
  • Welcome back to another episode of the Mind Gut Conversation. Today’s guest is Andrew H. Miller, MD.

    Dr. Miller is an internationally recognized expert in interactions between the brain and immune system as they relate to depression and has conducted the first clinical trial examining the efficacy of an immunotherapy for the treatment of depression.

    He is the William P. Timmie Professor and Vice Chair for Research in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia. In addition to publishing over 300 scientific papers, Dr. Miller has won numerous research, teaching and mentoring awards, and has been nominated as a "Top Doctor" in Psychiatry for the past 3 years.

    In this episode of the Mind Gut Conversation, I sit down with Dr. Miller, to discuss the role of inflammation in mental disorders, and the therapeutic consequences that come from this novel understanding of depression.

    During the episode, we talk about a wide range of topics, addressing the following questions and topics:

    • Is depression an inflammatory disorder of the brain?

    • Role of the gut-associated immune system

    • Effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of depression

    • Psychedelics in psychiatry

    We hope you enjoy the episode!

    Learn more at www.emeranmayer.com

  • In this episode of the Mind Gut Conversation, I sit down in person with Norbert Niederkofler, an internationally renowned leader in local sustainable gourmet cuisine, as he explains his unconventional career decisions and his philosophy of letting nature and his local ecosystem determine his selection of dishes.

    Despite the fact that Norbert has already earned 3 Michelin stars with his previous gourmet restaurant at St. Hubertus Hotel in the Dolomite Mountains, he made the radical decision in 2008 to ban imported luxuries, not to mention Italian staples such as olive oil, tomatoes and lemons from his cuisine. It was the start of his dedication to extreme locavore cuisine, which he calls Cook the Mountain, that he’s followed ever since.

    In July 2024, this legend of high-mountain cooking brought his destination dining down from the slopes, launching a new flagship restaurant, Atelier Moessmer Norbert Niederkofler, in the town of Brunico. Being one of the most renowned Italian chefs, and having been awarded 3 Michelin stars, including a Green Star Recognition, guests are coming from all over the world to his restaurant, often several times a year.

    During this episode, we talk about a wide range of topics, including modern trends in dietary preferences and keys to nutrition that are healthy for the consumer and the environment. Some key questions and topics we discuss are:

    1) How does Norbert create the best dishes in his restaurant? Exploration of his previous statement: “…it depends on the nature because we are not deciding the dishes. Nature decides then for us because nature gives us the products when they are ready.”

    2) What is the secret to Norbert’s success in the culinary field?

    3) What are the core components of his philosophy about food and gourmet cuisine?

    We hope you enjoy the episode!

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  • In this episode of The Mind Gut Conversation, I sit down with Patrick Flynn, DC as he shares his bold belief that the human body was not designed for illness and, when properly cared for, has the innate ability to heal itself-a perspective that challenges conventional medical norms.

    Dr. Flynn is a trained chiropractor, nationally renowned leader in wellness and the visionary founder of The Wellness Way, a revolutionary network of 80 health restoration clinics across the United States. Beyond his clinical successes, he is the author of two influential books: I Disagree: How These Two Words Are the Secret to Thinking Differently, Taking Control of Your Health (2019) and the follow-up I Still Disagree (2024).

    Dr. Flynn is also a Fellow in the American Psychological Association and the American Educational Research Association, with experience serving on editorial boards and federal grant review panels.

    Throughout this episode, we explore a range of fascinating topics, including:

    1) How the philosophy and practice of The Wellness Way differ from both conventional and functional medicine.

    2) How Dr. Flynn's approach goes beyond the typical chiropractic focus on spinal realignment to embrace holistic health restoration.

    3) The essential elements of his medical philosophy, including the role of medications, supplements, and traditional treatments.

    What I found most compelling about our conversation is how, despite holding some differing political viewpoints, we were able to engage in a thought-provoking discussion. Together, we highlight the importance of shifting from a reactive "disease model" to one that empowers patients to proactively improve their health and prevent illness.

    We hope you enjoy this episode!

  • In this episode of the Mind Gut Conversation podcast, I sit down with Dr. Tim Spector, an internationally renowned expert in microbiome science and personalized nutrition, as well as an acclaimed author.

    He is a professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London and honorary consultant physician at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ National Health System FoundationTrust.

    He founded TwinsUK in 1992, one of the richest collections of clinical data in the world. He is the lead researcher behind the world’s biggest citizen science health project – the Covid Symptom Study app, and is the scientific co-founder of the company ZOE.

    Throughout his career, Dr. Spector has received many awards and prizes, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology and the Academy of Medical Sciences. He has published over 900 scientific papers and is ranked by Google as being in the top 100 most cited scientists in the world.

    In addition to his scientific publications, he has published four popular books, including the best-selling Diet Myth, Spoon-Fed, and more recently Food for Life – a Sunday Times bestseller.

    During this episode, we talk about a wide range of topics, including precision nutrition, gut health and longevity. Some key questions & topics we discuss are:

    • What is precision nutrition, and why do we need it?

    • Gut microbes and metabolic health

    • Does gut health play a causative role in longevity?

    • What is ZOE, and what can ZOE do for me?

    We hope you enjoy the episode!

    To learn more, check out the ZOE Science & Nutrition podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/zoe-science-nutrition/id1611216298

  • In this episode of the Mind Gut Conversation podcast, I speak with Dr. Eric Verdin, one of the world’s experts on healthy aging and longevity. Dr. Verdin is president and CEO of the Buck Institute for Research of Aging, the world’s only research institution singularly focused on the biology of aging.During this episode, we talk about a number of fascinating topics, including:1) Besides lifestyle modifications, what are the most promising strategies to increase the health span in humans?2) What is the reason for the progressive increase in centenarians in different parts of the world?3) What role do genes play in longevity?Enjoying our podcast? Please leave us a review and any feedback to improve our show!

  • In this episode of the Mind Gut Conversation podcast, I talk to Dr. Gerd Gigerenzer, an icon in the field of intuition research and gut-based decision making.

    Dr. Gigerenzer is the long-time director at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin and the director of the Harding Center for Risk Literacy at the University of Potsdam. He is the author of the award-winning popular books Calculated Risks, Gut Feelings, Risk Savvy and How To Stay Smart In A Smart World, which have been translated into more than 20 languages.

    He has trained U.S. federal judges, physicians and top managers in decision-making. The Swiss Duttweiler Institute has distinguished Gigerenzer as one of the top 100 Global Thought Leaders worldwide.

    During this episode, we talk about a number of fascinating topics, including:

    - What are the main differences between a rational and an intuitive decision?

    - Are females better in making intuitive decisions, or is this idea a prejudice based on our paternalistic bias?

    - Does the advantage of decisions based on intuition vs rational thinking depend on the context?

    - Does AI make intuitive decisions?

    Are you enjoying our podcast? Please leave us a review and any feedback to improve our show!

  • In this episode of the MGC podcast, I speak with Dr. Laurie Keefer, a Health Psychologist and Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. Dr Keefer’s scientific contributions include the development and implementation of self-management and behavioral intervention tools, known as brain-gut behavior therapies for conditions such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, IBS and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Dr. Keefer is Founder and Chair of the Rome Foundation’s international GastroPsych organization and serves on the Board of Directors of the Rome Foundation. She has more than 250 peer-reviewed publications and is a sought-after speaker, mentor and collaborator. Among several other topics, we talk about:1) The importance of brain gut behavior therapies in inflammatory and functional GI disorders.2) The long term resistance of the medical community to accept such non pharmacological therapies.3) How she decides which behavioral approach to chose for individual patients.

  • In this episode of the Mind Gut Conversation podcast, I talk to Dr. Barney Schlinger, a passionate naturalist, incredible scientist and author of the recently published book, The Wingsnapppers: Lessons from an exuberant tropical bird.

    Dr. Schlinger is a Professor in the Departments of Integrative Biology and Physiology, in the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior and holds several prestigious positions at UCLA.

    He has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation for over 30 years and is the author of nearly 190 peer reviewed scientific articles in high impact journals.

    During this episode, we talk about the fascinating story behind the unique courtship of tropical birds, including the unexpected roles of: diet, sex hormones, the digestive system and the brain, that lead to this fascinating behavior.

  • In this episode of The Mind Gut Conversation, I speak with Dr. Jennifer Fulcher, an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases at UCLA, and a rising star in the Goodman Luskin Microbiome Center at UCLA.

    Her research is supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institute on Drug Abuse, the Doris Duke Foundation, and the California HIV Research Program. Her current research focuses on the effects of HIV and substance use on the gut and oral microbiomes.

    In our conversation, we addresses some intriguing questions, including:

    1) Does the gut microbiome play a role in resilience and resistance to viral infections?

    2) Does gut dysbiosis and inflammatory blood markers precede HIV infection?

    3) What is the role of the microbiome in susceptibility and severity of COVID-19?

  • In this episode of The Mind Gut Conversation, I speak with Dr. Rima Kaddurah-Daouk, Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Psychiatry at Duke University Medical School and internationally recognized thought-leader in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer disease.

    Dr. Kaddurah currently leads and coordinates an international multi-center research consortium, the Alzheimer’s Disease Metabolomics Consortium or ADMC which consists of more than 120 scientists from over 30 academic institutions.

    She has published over 140 peer reviewed scientific publications, leads a large number of active NIH grants and in 2018, she ranked as the highest funded researcher in departments of psychiatry nationally. Dr. Kaddurah has more than 60 patents or patent applications on use of metabolomics for the diagnosis and treatment of brain diseases.

    Topics we discuss in this podcast include:

    1) What are the major scientific breakthroughs in our understanding of AD that have come from the ongoing research of the NIH AD consortium?

    2) The scientific approach on which the AD grant is based on is radically different from the classical reductionistic biomedical research strategy and is based on systems biology and the paradigm of interconnectedness. Based on the lack of progress in effective treatments for AD to date, do you believe this new approach has a better chance of success?

    3) Are there any new therapeutic strategies emerging from this new research?

  • In this episode of the MGC podcast, I talk to Dr. Wayne Jonas, a pioneer and world-renowned in integrative health and healthcare delivery. Dr. Jonas is President of the Healing Works Foundation, whose mission is to make whole person, integrative care regular and routine. He has published two paradigm-challenging books: How Healing Works: Get Well and Stay Well Using Your Hidden Power to Heal; and together with Dr. Alyssa McManamon, his most recent book: Healing and Cancer - a must read for anybody involved in the care of cancer patients.In this episode, we discuss a wide range of topics including:The purpose of Dr. Jonas' latest book, bringing the concepts of healing and whole person care further into oncology and healthcare so that people diagnosed with cancer feel better and live longer.Current cancer care focuses on killing the cancer cell, and in the process supports a major industry to do that more effectively. However, killing cancer cells isn’t the whole story.According to the concept of salutogenesis, when all systems are working well, a person with cancer can actively heal. Like a computer program running in the background, healing of the person is a process occurring all the time.

  • In this episode of the Mind Gut Conversation podcast, I speak to professor Joel Dore, an internationally known expert on the gut microbiome and Research Director at the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, INRAE. Joel’s main research interest is the molecular assessment of the human intestinal microbiota in health and disease and investigation of the molecular cross-talk between intestinal bacteria and human cells. He has published more than 220 publications in peer reviewed scientific journals. We discuss a wide range of topics, including the following questions:1. Utility of currently available stool microbiome tests. 2. Are the unique characteristics of the gut microbiome adaptions to a rapidly changing environment including diet, medications, environmental chemicals like forever chemical, microplastics, other xenobiotics, causing a mismatch with our very slowly changing innate immune system which isn’t able to keep up?3. Is there solid evidence to say that gut microbial diversity and richness plays a role in resilience to several diseases?4. What are the major clinical applications of microbiome science?

  • In this episode of the MGC podcast, I talk to Dr. Robert Lufkin, author of the recent book “LIES I TAUGHT IN MEDICAL SCHOOL. How Conventional Medicine is Making you Sicker and What You Can Do to Save Your Life”.Dr. Lufkin has been an academic radiologist who has taught at both UCLA and USC, and is an author of more than 200 scientific papers and 14 books.

    In this episode, I ask Dr. Lufkin a range of provocative questions, including:

    1. Which of the 10 chronic diseases you deal with in your book is the one where you feel the most misinformation has been transmitted in Medical School?

    2. Staying with the subtitle of your book: How Conventional Medicine is Making You Sicker and What You can Do to Save your Life. Even though I agree with you that conventional medicine hasn’t offered any solutions for the root cause of the current chronic epidemic of non-contagious diseases, and that the pharmaceutical industry is making billions of $$ keeping people alive without dealing with the underlying problem, it has been highly successful in increasing the life expectancy in most parts of the industrialized world, with an increasing percentage of the population living into their nineties and above. Let’s discuss.

    3. With the important role of the medical pharmaceutical industrial complex, and the food agricultural industrial complex in the current chronic disease epidemic, why blame it all on the role of Conventional Medicine?

    4. Bashing conventional medicine has become a popular topic for many internet celebrities, many of them MDs, only to recommend unsubstantiated treatments with no or little evidence with claims for longevity and miraculous solutions for obesity, metabolic syndrome and even Alzheimer’s disease. Would you include this misinformation under your book title as well?

  • In this episode , I speak to Nathan Price, PhD, co-author with Leroy Hood of The Age of Scientific Wellness. Nathan is Chief Scientific Officer of Thorne and was previously CEO of Onegevity, an AI health intelligence company that merged with Thorne prior to its IPO in 2021.

    We discuss a wide range of topics and questions, including:

    There is a seeming contradiction between the dramatic success of the 20th century model of healthcare and the realization that it is ineffective in meeting the challenges of the 21st century. What has happened?

    In your book, you state that the future of medicine is personalized, predictive, data rich and in your hands. Can you explain?

    You make a bold prediction in your book: We are on the cusp of time when we will have the capacity to begin to eliminate most chronic diseases of our time, including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and metabolic diseases. Is this realistic?

    A growing number of self-declared health care providers take advantage of the situation by promoting quackery and snake oil approaches. What will it take to make an end to this proliferation of fake healthcare?

    A major challenge of implementing the transition to a new personalized healthcare system is the successful business model of the current system (The Medical Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex), which makes billions of $$ in corporate and individual profits by keeping people alive without preventing or curing their diseases. How can we meet this challenge?

  • In this episode of the MGC podcast, I talk to Dr. Rhonda Voskuhl, a Professor of Neurology at UCLA where she currently holds the Jack H. Skirball Chair.

    Dr. Voskuhl is the Director of the UCLA Multiple Sclerosis Program, and is the faculty neurologist for the UCLA Comprehensive Menopause Care Program. She is an internationally recognized expert on women’s health and the role of female sex hormones in cognitive decline and neurodegenerative disorders.

    With over 20 years of numerous grants and continuous funding from the NIH and NMSS, her lab discovered a novel estrogen treatment strategy that can be neuroprotective through actions on estrogen receptor beta (ER) in the central nervous system.

    Dr. Voskuhl has been the Principle Investigator on three clinical trials showing neuroprotective effects of estriol treatment on cognition and cortical brain atrophy underscoring the translational nature of her research.

    In this podcast, I talk to her about the following topics:

    • The role of estrogen on specific receptors in the brain and its implications for the development of neurodegenerative disorders

    • Why women are more likely to develop early cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease

    • Why the earlier clinical trials with estrogen receptor replacement failed

    • What women can do to slow cognitive decline after menopause

  • In this episode of the MGC podcast, I talk to Matthew Lancor, the founder of the startup company, Kombuchade.

    Matt combines his background in material science engineering and a passion for rugby into his entrepreneurial venture. With a keen understanding of the science behind fermentation and a personal commitment to fitness and health, nurtured through years of playing rugby he has successfully created a kombucha brand tailored for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

    Under his leadership, Kombuchade has quickly grown from a home-brew project into a popular wellness brand, emphasizing organic ingredients, sustainability, and community involvement. His journey from an engineer and rugby player to a health-focused entrepreneur embodies a fusion of science, sports, and sustainable business.

    In this podcast, I talk to him about Kombuchade, the benefits of fermented drinks for elite athletes, and the following:

    What is unique about Kambuchade? You are a startup family business competing with a lot of big companies in the space of kombucha and fermented drinks.

    A fermented carbonate drink is not the first thing you would think about as a beneficial beverage for elite athletes. What are the functional benefits of fermented beverages like Kombucha for "Peak Performers"?

    What are quantifiable/measurable differences that someone could expect from drinking Kombucha and exercising on gut health/overall health?

    How would someone know that their gut health might be inhibiting them from "Peak Performance"?

    How many days does it take to balance the microbiome if you were to start a new routine of fermented foods and exercise ... 30 days or more?

    Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with nor receiving compensation from Kombuchade.

  • In this episode of the MGC podcast, I talk to Larissa Trinder, Assistant Vice President of Arts in Medicine at New York City Health + Hospitals who is responsible for stewarding a collection of more than 4000 works of art, the largest such collection in New York City. In addition, she has been creating and implementing programs for patients, staff and the community that utilize the arts as a tool in healing. Larissa is a staunch advocate for the importance of the arts and humanities within a healthcare system to advance patient health outcomes, enhance staff engagement, morale and retention and to empower communities.In this podcast, I talk to Larissa about the emerging role of art as an important component of healing environments. Here are just some of the topics we address:1. What is the new Department of Arts in Medicine at New York City Health + Hospitals?2. How did it develop in the 1930s, and how has it been able to survive economic downturns and financial crises?3. What is the role of art in an effective healing environment?4. How does art affect patient health outcomes, staff engagement and morale, and entire communities?Follow Dr. Mayer: https://linktr.ee/emayer

  • In this episode of the MGC podcast, I talk to Shawn Stevenson, creator and host of The Model Health Show, featured as the number #1 health podcast in the U.S. with millions of listener downloads each year. Shawn recently published the The Eat Smarter Family Cookbook, a companion cookbook to his acclaimed Eat Smarter book.

    Here are just some of the topics we address:

    1. Can you describe the most important steps in your transformation from growing up with your grandparents in Ferguson, Mo to becoming a nutrition expert, #1 podcast host and bestselling author of two very important books?

    2. Some of your early experiences make you some kind of “wounded healer”, in particular your health issues. It seems your own experiences stimulated your interest in science about food. Can you expand on this?

    3. You call yourself a “nutritionist who no longer believes in food in the conventional sense”. And you make a key point that you no longer make the mistake that many people make, considering food primarily as fuel.

    4. You write about how eating with others can have profound benefits on overall health. On the other hand, eating with others during celebrations and holidays is a major cause of weight gain for many people.

    5. Can you expand on the relationship between stress and unhealthy eating patterns. You write that 1/3 of people make unhealthy food choices because of stress.

  • Welcome to the latest edition of the Mind Gut Conversation Podcast, a place to learn about the latest ideas from thought leaders in the area of optimal health, the science of mind gut microbiome interactions, food and the environment.

    Today I have the great pleasure to speak to Leo Grady, AI expert and CEO of the microbiome company Jona. Leo earned a Ph.D. in Cognitive and Neural Systems from BU and is the Founder and CEO of Jona and CEO in Residence with Breyer Capital.

    Leo is internationally recognized for his work to deliver AI in healthcare for 20 years at pioneering bay area startups, multinational medical companies, including Siemens and, most recently, as CEO of Paige.ai. As CEO of Paige, he led the company to become an industry leader, internationally launching groundbreaking products and receiving the first-ever FDA approval for an AI product in pathology.

    Leo authored two books on AI, over 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers and is an inventor on over 300 patents. Winner of the Edison Patent Award, he was inducted as Fellow in the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.

    As Founder and CEO of Jona, he has developed a stool microbiome analysis platform which not only uses state of the art analysis approaches to study the structure and function of from individual stool samples, but also provides users with an AI assisted interpretation of the results.

    Follow Dr. Mayer: https://linktr.ee/emayer

  • Nancy Zucker, PhD, is a clinician, researcher, and teacher at Duke University School of Medicine, where she founded and directs the Duke Center for Eating Disorders. Dr. Zucker is a Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Psychology and Neuroscience. She is the author of 131 professional publications, an author of the revised practice guidelines for the treatment of eating disorders from the American Psychiatric Association, and most recently her new book Treating Functional Abdominal Pain in Children. Dr. Zucker’s major clinical and research interest is in understanding how to help young people develop a healthy awareness of their bodies’ signals and learn how to match these to actions that allow them to flourish. In her new book, she Her research and clinical work has been featured on ABC’s “Nightline,” the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Time, and other major news outlets.The topics we address in this episode include:• What is the new approach you take in teaching young children about their body signals?• How does such early “body education” affect the prevalence of chronic abdominal pain and IBS in adults?• Does your approach benefit both the young patients and their parents?• What would the impact on our current healthcare system be if your approach were adopted widely?