
  • In this episode, Sharona and Bosley speak with Dr. Latrice Bowman, a mathematics faculty member from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Latrice took the MAA OPEN intensive training on redesigning a course to use alternative grading and is back to talk about her first two times running the redesigned course. She shares lessons learned and changes made. We talk about reducing the number of learning outcomes, progress tracking, students conferences and so much more. Oh - and the result? A quadrupling of the pass rate from pre-calculus through first semester calculus.This is another great example of the process of course redesign.


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    MAA OPEN Math Project


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

    Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda NilsenUndoing the Grade, by Jesse StommelGrading for Equity, by Joe Feldman

    The Grading Podcast publishes every week on Tuesday at 4 AM Pacific time, so be sure to subscribe and get notified of each new episode. You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram - @thegradingpod. To leave us a comment, please go to our website: www.thegradingpod.com and leave a comment on this episode's page.

    If you would like to be considered to be a guest on this show, please reach out using the Contact Us form on our website,

  • In this episode, Sharona and Bosley talk with Dr. Emily Pitts Donahoe about teaching writing in a world where ungrading is the system and AI exists. Emily is the Associate Director of Instruction Support at the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning as well as a lecturer in writing and rhetoric at the University of Mississippi. She is also one of the organizers of the 2024 Grading Conference. This conversation explores some of the research on grades and motivation, and then continues our exploration into the new thinking that many of us in the alt grading world are doing as we consider the impact of generative AI models on our courses. What is the purpose of teaching writing if an AI can do most of the things we need writing for? (Or can it?)

    From helping our students find purpose in our classes to rethinking the types of writing and assignments we give, join us as we continue the conversation about authentic assessments, grades, and the impact of AI.


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    Grades Can Hinder Learning: What Should Professors Use Instead, Becky SupianoEffects of No Feedback, Task-Related Comments, and Grades on Intrinsic Motivation and Performance, Ruth Butler and Mordecai Nisan (PDF download)Unmaking the Grade, a blog by Emily Pitts DonahoeA start/stop/continue for the Ungrading Community, Grading for Growth BlogVisible Learning: The Sequel, John HattiePrompt Engineering Specialization, course on prompt engineering from Vanderbuilt University delivered via Coursera


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

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  • In this episode we talk with Becky Peppler and Don Smith from First Educational Resources, an organization dedicated to providing K-12 school districts in North America with affordable options for professional learning to support social emotional learning, instructional coaching, professional learning communities, and grading reform efforts. We discuss their experiences with supporting grading reform efforts in thousands of districts across North America, the challenges, the opportunities, and where we go from here. We also talk about the STAGR center and conference. STAGR stands for "Standards, Targets, Assessment, Grading, and Reporting". The STAGR conference, a 1-day virtual event held twice a year, provides a platform for K-12 educators to come together to understand the landscape of grading reform, identify strategies that reduce complexity and enhance understanding of reform efforts, and work to implement effective changes to grading systems.


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    The STAGR ConferenceExtinguishing the Fires within Assessment and Grading Reform, Garth Larson, Becky Peppler, Don Smith, and Matt TownsleyFair Isn't Always Equal: Assessment and Grading in the Differentiated Classroom, Rick WormeliLearning by Doing: A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work (An Actionable Guide to Implementing the PLC Process and Effective Teaching Methods), Richard DuFourCollege BridgeRepair Kit for Grading: (3rd Edition) 15 Fixes for Broken Grades with Discussion and Repair Guide, Ken O'Connor and Rick Wormeli


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

    Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David Clark
  • In this episode we talk with Dr. Rachel Weir. Dr. Weir is a Professor of Mathematics at Allegheny College in Meadville, PA. She has been the Director of Faculty Development at Allegheny College for the past few years and is currently (as of when this episode was recorded) the new interim Associate Provost at Allegheny College. We talk with Rachel about her journey into alternative grading, how that has impacted her work as the Director of Faculty Development and how she is thinking about the impact of alternative grading from the perspective of her new job as Interim Associate Provost.


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    Allegheny College in Meadville, PAMAA Mathfest (Mathematical Association of America)The Academy of Inquiry Based LearningUngrading, by Susan D. BlumAcutec Precision AerospaceLiving Proof: Stories of Resilience Along the Mathematical Journey


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

    Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda NilsenUndoing the Grade, by Jesse Stommel
  • On this episode we welcome back the "sportscaster" of Alternative Grading, Dr. Matt Townsley, to talk about his new book Extinguishing the Fires within Assessment and Grading Reform. As Alternative Grading practices grow and take shape throughout the United States, efforts to resist these reforms are also growing. This incredible new book offers practical guidance to navigating the complexities of transitioning to alternative grading architectures and how to address the seemingly inevitable pushback that many of us are now experiencing. Based on the lived experiences of the authors, this book is a MUST READ for anyone concerned about advocating for grading reform.


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    Extinguishing the Fires Within Assessment and Grading Reform, Garth Larson, Becky Peppler, Don Smith, Matt Townsley.


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

    Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda NilsenUndoing the Grade, by Jesse StommelGrading for Equity, by Joe Feldman

    The Grading Podcast publishes every week on Tuesday at 4 AM Pacific time, so be sure to subscribe and get notified of each new episode. You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram - @thegradingpod. To leave us a comment, please go to our website: www.thegradingpod.com and leave a comment on this episode's...

  • Join us as we explore some of the sessions at the upcoming Grading Conference! Sharona and Bosley share some details of the newly released schedule for the Grading Conference, as well as discuss which ones they would really like to attend.


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    The Grading Conference


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

    Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda NilsenUndoing the Grade, by Jesse StommelGrading for Equity, by Joe Feldman

    The Grading Podcast publishes every week on Tuesday at 4 AM Pacific time, so be sure to subscribe and get notified of each new episode. You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram - @thegradingpod. To leave us a comment, please go to our website: www.thegradingpod.com and leave a comment on this episode's page.

    If you would like to be considered to be a guest on this show, please reach out using the Contact Us form on our website, www.thegradingpod.com.

    All content of this podcast and website are solely the opinions of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily represent the views of California State University Los Angeles or the Los Angeles Unified School District.


  • If you base your grades on "authentic assessment of student work", then what do you do when technology catches up to the point where AI can do BETTER work than your students? And what about AI that can help the instructor do better work? Better feedback, easier workloads?

    In this episode, Sharona and Bosley share some initial thoughts and resources on how AI is going to impact the Alt Grading world. Come help start the conversation about authentic assessment and look at the potential benefits of AI as well.


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning, by José Antonio Bowen and C. Edward WatsonThinking With and About AI - Episode 517 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast, with C. Edward WatsonAI Teaching Assistant Pro - an AI powered app for instructorsAI Tutor Pro - an AI powered app for studentsBloom's Taxonomy - a guide by the Vanderbuilt University Center for TeachingHow to Use Norman Webb's Depth of Knowledge FrameworkChat GPT 3.5 Prompt Engineering - Get better results from large language modelsGPT 3.5 vs GPT 4: Biggest Differences to ConsiderAmerican Association of Colleges and Universities: Essential Learning OutcomesKhanmigo by Khan AcademyNCTM Position Statement on AIThe Homework Apocalypse (Great Prompts in this article)AI Education and AI in Education - from the National Science FoundationUpdate Your Course Syllabus for chatGPTFrom AI to A+: Prepare Your Students for Using ChatGPT and other AIMachine Learning and the Five Big Ideas in AI

  • In this episode, Sharona and Bosley discuss some of the details of how to manage doing alternatively grading as a team. Given the extremely personal nature of grading, what are some of the steps needed to allow for personalization in an environment that is designed to have all the course sections be closely aligned.


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    Learning by Doing, 4th Edition, Richard Dufour, Et. Al.PLC+: Better Decisions and Greater Impact by Design, Fisher, Et. Al.Course Coordinator Orientations Toward their Work and Opportunities for Professional Development, Martinez, Et. Al.


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

    Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda NilsenUndoing the Grade, by Jesse StommelGrading for Equity, by Joe Feldman

    The Grading Podcast publishes every week on Tuesday at 4 AM Pacific time, so be sure to subscribe and get notified of each new episode. You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram - @thegradingpod. To leave us a comment, please go to our website: www.thegradingpod.com and leave a comment on this episode's...

  • In this episode, Sharona and Boz sit down with Dr. Theresa Gaines (Gath) to talk about how they think about metacognition and power structures in the classroom. Having introduced ungrading in their previous institution, Gath shares how they are using ungrading and the principles of ungrading to address power structures in the classroom in their new institution. We also talk about metacognition, the level of work it is for students, and ways in which we, as instructors, might help students learn to effectively think about their own thinking.


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think In Action, Donald SchoenIterate: Ten Lessons in Design and Failure, John Sharp and Colleen MacklinThe ICAP Framework: Linking Cognitive Engagement to Active Learning Outcomes, Michelene T. H. Chi and Ruth Wylie


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

    Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda NilsenUndoing the Grade, by Jesse StommelGrading for Equity, by Joe Feldman

    The Grading Podcast publishes every week on Tuesday at 4 AM Pacific time, so be sure to subscribe and get...

  • In this episode, Sharona and Bosley sit down with Dr. Brie Tripp and Dr. Rob Furrow, both from the University of California, Davis. Brie and Rob share their fascinating foray into introducing "second-chance grading" into their classes. They also share how this introduction led them into a research project with very interesting connections to Self-Determination Theory as a theoretical framework for evaluating the impact of Alternative Grading Practices.


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    Society for the Advancement of Biology Education ResearchCenter for Self-Determination TheoryContent Coverage as a Persistent Exclusionary Practice: Investigating Perspectives of Health Professionals on the Influence of Undergraduate Coursework, Tripp, Et Al.Dr. Brie Tripp, UC DavisDr. Rob Furrow, UC Davis


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

    Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda NilsenUndoing the Grade, by Jesse Stommel
  • In this episode, Sharona and Bosley go into more depth about how tracking student progress on learning outcomes can provide a wealth of data to use in supporting students, improving course designs, and communicating with administrators.


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    How Alternative Grading Helps Me Support Struggling Students, by David Clark


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

    Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda NilsenUndoing the Grade, by Jesse StommelGrading for Equity, by Joe Feldman

    The Grading Podcast publishes every week on Tuesday at 4 AM Pacific time, so be sure to subscribe and get notified of each new episode. You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram - @thegradingpod. To leave us a comment, please go to our website: www.thegradingpod.com and leave a comment on this episode's page.

    If you would like to be considered to be a guest on this show, please reach out using the Contact Us form on our website, www.thegradingpod.com.

    All content of this podcast and website are solely the opinions of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily represent the views of California State University Los Angeles or the Los Angeles Unified School...

  • In February 2024, with very little fanfare, Los Angeles Unified School District introduced a new grading policy, the first update since 2005. Based in Equitable Grading and Instruction principles, this new policy recommends that teachers to use equitable grading practices and states that grades should reflect student proficiency in learning outcomes. In this episode, Joe Zeccola joins Sharona and Bosley for a look into the process that went into crafting this new policy. This conversation provides some opportunities for reflection for school administrators thinking about doing this at a systemic level, as well as teachers who want to be change agents for their districts.


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    Los Angeles Unified School District Equitable Grading and Instruction


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

    Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda NilsenUndoing the Grade, by Jesse StommelGrading for Equity, by Joe Feldman

    The Grading Podcast publishes every week on Tuesday at 4 AM Pacific time, so be sure to subscribe and get notified of each new episode. You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram - @thegradingpod. To leave us a comment, please go to our website: www.thegradingpod.com and leave a comment on this episode's page.

    If you would like to be considered to be a guest on this...

  • A recent post on the Grading for Growth blog sparked this interesting conversation about different entry points to starting down the alt grading path. Sharona and Bosley share their favorite choices out of the twenty shared on the blog post as well as discussing some other options of their own.


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    Grading for Growth - 20 Small Starts for Alternative Grading, Robert Talbert


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

    Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda NilsenUndoing the Grade, by Jesse StommelGrading for Equity, by Joe Feldman

    The Grading Podcast publishes every week on Tuesday at 4 AM Pacific time, so be sure to subscribe and get notified of each new episode. You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram - @thegradingpod. To leave us a comment, please go to our website: www.thegradingpod.com and leave a comment on this episode's page.

    If you would like to be considered to be a guest on this show, please reach out using the Contact Us form on our website, www.thegradingpod.com.

    All content of this podcast and website are solely the opinions of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily represent the views of...

  • In this episode, Sharona and Bosley introduce the three keynote speakers for the 2024 Grading Conference. They then share some of the new(er) and upcoming publications in the realm of grading reform. If you are looking for something new to read and a conference to attend, this is the episode!


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    Keeping Receipts: Thoughts on Ungrading from a Black Woman Professor, Dr. Laila McCloud, Grand Valley State University and keynote speaker at the 2024 Grading ConferenceThe Tyranny of Content: “Content Coverage” as a Barrier to Evidence-Based Teaching Approaches and Ways to Overcome It, Professor Jeff Schinske, Foothill College and keynote speaker at the 2024 Grading ConferenceGrading for Equity, 2nd Edition, Joe FeldmanOff the Mark: How Grades, Ratings and Rankings Undermine Learning, Jack Schneider and Ethan HuttHuman Restoration Project Podcast Interview with Jack Schneider and Ethan HuttImplementing Mastery Learning, 3rd Edition, Dr. Thomas GuskeyStandards-Based Grading: A School District's Pillar to Student Success: Matteson Elementary School District 162's commitment to student success by ... and high expectations for all students.Failing Our Future, How Grades Harm Students and What We Can do About It, Josh EylerGrading Reform That Lasts, Eight Steps to Transforming Your School's Assessment Culture, A Roadmap to Navigating the Complexities of a Standards Based Grading System, Tom Schimmer, Megan Knight, and Matt TownsleySchoolishness: Alienated Education and the Quest for Authentic, Joyful Learning, Dr. Susan D. Blum


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

  • In this episode, Sharona and Bosley sit down with Jeffrey Schinske, author of the article Teaching More by Grading Less (or Differently). Jeff is a professor of biology at Foothill College, a California Community College. In 2014, Jeff co-authored the article mentioned above, which has since become a foundational article for many people who are beginning their alternative grading journey. In our conversation, we touch on why Jeff and his co-author, Dr. Kimberly Tanner, chose to write this article, how the concepts in it have played out in his own teaching over the subsequent 10 years, and where Jeff sees alternative grading going today. Jeff is also going to be one of the keynote speakers at the upcoming Grading Conference, to be held June 13 - 15, 2024.


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    CBE-Life Sciences Education, Editors-in-Chief: Jeff Schinske and Kimberly TannerContent Coverage as a Persistent Exclusionary Practice: Investigating Perspectives of Health Professionals on the Influence of Undergraduate Coursework, Jeffrey Schinske and Kimberly Tanner, January 2024SEPAL: The Science Education Partnership & Assessment Laboratory


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

    Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda NilsenUndoing the Grade, by Jesse Stommel
  • In this week's episode, Sharona and Bosley sit down with Dr. Joshua Bowman, mathematics professor at Pepperdine in California. Join us as we explore how the seeds sown through a blog over ten years old has had lasting impact on faculty and students, as well as our entire grading reform community.


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    Blog posts about Alternative Grading from Joshua Bowman:The audience for our grades, June 2022My One Goal for Teaching Next Year, July 2014A Reflection on Course Structure, and Standards for Calculus, August 2014Other Blog Posts on Alternative Grading:1 Standard Per Day, Andy Rundquist, July 2014Computational Data Science Capstone Class, Andy Rundquist, January 2023

    Other interesting links that have inspired thinking about our courses:

    The Tyranny of the Curriculum, TEDx talk by Shawn CornallyAssessment Idea for Calculus 1: Near Final Draft, blog post by Bret Benesh, August 2014


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

    Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David Clark
  • In this episode Sharona and Bosley go deeper into the comparison between standards-based grading and specifications-based grading. Looking at the four grading architecture decisions, what looks the same and what looks different between these two systems? Join us for another great conversation about grading. AND! Registration for the Grading Conference is open. Please join us virtually in June for the 5th annual conference!


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    American Society for Engineering Education, CoNECD conference What is Specifications Grading? From the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Center on Transformative TeachingSpecifications Grading, by Linda NilsonHow an Alternative Grading System is Improving Student Learning, from Chemical & Engineering NewsSpecifications Grading: We May Have a Winner, by Robert Talbert


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

    Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda Nilsen
  • We are so very excited to be joined this week by Dr. Thomas Guskey, one of the pioneers in the area of grading reform and a huge inspiration to so many of us in this community. Join us for this extremely fun episode where we talk with Dr. Guskey about studying with Dr. Benjamin Bloom (of Bloom's Taxonomy fame) and his early work with Mastery Learning in the Chicago Public Schools. We also explore the last five decades of research into grading reform efforts, and what it takes to get people to change their grading systems.


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    Wad-Ja-Get? The Grading Game in American Education, Kirschenbaum and SimonReliability of the Grading of High-School Work in English, Daniel Starch and Edward ElliottOn Your Mark, Dr. Thomas GuskeyOff the Mark, Jack Schneider and Ethan L. HuttUSC Center for Enrollment Research, Policy and Practice


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

    Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda Nilsen
  • On this week's episode, Sharona and Bosley speak with Dr. Theron Hitchman (TJ) about his experience with "accidentally" changing his grading while intentionally changing his classroom pedagogy to bring in Inquiry-Based Learning. Dr. Hitchman is a mathematics professor at the University of Northern Iowa. He teaches a variety of courses from upper-level Mathematics courses for majors to courses for future teachers, biologists, and physicists.

    His story of intentionally and transparently changing his pedagogical practices by getting colleague and administrative buy in while simultaneously changing his assessment practices "under the radar" provides an interesting look at how pedagogy and assessment intertwine to allow each to become more effective.


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!

    Mentioned in the Episode:

    Jane Shevtsov on TwitterThe Academy of Inquiry Based LearningStan Yoshinobu, University of TorontoMike Starbird, University of Texas at AustinCarol Schumacher, Kenyon College


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

    Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda NilsenUndoing the Grade, by Jesse Stommel
  • Two of the most frequent questions that come up when introducing instructors to alternative grading are "What about homework/effort?" and "What about due dates?" In this episode, Sharona and Bosley look carefully into both of these questions. From rethinking all the "work" in your class and grading it not on time, place and manner but rather on intent to marrying that intent to your due date structures and late policies, this is another episode where we take the time to talk and think deeply about some of the unexamined components of our classrooms.


    Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Clicking on them and purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!


    The Grading Conference - an annual, online conference exploring Alternative Grading in Higher Education & K-12.

    Some great resources to educate yourself about Alternative Grading:

    The Grading for Growth BlogThe Grading ConferenceThe Intentional Academia Blog

    Recommended Books on Alternative Grading (Please note - any books linked here are likely Amazon Associates links. Purchasing through them helps support the show. Thanks for your support!):

    Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert and David ClarkSpecifications Grading, by Linda NilsenUndoing the Grade, by Jesse StommelGrading for Equity, by Joe Feldman

    The Grading Podcast publishes every week on Tuesday at 4 AM Pacific time, so be sure to subscribe and get notified of each new episode. You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram - @thegradingpod. To leave us a comment, please go to our website: www.thegradingpod.com and leave a comment on this episode's page.

    If you would like to be considered to be a guest on this show, please reach out using the Contact Us form on our website, www.thegradingpod.com.

    All content of this podcast and website are solely the opinions of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily represent the...