A bootcamp in small business ownership and practice management for dentists, giving the new graduate a roadmap to successful practice ownership. We interview the best dentists, experts, consultants and more on our weekly show. Here's the topics we will be covering in our 8 Seasons:
1. First Years as a Dentist
2. Think Like a Business Owner
3. Money and Numbers
4. Startups, Acquisitions, and Partnerships
5. Internal Systems
6. Marketing & Growth
7. Leadership, Vision and Culture
8. Beyond Dentistry
Go to to download the 8 Season Roadmap. -
The nursing home administrator's best friend on the internet.
Being an LNHA has never been easy.
Covid has only made it even more challenging.
Let's do this together🎗.
This is where we interview and meet the leaders, innovators, and trendsetters in the nursing home industry. This is your go-to resource to gain practical solutions to everyday problems facing nursing home administrators.
Questions/Comments? Email me - [email protected] -
Podcasten sætter lys på brugen af Kropslig læring (Embodied Learning) og Embodied leadership i ledelse, bæredygtigt arbejdsliv, læring og udviklingsarbejde.
Kroppen indeholder et stort potentiale, når det drejer sig om læring og udvikling.
Ved at træne vores kropsbevidsthed og ikke blot lytte til men også med kroppen, bliver vi nærværende. Med kroppen som øre bevæger vi os fra et mentalt lærings-og udviklingsrum til et kropsligt og æstetisk rum. Vi oplever og erfarer frem for blot at forstå mentalt.
Din vært er Petra-Sofie Kempf indehaver af Core Energy og ekspert i brugen af den kropslige dimension i lærings og udviklingsarbejde.
Petra-Sofie deler ud af hendes erfaringer på feltet og hun samtaler med ledere, fagprofessionelle og andre, der bruger den kropslige dimension i ledelse, læring og udviklingsprocesser.
De fleste episoder slutter med en lyttergave, i form af konkrete greb og øvelser, som du kan bruge i din hverdag og dit arbejdslivet. -
FemTech Focus amplifies the voices of research, innovation, & investment in female health, where tech, science, & gender equality collide. Hosted by geneticist, entrepreneur, & women’s health advocate Dr. Brittany Barreto, this show exposes the shocking gaps in women’s health research while spotlighting cutting-edge innovations reshaping the industry. Join us for candid conversations with pioneers tackling topics like menopause, fertility, & sexual wellness. Each episode breaks down complex issues with honesty & expert insight—leaving you informed, inspired, & ready to advocate for change.
Welcome to the Wellbeing Designers Podcast!
We discover how we can design the future of well being together so we can create human-centric organizations and a sustainable work life.
In the first season of the podcast, I talked with the first generation of wellbeing leaders in big organizations. Usually, they were the very first ones in their organization ever to have the title of head of well being or similar.
In the second season, starting with episode nine, you will meet similar people again. And I invited some other interesting profiles as well. All these people work on wellbeing on a systemic level. Their mission is related to make the world a better place through focusing on wellbeing. In the past years, especially since COVID, employee well being got on the top of the agenda, not only for companies worldwide, but even some countries and other official institutions started to call for action.
In the Wellbeing Designers podcast-conversations, I would like to highlight the work of those sometimes invisible people, leaders, who are either in charge of well being in organizations and trying to navigate amongst the growing amount of well being offerings while connecting efforts. to business impact, and most importantly, create real value for employees. Or, they are those leaders who are doing their best to create international forums to exchange, raise awareness, and take action on wellbeing and people's sustainability.
They might be the ones whose responsibility is to take care of hundreds, thousands, or ten thousands of people's wellbeing.
They might be the ones who keep decision makers and CEOs engaged about the topic of well being. They might be the ones. who are proving that employee well being is a strategic enabler of sustainable performance and business success.
They might be the connectors between well being leaders across companies and countries.
I call these people wellbeing designers.
Enjoy listening to them and learning from them. Together we can design a human centric work life and the future of well being. -
The Move to Value podcast is dedicated to helping health care providers understand and make the transition to value-based care. We do this through conversations and the sharing of innovative ideas with experts and leaders throughout the healthcare industry. Our mission is to sustainably transform the health care experience for the patient, provider and care team by cultivating a value-oriented, compassionate and health-aligned community.
I denne podcast-serie giver en række konsulenter fra Good Company deres perspektiver på emner relateret til udvikling af organisationer, herunder konflikthåndtering, strategiudvikling & problemløsning og det cirkulære arbejdsliv.
Podcastserien er produceret i samarbejde med Besyv og FilmTone. -
Velkommen til podcasten Hjernesmart om hjernens spilleregler. Podcasten hjælper dig med at få hjernen på dit hold – både din egen hjerne og andres. Du lærer bl.a. at vende overspringshandlinger til indsigter, tage følelser med et gran salt, bedrive ledelse og selvledelse med hjernen in mente og få glæde af jordnære værktøjer i din familie og din organisation. Du lærer også at gennemskue hjernens mange julelege og gå afsted på mere hjernesmarte stier, når du f.eks. rammes af svære følelser, overtænker eller dømmer dig selv eller andre ude.
Anette Prehn er sociolog, foredragsholder og forfatter til mere end 20 bøger om hjernens spilleregler. Hun var den første i Danmark til at undervise i NeuroLeadership, det vil sige anvendt hjerneforskning for ledere og medarbejdere. Det er Anette Prehns ambition at lave fremragende og jordnær videnskabsformidling. Det gør hun bl.a. i sin HJERNESMART-trilogi - en række bestseller-bøger om hjernens logikker - og nu også i podcasten her. -
Do you want to become a dental hygienist? The Dental Hygiene Basics Podcast is hosted by Dana, a dental hygienist and dental hygiene educator. While there are several resources that help students during and after dental hygiene school, there are few available for those who are applying to dental hygiene school. Dental Hygiene Basics was founded to provide insight into the admissions process, display alternative career paths for dental hygienists, and highlight the path to a successful first year of dental hygiene school. Dana has worked with first year dental hygiene students as an educator, and she has seen the struggles they face throughout the application process and their first year of school. Dana believes that preparation powers performance. By sharing personal stories, Dana and her guests motivate, encourage, and prepare future dental hygiene students for these experiences. The goal is to help YOU become a registered dental hygienist!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Podcasten, hvor Martin Ellemann Olesen dykker ned i, hvordan ledere harmonerer en krævende karriere med personlig udvikling og en aktiv livsstil. Gennem dybdegående interviews med ledere, der tør udfordre sig selv, får du svaret på, hvilke krav der stilles til moderne ledere og hvordan en holistisk tilgang til livet, kan forbedre dit lederskab, beslutningskraft og trivsel.
En podcast for og af fysioterapeuter. Find os på Facebook og Instagram.
Der findes utallige bøger og artikler om strategi og ledelse. Ofte svære at forstå og meget indviklede. I denne podcast gør vi det modsatte. Vi gør det enkelt. Niels Lunde taler med topcheferne om strategi og ledelse og stiller spørgsmål, der giver håndgribelige svar.
Design Thinking 101 is part of how Fluid Hive helps people think and solve like a designer.
You'll hear designers' stories, lessons, ideas, resources, and tips. Our guests share insights into delivering change and results with design thinking, service design, behavioral design, user experience design and more, in business, social innovation, education, design, government, healthcare and other fields. -
Coda Conference: Clinical Knowledge, Advocacy and Community.
Melbourne: 11-14 Sept 2022 -
گفتگو با اهل فن
فنکست پادکستی است که در آن با بازیسازان ایرانی از سراسر دنیا گفتگو میکنیم -
Velkommen til ”ADHD & Autisme Podcast med Manu Sareen.” Jeg snakker i denne podcastserie med en række kendte danskere, eksperter, fagfolk samt familier og børn, om ADHD/ADD og autisme. Her kan du få ny viden, svar på de store spørgsmål om ADHD og autisme.Mit mål med denne podcast er at sprede viden og forståelse om ADHD og autisme, og dele min og mine gæsters personlige oplevelser og perspektiver på livet med ADHD og autisme. Jeg vil diskutere alt fra symptomer og behandlingsmuligheder til de udfordringer, som personer med ADHD og autisme står over for i hverdagen. Manu Sareen er tidligere Formand for ADHD Foreningen og ADHD coach.
Produceret af: Podads Production
Klip og Musik: Anders Eske
Redaktør: Christian Frederiksen -
Author interviews that explore the latest clinical reviews.
Do you work in medicine and love patient care but feel like parts of the job don’t measure up? Stimulus equips you with tools, mindset shifts, and strategies they didn’t teach you in training—so you can practice medicine like a boss, flourish in your career, and not let it crush your soul. Emergency physician and executive coach Rob Orman, MD, goes in-depth with thought leaders on how to avoid burnout, improve communication, lead without drama, and stay calm amidst the storm. Don’t just suck it up, think differently.
Podcast interviews with genius-level (top .1%) practitioners, scientists, researchers, clinicians and professionals in Cancer, 3D Bio Printing, CRISPR-CAS9, Ketogenic Diets, the Microbiome, Extracellular Vesicles, and more.
Subscribe today for the latest medical, health and bioscience insights from geniuses in their field(s). -
"Mærk mere af livet" er podcasten, hvor du bliver mere opmærksom på livet.
Du får inspiration og værktøjer til at leve et liv, hvor du trives, er glad, har det godt med dig selv og det du gør.
Vi har kun det ene liv, så mærk efter om du lever dit liv, som du ønsker dig.
Der kommer en ny episode, når jeg eller en af mine gæster har noget på hjertet.
Velkommen til podcasten "Mærk mere af livet".
Jeg er glad for at du lytter med.
Kærlig hilsen
Marianne Køpke
Arbejds- og livsmentor