Проект «И Грянул Грэм» в рамках которой, журналисты из Латвии Вадим Радионов и Анна Лейтланд-Григорьева обсуждают с гостями — политическими деятелями, писателями, политологами, режиссерами, артистами, учеными, спортсменами и журналистами острые, актуальные и аналитические темы, волнующие общество.
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🎧🍏 Подкаст об Apple и технологиях.
Обсуждаем последние новости и продукты Apple, общаемся с представителями IT-индустрии и смежных областей.
Алекс Пацай, IT-блогер и Product manager крупной IT-компании. Живет и работает в США
Сергей Епихин, IT-блогер, контент-директор стартапа, продюсер подкастов. Живет и работает в России.
Это аудиоверсия подкаста, который выходит на YouTube.
Почта для связи: [email protected] -
PAC (Petroleum Analyzer Company) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of lab and process analyzers. Listen to learn about our state-of-the-art instruments such as the OptiMVD, the latest technology, and much more.
Tomi Lahren Is Fearless will cover everything from trending political topics to today's pop-culture news, to sports and everything in between. No topics are off limits! Along with her individual commentary and hot takes, Tomi will have a variety of guests across all platforms and all political spectrums to discuss engaging unfiltered topics and get real time reactions. As expected from Tomi Lahren, Tomi Lahren Is Fearless will feature her "Final Thoughts" where she will give her integral take on a hot topic every show.
Two gambling enthusiasts, with a passion for all things gambling. Whether pressing our luck in the high limit room, testing the money line in the sports book, or just making friendly wagers on the back nine... we love to gamble! Our careers in the gaming industry have shown us that this industry is filled with some amazing people, with even more amazing stories. Our goal is to help provide a platform for those stories to be shared, while also helping everyone look good in the process.
Join Shoreline Maritime Answers as we explore the dark side of life at sea, from cyber attacks and drug smuggling to geopolitical risk and migration. On each episode we’ll deep dive into the issues facing shipowners and crew at sea, with specialists in cyber, risk and humanitarian issues.
Обсуждаем с экспертами и слушателями особенности межнациональных отношений и менталитетов разных наций, конфликты и противоречия, которые мешают нам жить дружно.
Mums rūp kiberdrošība un parunāties, mēģinām apvienot šīs kaisles vienā projektā.
Reizi nedēļā tiks veidots IT drošības ziņu apskats, kā arī apspriedīsim notikošos kiberincidentus (ko nu ļaunie un labie hakeri ir mums sagatavojuši). 21. gadsimtā datu drošība skar katru no mums. -
Analysis and haymakers on the week's top stories from the editors of The Spectator's world edition.
Bitcoin, the Blockchain, Web3, NFTs...welcome to the Scam Economy. Host Matt Binder (The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder, DOOMED) dives into the world of cryptocurrency in order to reveal the frauds, grifts, and scams. And there's plenty because, really, the whole thing is a scam. It's the Scam Economy.
A podcast that details the happenings around the .NET ecosystem, generally a week at a time. I can neither confirm nor deny that there will be attempts at humor involved.
For any confusion caused to fishermen thinking they've gotten a new podcast devoted to the tools of fishing, I am sorry. This is about the technology stack. Naming is hard. -
Žurnāla "Ir" raidieraksts par ārpolitiku, kurš katras nedēļas noslēgumā dod pārskatu par iepriekšējo dienu svarīgākajiem notikumiem ārzemēs, dziļāk papēta kādu konkrētu notikumu vai procesu, un vēl norāda uz lietām, kuras pievērsušas mūsu uzmanību tāpēc, ka tās nu nekādi nevarētu notikt Latvijā. Raidījumu veido "Ir" komentētāji Pauls Raudseps un Aivars Ozoliņš, tajā regulāri parādās arī viesi — ārpolitikas ekspertes.
Think of this weekly podcast as the main-stage panel of our Legal Tech Non-Event, focused on how technology can benefit your bottom line and geared for an audience of luddite-leaning lawyers. “Fun” may even ensue — within reason, of course.
In 1996, Jim Wilhelmsen was called into full time ministry presenting a Biblical perspective and began to help victims of the Alien Abduction phenomena and authored the book "Beyond Science Fiction" almost 25 years ago and has remained one of the premier experts in the field of aliens and UFO's since.
Šķēršļi cilvēku ar invaliditāti dzīvē – kādi tie ir un vai tos var nojaukt? Raidījumā “Šķēršļu josla” divas reizes mēnesī runāsim par un ar cilvēkiem, kuriem ikdienā ir jāpārvar vairāk birokrātisku un fizisku šķēršļu nekā lielākajai daļai sabiedrības. Ne visi no tiem ir viegli pārvarami vai nojaucami, bet daži ir. Raidījuma mērķis ir identificēt grūtības, lai tās pārvarētu un neapzināti neradītu jaunas.
Raidījumu ”Sķēršļu josla” portālā “Delfi” līdzfinansē Mediju atbalsta fonds no Latvijas valsts budžeta līdzekļiem. -
The Postindustrial Podcast features conversations with newsmakers about important issues affecting Postindustrial America.
SPEICHERHUNGRIG ist der Podcast von Storage-Insider für Speicherprofis und -interessierte. Hier spricht Dr. Jürgen Ehneß, Chefredakteur von Storage-Insider, mit Experten und Anwendern aus der Speicherwelt.
Это первый сезон подкаста «Не надо» от портала «Такие дела». В нем мы исследуем популярные, но сомнительные, а порой и совершенно вредоносные явления, от которых стоит держаться подальше. Ведущая Тася Шеремет вместе с журналистами «Таких дел», приглашенными экспертами и непосредственными пострадавшими разбираются, в чем вред очередной популярной практики.
AI at Dawn is a daily podcast updating you on the latest AI news in 10 minutes or less, every day, Monday to Friday, at 6 AM Eastern.
When computer anti-virus mogul John McAfee was wanted for questioning over the murder of Gregory Faull in Belize, he went on the run and invited VICE editor-in-chief Rocco Castoro. Alongside conflict photojournalist Robert King, Castoro documented McAfee’s white-knuckle escape from Belize into Guatemala. But their story has remained untold, killed by VICE's top brass days before publication. Ten years in the making, this podcast drags you through the heat of the jungle and inside the paranoid web of McAfee’s twisted reality. It tells the long-censored true story of what happened before Netflix’s Running With the Devil: The Wild World of John McAfee drops on August 24.