In today’s episode of the pod we dive into a topic that I’m extremely passionate about. I’m excited to being talking all about bodily autonomy, body literacy, and informed consent. Let’s understand what these really mean and how we go about getting them in today society. I truly believe that for so many of us out there bodily autonomy is out the window. We’re put in situations where we’re made to believe the professionals must have all the answers. Yet, so often they don’t. Leaving feeling unseen and unheard. It’s time to learn how to take out power back!
Our biggest sale of the year is going on right now! Shop all our formulas now with 35% OFF using code SHOP35 in our online shop.
https://shoplunanueva.com/ -
Welcome to Season #2 of The Living Wholistic Podcast! I am so happy you are here. This season is going to be amazing. My intention is for this pod to be a place where women come to gain knowledge and information on holistic approaches to healing, but also on how to advocate for themselves when in an allopathic medical setting. This season we will dive into deep topics like bodily autonomy, body literacy, and informed consent. You can expect to learn about the hormonal hierarchy, ways to manage stress, the importance of supporting our liver, the endocrine system, our sixth vital sign, mindfulness, and of course herbalism!
While you’re waiting for episode #1 to drop… head over to Facebook and join our community.
It’s been such an honor to create this space for women to come together in community and share what life is like as a woman. Our group is a…
A safe space for you to express yourself fully.
A safe space for you to share.
A safe space for you to support others.
A safe space to vent.
A safe space for you to learn.
A safe space for you to talk about your body.
The purpose of this group is:
• To support women in taking back their power.
• To provide a safe space for women to come together and talk about their experiences in the medical industry.
• To provide a safe space for women to be seen and heard.
• To provide a safe space for women to learn about their bodies.
• To support women in having true informed consent.
What you can expect from this group:
-Daily heart centered conversations with other women going through the same things as you.
- Weekly education on herbs, the female body, and ways we can support ourselves well.
-Monthly sacred circles were we can come together in community, share and learn.
Join with this link: https://www.facebook.com/share/NwHfiKfWn7PLwtiX/?mibextid=WiMSqg -
Puuttuva jakso?
In this weeks episode of The Living Wholistic Podcast I chat all about the importance of eating breakfast for balancing hormones and blood sugar levels. We talk about how skipping it can force our body to release stress hormones that put us on an emotional roller coaster all day long. We go into the idea that as women we have been conditioned to believe less is better when it comes to food and how that has done us such a huge disservice. I know this topic can be triggering to so many of us out that. I hope you are able to come to this episode with an open mind and heart!
In today’s episode I talk about how I am in a season of my healing journey where chosen stress has great benefits. I share my new health journey working with a trainer lifting weights, doing calisthenics, and running sprints. I share how choosing pain daily has improved my ability to handle difficult situations as they come. I also briefly chat about our societies dependence on dopamine and how doing hard things supports us in balancing out this dependency. It’s a great episode and I hope you enjoy!
Shop my herbal formulas:
Follow me on IG
@luna_nueva_apothecary -
Welcome back to the pod. Today I share the story of what the last few years has looked like for Luna Nueva Apothecary, my online herbal supplement business. I share where were are today and what we have to look forward to in the future. It’s kinda an exciting time for us right now!
This months product is Hormone Helper a beautiful blend for regulating menstrual cycles and balancing hormones. If you are suffering from symptoms like painful menstruation, breast tenderness, migraines, hormonal acne, mood swings, or hot flashes. Or if you have been diagnosed with PCOS, Endometriosis, ovarian cysts, or infertility this formula is for you! Grab it now using the coupon code mentioned in the episode to get 10% off.
Follow me on IG
@luna_nueva_apothecary -
Welcome back to the pod y’all!! In today’s episode I share where I am currently in my fertility journey. We talk about what the plan is for IVF in Mexico. Why we took this month off from trying and more. It has been a long and hard road but I feel so grateful to have this outlet to share on. Thank you so much for your support and love!
This months product of the month is one of my favorite formulas and definitely goes hand and hand with today’s episode! Hormone Helper is a beautiful blend for regulating menstrual cycles and balancing hormones. If you are suffering from symptoms like painful menstruation, breast tenderness, migraines, hormonal acne, mood swings, or hot flashes. Or if you have been diagnosed with PCOS, Endometriosis, ovarian cysts, or infertility this formula is for you! Grab it now using the coupon code mentioned in the episode to get 10% off.
Follow me on IG
@luna_nueva_apothecary -
In todays episode I catch you up on what all has been going on in my world over the last few weeks. I also share a sort of revolution I had about a particular pattern in my life and how examining our behavior can provide us with so much freedom. I hope you enjoy!
Check out my latest YouTube video where I share snippets of our daily life here on the farm and also give a full tour of our Spring Garden.
Interested in supporting your stress response with my Adapt Elixir? Grab this beautiful blend of adaptogenic herbs with 10% off (until 6.30.23) by using the coupon code JUNE at checkout!
Follow me on IG
@luna_nueva_apothecary -
In this week’s episode I finally share the story of my cat Juice giving birth to three kittens and what unfortunately happens the following days. It’s a hard life lesson about the natural world, connecting to our instincts, mothering and being our true selves. Where there is life, there is always death. I believe it’s important for us to lean into this idea instead of fearing it.
Let’s connect! I’d love to hear your feedback on this episode, or any episode of the pod. Hit me up in IG or shoot me an email!
Follow My Journey on IG
Personal: @gigi_livingwholistic
Farm: @lunanuevafarms
Apothecary: @luna_nueva_apothecary
Email: [email protected]
Shop my formulas: www.shoplunanueva.com
YouTube: @lunanuevafarms -
In this week’s episode I sit down with my sweet husband, Cesar, to chat about the happenings on the farm. We also go into topics like how the loss of my mother effected him, what his side of our fertility journey has been like and why it’s best for us to slow the growth of the farm and focus on things like systems and beautification. It’s a very sweet episode if I do say so myself. I truly hope you enjoy!
Let’s connect! I’d love to hear your feedback on this episode, or any episode of the pod. Hit me up in IG or shoot me an email!
IG: @gigi_livingwholistic
Email: [email protected]
With May being my birth month I wanted to do something extra special. So I decided May would be Customer Appreciation month! For the entire month you can get 25% off all of my herbal supplements with the code MAY at checkout! Thank you for being so amazing and supporting my little herbal business. It means the world to me! -
In this week’s episode I talk about the struggles that can come with seeing our dreams unfold into reality. I share my experience of dealing with overwhelm and depression after moving out into the forest and starting a farm. I explain why it has taken me almost three years to finally be in a place of flow and ease. I also touch on where I am at in my fertility journey. Thank you for listen. I hope you enjoy.
Let’s connect! I’d love to hear your feedback on this topic, or any topic from the pod. Hit me up in IG or shoot me an email!
IG: @gigi_livingwholistic
Email: [email protected]
With May being my birth month I wanted to do something extra special. So I decided May would be Customer Appreciation month! For the entire month you can get 25% off all of my herbal supplements with the code MAY at checkout! Thank you for being so amazing and supporting my little herbal business. It means the world to me! -
In today’s episode I talk about a topic that has been on my mind a lot this week. After having a conversation with a lady who told me she doesn’t trust her own intuition, I starting thinking… when did we lose our ability to trust the knowledge of our bodies? How did this happen? Why did this happen? What caused it to happen? I touch on all of these questions and explain the history of when and why we were robbed of our intuition.
I’d truly love to hear your thoughts on this topic. I invite you to reach out via IG or email with thoughts, comments, questions, ideas! This topic is so near and dear to my heart as it should be for all women.
IG: @gigi_livingwholistic
Email: [email protected]
With May being my birth month I wanted to do something extra special. So I decided May would be Customer Appreciation month! For the entire month you can get 25% off all of my herbal supplements with the code MAY at checkout! Thank you for being so amazing and supporting my little herbal business. It means the world to me! -
Today’s episode catches you up on the last week of my life. I share about a new friend who showed up on the farm. Then I go into how it feels to have passed the one year anniversary of my mothers passing. It’s a short but sweet episode and I hope you enjoy it!
Check out my latest YouTube video where I share snippets of our daily life here on the farm and also give a full tour of our Spring Garden.
Interested in supporting your stress response with my Adapt Elixir? Grab this beautiful blend of adaptogenic herbs with 10% off by using the coupon code mentioned in the pod.
Follow me on IG
@luna_nueva_apothecary -
In this week’s episode I open up about the extreme anxiety I suffered with all last week. I share what I believe caused it and what I did to combat it. I also get into how my garden has wooed me and shifted my energy and mood to a place of flow and creativity. So much so that I’m want to share my garden with the world!!
Don’t forget, this months product is the Adapt Elixir. You can learn all about adaptogenic herbs and how they support your stress response in my latest blog post.
Local to Central Florida? I will be at Grounding Roots Juice Bar on Friday April, 28th offering free mini herbal consultations. If you’re interested in sitting down with me to chat about your health goals click the link below to sign up.
https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/4090f4ca9af2ba5fd0-aprils -
In this weeks episode, I catch you up on everything that’s been going on, here on the farm, and in my personal life. I share openly about navigating the difficult things in my life. About falling back into old habits and patterns do to feelings of hopelessness and depression. I talk about my fertility journey, about being triggered, about my dad going into the hospital and about this weekend being one year since the last time I saw my mom. It a beautiful and vulnerable episode. Thank you for listening!
In this weeks episode I got to chat with the wonderful Abbigail Jackson. She is a women’s wellness and success coach with a mission to help women flourish in their careers and life, without burning out, by reclaiming their feminine power. We discussed unlearning the cultural norm of chasing success from a place of masculine energy and instead relearning how to embody the divine feminine so we’re able to succeed at our purpose from a place of flow and ease. It’s such an honor to have yet another powerful woman on the pod. Y’all are going to love her and her work.
Want to learn more about Abby or work with her? You can find her over on Instagram at @authenticallyhealed! -
In today’s episode I share what’s been going on the last couple of weeks in my life and in my fertility journey. I also dive into the life changing experience I had last weekend at the 12th Annual Florida Herbal Conference. I chat about sitting at the feet of a Native American Elder and the wisdom she shared we us as she spoke on re-naturalizing and re-indigenizing.
Don’t forget the product of the month is my One Happy Liver Tincture! You can learn all about the super star herb in the formula Milk Thistle by checking out my blog post by clicking the link below.
Want to grab a bottle for yourself? I share a coupon code during the intro. You can shop that formula along with all my formulas by clicking the link below.
Follow me on IG @gigi_livingwholistic -
In todays episode, I had the honor and privilege to do my first interview with the amazingly talented and gifted Kristina Bignell. Her work is incredibly powerful as she helps women better understand themselves using their birth chart as a guild. She helps them work through their shadows, embody their higher self and manifest their dreams. She is a powerful empath, astrologer, and psychic. I really think you are going to love her story and her work.
You can find her on Instagram @thegroundedintuitive -
Today we chat about all things herbalism. From the story of how herbalism found me, to the basic of what herbalism is, what herbs are exactly and how they work in the body. I breakdown the basics and answer so many questions I get asked on a regular basis. If you are curious about herbalism and how you can start learning than this is the episode for you!
In today’s rambling episodes I share my desire to be my authentic and vulnerable self, what living a wholistic life means to me, and how to stop letting stress control us. I honestly didn’t think I would post an episode this week but at the last minute decided to sit down and record. I hope it opens you up to some new topics and inspires you to sit with yourself and to be vulnerable!
In today episode I chat about cycle syncing, the infradian rhythm, and why it’s so important to listen to, honor, and nourish our bodies well. I share about how I am currently feeling during this cycles moon time and what I am doing to honor those feelings. I hope this episode inspires you to do the same.
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