

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • EP 116: As a midlife woman, do you want to find a “thing”, a passion, something that makes you feel connected to yourself and others? Me too! This mini episode has some serious and practical nuggets for you! Get ready for a step-by-step guide to reclaiming your time and creativity in the second half of our lives. My midlife hottie guest shares all the details of her research on cultivating creativity and framing what she calls our unicorn space, in midlife.

    This week we are doing another quick golden nugget mini-sode excerpt from my past conversation with New York Times best-selling author, Eve Rodksy. Today might be the day where you “get unstuck” and find the “thing” or take the first step on the “thing”. This is crucial for meaning and joy in midlife. We want time for passions and hobbies and midlife magic but we just don’t know where to fuck*n start.

    Enjoy this mini-sode, then dive into the full episode, where we get into so much more of Eve’s research. Finding Your Midlife Thing. A Step-By-Step Plan and You Don’t Have To Do It All To Have It All With Eve Rodsky.

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/116

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • EP 115: Parenting hormonal teens while battling hormones yourself?! Me too! You are not alone there and according to parenting expert Dr. Lisa Damour there are some tools in teaching them to navigate “big feelings”, while maintaining you are own sense of equilibrium, as a parent. Honestly, this was an amazing reminder for myself and I know that so many of you parents will be able to relate. Let’s face it, on top of working a career or being a “stay at home mom” or quasi or full “empty nester and mid-lifing, it’s also our job to set our kids up for emotional success by giving them the tools for self expression and emotional regulation. These are the tools they will carry with them their whole lives and Dr. Lisa is here to break it down for us.

    This week we are doing another quick golden nugget mini-sode excerpt from The Flexible Neurotic Archive. This conversation was with Dr. Lisa Damour, a recognized thought leader by the American Psychological Association. She’s a best selling author, speaker and host of the podcast, Ask Lisa: The Psychology of Parenting. This conversation is always a good one to come back to on parenting teens and helping them manage their emotions, while we manage our own.

    Check out this minisode, then dive into the full episode, where we get into so much more on parenting, the teenage hormonal stew, and building strong connections with your kids. “Midlife Parents Managing The Teenage Buffet Of “Big Feelings”... Real Tools!”

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/115

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • EP 114: One pill to help reverse cellular aging? Duh! Sign me up. Ready to sleep better, feel better, reduce inflammation, have thicker hair and a million other things? I know the obvious answer is yes… but there’s more. Are you sick of taking a million supplements in the morning and wondering why we haven’t just created one magic supplement with so much that we need? Then this episode is definitely for you! I know you’ve heard of omega 3, fatty acids and fish oil, but let me introduce to you C15:0 the supplement you never knew you needed. I know what you're thinking… sign me the f**k up. According to Fatty15 and several research studies, this supplement “reverses cellular aging to deliver whole body and mind health. C15:0 is the first essential fatty acid to be discovered since the omegas—over 90 years ago. Fatty15 contains a pure, award-winning, C15:0 powder called FA15™.”

    Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken in a super important super nerd conversation called Reverse Cellular Aging In A Bottle. My guest, Stephanie Venn-Watson is one of the masterminds behind this magic supplement becoming available to the everyday person. Wait until you hear how her discovery from dolphins is taking human longevity and health by storm. We get into all of it…details, ladies! Long story short, it’s a supplement that is taking the health and wellness world by storm… you need to know about it, so tune into the episode and thank me later.

    Show highlights

    Fatty15 reverses cellular aging to deliver whole body and mind health C15:0 is the first essential fatty acid to be discovered since the omegas—over 90 years ago. Fatty15 contains a pure, award-winning, C15:0 powder called FA15™ Studying dolphins leads to a huge breakthroughs for humans What is C15:0? Better sleep, less inflammation improved mood, sign me up Longevity Exercise benefits you never heard about How to reduce midlife hair loss Our cells communicate with each other Why there is no such thing as “failure” Life plans are unexpected

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/114

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • EP 113: Plant Medicine, eastern & western approaches to mental health and the power of your intuition… Dr. Ellen Vora discusses the importance of understanding the vast options available to us in midlife for our health and wellness needs. Today we are talking about plant medicine and Dr. Vora’s specific and holistic approach to taking care of your mental health in today’s developing world of medicine and lifestyle which is not a one size fit’s all deal.

    This week we are doing another quick golden nugget mini-sode excerpt from my past conversation with board-certified psychiatrist and holistic mental health care specialist, Dr. Ellen Vora. This conversation is such a good reminder about navigating the world of wellness in a time where we are seeing new options pop up everyday. We discuss the differences amongst western and eastern medicine & holistic medicine and how to know which option is the best for YOU. Remember, we are all different and all have different needs, midlife is about understanding your needs and choosing a path that suits you. Trust me, you won’t want to miss this episode, thank me later!

    Enjoy this minisode, then dive into the full episode, where we get into so much more on different types of plant medicines, midlife health practices and Dr. Vora’s personal experiences. Plant Medicines, Sleep & Gut Tools… Finding Your Midlife Flow

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/113

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • Lift “heavy s**t in midlife” is the name of the game! You know I call them the “dumb and necessary weights”. We keep hearing we have to lift weight in midlife for our brains, body and health. You want to hear exactly the how, why and what from an orthopedic surgeon and longevity specialist? You want to hear exactly how much weight and how many reps? Duh! Met too. Today’s guest says she’s heard every excuse in the book and there is nothing that should stop you from getting informed and knowing that you are worth the daily investment in your health. She has all the information you never even knew you needed. If you want to know what the data says about aging and a cheat sheet on what to do, then this episode is for you!

    Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken in an educational conversation called Lift Heavy S**t in Midlife. My guest, Dr. Vonda Wright, is a double-board certified orthopedic surgeon and an internationally recognized authority on active aging, longevity, mobility and all the things we care about in midlife. She is a sought after speaker and five times bestselling author and her information is so critical for midlife women. Today we are talking about midlife self-agency, maintaining independence as we get older, weights, nutrition and more.

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/112

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • EP 111: Midlife fantasy or real life? A bad case of the “midlife itchies” at 44 which ended up being a huge turning point for this guest. She was post-divorce, filing for bankruptcy and trying to find her inner fuel and passion again in midlife, despite her father dying, her dog dying, living in a tiny apartment with two teenagers, and having a quick romance that ended up leaving her wanting more. Long story short, she met an astrologist who made her believe in all the midlife woo-woo and started her midlife journey that led her to Paris… which for this guest, at the time was about finding every man in Paris born on November 2, 1968 because he just might be her long lost true love. So, in a true “I am going to save myself” fashion, my guest went off to Paris to look for any guy born on November 2, 1968. This was the date the astrologer gave her. She started this man search on a new instagram account and traveled blindly into the unknown of Paris to “find herself”. I mean, wow… true midlife magic.

    Might have peaked your interest…

    Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken in an inspiring and heartfelt conversation called Finding Me Again, True Story! My guest Natasha Sizlo is a best selling author, writer, real-estate agent for The Agency (she can be seen on Buying Beverly Hills TV show) and overall master of the midlife remix. She wrote the best selling book All Signs Point To Paris, A Memoir of Love, Loss and Destiny, which is a true story of her search for a second chance at love, and a midlife adventure prompted by an astrology reading. In this episode, we are getting into self-love, self-responsibility, the importance of creating community and the magic that happens along the way.

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/111

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • EP 110: Make-up artist guru and entrepreneur extraordinaire known for Bobby Brown Cosmetics and Jones Road Beauty, Bobbi Brown, shares her secrets for living your “best everyday midlife”.

    This week we are doing another quick golden nugget mini-sode excerpt from my past conversation with beauty entrepreneur and fellow midlifer, Bobbi Brown. This conversation is such a good reminder about midlife being “hard and good”, choosing your hard and being fearless along the way. Trust me, you won’t want to miss this episode, thank me later!

    Enjoy this 11 minute minisode, then dive into the full episode, where we get into so much more on health, wellness and parenting. Everyday Midlife - With Bobbi Brown

    Some Highlights:

    Overcoming limiting beliefs

    Life is work

    Relationships are also work!

    Being fearless and never saying “I can’t”

    If you don’t know how to do something ask for help

    Choosing your “hard”

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/110

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • EP 109: How did she fckn’ do that? How did she put the “cart before the horse”? How did he get over that life threatening challenge? Ever envious of the people who seem to be naturally more resilient, GRITTY? Wow, some people always appear to bounce back. What are their secrets? Can we develop grit? There is a concept called “practical optimism” that is taking the world by storm. It is based in research. Are you looking for midlife personal growth and transformation?! Me too! Bye bye FOMO? My guest today has the answers.

    What if instead of searching for your purpose and waiting for your passion to find you you cultivated your purpose through evidence based strategies? Are you ready to get “gritty” today?

    This episode is for you!

    Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken in an inspiring and informative conversation with the author of Practical Optimism: The Art, Science and Practice of Exceptional Well-Being, Dr. Sue Varma. She’s a psychiatric and cognitive behavioral therapist and worked with the survivors of families of 9/11. With two decades of experience in her private practice she is here today to tell us how we can cultivate the lives we really want in midlife using a mindset she coined, “practical optimism”. Today, we talk about developing grit and changing your habits for the midlife you actually fckn’ want. This episode is filled with all the midlife nuggets of motivation we are craving.

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/109

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • EP 108: Midlife muffin top? Did I get your attention? Are you a midlife woman questioning the sudden appearance of the midlife muffin top? Are you curious as to what is going on inside your body during menopause? Do you find yourself feeling “ugh” about the redistribution of fat? Do you want to work with your body and find the healthiest treatments and solutions for you? Do you want to find answers not just in the weight number on the scale, but overall midlife metabolic health? Look no further midlifer, this episode is definitely for you!

    This week we are doing another quickie golden nugget mini-sode excerpt from my original conversation with triple board-certified physician and endocrinologist, Dr. Rocio Salas-Whalen. This 15 minute conversation is a lesson in understanding our midlife bodies, hormone changes and the mysterious visceral fat, AKA midlife muffin top. The more you know, the more you know! Menopause and hormonal changes aren’t a life sentence and we don’t need to just let changes happen to us ,while having no free will in the process. Let’s dig deep this week into visceral fat, estrogen, and the real reason behind why weight loss drugs work.

    Enjoy this 15 minute minisode, then dive into the full episode, where we get into so much more detail on what’s going in our bodies during midlife and menopause Weight Loss Drugs and Metabolic Health In Midlife With Dr. Rocio Salas

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/108

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • EP 107: Ready to live the life you really want, not the life you got? What’s the life you really want? Are you bored? Itchy for the next thing in midlife? Me too! Have you taken an action step toward that change more than once? More than twice? Are you scared to take action because your inner B**ch is chattering and the “peanut gallery” is watching? Or, you think they are…Today’s episode is all about action, and my guest tells us how many times you really should go after something before you can say you failed. And rejection is 1000 times better than regret.

    What if instead of “consuming the content from social media about what you want to be doing, you actually did it”? Are you ready to get into the “midlife arena” of living the life you want, not the life you got?

    It’s “habits and hustle” time!

    This episode is for you!

    Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken in an inspiring and midlife filled conversation called Live the Life you Want! Why Not You? My guest, Jen Cohen is an entrepreneur, the host of the Habits and Hustle podcast and author of Bigger, Better, Bolder: Live The Life You Want - Not The Life You Get. She’s so motivational and speaks from her personal experience, which makes it even better. Today we are talking about living by your purpose, identifying what you want and attempting to get it, and why it’s better to experience rejection rather than regret. You won’t want to miss this.

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/107

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • EP 106: Zero F**ks is the perfect way to describe my guest, Jennifer Fisher of @jenniferfisherjewelry and @jenniferfisherkitchen. In this 12 minute minisode, we talked about the “art of not giving a f**k”, muting the peanut gallery, embracing authenticity and the importance of your mindset in midlife. Jen’s story is so inspiring and she’s overcome some pretty serious medical obstacles that geared her towards accomplishing her goals and living her passions. Talk about a midlife hottie who practices what she preaches! Are you looking for some midlife inspo and “bad assery”? I am! Sick of waiting to take that first step? Worrying that others are judging you? Need a little “push” out of the midlife waiting room, then this episode is definitely for you.

    I am doing a quick golden nugget mini-sode excerpt for you from one of my highest downloaded episodes to date. This conversation was so motivating for me to revisit that I just had to share it with all of you. It’s rad!

    Enjoy this 12 minute minisode, then dive into the full episode - there are 2 parts, so much good information. Thank me later! Zero F**ks In Midlife

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/106

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • EP 105: Inside chat with two midlife podcasters who get really open & honest about all of it, including the midlife VJ rebuild…keep reading to find out who the other midlife hottie is… I might have peaked your interest. Are you a midlife woman, possible empty nester, career-er, or re-inventor looking for practical advice from fellow midlife women? Are you considering botox, hair dye, or even a little vaginal construction after giving birth? Do you find yourself gravitating towards ease and alignment in midlife? Ever feel overwhelmed by the 64 things on the “self care” to do list? Ready to “look inside” and age gracefully in your own way?

    Then this episode is for you!

    Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken in a fun and vulnerable conversation called “How I Rebuilt My Midlife VJ & More”. My guest, Wendy Euler is a podcast host, writer, and style enthusiast, with a huge midlife following for her platform, Goodbye Crop Top! She’s the host of “Cropped: A Mid-life Minute”, a short form podcast based off her own midlife platform where she discusses aging, action steps and all things midlife. She’s the mother of three daughters and today we are talking about the “ughs and fabulosities” of midlife, feeling your best, empty nesting, and a life changing surgical procedure. You won’t want to miss this.

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/105

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • EP 104: Inflammation, inflammation, inflammation! This is the midlife story for so many of us women. It’s uncomfortable, I’m probably bloated right now, my cortisol is high enough for four adults, and my other inflammation markers on my blood work are crazy! You too? and I’m here to remind you (and myself) how to decrease inflammation and increase overall health and quality of life. This episode with board certificated OB-GYN and menopause problem solver, Dr. Mary Claire Haver came out last year and it knocked it out of the park. I am doing a quick golden nugget mini-sode excerpt for you. We talked about weight, hormones and inflammation during menopause and she gave us so many actionable golden nuggets based on her own private practice research, peer reviewed studies and the successes of her patients. Today I am covering everything she said about inflammation, because it’s just that good.

    If you want to hear the facts behind intermittent fasting, what foods to eat to keep down inflammation and how all of this can lead to overall improvements in your cognitive and physical health, then this episode is definitely for you!

    Enjoy this 15 minute mini-sode, then dive into the full episode “Taming Weight Gain, Menopause, and Inflammation With Dr. Mary Claire Haver, The Galveston Diet”.

    Thank me later!

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/104

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • EP 103: We are not cold plunging on Jan. 1! Are we? Not me, not yet! Ever noticed that so many “midlife things” feel “hard & good”. For example, marriage is hard… but also good…(for some). Same with parenting, like I have to worry about my kids and their health & schooling, complain about their messes and then hard because I cry over them leaving the nest. I’m also so proud of their independence and receive so much fulfillment as a mom. And, don’t even get me started on having to lift what I call “the dumb, but necessary weights”, in midlife for brain and body health… hard! Ugh, I don’t want to lift weights. It’s hard. It can be annoying. But, then lifting is good because of the brain and body benefits. The forever long list of dualities of HARD & GOOD!

    In this solo episode, I talk about how I don’t really do New Year's resolutions. I am kinda just proud of myself and all those “midlifers” who take small steps and actions to “get through” some days and have fab other days. Part of midlife is the “ughs & fabulosities”...the good and hard. We are not all blazing to run through a million new intentions. Sometimes it’s just getting through that damn day. At the end of 2023, things felt good and hard for me. Listen to find out why. I bet you can relate.

    Just like you, I am re-approaching my own personal fulfillment, relevance and asking “what’s next for me.” I made a post about the good and hard aspects of midlife and you guys loved it, so I wanted to speak more about the duality that is life.

    Take a listen! Let me know what you think!

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/103

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • EP 102: Midlife hotties, here we come 2024! Are you looking for the secrets to finding fulfillment and purpose in midlife? Wanting a mini refresh or reinvent? I know, me too! Ready to clear out the midlife habits that are holding you back and keeping you on the “midlife hamster wheel”...want some new things to think about and ideas for getting out of the midlife waiting room? Want to laugh while we discuss the realness of being a midlife woman? Wondering what creative outlets are available to you in midlife? Looking for a sign that this is time to finally think about what’s next for us? Then, get ready because this episode is for you!

    Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken in a new episode called “Cathy Heller’s Five Golden Nuggets of Midlife”. This episode was recorded live on a zoom full of people (a live podcast with a live audience) with none-other than the top tanking podcast host, business and spiritual coach and best selling author, Cathy Heller. We get into everything from midlife friendships and personal growth, to finding your purpose and being authentic. Cathy discusses the importance of surrounding yourself with energizing vibes and people, and the value of creative outlets & self accountability in midlife.

    Please note that this episode was recorded before the October 7th massacre. Otherwise, as Jewish women, Cathy and I would have talked about the atrocities going on in the world as it relates to human suffering.

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/102

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]

  • EP 101: Did you wake up in midlife and feel like “omg, I have a muffin top, I can’t shed these pounds, I have brain fog and feel the ugh’s”, me too! Have you tried a million diets and programs? Me too! Want to get ahead of your 2024 “weight loss and feel better goals” but not sure how? Wondering if your daily routine helping you or hurting you? Want to learn 10 key steps that you can always come back to? Ready to really understand and hear how to bridge the gap between learning what you should be doing for food, nutrition, hydration and exercise and actually doing it? I am! Then this episode is for you!

    Then this episode is for you!

    Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken in an informative and open conversation called “Lose Midlife Weight and Brain Fog & Feel Good”. My guest Sarah Wragge, is the founder and chief nutritionist of the innovative brand “Sarah Wragge Wellness”. Her wellness program educates and promotes the connection between nutrition and wellbeing. Sarah is known for her transformative method that will change your approach to nutrition, achieve results and create lifelong behavior changes. We get into everything from expert advice, ordering brunch, and making teeny tiny changes in your daily routine to build sustainability.

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/101

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: [email protected]