the most of it
Uusi-Seelanti · Antonia Prebble & Roar Collective
- Society & Culture
- Science
- Personal Journals
- Social Sciences
For as long as I can remember I’ve been on the hunt to find the answer to one big question: how do we make the most of this thing called life? But of course, there is no singular answer.
There isn’t a magic key out there that, when you find it, just unlocks everything and you can say, “yep great, I know how to do life now.” Instead, it’s a process. A process of listening and learning, of questioning and challenging. Gathering together threads of knowledge and wisdom that, over time, weave together to create a life of deeper awareness and understanding.
So that’s what I’m trying to do with this podcast. I’ll be speaking to people with a range of expertise and experiences. People with a unique perspective on what a meaningful life looks like. Writers, scientists, philosophers, artists, thought-leaders, innovators and more. We’ll sit down over a nice cup of tea and…while we won’t get to cover everything…we’ll try to get to the most of it…