
  • "I’ve had to sacrifice a lot of things to achieve some of the goals and dreams in my life."
    - Bethany Hamilton, Ep118 The Monica Kade Podcast

    On the final episode of The Monica Kade Podcast for 2019, I sat down with Pro-surfer, Bethany Hamilton. She's become a source of inspiration to millions through her story of determination, faith, and hope. At the age of 13, Bethany lost her left arm to a 14-foot tiger shark, which seemed to end her career as a rising surf star.

    One month after the attack, Bethany returned to the water and within two years had won her first national title. In 2007, she realized her dream of surfing professionally and since then, her story has been told in a New York Times best selling autobiography and in the 2011 film, Soul Surfer. Bethany is involved in numerous charitable efforts, including her own foundation, Friends of Bethany, which reaches out to amputees and youth.

    Using her platform as a professional athlete to promote living a fit and healthy lifestyle, she authored the book Body and Soul in 2014. Bethany’s latest project, Unstoppable, a surf documentary which showcases her as one of the best women surfers in the world, released theatrically in the USA on July 12, 2019, accompanied by a photo book and a children’s book.

    Passionate about helping young women be unstoppable in life and faith, Bethany has launched a new website and online course for sharing content and facilitating connection. Her greatest joy is being a wife and mother, and she continues to touch and inspire lives globally as a professional surfer and motivational speaker.

    Bethany is an incredible human being. Her determination and sheer drive to not let anything step in the way of her surfing is truly inspiring. She reminds me that if you really want something, you can have it
just go after it!


    When she realised her love for surfing 
    How being in the water from a young age shaped her life
    How she approaches big waves
    Whether resilience is something she’s naturally grown up with or developed
    What’s the greatest thing surfing taught you about yourself
    What inspired her new documentary, The Unstoppable Film
    What it was like to surf pregnant 
    Why she created her 12-month online program ‘Live Unstoppable’


    What career she’d like to attempt if not in this one?
    What piece of wisdom Bethany lives by?

  • "Nothing happens overnight. Nothing at all. We really need to understand that." - Emmylou MacCarthy, Ep117 of The Monica Kade Podcast

    In Episode 117 of The Monica Kade Podcast I sat down with Emmylou MacCarthy. Many of you follow her on Instagram, have seen her on TV, have watched her host live events and shared the behind the scenes journey of chasing her dream to becoming a TV presenter.

    In a world filled with fakes, Emmylou is the real deal. She swears. She cries. She shares inside tips about how to achieve a flawless red lip (hint: it involves a toothbrush). And she’s built a fun, fearless tribe who follow her every move.

    She’s an accredited fashion stylist and make-up artist, but today she’s added TV producer and presenter to her resume.

    Emmylou has built a fiercely loyal tribe on Instagram. From cooking demos to makeup artistry, building your confidence and chasing your dreams, she knows how to tell a story that resonates with her community.

    In 2018, Emmylou took her Confidence is Contagious tour on the road and looks set to return for more in 2019. She has put together an explosive live show, sharing insider tips to help her tribe break out of their comfort zone and shine on the world’s stage.

    I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with Emmylou, it was raw, real and packed with laughter. So many nuggets of wisdom included. A lovely human being!LEARN ABOUT

    What she dreamed of becoming as a kid
    How she got into dance and how its influenced her as an adult
    Did she always want to become a mother
    How she feels about having opened up her family to social media
    The philosophy she lives by
    The hardest part, behind the scenes that you don’t get to see on social media
    How she has navigated the dark days and how you can too
    What inspired her clothing line
    How she feels about having her own show on Australian national TV - 10Peach
    The reason she’s releasing a cookbook in April 2020


    What Emmylou believes is her greatest asset
    The pieces of wisdom she lives her life by today

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  • "There will never be any lasting fulfilment in trying to escape yourself, or become someone else." - Elise Catchlove, Ep.116 The Monica Kade Podcast
    Welcome to Episode 116 of The Monica Kade podcast, I’m joined by Elise Catchlove, the founder and driving force behind meditation school By Catchlove.
    After spending years running a successful business, and working in the fashion industry, Elise saw first-hand the toll that stress takes on people’s lives. Fast-forward a few years; countless hours of meditation, extensive teacher-training, and a newborn baby, Elise’s dedication to the practice and desire to help people has brought her to the launch of Queensland’s first Vedic Meditation School, By Catchlove.
    Elise was a delight to chat to. I loved her grounded energy, her truthful attitude towards parenting, meditation and business.
    She’s one of those people you meet and feel an immediate bond with—which makes the conversation all that much more enjoyable. I hope this chat inspires you to turn inward and slow down in your life so you can be more of who you truly are.

    Her career as an actress and why she left 
    How she started her career working in fashion
    Why she walked away from her fashion business
    When she discovered meditation
    What inspired her idea to start By Catchlove Meditation School
    What is Vedic Meditation
    The impact meditation has had on her life
    How it supports her as a mother
    Her wisdom for individuals who don’t think they can meditate or say it’s not for them
    The most rewarding thing about starting the school
    How often Elise meditates
    What changes she’s personally experienced in her life through meditation
    What career Elise would attempt if not in this one?
    What scares Elise?
    What’s a piece of wisdom she lives by?

  • Welcome to episode 115 of The Monica Kade podcast. Today’s guest is Australian actress, writer and director, Matilda Brown. Matilda is best known for her TV series Let's Talk About, Lessons from the Grave which she both wrote and directed, and acted in. Both starring opposite her father Bryan Brown. And most recently feature film Palm Beach — also starring her dad, and directed by her mother, Rachel Ward alongside an impressive Australian cast.

    And on the topic of family, Matilda and her partner Scott Gooding, (who has also been on the show earlier this year) have just become parents to little Zan.

    Today we’re going to go behind the scenes of her upbringing, find out her journey into acting, talk creativity and what it’s like being a first time mum.

    My conversation with Matilda was really inspiring. I loved her honesty coupled with her willingness to follow what fuels her fire-and what doesn't! While you won't find her hanging about on The Gram, you can simply embody the message of truth that she shares and look inward to see if you're living the life you want to be. Or if you're following society's "shoulds" and "have to's".


    What was it like to grow up in well-knowing acting family
    Did her parents encourage her to get into acting
    What she loves about acting
    What made her start writing and directing
    What’s changed her mind about the acting industry
    What it’s like being a new mum
    How she sees the world since becoming a mother
    Why she left social media
    What she’s gained from not being on social media


    If she wasn’t in her current career what she’d like to attempt?
    What she believes is her best asset?
    A piece of wisdom she lives by today?

  • “Any successful walk is linked to a love walk. There’s got to be a love, a pure and unadulterated love and passion for that thing.”
    — Rachel Kerr, Ep114. The Monica Kade Podcast

    Welcome to episode 114 of The Monica Kade podcast. Today my guest is Rachel Kerr, a British singer/songwriter, celebrity vocal coach and entrepreneur from Walsall, England with Caribbean heritage. She’s also the CEO and founder of Singercise, a member of the Grammy Award Association and a BET Music Matters endorsed artist.

    Rachel is multi-award winning artists and has toured the US, Africa and Europe opening for the likes of Lauryn Hill and Brandy, and she’s also received personal invitations to sing for the Former US President, and UK Prime Minister.

    Her last single, 'Alive' received a Grammy Award consideration in 2018 and just last month, Rachel released her new single, ‘Lover, Lover.’

    I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with Rachel. She’s such a down-to-earth, warm and humble woman. You can tell that she loves what she does, that’s she knows herself and the path she’s walking.

    I love how candidly she talked about the behind the scenes of her journey. Real. Pure and completely empowering.

    When she discovered her love for singing?
    A glimpse into family life and how they supported her singing?
    When she realised she wanted to pursue a career in music?
    What the journey has been like behind the scenes?
    What inspired the creation of Singercise, her singer coaching business?
    How Rachel navigates the off days?
    What inspired her latest single, ‘Lover, Lover’?
    The most rewarding part of all that she does?
    What wisdom she has for chasing your dream?
    What would you say to the ones who haven’t figured out what they want to do yet?
    The impact she strives to have through her work?

    What career she’d like to attempt if not a singer
    What she believes is her greatest asset
    A piece of wisdom she’s lives by

  • On Episode of 114 of The Monica Kade podcast, I’m sitting down with a truly incredible human being: Chase Jarvis.

    Aside from being a well-renowned photographer, Founder and CEO of CreativeLive—an online education platform that broadcasts live classes to an international audience on art, photography, design, marketing business and more—he also hosts The Chase Jarvis Live Show and has authored a handful of books. His most recent being Creative Calling. Oh, and he’s also survived a near death experience with an avalanche.

    As soon as I heard Chase speak on creativity I knew I had to get him on the show. The way he spoke about creativity, and creative expression resonated very much with how I see it. I feel like his take on creativity challenges the status quo and goes against what many people will tell you about your Creative Calling.

    His philosophy around being creative is: giving of ourselves freely, adding value and expecting nothing in return. Super powerful.

    What I love most about Chase is his genuine love to connect with people; his friendly and warm nature make you feel like you've known each other for years. Talking with Chase is like having a conversation with a dear friend over coffee.

    Take a listen to our chat—you’ll walk away empowered, and inspired to re-discover, or start following your creative call. I have no doubt around that.

    How he go into photography and exited a career in medicine
    What it means to be Creative
    Where society had led us astray on creativity
    The never-linear path of pursuing our creative calling
    Why you must become okay with letting those around you down to truly follow your Creative Calling
    Intuition and your Creative Calling
    How to harness your creativity and work it like a muscle
    Why there’s no map for where you—or ANYONE— is going
    The crucial step most people miss when executing on their dreams
    The I.D.E.A acronym: what it means and how to use it
    The role mindset play in your creative expression
    The one piece of wisdom Chase lives by

  • Join Host Monica Kade for this 3-day virtual summit with three inspiring leaders in Health and Self Awareness. This series is about helping you embrace 2020 from a place of power and inner space.

    As each year creeps over the horizon, we set intentions to make the New Year our ‘best year’ yet. Often these intentions fall short because of the space they’re made from.

    What if you stepped into 2020 empowered?

    What if you moved into the next decade with a deeper sense of self?

    Imagine if you welcomed the New Year with confidence, knowing you already have everything you need to live your best life.

    My three incredible guests will show you where to start and prepare you for all the wonderful dreams you wish to achieve in 2020.

    Starts Nov 18th-22nd.

    To REGISTER your spot for FREE visit www.TheMomentHQ.com/embrace-2020

  • “I fought so hard to live and then I was having these thoughts about not wanting to live, and it didn’t make sense.” - Claire Rackley, Ep112 The Monica Kade Podcast.
    In episode 112 of The Monica Kade Podcast, I chat to Claire Rackley, an Australian Artist and Abstract Acrylic Painter. Her art intentionally provokes emotions of joy and peace through the use of bright colours and bold strokes.
    But she wasn’t always an artist as such. This particular career trajectory came to life after undergoing brain and spine surgery in 2015.
    Claire used her creativity as therapy to heal and recover from the trauma, but as time progressed people began to ask to purchase her artworks. She has an interest in mental health and how colour can impact a person and their emotions.
    What caught my attention with Claire was her love to impact those in the waiting and recovery rooms of hospitals and medical practices with beautiful tiles on the ceiling, in the hope it would impact their state of being.
    This woman is changing the world and making such a profound impact that I can’t wait to see how it ripples out into across the world.
    "Creativity brings life. No matter what industry you’re in, continue to create." - Claire Rackley

    What Chiari 1 Malformation is and what it meant for her
    What it was like being a mother to young children and being diagnosed with this serious illness
    What the most challenging part of the experience was for her
    What Claire learned about herself from undergoing brain surgery and recovery
    How she’s had to adapt the way she lives her life
    The effect her diagnosis had on her children and her personally
    Where the inspiration for her artwork ceiling tiles came from
    How this creative idea has been received
    The career she’d like to attempt if not in this one
    Her greatest asset
    A piece of wisdom she lives by today

  • "We like to think we’re in control, but we’re totally not. You just have to appreciate the life you’ve got today and what you’re doing now."
    - Matt Golinski, Ep111. The Monica Kade Podcast

    In episode 111 of The Monica Kade Podcast, we sit down with highly regarded chef, Matt Golinski.
    He’s a warm and down-to-earth guy who’s got a deep love for food and cooking. His enthusiasm for his craft is truly inspiring. His passion for local produce and quality ingredients infuses our conversation. In fact, when Matt gets talking about food and in-season produce, your tastebuds will dance.

    Matt has founded his own catering company, been on the popular TV series, ‘Ready Steady Cook’,  and has worked as an Executive Chef at many leading Australian restaurants.

    Today, he lives on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland and is a Consulting Chef to restaurants in the area. Matt loves writing his popular food columns and blog; and is a regular guest chef at festivals and events.

    In March 2018, Matt joined the Peppers Noosa Resort team as their Consultant Executive Chef, developing menus that consolidate his knowledge and love of the food producers in his region.

    The other part to Matt’s story is that in 2011, he lost his first wife, Rachel and three young daughters to a house fire. It’s a heartbreaking story, which can you can Google because rather than focusing on the details in this conversation, I wanted to discuss how Matt overcame such adversity.

    Take a listen to our conversation if you love food, produce, cooking or you want to be uplifted. It’s a conversation that’ll remind you to follow what you love and treat every moment as a special occasion.

    The farm he grew up on and when he realised he wanted to become a chef
    How food was regarded in his family growing up
    How he’s creating community and connection in his household
    What his chef leadership style is really like
    His food philosophy he aims to impart with his audience
    The behind the scenes of catering to food intolerances and allergies in today’s modern world
    His favourite cuisine to create
    Whether he loves to cook at home just as much as at work
    How Matt navigated the first few weeks after the house fire, waking up badly burnt in hospital 
    The emotional and physical journey post the event
    What kept him going when he didn’t want to be alive
    How he continues to foster a strong mindset up until today
    How the heart-breaking experience has changed his life perspective

    The one recipe Matt would leave the world with
    What he believes is his greatest asset
    A piece of wisdom he lives by today

    Instagram: @MATTGOLINSKI

  • "Empower yourself by knowing you can do whatever it is you want to do, but you don't have to do everything...Know where your 'no line' is."
    - Jodie Evins, Ep110 The Monica Kade Podcast

    Joining me for episode 110 is Jodie Evins, the CEO and Founder of Coco Luxe, a range of premium fortified coconut waters made from 100% single origin coconuts and uplifted with nature’s best health-boosting properties. Unlike other coconut water companies on the market, Jodie is the only woman to lead the way in the budding coconut water industry in Australia .

    After over 15 years in marketing executive and managerial roles working with the likes of Audi, Coca-Cola, Nike, Paramount and Fairfax Media, Jodie went on to bring her revolutionary range to market, bridging the gap between the beverage and supplement markets.

    She’s a woman carving her own path and a real go-getter. I really loved her wisdom for fellow mothers, who are juggling kids, family and career. Her words were very empowering. Listen to the podcast, or watch the conversation below.


    At what age her entrepreneurial spirit kicked in
    Her humorous story about starting a surf tour business with her then boyfriend
    What the journey of bringing Coco Luxe to market has involved
    What inspired her to infuse her coconut waters with vitamins
    How she carved out bespoke branding that stood out from her competitors
    Why sustainable business is important to Jodie
    How and what she teaches her children about business
    Her message for others starting a business they love
    Know where your "No line" is


    What career she’d attempt if not in this one
    What she believes is her greatest asset
    A piece of wisdom she lives by

  • Welcome to Episode 109 of The Monica Kade Podcast. Today’s episode is a special one. It sits close to my heart, and behind the scenes this conversation has been a personally transformational one.
    Meet Vashti Whitfield. She has over twenty years experience in facilitating the transformation and development of human potential as an executive and performance coach, teacher and international speaker. However, she’s most widely known for choosing to turn her own personal loss into a catalyst for inspiring millions of people.
    Her late husband, actor Andy Whitfield was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2010 just after he’d landed the role of Spartacus in the TV Series Spartacus: Blood and Sand. This was a huge role for Andy and shot his acting career into lights, which he had been so tirelessly working towards for many years prior. He’d finally “made it”—and so very quickly this dream career and life, he and Vashti had invested so much energy into was pulled from beneath their feet.
    Both Andy and Vashti decided to make a documentary, BE HERE NOW, which chronicles Andy and the family’s journey with cancer and the battle to overcome fear, loss and letting go.
    The story is a heart-wrenching emotional rollercoaster. We see Andy beat Cancer the first time around, but not for good. It returns. Eventually, on September 11, 2011 Andy’s battle came to an end. Leaving behind his incredible wife Vashti, their extraordinary life and his gorgeous two young children, Jesse and Indigo.
    In 2017, along with the films Director, Oscar Nominee Lilibet Foster, Vashti toured worldwide premiering and speaking about their award-winning feature film documentary Be Here Now.
    If you don't already know of Vashti, you'll fall in love with her candid nature, her big heart and incredibly strong mindset. Her energy and fervour for life is infectious. Her words deeply empowering. A conversation that will open your heart and remind you of what’s truly important: THIS MOMENT NOW.

    Learn About
    Vashti’s incredible upbringing living all over the world as a young little girl
    What has fostered Vashti’s strong mindset
    The idea of ‘fitting in’ and how her mum raised her differently
    Her perspective around ‘inclusivity’ of men and women, not just women
    Who Andy was to her, what he was like and what she loved about him
    How Andy and Vashti built a beautifully strong relationship
    What made them decide to film the Be Here Now documentary 
    How the film got its title and the experience of filming something so personal
    What it’s like for Vashti having to fill the shoes of both parents
    How she supports Jesse and Indi as a parent

    Follow Vashti Here
    Her website
    Instagram | Facebook
    Be Here Now Documentary Website

  • "Illness is a call of action. It’s a call from that deep part of ourselves; the authentic part of us. That authentic part of us is calling us to come back home, and calling you to be who you were designed to be." - Dr Carolyn Coker Ross, Ep108. The Monica Kade Podcast

    Welcome to Episode 108 of the Monica Kade Podcast. Today our guest is Dr. Carolyn Coker Ross, who is an integrative doctor specialising in eating disorders and addictions. She’s one of Denver’s Top Eating Disorder Specialists.

    She’s authored two books, and recently, she launched The Anchor program, a proven, medically-supervised program that treats compulsive overeating, emotional eating and binge eating disorders.

    What I love about Carolyn is her great love for what she does, and how this filters through the care and determination she has for making a difference in the lives of those who suffer from addictions of various kinds. Her holistic and grounded approach is what sets her apart from many traditional doctors and facilities; and this is what you’ll hear about in this chat.

    Learn About

    When she knew she wanted to become a doctor

    The special relationship she had with her grandmother

    What led her down the path of integrative medicine

    What she finds most rewarding about supporting people through eating disorders and food addictions

    Why Carolyn started The Anchor Program

    What she love most about it

    How her approach changed over the years

    The most rewarding aspect of her work

    Signature Questions

    What career she’d attempt if not in this one

    What she believes is her greatest asset

    A piece of wisdom she lives by

  • I don’t let anyone project what they think my life should be like. So many people have opinions around how you should live and what you should do, and how things are supposed to look. I can’t let anyone do that for me. As this is my life, just as it’s your life."- Katee Sackhoff, Ep107. The Monica Kade PodcastWelcome to Episode 107. You Don't Have Another Life: Health Acting & What Matters with Actress Katee Sackhoff. Katee is an American actress, who grew up in Portland, Oregon. She’s best known for playing Lieutenant Kara "Starbuck" in Battlestar Galactica. A show which nominated her for four Saturn Awards and where she won the award for Best Supporting Actress on Television.You may also recognise her from The Fearing Mind; TV series Bionic Woman, Nip/Tuck, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, and Star Wars: The Clone Wars ; and the Netflix series Longmire and The Flash—along with her newest Netflix series: Another Life. But that’s not it, Katee has also had a handful of lead roles in feature films to add to her belt of acting achievements.However, it’s not her accomplishments that moved and inspired me, rather, it’s her humility, down-to-earth nature and lovely, lovely energy (you'll know what I mean when you hear our chat). I love how REAL Katee is. How open and transparent she is when it comes to sharing her personal story, the ins and outs of her career and her life challenges.No doubt you’ll enjoy this conversations—it’s a real favourite of mine.Learn AboutWhy her career plans of being a professional swimmer fell throughHow she picked herself up from the (at that time in her life) very shattering newsThe story around how she got into actingHow she got her first breakHer mindset and approach to auditioning when she first started outHow she navigated body image in HollywoodHow acting makes her feel and what she loves about itHer preparation process for her characters and how she knows when she’s embodied the characterHer Netflix series, Another Life and what it was like preparing her character, Astronaut Niko BreckinridgeWhat she does when she’s not working to keep a strong mindsetWhy she’s excited to get olderWhy she values health and why she believes in being transparent around body, exercise and food with her audienceSignature QuestionsIf she wasn’t in this career, what Katee would attemptWhat she believes is her greatest assetGreatest piece of wisdom she lives by

  • On Episode 106. The Woman Who Reinvented Vegemite for Those with Food Intolerances, we sit down with Everymite Founder Cinnamon Morrisey.

    Cinnamon is one of those individuals you cross paths with and they leave a mark in your heart—as I’m sure you’ll gather from our conversation.

    Aside from her down-to-earth nature and warm presence, she’s behind the brand Everymite. Everymite is the answer for those who LOVE the good ol’ Aussie vegemite (me) but cannot eat it because of food intolerances (also me).

    However, now you can! Everymite is a certified organic spread that’s nutrient dense and preservative free that tastes just like vegemite. With three varieties available, you can now lather your Everymite on toast, seed crackers, keto bread (and all the other bread alternatives). Have it with cheese, avocado, or just plain ol' butter.

    The Everymite story begins with her youngest son, William, who loved vegemite couldn't eat it due to having Down Syndrome. His food intolerances inspired Cinnamon to experiment with all kinds of ways to replicate a gut-friendly spread for William.

    Thanks to her success, we can all benefit from her hard efforts.

    A truly uplifting conversation with an inspiring woman. Take a listen below.

    Learn About
    What life was like prior to Everymite
    How long it took to perfect the Everymite formula
    Was the intention to always create a business out of Everymite
    The realities of launching this product to market and what the business journey has been like behind the scenes
    The greatest challenge Cinnamon has faced with bringing the product to life
    If she ever wanted to throw in the towel
    What’s been the greatest reward?
    Why there’s 3 types of Everymite
    Wisdom she has to share for people starting their own businesses

    Signature Questions
    If she wasn’t in this career, what she’d attempt?
    What she believes is her greatest asset
    A piece of wisdom she lives by today

  • “An idea can take you anywhere.” — Linda Monique, CEO Almo Milk. Ep105 The Monica Kade Podcast

    Welcome to Episode 105 of The Monica Kade podcast. This week’s woman to watch is Linda Monique the CEO and Founder of Almo Milk, Australia’s most premium, 100% grown and made, long-life almond milk.

    Before establishing Almo, Linda lived many lives. She studied Commerce and Arts at the University of Melbourne, she’s lived in Milan and London, lectured in food design, and dabbled in being a private chef for a number of A-List celebrities and high net worth individuals. She’s also been on Masterchef, a TED speaker and won the 2018 Telstra Young Business Awards.

    In 2015, her autoimmune condition worsened and she was forced to focus on making drastic, yet positive lifestyle changes. To strengthen her immune system, Linda began consuming plant-based milks, and realised that every product was full of additives, and this is where we begin our Almo conversation.

    Learn About

    Why she chose to study commerce and arts
    Her travels to Milan and London, and how these came about
    How she fell into becoming a private chef
    How being hospitalised with an autoimmune condition was possibly a blessing 
    Why she started Almo, and how the idea came to her
    Her greatest challenge in launching Almo to market
    The most rewarding aspect of creating and running Almo
    The number one thing she wants you (consumers) to know about Almo Milk

    Signature Questions

    If she wasn’t in her current career, what she’d attempt
    What she believes is her greatest asset 
    A piece of wisdom she’s self acquired or been given that she lives by today

  • Welcome to Episode 104 of The Monica Kade Podcast, today’s guest is Sienna Roocroft. She’s a 6 year old entrepreneur who recently launched her first business, No Little Glitter.
    When her mum Sarah Nally, asked her what problem she wanted to solve in the world, Sienna said: Stop war and help the refugees. Sienna saw glitter as a way to make lives brighter, the planet cleaner and contribute to lifting the vibration of consciousness. Well, that’s my take, she doesn’t quite know that yet.
    My youngest ever guest on the podcast, and definitely a young woman to keep to watch!

    Why Sienna wants to stop war and help the refugees
    How it makes her feel hearing about war and the refugees
    What she loves about glitter
    How she came up with her business name
    How she designed and developed the No Litter Glitter logo
    What it’s like for Sienna to have her first business
    What she wants the world to know about No Litter Glitter
    The most exciting thing about having a business at 6-years old
    Sienna got all dressed up for our podcast episode, but we didn't record video, but here's a snapshot of her and her friend Tilly all glammed up!

  • “Even though it’ll be really hard now and it feels impossible and you want to give up. Giving up will be easier. And yeah, you might feel better. And that feeling will only be there for so long and in 15 years you’re going to look back, or meet someone that’s doing what you wanted to do—and you’re going to regret not pursuing what you really wanted to.”
    — Amanda LaCount, Ep103. The Monica Kade Podcast

    On Episode 103 of The Monica Kade Podcast, we’re joined by Amanda LaCount. A well known hip hop dancer, choreographer, model, and influencer. Some of her most notable performances include The Ellen Show, Meghan Trainor, Katy Perry, DWTS, The Voice, and her National Dance Tour "Amanda LaCount Live". She’s also performed in a bunch of professional musical production.

    Originally from Colorado, she grew up with 6 other siblings and was raised by her mum. During that time, she was also a competitive figure skater and qualified for Nationals.

    One of her latest and truly inspiring projects is #breakingthestereotype™: a movement/hashtag she started which promotes body positivity and the belief that any "body" can be a dancer. She’s breaking the stereotype that all dancers must be tall, thin and blonde. Her philosophy is "If you love it, do it. It's as simple as that."

    What it was like to grow up in a big family
    How she got into figure skating
    How old she was when she discovered her love for dance
    How she navigated her teenage years with the natural mental, physical and emotional chalenges
    One of the biggest personal challenges she’s had to overcome to grow her self-confidence
    How she got hired to dance for Katy Perry
    Who Amanda wants to dance for; the person on top of her dance bucket list
    What #breakingstereotypes movement is and what inspired itat you’d like too?
    Amanda’s advice for those questioning their dreams or having a moment of “I quit”

    Signature Questions
    The career she’d attempt if not in this one
    The greatest piece of wisdom she lives by today
    What she believes is her greatest asset

  • In Episode 102 of The Monica Kade Podcast, I sat down with Pip Summerville; the Founder and Creative Director of Tonik, an all-natural health capsule company, with a no-fluff approach to feeling good. Tonik was founded in 2016 by pip from the desire to make natural health supplements easier and more convenient for the health conscious consumer—but first and foremost it was the solution to a personal problem. With the help of her pharmacist father, Glenn, they went on to create the much loved Tonik brand.


    What it was like being a professional athlete growing up
    How and why Pip developed an unhealthy relationship with food 
    The impact that disordered eating had on her sports career and personal life
    Hear about the special relationship she has with her dad and its role in her upbringing
    How apple cider vinegar played a big role in her life
    How the Tonik business idea came to life
    Behind the scenes of Tonik’s creation phase, to where it is today
    How Tonik received Goop’s (Gwenyth Paltrow’s lifestyle brand) seal of approval
    The Base Agency, her second business and how it supported the development of Tonik
    How she juggles two businesses and family


    What career Pip would attempt if not in this one
    What she believes is her greatest asset
    A piece of wisdom she’s been given or acquired through life experience that she lives by

  • “You live a very, very different life when early on you begin to see that self-care is not extra credit. It’s not that spa treatment you treat yourself to once a year. Self-care is constantly evaluating if something is good for you or not—if something feels good to you or not.”  
    — Sheri Salata, Ep101. The Monica Kade podcast 

    Joining me today is Sheri Salata, writer-producer, Co-host of the podcast The Sheri + Nancy Show and Co-founder of thepillarlife.com. She’s had an impressive career working as the executive producer on the Oprah Winfrey Show, and also served as co-president of Harpo Studios and OWN.  

    My path crossed with Sheri's virtually at first. A little while back, I was listening to Marie Forleo’s podcast, and it was the episode with Sheri. I hadn’t read the intro to learn about who she was at the time, I merely pressed play on the episode.

    After a good 15 or so minutes into the conversation, Sheri started talking about her career path, that her career didn’t really take off until her 30s. My ears pricked up and I thought to myself, ‘Who is this woman?’ 

    That’s when I knew I had to get Sheri on The Monica Kade podcast. I resonated so deeply with that message, having struggled through my 20s with knowing what I wanted to do—and the constant chop and change.
    "What the world needs from you, is for you to be so filled with joy that it’s literally coming out of your pores.”  
    — Sheri Salata, Ep101. The Monica Kade podcast

    I was genuinely thrilled when Sheri agreed to come on the show. Her story of The Beautiful No serves as a reminder that there’s always a bigger picture unfolding. Often we don’t see it. And, when we feel like we’re getting the (beautiful) 'No'—let’s not give up hope. We must not give up on our dreams. In fact, it’s a moment to dive deeper and stay true to the vision that burns in our heart.

    This woman is a bundle of joy. Her warmth and candid nature make you feel like you're hanging out with a dear friend. I feel honored to have had the chance to sit down with Sheri, share some laughs and some wisdoms, that you too get to hear. I hope you enjoy the conversation. She’s an absolute delight of a woman. May you walk away knowing that you CAN live the life of your dreams!

    Who Sheri saw herself as in the world and what her approach to life was like as a child
    What Sheri’s life looked like working at The Oprah Winfrey Show
    What aspects of herself she neglected during her career at OWN
    Why your mindset, surrounding environment and social circle impact the life of your dreams—and how to ensure they’re a support not a hindrance
    The greatest thing Sheri learned about herself writing the book
    Why you must foster self-care before you can live the life of your dreams
    We explore the beautiful question and why it's important to ask yourself, ‘Where do I want to go?’
    What steps to take if you feel like you have the career of your dreams, but not the life of your dreams.
    Why it’s okay if you haven’t got the dream career in your 30s, 40s, or 50s—and what to do about it.
    What scares Sheri?
    What's her greatest asset?
    What’s the best piece of wisdom Sheri's acquired through life experience or (through someone else) that she lives by? 

  • "Everyone is obsessed with calories. Calories are just a measurement of energy. If we focused on nutrients and not calories we wouldn’t have this obsession with weight, and probably have a healthier population of people. Let’s just eat the foods that don’t cause ill health and not eat everything else." - Dr Robert Zembroski, Ep100. The Monica Kade Podcast

    Welcome to episode 100 of The Monica Kade Podcast: If Your Gut Instinct Talks to You, You Better Listen. Joining me today is Dr. Robert Zembroski is a physician, specialist in functional medicine, board-certified chiropractic neurologist, clinical nutritionist, author of Rebuild, and a transformational speaker. 

    His story of adversity started with a giant five-inch tumor in his chest—non-hodgkin's lymphoma—a life threatening blood cancer, and our podcast takes you through this very challenging and traumatic period of his life. We talk about what it was like from the moment he heard the word 'tumor', right through to how he navigated his way through the illness and how he rebuilt his health to where it is today: fighting fit!

    It was such a pleasure to have an opportunity to talk to Dr Z. His down-to-earth nature coupled with his intelligence and very candid approach to his story was very refreshing. His story is a testament to the power of the mind. His journey through cancer and coming out the side is confirmation to us all, that we have the power to choose; that "diagnosis is not destiny. That through presence and a growth mindset, we make better choices. That by caring about what we put into our bodies and how we choose to move, we foster a foundation for living a healthy life. His work is brilliant because he reminds you that YOU have the power. It's totally up to you!

    Whether you're battling cancer or another life threatening illness, this conversation is for you. It's also for you if you want to live a happier, healthier and empowered life. There's something in our chat for everyone!


    1. The inner dialogue in the moment he found out he had a tumor in his chest
    2. Why stress is a perception
    3. Why you must (and how to) pull the weeds from your mind (and life)
    4. Why he created a fun acronym for the word 'Diet' and what 'D.I.E.T' now stands for
    5. The power of mindset and how you can foster a strong mind
    6. Nutrients vs calories
    7. Why you shouldn't be focusing on 'losing weight' and what you focus on instead
    8. Why he recommends avoiding dairy (warning, the scientific information around this is disgusting)
    9. His recommendation for HIIT (high intensity interval training) as exercise, and why you should adopt it
    10. The greatest thing he learned about himself during his health crisis 

    1. Sunset or sunrise, and why?
    2. What Dr Z is afraid of?
    3. The piece of wisdom he's been given or acquired that Robert lives by?

    PREFER TO WATCH? DO SO HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lacGrXDb-Uw