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Selamat Datang di 18 Tahun, a Podcast by Resya Arva Vradana. Membicarakan persoalan ringan sehari-hari dan hal menarik di sekitar saya. Hubungi saya melalui Instagram @resyaarva.
Cerita unik dan sisi lain dibalik terciptanya sebuah lagu yang digali langsung dari Penyanyi / Pencipta lagunya. Ada bonus Live Performance-nya juga, lho. Follow podcast ini! Karena yang lengkap cuma bisa didengarkan di Podcast Music Extra!
Helping you become a better violinist through violin tutorials, interviews, career advice, and more.
Music Cover and Instrument.
K Hip-Hop like you've never heard it before with Seoul Therapy The Podcast; a bi-weekly K Hip-Hop podcast with in-depth conversation on the scene. Hosted by Daniel and Daytona, the podcast aims to demystify Korean Hip-Hop for international fans. From the history of KHH to song analysis and the hottest topics, you'll get to know everything there is to know about the genre. Follow @seoul_therapy on all socials and visit our website for more KHH and K R&B content.
A Millennial Musician shares insights from this generation of young creatives re-defining the music industry around the world. Through thoughtfully curated interviews, host Julian Loida brings to light the diverse backgrounds and experiences of today’s music industry professionals and exposes the common threads of perseverance and passion that weave through their compelling stories. In short solo podcasts, Loida shares his own secrets of the trade gleaned from his path to becoming “one of the Boston music scene’s most valuable players.” Music fans, aspiring musicians, and future historians will all appreciate A Millennial Musician’s portrait of the generation that is embracing the challenges of their time to craft a new landscape for music in the 21st century.
The Global Style Diary & Fashion Magazine - Fashion, Luxury, Lifestyle, Music & Entertainment
Seri wawancara yang fokus dan mendalam bersama para tokoh musik dan public figure terkini. Diciptakan dan dipandu oleh jurnalis musik Felix Martua. Podcast 'The Felix Martua Series' bisa disaksikan di YouTube, Spotify Podcast, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, dan NOICE.
Adam, Ildo, dan Maul adalah pria-pria berusia kepala tiga yang tergabung dalam unit musik pop-rock bernama Perunggu.
Podcast ini kurang lebih mengemulasi aneka percakapan yang kerap muncul di ruang tunggu beberapa saat sebelum mereka masuk ke studio - sepulang kantor - sebelum main musik. -
From almost getting stabbed as a Lyft driver to this…….An in car interview series hosted by Sterling Silver. Based in the Cincinnati, Ohio area, Silver travels with his guest in car through the city, discussing random topics from their talents, upbringing and interesting stories. Hear the growth of the YouTube series from your headphones as Silver is #AlreadyRollin 4 years and counting!
The podcast Rolling Stone said "initiates profound discussions with rock and metal artists, allowing fans to discover the creative workflow of their favorite musicians and understand the factors that make the bands succeed or fall from fame."
Kevin AKA the moshing mad man who isn’t tame or timid, derives his non-stop energy from rock & metal music.
But that wasn’t the case in 2017, when he was depressed and almost ended his life, with music being one of his only sources of happiness and individuality.
The Chord Progression Podcast, releases 2 episodes every week on Tuesdays and Thursdays, inspiring young rock and metal fans to discover new music, connect with their favorite brand and fuel their desire to connect and feel accepted.
This podcast reinvigorated his life, allowing him to connect with rock & metal fans.
Speaking with new rock & metal artists each week, becoming part and also building one of the best music communities there is with this Podcast!
If you want to:
- Connect with your favorite bands
- Become part of a wider rock and metal community
- Discover the creative workflow of how the best rock & metal music are
- And understand the key indicator of pitfalls and success of bands
Scroll up, click follow and start listening to our fan favorite episode titled THE NEXT BIG THING FOR WOMEN IN ROCK MUSIC: Voice of Baceprot Talk New Music and New Tour in 2023 -
Los Angeles’ Rawest Podcast
Click the link below to access exclusive content and support the podcast: -
NGINTIP V2LAST adalah singkatan dari Ngobrol, Interview, dan Preview V2LAST.
Ini adalah program terbaru dari V2LAST OFFICIAL untuk membahas mengenai karya-karya, orang-orang dibaliknya, model Video Klip, kegiatan keseharian, pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam proses perjalanan, teman-teman musisi lainnya, dan masih banyak lagi. -
Podcast yang berisi wawancara musisi Indonesia bersama Satriyo Prakoso selaku Music Director 97.5 Play FM Palembang.
Radionya anak muda indonesia yang creatif, inovasi dan penuh inspirasi dalam satu aplikasi
GitarPlus adalah majalah gitar pertama dan satu-satunya di Indonesia. Terbit perdana pada Januari 2004, Majalah GItarPlus beredar di seluruh Indonesia sampai Februari 2017 sebelum bergeser ke online.
GitarPlus menyajikan info-info seputar dunia musik dan musisi, khususnya gitar. -
Sebuah talkshow orang biasa.
Parkun Family Talkshow on Clubhouse