
  • Welcome to another episode of the OCR Underground Show. Each episode is packed with training and nutrition tips to help you train for your next obstacle course race without destroying your body in the process.

    I am super excited to announce the release of my latest project. This one has been in the works for over a year and I am finally ready to share it. On top of being a coach and business owner, I have been a fitness educator for a long time. It is something that I have really enjoyed. I love learning and keeping up with my education and I love helping others get better at their craft.

    Over the years of working with OCR clients, I have learned much to see what it takes to make improvements. I have had successes and mistakes. But each time I learned and developed a better and better system to helping my clients.

    There are not many programs out there that really go in depth on the science and application of training for OCR. My goal was to put together a certification course for other coaches looking to sharpen their craft and better help their clients in the sport of OCR. Whether they are training for their first one or trying to podium, there are specific things to work on, to help with your success.

    Whether you are a coach or not, this episode takes you though what it takes to create a successful OCR training program. If you are looking to improve your own program, or the programs of clients you are working with, check this out.

    This new course is 7 modules packed with applicable information to help you take your clients results to the next level. These modules include:

    Module 1 - Recovery Methods Module 2 - Energy Systems Development Module 3 - Nutrition Module 4 - Strength Training Module 5 - Tactical Skill Development Module 6 - Effective Programming Module 7 - Mental Training Strategies

    No other program goes into this much depth in these topics specifically for OCR. There are over 13 hours of video lecture plus a 127 page manual.

    If you are ready to step up your coaching or learn more to help with your own training click on the link below. I am lo0king for 10 beta testers to complete the program and be the first Certified OCR Specialists. As an added bonus you will receive $100 off when you use code COCRS100.


    Enjoy the episode!

    Links Mentioned In The Show:

    The Body Pod Scale: https://myhumehealth.com/products/the-body-pod?bg_ref=OmkL9jt7FG Use Code OCRUNDERGROUND to save 15%

    The Ice Pod Pro: https://snwbl.io/pod-company/MIKE17290 Save $10 with this link

    The Certified OCR Specialist: https://ocr-underground.newzenler.com/courses/certified-ocr-specialist Save $100 with Code COCRS100

  • Welcome to the OCR Underground Show.

    Your best resource for all things to help you train better for your next obstacle course race. Each episode I cover training strategies plus chat with other experts to get other insight into smarter ocr training.

    In this episode I share more information about my latest project the Certified OCR Specialist certification coming out soon. To get on the waitlist for early access click here: https://ocr-underground.newzenler.com/f/certified-ocr-specialist-waitlist

    I also dive into some keys areas of mental training. While this seems like a secondary part of training, there is no denying how much impact the mental game has on performance. In this podcast I review the 3 areas that most will need improvements in mental training and specific strategies on improving them.

    In my research review, I look at the debated topic of protein intake. Specifically we look at research on the upper limit of protein consumption. Is it true that you cannot absorb more than 30g of protein in one feeding? We look at new research that provided 100g of protein and see some interesting results. I also look at some factors for protein consumption as we age.

    And finally, in my interview segment, I have on coaches Joel and Luke Hayes from Trio Fitness Training. Brothers Joel and Luke Hayes are personal trainers specializing in coaching athletes in Obstacle Course Racing, Hybrid Competitions, and Tactical Competitions with their company Trio Fitness Training. They've been racing in OCR competitively since 2017, and since the more recent growth of Hybrid events, they've competed in dozens of events, and coached athletes to the Deka World Championships as well as other hybrid competitions. Their specialty is tailoring training specifically to individual athletes so that the athlete is put in the best possible position to progress and succeed.

    They discuss some of their philosophies with training for both OCR and hybrid events. Also, they explain a really cool project they have been working on called the OCR's Greatest. This is an incredible program to bring about awareness for more local OCR events. Listen in on how you can help out local OCR races and win prizes.

    Links mentioned in today's episode:

    Dara Scale by Fit Track: http://getfittrack.com/ Use code OCRUNDERGROUND

    The Ice Pod Pro: podcompany.com

    Amino Company: www.aminoco.com/OCR Use Code OCR

    Research on Upper Limit Protein Intake: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666379123005402

    Research on Protein in Older Adults: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30722014/

    Trio Fitness Training: https://www.triofitnesstraining.com/

    OCR's Greatest: https://www.triofitnesstraining.com/ocrsgreatest

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  • The OCR Underground Show Episode 107 Show Notes

    Welcome to the OCR Underground Show. Your best resource for all things OCR and Hybrid training. Each week I dive into different topics to help you train smarter for your next OCR.

    The New Year is here and what better way to start than some insight on how to set goals and a few specific things you can work on this year. Don't get caught assuming this year will be better than last. It is up to you to make that happen. This episode is jam packed with tips to help you do just that.

    To start I am announcing the upcoming release of my revamped Spartan Ultra Beast Training Program. This is my most downloaded program of the past few years. I revamped the workouts and added a few things to help you train for your next Ultra. While I am putting the finishing touches on the program I am running a presale promotion. Right now if you are one of the first 20 people to sign up, you get $50 off the program PLUS a free race code for your next Ultra in 2024. You just have to register by 1/31. To get access to this 4 month training plan and have all of your running, strength, and tactical workouts laid out for you click the link below. Plus get access to some cool bonuses like mental training strategies and a race day nutrition guide.

    Join the presale list here ======> https://ocr-underground.newzenler.com/courses/ultra-beast-training-program

    This episode is a New Year special. I discuss the 3 steps you should take when setting your yearly goals, how you can set a baseline to determine your current level and discover any bottlenecks in your programming, plus how to plan out your yearly training to set yourself up for success.

    All this and more in today's episode. Enjoy!

    Podcast Sponsors:

    Ready to start adding cold plunges to your routine? Make sure you check out The Pod Company’s Ice Pod Pro. They have made cold water immersion super simple and affordable. Set it up in minutes and reap the benefits of cold exposure. Use this link and get $10 off your order.

    Looking for a great gift idea for fitness enthusiasts? Check out the Dara scale from Fit Track. It was voted Best Body Monitoring for Health in 2023. Get accurate measurements for 17 body composition metrics, monitor progress easily with daily & weekly health reports, and get tailored nutrition and fitness tips. The scale is 50% off right now, plus get an additional 20% off when you use code OCRUNDERGROUND.

    If you need help getting enough protein through your diet, check out The Amino Company. Essential Amino Acids are amino acids that your body cannot make on its own and needs to be ingested. The Amino Company created specific amino acid formulations designed to enhance workout performance, aid in exercise and injury recovery, for active aging, and liver function. Check out all of the products at www.aminoco.com/ocr. Use code OCR to save 30% on your order.

    Links Mentioned In The Show:

    Fat Loss Blueprint Webinar: http://sandiegopremiertraining.com/webinar

    Deka Strong at SDPT 3/3/24: https://tickets-usdk.spartan.com/event/DS948

    Ultra Beast Training Program: https://ocr-underground.newzenler.com/courses/ultra-beast-training-program

    Find an FMS Pro near you: http://www.functionalmovement.com

    Broad Jump Testing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb9t8j9ylPs

    Seated MB Throw Test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXO1eYu4kr8&pp=ygUfc2VhdGVkIG1lZGljaW5lIGJhbGwgdGhyb3cgdGVzdA%3D%3D

  • Welcome to the OCR Underground Show. Your best resource for smarter obstacle course race training tips. Each episode I share insight into improving your training, interview other experts, and dive into the latest research to help guide you along the way.

    In this episode I share my experience at the So Cal Rugged Maniac race. I had a blast getting back into a race and enjoying some time with clients.

    I also take a deep dive into trending recovery tool of ice baths. I have been using ice baths regularly for the past few months and have really enjoyed it. But I often cringe when I hear some of the claims that are made about what ice baths really do.

    Are ice baths really the best way to burn fat? Will you never get sick again? Do you bounce back faster from tough workouts?

    There are many reasons why you might use ice baths in your routine. In this episode we look at what the science says about popular claims like increased metabolism, enhanced recovery, dopamine release, immunity boost, pain alleviation, and improved sleep.

    If you currently are taking ice baths or are thinking about it, you will definitely want to check this one out.

    Podcast Sponsors:

    Ready to start adding cold plunges to your routine? Make sure you check out The Pod Company's Ice Pod Pro. They have made cold water immersion super simple and affordable. Set it up in minutes and reap the benefits of cold exposure. Use this link and get $10 off your order.

    Looking for a great gift idea for fitness enthusiasts? Check out the Dara scale from Fit Track. It was voted Best Body Monitoring for Health in 2023. Get accurate measurements for 17 body composition metrics, monitor progress easily with daily & weekly health reports, and get tailored nutrition and fitness tips. The scale is 50% off right now, plus get an additional 20% off when you use code OCRUNDERGROUND.

    If you need help getting enough protein through your diet, check out The Amino Company. Essential Amino Acids are amino acids that your body cannot make on its own and needs to be ingested. The Amino Company created specific amino acid formulations designed to enhance workout performance, aid in exercise and injury recovery, for active aging, and liver function. Check out all of the products at www.aminoco.com/ocr. Use code OCR to save 30% on your order.

  • The OCR Underground Show is here to help you train smarter for your next OCR or Hybrid event. In this episode I share a recent interview I had with two of the best Aaron Nowlin and Glen Racz are among the best in OCR. Recently they have been tearing up the courses in hybrid events such as DEKA.

    I have had the privilege to watch them compete many times in the DEKA MILE and DEKA STRONG. At our last event they each competed individually, posting the 2 fastest mile times, and then joined forces for an incredible team time. Aaron and Glen finished in 14:06.6 which earned them the fast time time in 2023.

    Glen and Aaron have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to training for OCR events. In this interview I pick their brain on how they have evolved over the years in the sport. They give some great insight on how to train for hybrid events, how to prepare for hybrid and traditional OCR at the same time, and some of their strategies for doing a team event.

    Enjoy the show!

    Do me a favor and also check out the sponsors for today's episode. The Pod Company has made cold plunging a sinch with their Ice Pod Pro. This is an incredibly easy and affordable tool to add to your home set up. Set it up, fill it up, and jump in. Use the power of cold plunge to boost recovery so you can train harder more often. Check them out at https://snwbl.io/pod-company/MIKE17290.

    You also don't want to miss The Amino Company and their great amino acid formulations.

    Shop My Favorite 100% Science-Backed Amino Acid Supplements https://www.aminoco.com/?rfsn=6963296.dce6fa Enter code OCR at checkout to Save 30% + FREE amino eBook! Amino Co’s science is unmatched with over 30 years of experience. Amino Co was created by former Harvard professor and world-renowned clinical researcher Dr. Robert Wolfe. Their precise blends of amino acids help you become stronger, heal faster, reduce age-related declines and improve your overall metabolic health.

    Other links mentioned in the show:

    Glen Racz ANW Run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JI_8Rc26llU

  • Welcome back to another great episode of the OCR Underground Show. A podcast created to help you train and crush your next obstacle course race.

    Interested in racing the next DEKA STRONG or DEKA MILE with me? My gym San Diego Premier Training is hosting a combo event on 9/23 and 9/24. We will be having open, team, and kids heats on both days. We would love to see you out there. Check out in the link section where you can register before the event fills up.

    In this episode I share a great research review on whether or not you should train to failure. I know I have talked in the past on the topic but there is more and more research coming out on this subject. This study looked at comparing training to failure versus non failure and how it impacts strength, muscle size, and power. Some great takeaways here.

    In my Inside Mike's Mind segment I continue from my last episode on becoming more resilient. In the last episode I share my thoughts on bullet proofing your body to make you physically more resilient. This time I chat on some great tips on improving your mental resiliency.

    Check it all out in episode 104 of the OCR Underground Show.

    Looking for a scienced-based essential amino acid supplement to help boost performance, increase muscle repair and recover, or improve liver function? Check out the Amino Company and their great products. Visit www.aminoco.com/OCR and use code OCR to get 30% off your order.

    Ice baths are one of the most popular recovery modalities right now and for good reason. The problem is how hard and expensive they can be to set up. The Pod Company has you covered though. They have a portable ice bath for a fraction of the price of most companies. Earn $10 off through this link: https://snwbl.io/pod-company/MIKE17290

    And if you are looking for a way to track your progress you won't want to miss the Dara scale by Fit Track. Get better insight on how your training and nutrition are effecting different health metrics every morning when you step on the scale. Use code OCRUNDERGROUND to save on the Dara Scale here: https://getfittrack.com/products/bmi-smart-scale-fittrack-dara?rfsn=7171809.eccb3a&utm_source=FBIG&utm_medium=Refersion&utm_campaign=Affiliate&Mike_Deibler=

    Links mentioned in the show:

    Research on training to failure: https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/fulltext/2021/04000/effects_of_resistance_training_performed_to.39.aspx

    DEKA STRONG registration: https://tickets-usdk.spartan.com/event/DS724

    DEKA MILE registration: https://tickets-usdk.spartan.com/event/DM315

    How Bad Do You Want It: https://www.amazon.com/How-Bad-You-Want-Psychology/dp/1937715418

    The Obstacle Is The Way: https://www.amazon.com/Obstacle-Way-Timeless-Turning-Triumph/dp/B0BT53FNVH

    Endure: https://www.amazon.com/Endure-audiobook/dp/B078PMQPH7

    What Doesn't Kill Us: https://www.amazon.com/What-Doesnt-Kill-Us-Scott-Carney-audiobook/dp/B01NBSX68B

    The Wedge: https://www.amazon.com/Wedge-Evolution-Consciousness-Stress-Resilience/dp/B085CMTMLM

    The Brave Athlete: https://www.amazon.com/The-Brave-Athlete-audiobook/dp/B0773WPGLB

  • Welcome to the OCR Underground Show. You best resource for training tips and strategies to help you train for your next OCR.

    You may have heard already but DEKA will be holding a DEKA STRONG event at the IDEA World Fitness & Nutrition Conference at the LA Convention Center 7/14-7/15. I will be volunteering at the event as a judge and would love to see you there. Swing by the DEKA booth at the Expo. You can't miss it.


    Looking for a scienced-based essential amino acid supplement to help boost performance, increase muscle repair and recover, or improve liver function? Check out the Amino Company and their great products. Visit www.aminoco.com/OCR and use code OCR to get 30% off your order.

    Ice baths are one of the most popular recovery modalities right now and for good reason. The problem is how hard and expensive they can be to set up. The Pod Company has you covered though. They have a portable ice bath for a fraction of the price of most companies. Earn $10 off through this link: https://snwbl.io/pod-company/MIKE17290

    Are you trying to get strong? In my research review I share a really cool write up on maximizing strength. This looked at a bunch of research explaining the mechanisms behind building strength, the mediators for long term strength, future considerations, and how to build strength without heavy load.

    In My Inside Mike's Mind segment I share some tips on becoming more resilient. This is part I of a two part series on resilience. This one talks about making your body more resilient and the next will talk about mental resiliency.

    In this one you will learn a few simple, yet effective, things you can in your training to bullet proof your body and minimize annoying injuries.

    Enjoy the show!

    Links Mentioned in the show:

    Review on Maximizing Strength: https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/Fulltext/2023/04000/Maximizing_Strength__The_Stimuli_and_Mediators_of.22.aspx

    Assessing Injury Risk: https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/Abstract/2023/07000/Assessing_Injury_Susceptibility_at_Marine_Corps.25.aspx

    Find A FMS: https://functionalmovement.com/members

    Eccentric Pull Ups: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmQUiDE5gbM

    Strengthening End Range of Motion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96mkWNY_AaQ

    Isometric Split Squat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AkeA2CiJyw&pp=ygUUc3BsaXQgc3F1YXQgaXNvIGhvbGQ%3D

    Elastic Plyos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EexK-lFozXg&pp=ygUucG9nbyBqdW1wIG1pa2UgYm9seWUgc3RyZW5ndGggYW5kIGNvbmRpdGlvbmluZw%3D%3D

    Sagittal Plane Lunge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFBjaBD2VDI

    Frontal Plane Lunge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zCNnqtYWW0

    Transverse Plane Lunge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSb6XA-gpRE

  • The OCR Underground Show is the best podcast for training tips to help you with your next obstacle course race.

    In this episode, I share my thoughts on the Big Bear race setup after teaching the Spartan OS course. I also talk about a research study that looked at the benefit of performing high-rep strength training on endurance performance. Or lack thereof.... And I get into my thoughts on training for max effort versus exposing yourself to different positions and postures. Strength training isn't just about lifting heavy weights. If you want to use your training to help you become more durable, listen to this one.

    And finally, I chat with Scott Knowles from the I Am A Spartan Podcast. It is always great chatting with Scott about OCR. He shares his passion on racing and how it got into OCR and why he started his podcast. Scott also give a snapshot of what his training routine is typically like and he shares some insight on taking on some bigger races like the Ultra Beast.

    Enjoy the show!

    Don’t forget to check out all of Amino Company’s products at www.aminoco.com/OCR. Enter code OCR at check to Save 30% + get a FREE amino eBook! Amino Co’s science is unmatched with over 30 years of experience.

    Links Mentioned In This Episode:

    The Amino Co: www.aminoco.com

    Fittrack Dara Scale: www.getfittrack.com

    Research on High Reps Impact on Endurance: https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/Abstract/2023/06000/The_Effects_of_High_Repetition_Strength_Training.20.aspx

    Lunge Matrix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA54RIK8b3U

    Lunge w/ Rotational Force: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2y8LWBABbI

    I Am A Spartan Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/5HmUj9zsdGzU5hHiEQyUTa

    Scott Knowles: https://www.facebook.com/scott.knowless https://www.instagram.com/scott_the_fayne_knowles/

  • If you are looking for a podcast loaded with tips to help you dominate you next race, you have come to the right place. Each episode I dive into relevant research to help mold you into a better endurance athlete, share training strategies I use with my clients, and interview other coaches and athletes in the OCR world.

    In todays episode I share research that compared different high intensity training methods and how they impact neuromuscular response and vagal tone. One of the methods was burpees interestingly. Using this study I share some key elements to consider when trying to program HIIT training into your routine.

    The Big Bear Spartan Race is just around the corner. With this in mind I wanted to cover I question I have heard many times. How do you train to prepare for altitude when you don't live at altitude? It is a tough situation but there is plenty of simple things you can do to help prepare. In fact, I cover 7 things you can easily do to plan for your next race at altitude.

    Finally, I chat with Matthew O'Quinn. In 2011 Matthew was overweight and unhealthy, so he decided to lose some weight and
    completely redefine his health. He lost around 40 lbs. and then eventually discovered OCR. His first Spartan race was in 2012 and received his first trifecta in 2013. Wanted to discover more he started on the endurance path and did his first Hurricane Heat in 2016. He has spent many years doing Spartan Races and the Spartan Endurance events as well as another well-known event, the Gauntlet
    down in middle Georgia.

    In 2016 he finished his first Spartan Hurricane heat with the famous class 080. Since then, he has finished
    many more Hurricanes including the 4, 12, and 24 hour events over the past several years. He has also
    competed in the Gauntlet in Georgia several times and will soon be participating in the Spartan
    Death Race.

    This wasn't an easy journey and in fact Matthew faced many failures along the way. When everyone was telling him to stop and give up and looked in and found what he needed to move and over come his challenges. Matt shares his journey and knowledge on how to deal with repeated failure and how to attain your goals.

    Enjoy the show!

    Don’t forget to check out all of Amino Company’s products at www.aminoco.com/OCR. Enter code OCR at check to Save 30% + get a FREE amino eBook! Amino Co’s science is unmatched with over 30 years of experience.

    Full show notes: www.ocrunderground.com/episode-101

  • I can't believe I have put out 100 episodes. I truly hope that you have enjoyed listening as much as I enjoy creating them. Hopefully over these 100 shows you have found a few helpful tips to help you train for your next obstacle course race. As always I have a great one lined up for you today.

    It has been a whirlwind week spending spring break in Hawaii and then hopping on a flight to Houston to watch UCONN with the Men's National Championship. It was a great time but I'm definitely feeling it this week trying to catch up.

    In my research review this week I share an study comparing to training protocols and measuring their effectiveness for muscle size, strength, power, and body composition. The two strategies used were block periodization and mixed session periodization. Which one came out on top? You will have to listen in to see and how you may want to adjust your training plan.

    In the Inside Mike's Mind segment I share my 3 step process to improving mobility. If you are like me you have to work hard to get better mobility. If you want to see improvements that last, just follow these 3 simple steps.

    In this episode I interviewed Former Harvard professor and world-renowned clinical researcher Dr. Robert Wolfe. He is also the Co-founder and lead scientist at Amino Co. which was founded by world leaders in amino acid clinical research for the purpose of conducting cutting-edge medical research on amino-acid based products. Amino Co’s research, first funded by NASA, was developed by Dr. Robert R Wolfe and Dr. Wolfe's studies have been conducted with support from competitive research grants from the National Institutes of Health, National Space Biomedical Institute, US Department of Defense, The US Department of Agriculture, as well as the US Olympic Committee, and the International Olympic Committee.

    We had an incredible chat discussing the role of essential amino acids and research he has conducted in a variety of populations. We covered older individuals that have issues consuming enough protein and preventing muscle loss, research on army ranger training and dealing in an incredibly stressful and undernourished situation, as well as muscle recover and performance. I know you will get a ton out of this interview and I was grateful to have Dr. Wolfe share his expertise with me.

    Don't forget to check out all of Amino Company's products at www.aminoco.com/OCR. Enter code OCR at check to Save 30% + get a FREE amino eBook! Amino Co’s science is unmatched with over 30 years of experience.

    Links Mentioned in the Show:

    The Amino Company: https://www.aminoco.com/?rfsn=6963296.dce6fa Use code OCR

    The Dara Scale by Fit Track: https://getfittrack.com/products/bmi-smart-scale-fittrack-dara?rfsn=7171809.eccb3a&utm_source=FBIG&utm_medium=Refersion&utm_campaign=Affiliate&Mike_Deibler= use code OCRUNDERGROUND

    Research on Periodization: https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/Fulltext/2023/03000/New_Perspectives_in_Resistance_Training.1.aspx

    Mobility Exercise Flow

    Crocodile Breathing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prG9AN53PH4 Lat Foam Rolling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCZaFcl7VnQ Bench Tspine Extension Dynamic Stretch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5pO8w96Ggk Scap Wall Slide w/ Liftoff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPSmKg4HQtk
  • The OCR Underground Show is your best resources for training tips on obstacle course racing. Each episode is full of practical strategies to help you crush your next race.

    Thanks to my newest sponsor of the show Fit Track. Check out the Fit Track Dara scale at www.getfittrack.com. Get 17 health metrics every time you step on the scale to help you monitor your progress. Use code OCRUNDERGROUND to save 20%.

    In this episode I share a brief recap of the recent Deka Strong event that was help at my studio. This is always such a great event and we had an awesome turnout. Have you heard of the new 65+ age group modifications and the new team challenges? I discuss some of the more recent changes with Deka.

    In my Research Review I discuss a really cool study looking at high fat versus high carb meal prior to performing. This study shows some interested results and I explain why this might be the way to go for your nutrition leading up to your next race and the strategy you want to implement morning of your race.

    In the Inside Mike's Mind section I talk conditioning. I question I get all the time is what is the best way to build conditioning. Is it tabata intervals or other HIIT methods? This is a topic I am really passionate about and I take a deep dive in the physiology of conditioning to help explain what the best method actually is for improving your endurance.

    Shop My Favorite 100% Science-Backed Amino Acid Supplements at www.aminoco.com/OCR. Enter code OCR at check to Save 30% + get a FREE amino eBook!

    Amino Co’s science is unmatched with over 30 years of experience. Amino Co was created by former Harvard professor and world-renowned clinical researcher Dr. Robert Wolfe. Their precise blends of amino acids help you become stronger, heal faster, reduce ag-related declines and improve your overall metabolic health.

    Enjoy the episode!

    Links Mentioned in the Show:

    Deka: http://www.deka.fit

    Fit Track Dara Scale: www.getfittrack.com Use code OCRUNDERGROUND for 20% off

    Amino Co: www.aminoco.com Use Code OCR for 30% off

    Venga CBD: http://www.vengacbd.com/ocrunderground

    Research on High Fat Meal Consumption Prior to Performance: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/0922/1cdc3b8c1708a006805e91f0e532644c0076.pdf?_gl=1*a4a8tq*_ga*MTAxNzUxNTczNy4xNjcyMzQyMDQ2*_ga_H7P4ZT52H5*MTY3ODgxNzU1Ny4zLjAuMTY3ODgxNzU1OC4wLjAuMA..

    Ready to save on your next spartan race? Use code SGX-230403
  • Welcome to the OCR Underground Show. Your best resource to training tips to crush your next obstacle course race. As always this episode is packed with strategies for smarter ocr training.

    In this episode, I recap my first Spartan Race of the year in San Bernadino, CA. It was a fun race and excited to get back into it. My research review discuss different strategies for improving your pull ups. Obviously being better at pull ups is a huge advantage in many obstacles. See how these different techniques held up.

    In the Inside Mike's Mind segment I discuss some of the principles of training. These aren't philosophies or suggestions. These principles are the law of training and if you aren't considering them you are missing out in how your training can better help you improve.

    And finally I chat with Coach Gary Lombardo. Gary was previously on the show for episode 54. Gary is no stranger to endurance events. From Iron Man, to Ultras, to high altitude expeditions, Gary has done it all and helped others push their limits for endurance. Gary is participating in the upcoming Winter Death Race and share his training to prep for it. Plus he shares some tips for taking on more endurance based activities if you are ready to step up your racing.

    All this and much more in today's show.

    Today’s episode is sponsored by The Amino Co.

    Shop My Favorite 100% Science-Backed Amino Acid Supplements at www.aminoco.com/OCR. Enter code OCR at check to Save 30% + get a FREE amino eBook!

    Amino Co’s science is unmatched with over 30 years of experience. Amino Co was created by former Harvard professor and world-renowned clinical researcher Dr. Robert Wolfe. Their precise blends of amino acids help you become stronger, heal faster, reduce ag-related declines and improve your overall metabolic health.

    Enjoy the episode!

    Full Show Notes: www.ocrunderground.com/episode-98

  • The OCR Underground Show is a podcast built to help you crush your next obstacle course race. Each episode is jammed packed with tips, strategies, and interview to help you train smarter.

    In Episode 97 I share my experience at the latest Epic Series event and how I did in the Average Joe & Jane category. In my research review I talk all about VO2 max. Learn what VO2 max is and why it is so important for endurance athletes. Plus I share a few studies that should what intensities seem to work best for improving your VO2 max.

    In the inside Mike's Mind segment I talk about breathwork. While this is a very trendy topic, not everyone understands how to incorporate breathwork into your routine. I share 4 simple ways you can include focused breathwork into your training without adding much time to your overall training routine.

    Finally, I have a great chat with Crystal MacConnell who shares her experience in the Death Race, plus give some insight into prepping for a Death Race. She also shares how she plans on completing the next Winter Death Race.

    Today's episode is sponsored by The Amino Co.

    Shop My Favorite 100% Science-Backed Amino Acid Supplements at www.aminoco.com/OCR. Enter code OCR at check to Save 30% + get a FREE amino eBook!

    Amino Co’s science is unmatched with over 30 years of experience. Amino Co was created by former Harvard professor and world-renowned clinical researcher Dr. Robert Wolfe. Their precise blends of amino acids help you become stronger, heal faster, reduce ag-related declines and improve your overall metabolic health.

    Enjoy the episode!

    Full Show Notes at www.ocrunderground.com/episode-97

  • The OCR Underground Show is the best resource for OCR specific training programs. In this episode I share two studies on Carbohydrates. Specifically they are about carbohydrate restriction training. When I wrote my book Fuel and Fire, my plan was to help readers understand the importance of food and training. These complement each other when done correctly and can provide powerful improvements in your performance. Carbohydrate restriction can boost or blunt results depending on how you do it. These two studies show how in one situation it can help your training and in another slow it down.

    In the Inside Mike's Mind segment I dive into Off Season Training for OCR. This time of year I always stress the importance of dividing your training cycles into an in season and off season plan. This might sound confusing, so I share some of the key aspects of off season training and what I am currently doing for my program.

    And finally I have a great chat with SGX Coach Gina DiSanto. Gina starting her fitness career over 20 years ago while living in Germany. She had to overcome a huge language barrier, but fell in love with the industry. Fast forward and she is a nutritionist, spinning and pilates instructor, as well as SGX Certified. Gina recently competed at the Spartan race in Sparta, Greece as well as the Deka World Championship. She shared some of her training plans on how she is prepping for these big races and well as how she overcome significant injury to compete at a high level again.

    All this and much more in today's episode.

    Shop My Favorite 100% Science-Backed Amino Acid Supplements at www.aminoco.com/OCR. Enter code OCR at check to Save 30% + get a FREE amino eBook!

    Amino Co's science is unmatched with over 30 years of experience. Amino Co was created by former Harvard professor and world-renowned clinical researcher Dr. Robert Wolfe. Their precise blends of amino acids help you become stronger, heal faster, reduce ag-related declines and improve your overall metabolic health.

  • Back again with more incredible training tips for your next Spartan Race or other OCR. Excited there are no more burpees in Spartan Competitive heats or upset? Many have strong opinions on the rule change. I share some of my thoughts on this current topic.

    In my research review I share some really cool info on training to failure. This study looked at training to failure vs non failure, plus using heavy or light loads. Some interesting findings that will help shape your training.

    In the Inside Mike's Mind segment I talk about the interference effect. When you understand how exercise physiology works it helps you discover the best way to set up your training. Certain training will limit adaptations when they compete with each other and this is how strength and conditioning works. I share the details behind the interference effect and how you can minimize it with your training.

    And finally I chat with SGX Coach Joe Bala. Joe is the owner of Joe Bala Fitness. He is a former engineer turned fitness pro and is currently SGX Level 2 certified, Mental Health Warrior, and Ninja Warrior. Battling depression and anxiety on a regular basis Joe has been able to over come these challenges and help his clients become the best version of themselves. Joe shares some of his keys to training and some interesting brain training activity he is using.

    Shop My Favorite 100% Science-Backed Amino Acid Supplements at www.aminoco.com/OCR. Enter code OCR at checkout to Save 30% + FREE amino eBook! Amino Co’s science is unmatched with over 30 years of experience. Amino Co was created by former Harvard professor and world-renowned clinical researcher Dr. Robert Wolfe. Their precise blends of amino acids help you become stronger, heal faster, reduce age-related declines and improve your overall metabolic health.

    Full shownotes at www.ocrunderground.com/episode-95

  • The OCR Underground podcast is jammed backed with useful training tips to help you train for your next obstacle course race. In this episode I share my experience after hosting our latest Deka Strong and Deka Mile weekend. It was a crazy weekend with over 80 participants. I love hosting and participating in these events. Can't wait for the next one.

    In my research review I discuss a study that looked into HRV biofeedback and how simple breathing exercises helped improve sleep and potential improve recovery. I also share some practical ways you can implement this. If you have regular sleep issues I highly recommend trying this out.

    I also share 3 ways to spice up your training. It is easy to get stuck in a rut with your regular training routine. There are thousands of ways to progress and alter your training to help reduce boredom and break through plateaus. In this episode I share 3 of my favorite ways to help you in this regard. If you are feeling bored with your current training plan or like you aren't seeing the results you want, check these out.

    Links mentioned in the show:

    Venga CBD: http://www.vengacbd.com/ocrunderground

    Naboso Barefoot Technology: www.naboso.com Use code DEIBLER

    Ancore Training Systems: http://www.ancoretraining.com Use code DEIBLER

    Research on HRV Biofeedback: https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/ijspp/17/10/article-p1516.xml

    Interview on HRV with Marco Altini: Episode 71

    HRV Biofeedback App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hrv4biofeedback/id1504638613?ls=1

    Sample Sandbag Complex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0n_1nJbh7eg

    Exercise Complexes Made Simple Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEhYQkMfVgo

    Purchase the Exercise Complexes Made Simple Program: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=6XVJW2CE8BPXJ

  • The OCR Underground Podcast provides incredible insight into smarter training so you can crush your next OCR. This episode is packed with great training tips to improve performance and keep you more resilient.

    In this one I discuss the importance of doing your own research. It is great to study the latest research trends on training and nutrition, but that doesn't mean it will always work for you. Instead turn your training into your own research study to see what works best for you.

    In my research review I look at a study looked at how lower body asymmetries might predict risk of injury in males and females. The goal of training is not only to improve performance but keep you healthy. This study provides insight on how to structure your training plan.

    Finally, if you are planning on running a Deka or Hyrox event in the future, I share 5 tips to help you along the way. These types of events are becoming more and more popular and there is more to it than just practicing the events over and over again. Tune in and learn these tips to get you on track.

    Enjoy the show!

    Full show notes: www.ocrunderground.com/episode-93

  • After some time off, Coach Mike Deibler is ready to help you get back on track. Since it has been awhile since the last podcast what better way to get back on track than to give of few tips on how you can get back into training after a break.

    This is a shorter episode this time, but we will be back soon with more full length episodes.

    Full show notes: www.ocrunderground.com/episode-92

  • Back again with another jammed pack podcast with more OCR Training tips. It feels like forever since my last race and I am definitely getting the itch after seeing everyone post their pics and medals recently. Hopefully I will get my chance soon. But until then I will keep training and getting better every day.

    In this episode I share my 3 step process in conquering any obstacle. There is a lot that goes into training for specific obstacle, but I like to break it all down into three categories. For each obstacle you face you need to be able to do these three things. Once get this down you are ready to take on any obstacle.

    Next in my research review I share an interesting study showing how stress in football players leads an increase injury risk on the field. I talk about how we can all relate to this. Stress, in any form, is something that has to be managed.

    Finally, I share my thoughts on the famous anabolic window. Does it really matter if you eat right after your workout? Will you lose all of your gains if you don't have that shake immediately following your workout? Just like most things it depends. I share when you may want to focus on getting fuel in right after your workout and when it probably doesn't matter.

    Full show notes: www.ocrunderground.com/episode-91

  • Well I am in between trips so I wanted to get an episode out before I check out on vacation. As usually I have tons of good info to help you train for your next OCR.

    First up in the Inside Mike's Mind segment, I talk about one of my favorite subjects, Physiology. I know not everyone loves learning how the body responds to exercise so I did my best to keep it simple. But understanding your own physiology helps you create way better workout programs. This was the basis behind my book, Fuel and Fire. I specifically dive into how understanding how your body responds to exercise can help you program to be a better and faster runner.

    In my research review I discuss a new study out on training to failure. I have discussed this topic before, but this study compared high load versus low load training to failure or not to failure. See who won out for strength and muscle size.

    And finally in my bonus section I discuss my other favorite topic, Recovery. Recovery is a pretty broad term so I wanted to take a deeper dive on why it is so important. I discuss what fatigue is and the different types of fatigue you may experience. When you understand the type of fatigue you are suffering from you can choose the best recovery method to match that.

    All this and more in today episode.

    Full shownotes: www.ocrunderground.com/episode-90